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<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log <3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log

01-07-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by SmileyEH
Those shoes are pretty glorious.
Yeah. I'd consider wearing those out just to be stylin.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-07-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
received this book in the mail today, posting to subscribe and ask where you ordered the shoes?

I ordered them over the phone. Todd, the guy who runs the company was very helpful. Their customer list is pretty impressive.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:16 PM
Phase 4/Week 14/Day 2

Close Grip Incline- 155x1, 165x1, 175x2x1, 185x1
Close Grip Decline- 155x8, 170x8, 185x6 (Stopped after this, didn't have much in the tank today)
Chest Supported Row- 130x3x8
Wall Slide- 3x12
Hammer Curl- 35x12, Instead of doing the final 2 sets I did Death by Pullup, I finished 6 full rounds and 5 reps in set #7
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:53 PM
I read the book last night, already implemented the warm-up before lifting today. Perhaps I missed it, but what does Eric recommend for post workout stretching/recovery/etc...?
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:11 PM
Afaik, there's nothing in the book.

I don't do anything, which is obv bad and something that I should fix.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:51 AM
i'm a fan of static stretching some time after I work out. Usually 1-2 hours later whle I watch teh hoops.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:54 AM
I also do nothing. It is clearly wrong. But I can't bring myself to do anything after heavy deadlifts.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2010 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb
I also do nothing. It is clearly wrong. But I can't bring myself to do anything after heavy deadlifts.
Yup. I always tell myself I'll start doing something, but that never actually happens.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2010 , 02:57 PM
Whenever I look at fat people and think "stop eating so much fattie", I force myself to remember my inability to static stretch on a regular basis.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2010 , 03:01 PM
I am good about static stretching after throwing a baseball, which is important. But I can't do anything besides eat or pass out after a heavy deadlift workout or metcon.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-10-2010 , 12:00 PM
Your shoes in action:

Matthias Steiner, current Olympic Champion for Weightlifting.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-10-2010 , 06:47 PM
Phase 4/Week 14/Day 3

Speed Squat- 185x8x2, Work up to 275x2, 315x1
GHR- 3x5
DB Forward Lunge- 60x3x5
Pistols- 1x10/side (legs were jelly after this, I had nothing in me )
Decline Situps- 1x12, 1x20 (Gym is in the process of being renovated so everything is all clumped together and there wasn't any room for the rollouts)
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:26 PM
Phase 4/Week 14/Day 4

Speed Bench- 135x8x3, Work up to 195x2, 215x2
Close Grip Bench (no open rack/no floor space/no floor press)- 165x5, 185x5, 175x5
Weighted Pullup- BW+30x5, BW+35x2x5
One Arm DB Row- 75x2x10, 85x10/side
CG Pushup- 3x10
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-12-2010 , 09:59 AM
Just read through. SICK andersons! Goot luck for testing.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:31 AM
I don't get you guys, static stretching post-workout is just glorious and relaxing imo.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 08:26 PM

First of all, I'm terrible at sumos and see no point in doing them for only one week so I decided to just do heavy singles but nothing near what I anticipate being a 1RM for my testing.

Deadlift- 295x2x1, 315x2x1, 345x2x1, 375xF (WTF) I mean, I felt ****ty today but wow, I'm embarrassed that I could not pull 10 pounds more than my moving day weight. Felt super awkward over the bar for all sets.

Speed Deadlift- 6 singles @ 275...again I was all over the place and felt kind of crappy, I decided to stop after 6 singles because my form was getting kind of sloppy and bar speed was getting noticeably slower, especially compared to last week.

I'm going to rage lift tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow calls for 2 board presses, my gym doesn't have boards, or anything that I can think of that would realistically be used as a substitute. Two things: what are some out of the box ideas for subbing out actual boards, and if I don't find anything that can be used, what would be the best sub for this lift?
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 08:36 PM
10 or 25 lb plates on your chest? One of those stair stepper thingies? What about just doing floor presses instead?
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 08:39 PM
Phantom boards IMO.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
One of those stair stepper thingies?

Anyway, how about using a foam roller?
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb

Anyway, how about using a foam roller?
Got it!! The foam rollers that are halved lengthwise and look like half moons.

<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 09:07 PM
bench in the power rack and set the safety pins just above your chest?

put a pussy pad on your chest?

Floor presses are already in the program, which makes me think EC feels these two exercises are different enough.

I'd like to know as well b/c I'm going to do this program in a few months and won't have boards or anyone to hold they if I did.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-14-2010 , 09:42 PM
Spenda, n the book he says to wrap the boards around your chest with bands if you have nobody to hold it for you, I won't have that problem, just don't have the boards, but for you I suppose you could just take whatever object and wrap it with the bands.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-15-2010 , 07:12 PM
Scary moment at the gym today

Singles of Board Presses and it was a pretty ghetto setup, my last single (250) got stuck on the thing I was using as a board and rolled back from ~4" and hit me in the throat.

Luckily I am fine, can speak ok, breathe ok, no swelling or anything on my throat.

After that I decided to call it a day obv....heaviest sets were 2 singles @ 240
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-17-2010 , 07:02 PM
Phase 4/Week 15/Day 3

Speed Squat- 205x12x2
GHR- 4x5
Walking Lunge- 60x3x6
Rollouts- 2x10
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-18-2010 , 09:12 PM
Phase 4/Week 15/Day 4

Speed Bench- 150x10x3
CG Floor Press- 165x5, 185x2x5, 165x7
Pullup- BW+30x3x5, BW+30x7

stopped after this...the triceps pain that was bothering me a few weeks ago creeped back and I didn't want to go heavy/add more volume so ya

I need to get back to being more diligent with my warmup.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
