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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

01-14-2011 , 08:34 PM
You dont think a guy who can deadlift 500+ will look more muscular/ripped than a guy who deadlifts 350?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.
- Mark Rippetoe
Yah but if ripped skinny guys are getting more 20yo poontang then wtf does Rip know
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.
- Mark Rippetoe
Nowadays the opposite is probably true
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by PoppinFresh
Nowadays the opposite is probably true
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
You dont think a guy who can deadlift 500+ will look more muscular/ripped than a guy who deadlifts 350?
yeah lol.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
Well at least for usefulness as far as physical labor goes endurance>strength in most cases. And for being harder to kill I think you'd probably just wanna run away/be a small target!
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.
- Mark Rippetoe
Did you miss the past 20 years? The nerds and geeks took over the world and if they needed a tough guy, they hired one.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:59 PM
I'm fairly sure strong people are less likely to die in car crashes/accidents etc, more likely to survive chemotherapy and hence cancer etc etc. We aren't talking about some sort of Arnold in the jungle vs Predator ****. They are also more likely to continue to be mobile and active into their old age and not get osteoporosis etc.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
To be fair, If you have spent a whole year in the gym and aren't noticeably different in some way (bigger, smaller, comp change, whatever) she probably has a good point. Although you could be and she doesn't or hasn't noticed I suppose.

I mean look at the number of people that go to the gym year in and year out and never change.
What if he put 300lbs on his total and kicks ass in his rec league?

Originally Posted by PoppinFresh
Well at least for usefulness as far as physical labor goes endurance>strength in most cases. And for being harder to kill I think you'd probably just wanna run away/be a small target!
I disagree. Strength is more useful than endurance ainec imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:25 PM
like 100% of women i know find jim thome's body more attractive than lance armstrong's or ryan reynolds' (not that reynolds isn't prettier in the face)
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
like 100% of women i know find jim thome's body more attractive than lance armstrong's or ryan reynolds' (not that reynolds isn't pretty in the face)
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:31 PM
i'll admit i picked that name out of thin air to illustrate a point. i'm fairly confident it's accurate though. if you put jim thome's head on ryan reynolds' weakling body i'm pretty sure he'd look worse than the real jim thome
General Gym Observations Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:37 PM

what the **** when did ryan reynolds get gigantic in an attempt to ruin all of my internet arguments.

yeah i'm probably wrong on this one.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 12:38 AM
reynolds has been a swole sexy mofo for a few years now. women want him, men want to be him.


eat less and do some assistance work for hypertrophy. ez game.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
like 100% of women i know find jim thome's body more attractive than lance armstrong's or ryan reynolds' (not that reynolds isn't prettier in the face)
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
ripptoe's point is technically true, but in almost all situations there is no practical difference between a guy who can DL 350 and a guy who can DL 500+. beauty has a couple of orders of magnitude greater a positive impact on the quality of life of most people once basic strength levels have been attained.
You're missing the point. This is the line that jdock should have used imo.

Originally Posted by PoppinFresh
Nowadays the opposite is probably true

Originally Posted by PoppinFresh
Well at least for usefulness as far as physical labor goes endurance>strength in most cases. And for being harder to kill I think you'd probably just wanna run away/be a small target!
double facepalm

Originally Posted by cres
Did you miss the past 20 years? The nerds and geeks took over the world and if they needed a tough guy, they hired one.
why cant the nerds and geeks be strong too?

Originally Posted by WordUpThome
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyRyall
For the month of December the local YMCA gave me the month for free. I hate it there, but free is always nice and it provides for some good stories.

Story 1:
I saw this girl going up to the only rack available in the gym. My expectations are really low at this point. But to my surprise she sets up for a squat GASP! Loads 135...form is questionable. Loads 225...form is getting worse (some how). Loads 315 and moves the safety bars to around mid rib cage (yes). And goes on to perform 3/4 squats. Girl got me so excited, only to let me down. Right now its really annoying because people are like OMG SO MUCH WEIGHT. And she smirks. I wanted to ask her why her depth is so horrible (and form in general) but I decided against it, missed opportunity I guess. She was ugly anyway.

Story 2:
Front box squats? Older guy who was walking around like he owned the place put a bench in the rack and then loaded plates on top. So right away he is only going to get 1/2 depth if he was lucky. Turns out it was 3/4 if he was lucky. Loads 135, 3/4 depth. Loads 225, 3/4 depth. Loads 315, 3/4 depth. Loads 405, unracks it and he's shaking like a leaf. Squats maybe 2 inches and racks it. I was speechless.
the fraction gets smaller as the range of motion decreases. a 3/4 squat is deeper than a 1/2 squat. think about it.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
To be fair, If you have spent a whole year in the gym and aren't noticeably different in some way (bigger, smaller, comp change, whatever) she probably has a good point. Although you could be and she doesn't or hasn't noticed I suppose.

I mean look at the number of people that go to the gym year in and year out and never change.
I was validated the other day when I saw a good friend that who I haven't seen in around a year and he's like 'wtf man. you're hy000g. what have you been doing?". He was genuinely shocked/impressed. I obviously responded "lifting heavy sh*t and drinking milk".

The bit that I found interesting was next he asked me "nah, seriously. Are you going to the gym or something?" (if he wasn't a friend I probably would have gone into full troll mode at this point) and I'm like "Yeah, 4 or 5 times a week" and which point he had this look like "Meh. That sounds too hard. If it was going to be easier I might ask more questions"

Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
I'm fairly sure strong people are less likely to die in car crashes/accidents etc, more likely to survive chemotherapy and hence cancer etc etc. We aren't talking about some sort of Arnold in the jungle vs Predator ****. They are also more likely to continue to be mobile and active into their old age and not get osteoporosis etc.
I vaguely remember reading something about kilgore doing a study that stronger people survived cancer more often, or recovered better or some sh*t like that.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by glaaazed haaam
the fraction gets smaller as the range of motion decreases. a 3/4 squat is deeper than a 1/2 squat. think about it.
He obv meant that she was stopping at 3/4 height or whatever.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
You dont think a guy who can deadlift 500+ will look more muscular/ripped than a guy who deadlifts 350?
my post was specifically in in the context of jdock's dichotomy of being chubby and stronger or ripped and weaker. i am aware it is possible to be strong and ripped too.

i think american women have a stronger preference for bigger dudes than euro women if the comment about 100% of women polled preferring that jim thome dude contains any truth.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
i think american women have a stronger preference for bigger dudes than euro women if the comment about 100% of women polled preferring that jim thome dude contains any truth.
I think (most) women are idiots when it comes to lust and they don't know what they want.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
He obv meant that she was stopping at 3/4 height or whatever.
lol thank you.

I think ryan reynolds got all jacked recently because he's gonna be in the Deadpool movie (thats the rumor at least). Maybe not the reason he's jacked, but I'm sure it helps.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 03:27 PM
rr was jacked for the smokin aces movie iirc
General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyRyall
lol thank you.

I think ryan reynolds got all jacked recently because he's gonna be in the Deadpool movie (thats the rumor at least). Maybe not the reason he's jacked, but I'm sure it helps.
he's the green lantern

General Gym Observations Quote
01-15-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by WordUpThome
General Gym Observations Quote
