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09-28-2011 , 08:34 PM
I've got a vague recolection of a book called something like "Lift like a man, look like a Godess" which I swear someone around here recommended for chicks. The title sounds 'gurl powah!' enough to get them interested and apparently it's not terrible.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-28-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
Fedor, and/or anyone else who has/has had their gf read new rules of lifting for women:

thoughts/reviews? I may get it for my gf, since her cardiotarding doesn't get her what she wants, but its still a struggle to convince her that things won't magically change one day.
prolly easier to just get a skinnier girlfriend

Last edited by KPowers; 09-28-2011 at 08:41 PM. Reason: <3
General Gym Observations Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
prolly easier to just get a skinnier girlfriend
lol. I doubt it, pretty sure I'm batting way above my average with this one. She just wants to have a more athletic look (which I like). I've got her doing squats sometimes, but I can't get it into her head that
a) consistency is key. Being lazy for 2 months then working out for 10 days in a row before going on vacation to the beach doesn't work.
b) cardiotarding isn't going to get here "toned"
General Gym Observations Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:28 PM
My fiancee read it, and went to the gym for about a week.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman

this article is probably too harsh to digest for your gf but not for you: (top article)

#10 is for your gf though

ETA: Martin is a bit bombastic but I suspect he does it to sell mostly, content is still mostly very good.
Thanks, very helpful.

Originally Posted by DWarrior
Holding 2dbs means you can only make 10lb jumps, unless you're at Rip's gym. 10lb jumps every day on the squat are impossible for very long.
My gym has a ton of dumbbells at least 5lb increments up to 100lbs and often 2.5lb increments for some as well.
How are you squatting with 100+ dbs? Do you deadlift them into place, or curl them up somehow?

like this.

Does your gym seriously not have any barbells? If not, then I'm guessing they also don't have dbs much past 100lbs, so that's a pretty early cap on your squat/dead.
It has a number of benching press weight benches and it has one of these smith machine things, but i thought those were similar to using weight machines.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:31 AM
Saw a guy doing pushups on four medicine balls (one for each limb). Seemed pretty stupid and potentially dangerous, but also kind of impressive.

I took an aerial picture:
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:55 AM
Typical bro chicken legs
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 03:45 AM

Book reviews from her should be solid and targeted at gurlz. Unless she's sold out, I don't follow the site.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
damn, wish i was at the gym yesterday...
So it turns out they were doing a promo photo shoot in the showers/change rooms/toilet during peak hour in the gym. So my workmate and a bunch of other dudes had to stand around half naked while some guy took photos of another half naked, oiled up fitness model posing in the change rooms.
Well, obviously, this kind of thing is impossible during off-hours! And what in the WORLD is the point of a complaint?! Sounds like a once in lifetime kind of event to me. Or are they planning on photoshooting oiled up fitness models every day from now on? Besides, there are enough gay guys in my gym -- there's no way anyone would complain.


Anyhoo... Saw for the first time a fellow gym rat doing deadlifts. Pretty strong 180 pound 5'9" guy who is all about the upper body. You guys would definitely notice the bro-ish legs.

So... he loads up 315 and starts doing sets of 5 or so. At least 3 or more that I saw. And I noticed -- the weights are barely grazing the floor! Yes, folks, he is stopping the 315 weight a 1/4" from the floor before pulling it all the way back up again, with maybe a slight, slight "tap".

I was impressed -- ain't never seen anything like it, and remark as much to this 74 year power-lifting know-it-all, seen-it-all, ex-power-lifter who constantly brags about his 2 mega-strong sons. He says "he's cheating. that ain't power-lifting: that's body-building."

I'm like "HAH?!?! Did you even understand what I said? He's doing full ROM!"
ok. whatever.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 09:15 AM
Level? touch-n-go is a standard way to make DLs easier?
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Level? touch-n-go is a standard way to make DLs easier?
his philosophy is "if you ain't powerlifting, you ain't 5H1T..."

you know the type:

you: "Wow! That guy just did skull crushers with 135 pounds!!"

him: "That's nothing. It's not even a competitive lift."
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by quirkasaurus
his philosophy is "if you ain't powerlifting, you ain't 5H1T..."

you know the type:

you: "Wow! That guy just did skull crushers with 135 pounds!!"

him: "That's nothing. It's not even a competitive lift."
Does he look like this guy?

