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01-04-2017 , 12:17 AM
I'm on the opposite end with the 10ks, every single one I've hatched since the event started was a baby. I have 4 Elekids and 3 Smoochums.

I did pick up one more 10k, the first in a loooooooong time I didn't grab in DC. It'll hatch during my weekly grind tomorrow, I'll laugh if I go a perfect 100% on baby hatches from 10k from the event. Seems like a pretty unlikely statistical anomaly.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-04-2017 , 08:39 AM
Wish I kept better track of my eggs but 0% on 10kms (out of maybe 3-4), 2 togepi out of maybe 20 5kms and a cleffa from maybe 7-8 2kms. Useless garbage otherwise.

Also, have eevees always been 5km eggs?
Pokemon Go Quote
01-04-2017 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Faluzure
Wish I kept better track of my eggs but 0% on 10kms (out of maybe 3-4), 2 togepi out of maybe 20 5kms and a cleffa from maybe 7-8 2kms. Useless garbage otherwise.

Also, have eevees always been 5km eggs?

They changed Eevee from 10km to 5km eggs around November last year
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01-04-2017 , 08:59 AM
Ah okay, thanks
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01-04-2017 , 09:06 AM
I need Togepi, Togetic and Cleffa to recomplete my pokedex. Doesnt help that i was fighting the flu all Christmas. Even missed some free incubators because i couldnt get out of the house.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-04-2017 , 02:09 PM
Got Togepi from a 5k, and now have enough for Venusaur

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01-05-2017 , 01:36 AM
Another week, another DC trip.

I had a couple of goals in mind this week. Hatch a Magby, which is the only baby I had yet to obtain. Hatch another Togepi, so that once I have enough candy to evolve one I'll have a Togepi and a Togetic in my dex. Catch all the starters. Try not to be dumb and wreck my still sore knee - I really overdid it last time, but it was much better today. To start the day it really only hurt going up or down stairs, which I do very little of on a Pokémon grind. It started to bother me a little in the last hour, but I think I took enough breaks to keep it fairly comfortable.

As for my goals, I did, in fact, hatch a Magby out of one of the five 10K eggs the game gifted me with (the other hatches were Pinsir, Smoochum, Kabuto, and Dratini). I did not hatch another Togepi, in fact my 5K eggs in general were just a sea of useless crap, but thanks to a couple of caught Dratini and the hatch, I was able to finish both another Dragonite and Muk today, so now I'm walking my Togepi. Hopefully by the time I have enough candy I'll have another.

Other than the 5K eggs, which were utter crap and so many of them (the last couple of trips I've received a lot more 2K eggs, which cut down on the 5K glut, but this time I barely got any 2K), it was a pretty fun trip. The Ekans nest is now a Pikachu nest, I caught over 100 of them today (it's possible it's a split nest with Psyduck, but I basically ignore those anyway). I caught plenty of all the starters, enough to evolve final forms for all of them.

There was also a decent amount of rare (or fairly rare) spawns today. I caught my second Lapras (still under 1K but whatever, a Lapras is a Lapras), two Kabuto, two Magmar, an Omanyte, an Electrabuzz, and a Grimer.

Much fun was had. I won't be down there again for at least two weeks at a minimum so I'm glad the nest was a good one, and of course seeing another Lapras made me happy.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-05-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Another week, another DC trip.

I had a couple of goals in mind this week. Hatch a Magby, which is the only baby I had yet to obtain. Hatch another Togepi, so that once I have enough candy to evolve one I'll have a Togepi and a Togetic in my dex. Catch all the starters. Try not to be dumb and wreck my still sore knee - I really overdid it last time, but it was much better today. To start the day it really only hurt going up or down stairs, which I do very little of on a Pokémon grind. It started to bother me a little in the last hour, but I think I took enough breaks to keep it fairly comfortable.

As for my goals, I did, in fact, hatch a Magby out of one of the five 10K eggs the game gifted me with (the other hatches were Pinsir, Smoochum, Kabuto, and Dratini). I did not hatch another Togepi, in fact my 5K eggs in general were just a sea of useless crap, but thanks to a couple of caught Dratini and the hatch, I was able to finish both another Dragonite and Muk today, so now I'm walking my Togepi. Hopefully by the time I have enough candy I'll have another.

Other than the 5K eggs, which were utter crap and so many of them (the last couple of trips I've received a lot more 2K eggs, which cut down on the 5K glut, but this time I barely got any 2K), it was a pretty fun trip. The Ekans nest is now a Pikachu nest, I caught over 100 of them today (it's possible it's a split nest with Psyduck, but I basically ignore those anyway). I caught plenty of all the starters, enough to evolve final forms for all of them.

