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DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight

08-03-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Ate ALL of the food after this. 20oz OJ, bloody mary, shrimp, pancakes, 6 eggs, hash browns, cottage cheese, 1/2lb hamburger, french toast.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 03:23 PM
Oh yeah, bacon, sausage and a beer too. I mean, it was a solid 2500 kcals. That's what I get for finally doing real volume for maybe the first time ever.

Whoops. I guess most of my vid was out of focus today.

Last edited by downtown; 08-03-2014 at 03:51 PM.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 03:59 PM
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:03 PM
Really spicy hang snatches.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:34 PM
Standing up in between hang snatches? Wtf.

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
Standing up in between hang snatches? Wtf.

I can do that and it looks real pretty with 40. Srs tho I just need to work on ensuring a stable overhead position into hole and standing up. I am sure I'll look like that someday. Well the tall version of it anyway. So yeah, nothing like that.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 05:09 PM
nice lifting, but really im here for the food debauchery
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-03-2014 , 11:50 PM
That lil guy there has some chinese-level spice to that speed. Most impwessive.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 09:25 AM
Mon 8/04/14
Day 2, bw 253,530am cf gym, fasted + caffeine + BCAAs pwo

Everything feels very tired and I don't want to move my body.

kg / lbs

81 / 180 x3x2 oox ooo
94 / 205 x3x2 ooo ooo
106 / 235 x2x2 xo xo (someone walked right in front of me on both 1st reps, f CF)

Hang Clean
90 / 200 x3x2 ooo ooo
105 / 230 x3x2 ooo ooo
120 / 265 x2x2 oo oo
135 / 300 x2x2 oo oo

Front Squat
116 / 255 x4x1 oooo
122 / 270 x3x1 ooo
138 / 305 x3x1 ooo
153 / 335 x2x2 oo oo
170 / 375 x2x1 ox
This might tie a PR, not sure. If you can't guess, my legs are ****ing fried after these last two days.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 11:16 AM

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 11:55 AM
Tired and doesn't want to move, gets in am obscene amount of volume anyway. Don't forget to eat, DT!
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Real nice front squats DT.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Tired and doesn't want to move, gets in am obscene amount of volume anyway. Don't forget to eat, DT!
I ate. At risk of mass unsubscriptions, I will say I don't really like eating this much, I am not used to it anymore. Meh. I am sure that workout burns a jillion kcals though. I gotta get some protein powder.

Originally Posted by Weasel45
Real nice front squats DT.
Thanks man. I would *like* to think I can hit 405+ fresh, but who knows, I am not testing anytime soon, just want to drive my classic lifts up. The squats feel good though, strong through the whole ROM.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 04:07 PM
+1 nice FS. 305 was really fast. I love watching your videos if only for the random CF stuff going on in the background.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by downtown

I'd be surprised if this didnt contribute to the neck issue.

Originally Posted by downtown
Agh my neck is ****ed. It's right at the base of the neck. PT was only able to loosen up surrounding structures providing temporary relief, and she actually recommended a chiro for an adjustment. Chiro scheduled for tomorrow. I am gonna have to play lifting tomorrow morning pre-chiro by ear, maybe I'll leave it 'til evening at home.
That behind the head pressing seems like a bad idea for you.

Glad the chiro helped.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 11:13 PM
Nice hangcleans, stood up effortlessly. You have pretty dece clean:FS ratio.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-04-2014 , 11:34 PM
I love old guy in yellow shirt. He's in a ton of your videos. I like to imagine that's soulman in the background except his name is Eustice.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-05-2014 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
106 / 235 x2x2 xo xo (someone walked right in front of me on both 1st reps, f CF)
Think I'm going to start lifting towards the rack to avoids this in the future. Anyway, nice lifting in here lately. It should be really awesome once you get into a maximal or competition type phase with lots of max attempts.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-05-2014 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
I'd be surprised if this didnt contribute to the neck issue.

That behind the head pressing seems like a bad idea for you.

Glad the chiro helped.
Hard to say I guess, but I'd read that the dangerous part of btn pressing is the bottom range of the movement, which would be obviated by the push part.

