Yesterday this bro who was working in with me on the leg press machine makes an effort to come all the way over to where I was helping spot my brother on the bench to tell me that I'm placing my feet on the machine wrong in order to hit my quads. Then he spouts something about the biomechanics of running, squatting and pressing with your feet, and stuff about the health of your knees. Keep in mind he does the typical bro leg pressing where you keep your feet close to each other, cave in your knees slightly, and have a restricted ROM, because... apparently, it hits the quads better. Or something.
I just look at him with the most blank face the whole time he was talking and the only word I said was, "OK." Did not want changes in facial expressions to suggest arguing/encouragement/discouragement.
Originally Posted by suckoutgenius
my view while skwating today. sup?
I should be jelly, but nah.
Nice view. Extra motivation to go to the gym I guess.
Last edited by Hardball47; 02-12-2013 at 08:03 PM.