There was also a decent amount of rare (or fairly rare) spawns today. I caught my second Lapras (still under 1K but whatever, a Lapras is a Lapras), two Kabuto, two Magmar, an Omanyte, an Electrabuzz, and a Grimer.

Much fun was had. I won't be down there again for at least two weeks at a minimum so I'm glad the nest was a good one, and of course seeing another Lapras made me happy.
Nice man I hatched a Magby yesterday #240.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 09:56 AM
Finally caught a Snorlax yesterday. Opened it up before bed to see if i could snag a starter or 2 and an 1844 Snorlax is at my house. 1 shotted it with a raspberry and ultra ball (which i was worried about because i only had 6 left). 201 HP with zen headbutt and earthquake. i've never looked at IV's or anything, but i assume this is a good one?
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 11:26 AM
Seriously think 40%+ of the 5k eggs I've hatched in this game have been ****ing Sandshrews
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
Finally caught a Snorlax yesterday. Opened it up before bed to see if i could snag a starter or 2 and an 1844 Snorlax is at my house. 1 shotted it with a raspberry and ultra ball (which i was worried about because i only had 6 left). 201 HP with zen headbutt and earthquake. i've never looked at IV's or anything, but i assume this is a good one?
any Snorlax is good! What was the appraisal?
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
any Snorlax is good! What was the appraisal?
"... Not great in battle, HP is its strongest feature, amazing stats." Not sure if that's good or bad
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Rawlz517
Just realized Lapras is the only Gen1 I still have to catch/hatch (minus the regionals/legendaries). Only other four I'm missing are;

- Have enough candies to get one, but am waiting for the event to end in case I catch a higher Charmander that my current highest.
Venusaur - One candy shy
Wartortle - 92 candies. Waiting for event to end.
Muk - At 19 candies. Have seen 0 Grimer/Muk in the wild, hatched a Grimer with 18 candies a while ago, and just made him my buddy (swapped out Charmander due to event)

Do only have one of the five Gen2 babies. But feels good man.
Caught those 3 before even evolving, have enough candies for all 3 starters to evolve all the way anyway. Just need to walk that Grimer and luckbox Lapras and 4 more babies. Igglybuff, Cleffa, Magby and Smoochum, so it'd be really cool if I could stop hoarding 5ks.

Last edited by Rawlz517; 01-06-2017 at 10:29 PM.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-06-2017 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
"... Not great in battle, HP is its strongest feature, amazing stats." Not sure if that's good or bad
You got the worst possible move set for attacking, and pretty bad internals. That said, pokedex++, and he's still a nearly 1900 cp critter. Is that high relative to others you have? I'd save the candy to upgrade your next one tho.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-07-2017 , 01:20 PM
Just walked outside to quickly catch a Charmander and all of a sudden a Venusaur popped up lol. Hade no razz berries or ultra balls but caught it first try with a great ball (curve but bad hit), ship it. Saved me from walking 63x3 km
Pokemon Go Quote
01-08-2017 , 06:21 AM
Just caught a wild level 1 venusaur lol. 32 cp baby.

Makes me wonder : in the wild, is the distribution of the level of the pokemon encountered totally random ? As in if i'm level 30, i have 50% chance that the pokemon is level >15 and the same chance of encountering a pokemon level 3 than a pokemon level 22 for example ?
Pokemon Go Quote
01-08-2017 , 10:11 AM
I also caught a level 1 venusaur during the event, it was the first one i had seen in the wild and 96% IV too. such a waste
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01-08-2017 , 12:45 PM
Is the event over now?
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01-08-2017 , 01:45 PM
I just caught 2 squirtles so not yet.
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01-08-2017 , 03:11 PM
Tomorrow is the last day IIRC.
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01-08-2017 , 09:08 PM
As much as I enjoyed adding 4 to the dex, I certainly won't miss the amount of great and ultra balls I spewed during this.
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01-08-2017 , 09:14 PM
Yea starters are a pain in the ass to catch. I need a fee more charmanders to evolve a good charizard though I already found a weak one in the wild. Evolved my blastoise and got **** moves, but did get a good move set for venusaur. Also stumbled across a tangela in the wild today, so added that to the pokedex.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-08-2017 , 10:39 PM
My ultra ball stash hasn't been this low since I acquired them initially, I usually have around 80-100 and right now I think I have like 15. It'll take a while to restock but once things revert to normal a couple of DC grinds will have my stash back in order.
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01-09-2017 , 12:24 AM
this thing where you open up the game, and its frozen, so you have to force close and try again. and again. and again.

getting pretty annoying.
Pokemon Go Quote
01-09-2017 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
this thing where you open up the game, and its frozen, so you have to force close and try again. and again. and again.

getting pretty annoying.
Yeah it's terrible. Clearing cache sometimes helps, or else reboot.
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