A more likely culprit is a chronically immobile part of my upper back that neither PT nor chiro nor every sort of rolling I've tried can seem to ever loosen up for more than a day. It sucks. I'm back to 100% pain free though, so currently no complaints in that area. (My posture from working mostly at a computer, even when standing is also something I fight with daily. All I can say is I am trying.)

Originally Posted by Evoken
Nice hangcleans, stood up effortlessly. You have pretty dece clean:FS ratio.
All of my ratios seem to be falling into line lately, whereas they used to be just ridiculous. Thanks.

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
I love old guy in yellow shirt. He's in a ton of your videos. I like to imagine that's soulman in the background except his name is Eustice.
He seems like a nice guy. Also super grumpy all the time about exercising. Rich.

Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Think I'm going to start lifting towards the rack to avoids this in the future. Anyway, nice lifting in here lately. It should be really awesome once you get into a maximal or competition type phase with lots of max attempts.
They have that rogue rack system and people treat it like a highway. I think I just need a sign that says "GO AWAY".

Thanks, I hope this volume is helpful. I am definitely getting a lot of reps in, that's for sure.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-05-2014 , 02:12 PM
Day 3
Tue 8/05/14, bw 254, 530am cf gym, fasted + caffeine + BCAAs pre

Pretty bad session. Felt bad. Looked bad. Moving poorly. Just exhausted and not really up for a third day in a row of this level of volume. Legs are ****ing smoked.

kg / lbs

Hang Snatch
75 / 165 x3x2 ooo ooo
88 / 195 x3x2 oxx ooo
100 / 220 x2x2 xo ox
did not attempt doubles at 115/250 (just lol at even thinking about that today)

Clean & Jerk
94 / 205 x3+1x3
109 / 240 x3+1x2 ooo ooo(didn't do presribed 3rd set)
123 / 270 x2+1x1 ooo+x (****ed up and did 3 cleans and failed the jerk, didn't do prescribed 2nd and 3rd set, subbed pulls)

Clean pull
123 / 270 x3x3

Back Squat
Didn't attempt past warmups with 135lbs. Glute/right side was not having it. Rolled for quite a while instead and felt fine when I was done rolling.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-05-2014 , 04:34 PM
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-05-2014 , 08:49 PM
Ever do these?

Tightening up some of your loose upper back muscles might be what you need.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-06-2014 , 09:13 AM
Yeah I have used that as part of my warmup, but I don't currently, good reminder. I probably have used it twice in the past 10 days or so since that injury though. I also do light banded face pulls, the 5-way shoulder mob and a separate shoulder mob with the band all as needed pre workout. I really feel really good right now, maybe 95% overall, discontinued ART/PT for now (but I can go back). If my neck feels bad in another way, I can typically figure out what's causing it (typically tight levator scap or tight traps or stuff, both of which 1st rib mobs help) and work on it and loosen things up enough to work and feel very good for the day, which is about all I can ask.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-07-2014 , 09:48 AM
Day 4
Thu 8/07/14, cf gym, 530am, bw 254, fasted + bcaa + 200mg caffeine

Feeling fine, just moving very slowly

kg / lbs

Front Squat
92 / 205 x5x3
107 / 235 x5x3
Nice, very very light recovery style sets. Felt good. Interesting idea to have these at all, and have them first. I don't think I'd done something like this before.

75 / 165 x3x2 ooo ooo
88 / 195 x3x3 oox ooo ooo
94 / 205 x2x3 ox ox ox, I was pulling high enough, just not moving quickly enough to stabilize catch

Power Clean & Jerk
87 / 190 x4+1x4
102 / 225 x3+1x4
No misses. Cardio imo.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
08-08-2014 , 10:29 AM
Day 5
Fri 8/08/14, cf gym, 530am, bw 255, fasted + bcaa + 200mg caffeine
kg / lbs

Hang Snatch
75 / 165 x3x4
88 / 195 x3x4

Hang Clean & Jerk
87 / 190 x3+1x4
102 / 225 x3+1x4

87 / 190 x3x2
102 / 225 x3x2
116 / 255 x2x2

No misses today.


Somehow bruised the base of my palm on my L hand by my wrist from the way the bar hits with straps or something, maybe from over the past few sessions. It hurts a lot. No other pain to speak of. R wrist a bit, nothing crazy. Otherwise today was good. Feeling good.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