General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 04:30 PM
i must run so good with my gym

- virtually everytime i come someone will do deadlifts, often more than one guy
- when the squat rack is in use it is because people are squatting in it. the only other exercise i see a decent amount in there are romanian deadlifts. after a year i have yet to see anyone curl in it, someone say overhead pressing would be a rarity
- the 3 times i've gotten unsollicited form advices were all correct (about lower back rounding when deadlifting)
- related to that, at least half the guys squatting and certainly deadlifting have better form than me
- a gym attendant today spotted a bench, didn't help him unless it was absolutely needed and didn't assist the next rep (the guy was benching twice my squat weight, fail)
- there are two pts i see regularly. one of them has seemingly every client doing squats, romanian deadlifts, and dumbbell work, no machines. the other has her clients doing exercises that are not ss but seem to make sense like weighted lunges, pushups, medicine ball stuff, ...
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 04:35 PM
Sounds like you're not lifting in a commercial gym? I never post any GGO stuff either since I rarely if ever see any tooliness in my gym.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 04:56 PM
that's the thing, it is a commercial gym (they have 5 branches in london)

they got all the machines, all the threadmills/bikes/stairmasters/... with ipod connector, like 10 televisions, annoyingly loud commercial music, ...
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 05:35 PM
Now that's a worthy and most rare GGO.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
i must run so good with my gym

- virtually everytime i come someone will do deadlifts, often more than one guy
- when the squat rack is in use it is because people are squatting in it. the only other exercise i see a decent amount in there are romanian deadlifts. after a year i have yet to see anyone curl in it, someone say overhead pressing would be a rarity
- the 3 times i've gotten unsollicited form advices were all correct (about lower back rounding when deadlifting)
- related to that, at least half the guys squatting and certainly deadlifting have better form than me
- a gym attendant today spotted a bench, didn't help him unless it was absolutely needed and didn't assist the next rep (the guy was benching twice my squat weight, fail)
- there are two pts i see regularly. one of them has seemingly every client doing squats, romanian deadlifts, and dumbbell work, no machines. the other has her clients doing exercises that are not ss but seem to make sense like weighted lunges, pushups, medicine ball stuff, ...
Save some of that run-good for teh pokerz.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 07:31 PM
might be because i go in the afternoon though (2pmish), but still
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
i must run so good with my gym

- virtually everytime i come someone will do deadlifts, often more than one guy
- when the squat rack is in use it is because people are squatting in it. the only other exercise i see a decent amount in there are romanian deadlifts. after a year i have yet to see anyone curl in it, someone say overhead pressing would be a rarity
beats imo unless your gym has a lot of racks. there's usually a battle royale at my gym to use the oly platform.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 10:16 PM
Yeah I don't know why everyone wishes that more people used the equipment they use.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2011 , 10:30 PM
When I was coming back from the treadmill to finish up with bench today, there was a guy doing situps with two small barbells across his chest as he was doing them... in the squat rack. After he was done with that he went into a starfish/spread eagle formation on the floor (still in the squat rack) and started windmill-lifting the barbells. I never see anyone in the squat rack and then this guy comes along, lol.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2011 , 12:18 AM
how small were the barbells?

had a minor GGO tonight. i was warming up to do deadlifts. guy comes to the rack next to me, lowers the safety pins, and i think "sweet, he's gonna squat deep." then he puts 10s on the barbell and curls. of course this happens the day i read kaby's post.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2011 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by kaby
i must run so good with my gym

- virtually everytime i come someone will do deadlifts, often more than one guy
- when the squat rack is in use it is because people are squatting in it. the only other exercise i see a decent amount in there are romanian deadlifts. after a year i have yet to see anyone curl in it, someone say overhead pressing would be a rarity
- the 3 times i've gotten unsollicited form advices were all correct (about lower back rounding when deadlifting)
- related to that, at least half the guys squatting and certainly deadlifting have better form than me
- a gym attendant today spotted a bench, didn't help him unless it was absolutely needed and didn't assist the next rep (the guy was benching twice my squat weight, fail)
- there are two pts i see regularly. one of them has seemingly every client doing squats, romanian deadlifts, and dumbbell work, no machines. the other has her clients doing exercises that are not ss but seem to make sense like weighted lunges, pushups, medicine ball stuff, ...
sounds like you are running bad, I'm a huge fan of easy access to power rack and ppl doing stupid things in the gym for my amusement
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2011 , 08:49 AM
speaking of, saw some huge (fat) arab dude with two dumbells rocking back and forth to each side doing some super spazzy oblique raises i guess, awesome because he was exactly in rythm with the katy perry song.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2011 , 08:56 AM
You just reminded me, the other day I saw a dude supersetting BB curls with these weird knee bouncing curls using 5lb plates, also to the beat of the music.
General Gym Observations Quote
