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Abrahamovic weightlifting log Abrahamovic weightlifting log

02-02-2016 , 05:01 AM
I'd add to shamrock's suggestions decreasing squat frequency as well. 1-2x/wk, ****ton of sets and at least one set of 10+ reps balls to the wall laying on the floor for a while afterword. Whether natty or enhanced, I got way better results from training squats with low frequency and going to complete exhaustion each time.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-04-2016 , 10:08 PM
Work has been a facking joke recently. Got to the gym after it closed and banged on the window to get someone to let me in.

Squat 235x5,5,5,6
Press 115x5x3
Shoulder bbing

I was super stiff and rushed. I decided just to squat more and first like you fine gentleman are suggesting. All I had time for after was bull****.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-06-2016 , 12:52 PM
Snatch up to 175 185xx
Cj up to 205x, 185-205o 215x
Snatch sldl 190x5x3,6
Bench 165x5x3,7
Bb row 155x8x3
Chins 2x8

Can't train this early in the AM bro. Trying to at least get some volume in every time i train since my schedule is lacking consistency to say the least

My 2 training bros hit a 330 cj pr and a 315 clean pr and I did fack all, feels bad.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-08-2016 , 10:08 PM
Starting a new program today, don't know if I can handle it. It's called lsus 10-5-3 if anyone wants to look it up.

Squat 210x10, 190x 10 x2
Pp 145x10, 130x10x2
Bench 135x10,8, 125x8
Press 85x10, 75x10x2

Should have done the load drop on bench like I was supposed to. Also skipped lunges bc this is already more leg volume than I've done in a while.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-09-2016 , 04:05 AM
I considered doing that program...briefly. I don't see how you can do it unless you are ready to spend 10 hours+/week in the gym minimum. I also don't think that I personally would be able to get away with doing that program without succumbing to some overuse injury, but I'm pretty fragile so there's that.

Good luck. Hopefully you stick with it and make some nice gains. Will be curious to follow your progress.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-09-2016 , 08:20 AM
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-09-2016 , 11:47 AM
nice! pretty sure you can eat anything you want doing that
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-09-2016 , 10:38 PM
ps 121x5, 110x5x5
sn dl 187x10, 165x10x2
rdl 198x10, 176x10x2
bb row 115x10, 105x10x2 ss w
shrugs 176x10, 165x10x2
chins 1x8 lol

only rdls were really hard. The true test of how hard this program will be is tomorrow and thursday. hopefully the lowish weight means stuff goes smoothly.

All the comments stated above seem right on target except injury concern. I feel like high weight is way worse than high reps for injuries
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-09-2016 , 11:44 PM
I did something like the LSUS program. I think the periodization scheme is a little FPSy, but I liked the 2 push 2 pull 1 classical lifts delineation. Should be a really good program for you in particular since you are much more limited by strength than technique.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-10-2016 , 09:25 PM
Squat 190x 10 x2
Pp 135x10x3
Bench 125x10x3
Split squat 30s x10, 25s x10 x2 ss w
Press 75x10x3

Easy other than Pp which wasn't awful either
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-11-2016 , 09:31 PM
Pc 145x5, 130x5x5
Clean dl 175x10x3
Rdl 185x10x3
Row 105x10x3 ss w
Shrugs 155x10x3

Rdls were hard. Not sure if 55% x10 is supposed to be this bad or I just suck.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-11-2016 , 10:41 PM
That's quite an exhausting amount of weight for 10 reppers imo
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-12-2016 , 12:43 AM
Cool. Either way I truly think that hamstrings are one of my biggest weak points and I need to be diligent with the accessory work.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-13-2016 , 12:23 PM
Cj 165, 185, 155x3x5
Snatch 125, 145, 131x3x6
Ab wheel

Harder than expected bc of tired legs. Still not hard though
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-16-2016 , 10:41 PM
Squat 220x10 200 x10 x2
Pp 150x10, 135x10,8
Bench 140x10, 125 x10 x2
Press 90x10, 80 x10 x2
Ss w split squat 70x10, 45x10

High rep Pp is the woat. So hard to have perfect form while going fast enough to not waste energy in the rack position.

Squats were easy
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-17-2016 , 09:40 PM
Hang ps 128x5, 116x5x5
Snatch dl 202x10, 182x10x2
Rdl 205x10, 186 x10 x2
Bb row 121x10, 110x10x2 ss w
Shrugs 187x10, 176x10x2

Can't remember the weights I did for snatch and rdl tbh other than accidentally doing 5k too much on my first set of the snatch ones. This is my best estimate lol
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 10:34 AM
how long are these workouts taking you?
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 10:37 AM
Take the final set to absolute failure on sq/dl/pp/ohp etc imo ldo obv ainec gg no re gogogo afaik
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 12:35 PM
Day 1 and 2 have been over 1.5 hrs including warmup. 3 and 4 not quite as long.

I'll consider amrap on squats and (bench) press. Everything else is hard enough already especially if I keep loading 10 lbs too heavy
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 01:47 PM
1.5 is nothing. You must be wasting very little time
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 02:10 PM
I've been doing about 3 min rests on bigger movements and only 1.5 on accessories and powers. Not timing it just trying to move fast since there's a lot to do.

I agree it's not that bad
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-19-2016 , 08:00 PM
Hi hpc 150x5, 135x5x5
Pp 135x10x3
BP 135x10x3
Press 95x10x3

Leg was hurting so I didn't squat.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-20-2016 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Leg was hurting so I didn't squat.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
