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Abrahamovic weightlifting log Abrahamovic weightlifting log

07-07-2016 , 08:03 PM
Pc +Pj 225, 245xx, 225oo, 210oo
Fs 280f, 255x2, 240x2
Pp 185

Quit here. Think the past few days have caught up to me bc I was feeling bad going into the workout and terrible now.

Bout to eat a ****load, take a bath and go to bed early. Gotta get after it tomorrow
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-08-2016 , 07:45 PM
Snatch 185, 195, 200, 190oo, 180oo
Snatch pull 3s 240, 225, 215
Hang snatch pull 3s 210, 195, 185
Back ext 3x10
Pullups 3x10

Nice to work up to my snatch opener+ while feeling meh. Maxing out on Sunday for the last time before my meet.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-10-2016 , 05:33 PM
Snatch 196, 205xx
Cj 240, 251xxx
Pause Fs 275 pr, Fs 286 pr
Ab wheel

Kinda want to forget this session ever happened
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:17 PM
Snatch to 195 200xo
Cj to 245
Fs 260
Jerk drive 270
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-13-2016 , 09:23 PM
Snatch balance 155, 175, 185, 205, 215x
Snatch pull to 215
Clean pull to 270
Pullups 3x10
Back ext 3x10
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-13-2016 , 09:36 PM
Any vids of snatch balance? That sounds so heavy to me, lol. I'm missing a lot of confidence dropping under a "heavy" barbell, it's probably the biggest reason I'm not progressing in weight. I'm even struggling dropping under ~115 for snatch balance even though I can very easily OHS it.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-13-2016 , 10:20 PM
It was a 30 lb pr actually lol, I never snatch balance. I'll try to take some next week
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-14-2016 , 11:36 AM
Snatch balance is literally the dumbest exercise ever closely followed by tall jerk. these are madeup bull**** concocted by FPS olytard coaches who dread the inevitable day that people realize the only way to get better oly technique is to tediously do perfect reps over and over and over again in the sub 60% range while grinding away on mobility work for whatever one's weakness are. That's really all that works. Maybe some lifts from hang and boxes at various heights.

After having experience both sides, I really think that broscience bull**** exercises and methodologies are actually maybe marginally worse in olympic lifting than in bodybuilding. There's such a huge catalog of "you gotta do this exercise if you're struggling with this part of the lift herp derp" it's kind of mind boggling thinking back about it.

And don't even get me started on how much West side Barbell infected everyone in powerlifting with bull**** FPS that doesn't matter. ****ing pin press against bands bro?

I really wonder what's going to happen to this sport when it inevitably gets the wrestling treatment because it's so cripplingly dependent on PED use relative to other olympic sports. I think it'll actually get cooler in America but way less cool in the countries that are currently good at it.

So uh... yeah carry on!
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-14-2016 , 12:28 PM
Is this a snatch balance? Seems like it might be pretty useful for getting used to get under.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-14-2016 , 12:55 PM
I think exercises like snatch balance or tall movements can be useful for beginners to get a feel for how parts of the full movement should go. If a noob can't get under the bar, telling them to just full snatch over and over might not work. Breaking it down to a smaller piece can make it easier.

what I think evo is saying, and what I would agree with, is that these exercises aren't so good once your technique comes around. Say I thought my biggest weakness was dropping under the bar. If I try to get my snatch balance from 205 to 245 bc I think then my snatch will go up.... not likely to work.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-14-2016 , 07:39 PM
Snatch to 185
Cj to 225
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-15-2016 , 08:14 PM
Snatch 155
Cj 185

Felt real fast today, hope I feel that way on Sunday.

Tentative plan is 89/94/97 110/114/118

2 of my friends are lifting also. 85 is opening at 115/140 and the 105 at 140/175
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-15-2016 , 10:38 PM
Good luck bro! Can't wait to see vidyas
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-16-2016 , 07:41 AM
Good luck!
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-17-2016 , 09:59 PM
***Meet TR***

I weighed in at 183 a couple days ago so i didnt have to worry about weight. Basically just wanted to eat a lot of food with lots of salt last night/ this morning so i had chicken fired rice and dumplings lol. Ended up weighing in at 83.9

I had someone there to count attempts and **** this time which really helped. Every snatch warmup felt easier than ever. I had to sit and try to calm myself down between every warmup set all day because i was so amped/nervous.

I started at 89 and moved to 90 cause warmup was a little mistimed. Power snatched that **** and dropped it before I got the down signal like a massive noob. Next was 91 bc there were a lot of people in between. Super easy if a little forward. 95 for my 3rd was the exact same story. I feel like i couldve hit 100 today if i had taken a couple cracks at it.

Peed, put on my shirt and ate a poptart before cj. Warmups felt good but weights werent flying like in the snatch. First attempt at 110 i was forward the entire pull but recovered and jerked it easy. 114 for the next was better. Went to 117 instead of 118 bc the guy counting attempts for me hadnt seen me lift in a while and thought the 114 looked hard even though it wasnt too bad. He wanted to do 116. 117 was my best clean ever form-wise and i made the jerk, although it was a bit sketchy. Prob had 120 in me or more.

So 5/6 shouldve been 6/6 if i wasnt a tard. Overall 9/10 performance imo. Not being my first meet, having a handler, and generally having way more time under the bar made a big diff from last year. 81/95 -> 95/117 is not too bad LOL. Got a double bacon cheeseburger and a 20oz 2hearted to celebrate before going back to watch.

My 85 friend went 115x/117/120 145x/151xx which was a shame. 105 guy hit 140/145x/145 180/185xx and won best overall. Hes **** insane!!

Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 02:23 AM
Congrats and nice TR. Snatches look really great, only I don't see the powersnatch? You catch it below parallel, I think actually that first one looked the best.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 03:12 AM
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:50 AM
Very nice! I'm bestowing a golden evoken upon you for the most crisp olytard technique on the H+F forum.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:54 AM
Best of all three! Life achievements!
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 08:28 AM
Nice work!
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 11:33 AM
Great first meet!
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 08:37 PM
Thanks br0s

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Congrats and nice TR. Snatches look really great, only I don't see the powersnatch? You catch it below parallel, I think actually that first one looked the best.
First one was borderline power dont nit me bro. And I agree, the next 2 were slightly forward

Originally Posted by Evoken
Very nice! I'm bestowing a golden evoken upon you for the most crisp olytard technique on the H+F forum.
Nice! Im going to cut for a bit, maybe i can win a golden loco too

Originally Posted by downtown
Great first meet!
It was my second meet. Hope it still can qualify as great...?
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-18-2016 , 08:38 PM
Just ****ed around today

Upper bro sesh
15 mins assault bike
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-19-2016 , 08:20 PM
Squat 225x20 pr, 203x20 both no belt
Some pc+hpc up to 198x1+1x3
15 mins assault bike

225x20 is a nice milestone. Just trying to get that work capacity back up
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
07-19-2016 , 08:28 PM
**** lol doing not one but TWO 20repper sets. And after a PR. You're nuts
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
