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12-24-2016 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
if they show up as much as ghastly, meowth, and cubone did for Halloween I'll upgrade this event from a C to a B
I'm in desperate need of starter candies so yeah I hope it is like that
Pokemon Go Quote
12-24-2016 , 07:36 PM
Had a lickitung show up in the wild today. I've never seen one in the wild, though I did hatch one. Regardless, rare pokemon = I MUST CATCH. So I spent about 10 ultra balls + raspberries, with multiple greats and excellent to no avail. Tried about 5 Super balls with raspberries, no luck. Said **** it and threw a bare poke ball. Obviously got him on the first try.
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12-25-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
A Lapras. Sweet fancy Moses, finally a Lapras.


as someone who has followed your quest, congratulations. :-)

you make every trip sound like an adventure, I ****ing wish I could be hunting exotic pokemon with you next to cherry blossoms and monuments and ****. I'm catching pidgey after pidgey, fingers numb from the cold in beautiful youngstown, ohio.

Originally Posted by Rawlz517
Lol at the non stop bitching in this thread. Everybody thinks the game should center around them.

for real. thank god the only interaction I have with pokemon people is online and I can just move further down my subscribed threads list when the fifth different complaint about "what niantic should have done" gets annoying...
Pokemon Go Quote
12-25-2016 , 03:57 AM
To be fair, the cherry blossoms are only in bloom for a very short period during the spring. It is very pretty when they are, but it's also so crowded at that time that I have no intention of ever going down there during Blossom season again.

Hatched a Dratini today, I think that might be the first time - I've caught plenty, but I don't recall ever hatching one, if so it's probably just one previous time. I don't know the exact amount of candy I got, I had put my phone in my pocket while I was looking through some shelves, but it had to be between 35-40. That knocked a lot of kilometers off my trek towards another Dragonite.
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12-25-2016 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
At least we are getting these added to the game

Halfway through hatching a 10km egg, not sure if I can resist walking for a couple of days hoping for double candy
3 of the boxes are in the game now
Special box (250 coins): 10x great balls, 2x incubators
Great box (550 coins): 20x great balls, 2x incense, 4x incubators
Ultra box (1500 coins): 20x ultra balls, 25x incense, 6x incubators
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12-25-2016 , 02:18 PM
Turns out I'm not getting the free incubator today because I spun my first pokestop of the day before the event started. lolniantic
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12-25-2016 , 02:28 PM
What are super balls? and when do you get them? Im gonna hit lvl 30 in an hour... ive never seen masterballs or super balls.

Originally Posted by m_reed05
Had a lickitung show up in the wild today. I've never seen one in the wild, though I did hatch one. Regardless, rare pokemon = I MUST CATCH. So I spent about 10 ultra balls + raspberries, with multiple greats and excellent to no avail. Tried about 5 Super balls with raspberries, no luck. Said **** it and threw a bare poke ball. Obviously got him on the first try.
Pokemon Go Quote
12-25-2016 , 02:36 PM
I'm guessing it's just some language confusion. The only balls that are in the games are 'pokeball' 'great ball' and 'ultra ball'. I used to get confused as well because back when i was playing the game in french on my gameboy color there were pokeball, superball, hyper ball and master ball
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12-25-2016 , 04:32 PM
I don't know why I typed Super ball. I meant great ball.
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12-25-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
Turns out I'm not getting the free incubator today because I spun my first pokestop of the day before the event started. lolniantic
Ditto, although in my case I probably should have taken into account that 2 am EST is not when stuff usually updates.
Pokemon Go Quote
12-25-2016 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
3 of the boxes are in the game now
Special box (250 coins): 10x great balls, 2x incubators
Great box (550 coins): 20x great balls, 2x incense, 4x incubators
Ultra box (1500 coins): 20x ultra balls, 25x incense, 6x incubators
So.... The special box is the best deal? Balls are easy to get from stops, and incense isn't all that good, so coins/incubator is the relevant metric?
Pokemon Go Quote
12-25-2016 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So.... The special box is the best deal? Balls are easy to get from stops, and incense isn't all that good, so coins/incubator is the relevant metric?
Yep. The other two are just a rip unless you want incense for some reason.
Pokemon Go Quote
12-26-2016 , 12:40 AM
Finished the last of the six 10K eggs I got on my last DC trip, another Elekid. Wish it had been one of the other babies since I already hatched that one, but not a single bad hatch out of the six so no complaints.
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12-26-2016 , 12:41 PM
Just hatched 4 10k eggs


