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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

01-09-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
exactly as it sounds brother

stand on a bosu ball and do calf raises on it

I also saw them flip the thing over and do it with the ball side down

as I walked by in my mind I went UNSTABLE SURFACE!!!!!
The ultimate UNSTABLE SURFACE!!!!!

General Gym Observations Quote
01-09-2011 , 04:28 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
01-09-2011 , 06:34 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
01-09-2011 , 07:45 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 01:38 AM
PT spotting a guy on the legpress machine by lying on the floor and helping him push it up with his feet.

New powerlifting event - Pairs leg pressing imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
PT spotting a guy on the legpress machine by lying on the floor and helping him push it up with his feet.

New powerlifting event - Pairs leg pressing imo.
lol thats pretty sweet there
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
PT spotting a guy on the legpress machine by lying on the floor and helping him push it up with his feet.

New powerlifting event - Pairs leg pressing imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 03:40 AM
at the bar tonight with a couple friends and I hear a bro start to talk about exercising, I quickly tell my friend to shut up and that we are about to hear gold.

first he talks about how one gym has a 'slanted' smith machine, but he likes the one in his gym better because its "straight up and down, which allows me to hit all the different parts of the chest I want too, top middle bottom"

then he starts talking about his personal trainer and I can anticipate **** getting good soon. He begins to talk about how vastly knowledgeable he is, he is a personal trainer of course. Then he is describing a conversation he is having with his personal trainer..

trainer: you know how you do 10-12 reps, but if you do any more it shuts down the muscles your trying to work out?

bro: of course, yea yea

trainer: the secret is, if you do a super low weight with higher reps, somewhere around 2-300 (can't make **** like this up) all the muscles that you missed the first 10-12 are gonna start to get hit.

I stifle my outburst and continue on with my evening.

Also...dude made a dick comment to one of the girls I was with, but not interested in boning. I grilled the dude the first time, turned back and when he said it the second time I told him to show some respect while giving him the serious cat face. My 70's huge aesthetics must of done the trick...did I play that proper?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 04:08 AM
LOL, 2-300, what in the ****ing **** is that
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 05:46 AM
2-300: he meant 200-300.

i saw some body-builderfag who was like late thirties greasy decked out in gold's gear (note this isnt at gold's) max out the leg press machine (12 plates per side). he did a set of three reps with a ROM of literally about three inches. id love to see what these leg press pros could squat.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Also...dude made a dick comment to one of the girls I was with, but not interested in boning. I grilled the dude the first time, turned back and when he said it the second time I told him to show some respect while giving him the serious cat face. My 70's huge aesthetics must of done the trick...did I play that proper?
Well played when it works imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 06:01 AM
Trained after work for the first time in ages tonight... First Monday of the first "full week" of the new year, holy F*CKBALLS it was full.. I have never seen it that full before, even when I used to go at peak times.

Gym has around 85 cardio machines (bikes, treads, rowers, eliptical, that other reclining bike thing) a handful of them were out of order, but I couldn't see any other spares.

There was one aerobics kinda class going on which had around 80+ people and a boxercise kinda class going on that had about 40 people and a spin class of about 30 people.

There were 10-15 people in the abz/stretching section at any point in time and probably 30 in the free weights area.

Amazingly (like, seriously amazingly, usually this gym has all manner of lols going on in the squat racks) there wasn't much going on in the two squat racks.

Oh, there were probably 5-10 people at any point in time in the lounge area talking to membership consultants lulz.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 07:11 AM
50 year old body builder type insists on working in hot 20 something girl on the leg press despite the fact that there are 2 other unoccupied leg press machines within 10 feet and one more on the other side of the gym.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by glaaazed haaam
2-300: he meant 200-300.

i saw some body-builderfag who was like late thirties greasy decked out in gold's gear (note this isnt at gold's) max out the leg press machine (12 plates per side). he did a set of three reps with a ROM of literally about three inches. id love to see what these leg press pros could squat.
I saw pretty much the antithesis of thta today - girl wearing those beautifully tight volleyball type booty shorts, while doing squats to full depth with 115 on the bar. Not a lot of weight, but form (and ass) was impeccable.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 10:46 AM
ok so im about to start my sets of squats, when in the mirror i see something pretty strange at the incline press. this dude has 5 plates of 10's on each side with a 'spotter' on each side. he does 5 reps, then at the top of the 5th one, the spotters each take a plate off, then at the top of 5 reps with 4 on each side, they each take one off, ect ect. until there are none left.

is this a real thing, or just something made up according to bro'ology.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 11:06 AM
tx redman calls those strip sets IIRC. But I don't think he has a team of spotters.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
ok so im about to start my sets of squats, when in the mirror i see something pretty strange at the incline press. this dude has 5 plates of 10's on each side with a 'spotter' on each side. he does 5 reps, then at the top of the 5th one, the spotters each take a plate off, then at the top of 5 reps with 4 on each side, they each take one off, ect ect. until there are none left.

is this a real thing, or just something made up according to bro'ology.
Drop Sets/Strip Sets/Etc.... it's a real thing. I just did some my last workout actually.

Not saying that it isn't brotastic though.

Last edited by Gorilla4Sale; 01-10-2011 at 11:09 AM. Reason: HS beat me to it
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 11:09 AM
It is a real thing according to bro'ology (it can be used legitimately by <5% of the lifting population)

See "drop sets"

ETA: beaten twice
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
tx redman calls those strip sets IIRC. But I don't think he has a team of spotters.
I think in theory, having a team of spotters would be ideal for this so that you can continue lifting as quickly as possible. yeah, brotastic.....

AB - can you expand on why its only good for <5% of lifters?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 01:31 PM
I've done done drop set floor presses where we stripped chainz off the fat bar. Beat that!

Also, stuey's encounter was a scene straight out of Good Bro Hunting.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 03:08 PM
There are 3 guys at my gym who do strip sets on one of those diagonal leg press machines all the time, they rotate two of them taking turns stripping the other.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 04:28 PM
Guy does half squats ramping up from the bar to 225. Typical, right? Then he does a backoff set at 135 ATG ... I can't even guess at his thought process.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
I've done done drop set floor presses where we stripped chainz off the fat bar. Beat that!
unpossible to beat that bro

Originally Posted by bpb
Guy does half squats ramping up from the bar to 225. Typical, right? Then he does a backoff set at 135 ATG ... I can't even guess at his thought process.
maybe he thinks its hard on the knees to do heavy weight with a full ROM?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
50 year old body builder type insists on working in hot 20 something girl on the leg press despite the fact that there are 2 other unoccupied leg press machines within 10 feet and one more on the other side of the gym.
I aspire to do that when I become KPC/Cha old.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-10-2011 , 05:31 PM
I mean I can't blame him but the girl was noticeably creeped out and the entire time her massive body building boyfriend was staring this guy down.
General Gym Observations Quote
