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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

01-26-2012 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
1st one you sound like a tool.

2nd one is good imo
You're right, I did come off as somewhat of a douchebag, but I made it clear I was just ****ing with the guy. I guess, I just needed to vent against the smith machine after reading that t-nation article, "Why I Love the Smith Machine."
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 02:41 AM
Two racks at the gym on base that I go to on saturdays. Tonight, both racks were occupied by dudes doing barbell rows inside of it. Guess they needed the mirror.

Dude brought a 100lb dumbbell to the pullup bar and I was skeptical. He ends up doing sets of FIVE........ with 15% range of motion and the jdock dolphin kicks.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 03:35 AM
he should've just strapped you to his waist. would've been less weight amirite
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 04:00 AM
Strange, sad, WTF moment today.

24hr fitness, SD, 5:30pm. It's a hell hole at this time obviously, completely packed, everything has a queue, everyone generally looking stressed. There's an unassisted BLIND guy walking around with his cane swinging around. Every time he hits something he stops, feels what it is - sometimes a person, sometimes a machine - and then continues moving. He can't have been in here much as it's obvious he doesn't know the floor plan as he's zigzagging through the walk way.

He gets to the seated bicep curl machine feels it up and there's a towel on it. He stands around not knowing what to do and then asks out loud if it's in use but the guy who is using it has gone to the water fountain and no one is around the machine to answer him. The bicep guy comes running back to explain and offer to let him use it which ends up in this very awkward back and forth of both of them trying to be polite saying they can wait and it's not a problem. The blind guy is trying to be proud and not force anyone to go to any exceptions for him. Bicep guy carries on doing his sets.

So then he turns around but he's cutting across the walk way again and now is walking right into a guy bench pressing 100kg. His spotter doesn't see this and the guys cane has nothing to hit before he walks diagonally into the barbell midlift. The spotter grabs the bar as the guy walks into it and they control it. The lifter gets up after this looking shaken up.

He was wearing a marines t shirt saying 'Pain is weakness leaving the body.' He did some tricep work and then loaded up the bench press with 80kg and did good work. Impressive balls. Sad that he had no one to assist him to the gym. Strange to go at that time of day.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 04:22 AM
Amazing! Imagine if you had caught all of that on video, it would have been the best thing ever!
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 04:42 AM
lol filming the blind guy, that would have gone over well
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 04:48 AM
Damn. The gym should require the blind guy to have help imo. What if he walks right into someone cleaning/snatching? I mean...not that it happens much I'd guess, but there's definitely tons of ways he could hurt himself/others.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:00 AM
24hr fitness with cleaning/snatching? Wishful thinking
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:31 AM
saw a guy yesterday do squat, OHP, power clean right next to me while I was doing the same. he was like 5'8", 140lbs, wearing Vibrams, and doing some of the best squats I've ever seen.

when I caught up to him and went to clean, I asked if he was doing SS and he said yes, and that he had come back from injury pretty recently. I forget how it got brought up, but it turns out he was / kind-of-still-is-but-not-currently a pretty hardcore crossfitter. I jokingly/seriously told him to be careful with box jumps because a lot of people tore their achilles last year trying out for the crossfit games, and he says, "well actually, crossfit is what put me in the hospital."

he got rhabdo'd by AMRAP (as many reps as possible in x time) WODs not once but twice. after the first one he took some time off and it happened almost immediately when he got back into it. lol

cliffs: crossfit is safe
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
he got rhabdo'd by AMRAP (as many reps as possible in x time) WODs not once but twice. after the first one he took some time off and it happened almost immediately when he got back into it. lol

cliffs: crossfit is safe
This is actually often the case: People who are used to pushing themselves hard etc get back and overdo it => rhabdo.

Did he say which movements/lifts he did in the AMRAPs? GHD situps? A ton of pullups?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:39 AM
Both sad and inspiring, Jay.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by PNHH
This is actually often the case: People who are used to pushing themselves hard etc get back and overdo it => rhabdo.

Did he say which movements/lifts he did in the AMRAPs? GHD situps? A ton of pullups?
dumbell push press
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:58 AM
There was actually something in the Crossfit legal disclaimer I signed about rhabdo. Crossfiters gonna crossfit
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 12:00 PM
Haven't heard of that causing it before, but still sad!

Speaking of, does anyone have a link for that long thread on another forum (can't remember which) where they basically bad mouth crossfit and count the injuries?

Last edited by PNHH; 01-26-2012 at 12:10 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jay.
Strange, sad, WTF moment today.

24hr fitness, SD, 5:30pm. It's a hell hole at this time obviously, completely packed, everything has a queue, everyone generally looking stressed. There's an unassisted BLIND guy walking around with his cane swinging around. Every time he hits something he stops, feels what it is - sometimes a person, sometimes a machine - and then continues moving. He can't have been in here much as it's obvious he doesn't know the floor plan as he's zigzagging through the walk way.

He gets to the seated bicep curl machine feels it up and there's a towel on it. He stands around not knowing what to do and then asks out loud if it's in use but the guy who is using it has gone to the water fountain and no one is around the machine to answer him. The bicep guy comes running back to explain and offer to let him use it which ends up in this very awkward back and forth of both of them trying to be polite saying they can wait and it's not a problem. The blind guy is trying to be proud and not force anyone to go to any exceptions for him. Bicep guy carries on doing his sets.

So then he turns around but he's cutting across the walk way again and now is walking right into a guy bench pressing 100kg. His spotter doesn't see this and the guys cane has nothing to hit before he walks diagonally into the barbell midlift. The spotter grabs the bar as the guy walks into it and they control it. The lifter gets up after this looking shaken up.

He was wearing a marines t shirt saying 'Pain is weakness leaving the body.' He did some tricep work and then loaded up the bench press with 80kg and did good work. Impressive balls. Sad that he had no one to assist him to the gym. Strange to go at that time of day.
I was in the gym once and a blind guy in his 60's came in and started doing squats. I had to help him get set-up, but after that he worked his sets like a boss. Made me feel like a chump that day.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by PNHH
Speaking of, does anyone have a link for that long thread on another forum (can't remember which) where they basically bad mouth crossfit and count the injuries? This? I just googled for "crossfit dnf another marathon"
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by kitaristi0
Originally Posted by DWarrior This? I just googled for "crossfit dnf another marathon"
The one kitaristi0 linked to is the one I talked about, but the other looks interesting as well. Thanks both of you.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:54 PM
does observing yourself in the mirror count for this thread ?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:57 PM
More of a general life observation, I think.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
saw a guy yesterday do squat, OHP, power clean right next to me while I was doing the same. he was like 5'8", 140lbs, wearing Vibrams, and doing some of the best squats I've ever seen.
All big @f clues
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
does observing yourself in the mirror count for this thread ?
Not if you're the blind guy.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
does observing yourself in the mirror count for this thread ?
as long as it ends with
that idiot was me!
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 03:05 PM
LOL at the Butt Test, crossfits new method for testing glute hypertrophy.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-26-2012 , 03:49 PM
Legit test imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