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12-27-2016 , 11:05 AM
Gotta hope Scizor is a beast when the rest of Gen 2 comes out I guess.
Pokemon Go Quote
12-27-2016 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by miajag
Gotta hope Scizor is a beast when the rest of Gen 2 comes out I guess.
Yeah. I am already sufficient for that and the porygon upgrade, assuming they both will be 50. Kinda sad they aren't in the game yet.
Pokemon Go Quote
12-27-2016 , 05:54 PM
shameless brag: just caught a 2488CP Snorlax (by far highest CP I've ever caught in the wild) with zen headbutt/body slam with one berry/ultra ball
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12-27-2016 , 07:21 PM
Boo this man
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12-28-2016 , 10:01 PM
Of the five 10K eggs I've hatched since the babies were released, I've gotten 3 Elekids and 2 Smoochums.

I've got one more incubating right now, obviously hoping for a Magby, which is the last baby I need. Then once I get enough Togepi candy to evolve, my dex will be complete again (excluding regionals).

I way overdid it in DC this time, my knee is decidedly unhappy and I'm walking funny. My phone says I walked the equivalent of a marathon in around 11 hours. I am so stupid about this, I'll feel things starting to hurt and think ah just a bit longer until these eggs hatch then I'll quit and yet I keep walking even after those eggs hatch, because now I have MORE eggs to hatch and ooooo is that a Growlithe over there....

Ekans nest still although I have it on good authority (reddit) it'll have changed by next week (of course I'm going again next week, barring terrible weather - the New Year's starter event will still be a thing, and I love me some Squirtles and Charmander and Bulbasaurs).

Also I'm not sure if this is a thing, but I have noticed that, in addition to there being an obvious "main" nest in the area where I grind, there are shifts in some of the more common secondary spawns as well. It almost seems like there is a primary nest, a secondary spawn (for example, there seemed to be a higher number of Bellsprout this time, though not as frequent as the Ekans, other times I've seen a lot of Oddish or Sandshrews or Geodudes), and a semi-rare tertiary spawn. When I first started playing down there, I usually grabbed at least a couple of Dratini, which at the time I attributed to the monuments being near the Tidal Basin and therefore a water biome, but I think now it's sort of a nest that doesn't generate very many spawns, but has some of the rarer mons in the rotation (Dratini, Omanyte, Kabuto, that sort of thing, all of which I've had trips where I catch 3-6 of, and trips where I haven't seen a single one). Anyway, I caught four Grimers this past time, a very pleasant surprise. Hopefully that persists at least for another week, then I can evolve another Muk.
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12-28-2016 , 10:26 PM
holy **** the new migration just gave my area an omanyte nest. I think that trumps the charmander nest we had in November
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12-28-2016 , 11:29 PM
Haha, Christmas gift from my brother:

He also got me a PoGo Plus. Just might be the thing to suck me back in.
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12-29-2016 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
holy **** the new migration just gave my area an omanyte nest. I think that trumps the charmander nest we had in November
)@#&%)@% this migration took the first and only "good" nest in my small town from charmander to Krabby... FFS
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12-30-2016 , 10:30 PM
Caught a Venasaur outside my apartment and two starters walking into work, think they were serious about the increased starter spawn.
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12-31-2016 , 12:04 AM
Yeah caught a few and thought it was run good. Then ended up with 15 or so in limited time. Don't have any of the three final forms so def approve.
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12-31-2016 , 12:20 PM
Had an incense laying around, thought maybe it'd be worth a few starters now... nope, still worthless.
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