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Path of Exile Path of Exile

12-15-2016 , 09:38 AM
I would alch t11+ unless you have a ton of alchs. Then 9 or higher.
Wouldn't chisel until 12.

I would probably burn alterations until i rolled pack size. In the 6+ range.
Path of Exile Quote
12-15-2016 , 11:09 AM
Thanks -- I'll give that a try!

I rolled a new wizard and have been trying a life-based herald of thunder build. Really fun and lazy, but I think ES (as usual) would be better.
Path of Exile Quote
12-19-2016 , 11:30 AM
Urgh just got my ass handed to me for a second time by the cold breachlord Tul.

I can do the fire and lightening ones deathless pretty easily, but only just about get Tul to around half HP.

Anyone done the chaos and physical ones?
Path of Exile Quote
12-19-2016 , 01:44 PM
found 2 dying suns and a starforge in a row on shaper in breach : )
Path of Exile Quote
12-21-2016 , 11:16 PM
I'm still grinding away, although I'm pretty frustrated on the burst damage the 'orb of storms' do in breach, they literally have ripped 3 of my characters all lvl 55-60, incredibly frustrating always dieing the same way at the same lvl.

Looking at the patch notes they have addressed the above, so im just going to chill until they release it, as right now its absurd playing HC and opening the lightning/Ice breach.
Path of Exile Quote
12-21-2016 , 11:40 PM
first deathless uber atziri followed my first deathless shaper.

after 5 crap drops from atziri I found the axe
Path of Exile Quote
12-22-2016 , 06:32 AM
Nice! I had to just splash out on a 6-link one. Kicking ass now.

If any archers are feeling kind, would they mind doing 3 easy prophecies for me? I've got the stuff, just can't use it.
Path of Exile Quote
12-22-2016 , 11:36 AM
Kirby what build/primary skill do you use? I often end up with good aoe/clear, but bad single target, and I want to experiment a bit with a build that leans toward single target.

I've also been thinking of trying to make an uber lab build...maybe something using queen of the forest, and I figure a good single target skill would be the optimum.
Path of Exile Quote
12-23-2016 , 05:16 AM
i use a life-based, point-blank physical to elemental conversion pathfinder, with kaom's heart and vaal pact.

I can get close to 8k hp, I use a 6L reach of the council with tornado shot on most content, and before guardians/shaper/uber atziri I switch the tornado shot with barrage.

Got elemental weakness on hit corruption on gloves, +1 arrow corruption on quiver, +2 barrage enchant on helm.

Honestly, im frickin loaded this league its pretty sick. Still got a 30ex bow (highest pDPS bow on the server afaik, at 528pdps and 6L)

Also just bought 40 ex of gear for my alt marauder .

i think this link should work if you wanna see the items/talent tree, but im not too familiar with poe's official site. (kirbzora)

But yeah, barrage with +arrows is by far any archer's best bet for single target. If you dont have any +arrows at all then I think some people use blast rain but im not familiar with that skill at all and I think some "buffs" dont affect it .

Last edited by Kirbynator; 12-23-2016 at 05:23 AM.
Path of Exile Quote
12-23-2016 , 07:13 AM
Blast rain is good in that you can use conc/area effect.

Does anyone know if the T16 Guardian maps different rarities? So far I've got ~10 Forges, and none of others. Am I missing something obvious?
Path of Exile Quote
12-23-2016 , 02:24 PM
theres a lot of funky stuff going on with the atlas that I still dont understand, I think its possible to force specific maps to drop depending on which ones you've done.

When I was going up the tiers I got near 15 hydra maps as my first 15 guardians i think
Path of Exile Quote
12-23-2016 , 03:17 PM
Reading in to it a bit, I think I can only get map drops from ones I've either completed or are connected.

Still seems odd as I've been doing all 4 of the T15s connected to the Guardians, and just keep getting are tons of Forges. Guess I'll just buy the other Guardians to get it out the way.
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2016 , 02:42 AM
i consder my first start of a league to be a success!!!

got this baby boy for 72 ex (and 5 vaals) in Breach

FeelsGoodMan it's christmas yeeeeeeeeeeee
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2016 , 04:38 AM
so, when uber atziri?
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2016 , 04:39 AM
been farming her for over a week i believe
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2016 , 07:30 AM
Wow nice Kirby. Now vaal it!
Path of Exile Quote
12-31-2016 , 02:57 AM
oh my ****ing god i just got a headhunter from The Wretched cards

Path of Exile Quote
12-31-2016 , 08:12 AM
Wow I'm pretty sure selling your soul to the RNGods is against the T&C.
Path of Exile Quote
12-31-2016 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
oh my ****ing god i just got a headhunter from The Wretched cards

I feel like I predicted this.
Path of Exile Quote
01-03-2017 , 12:57 PM
kirby's a poe god
Path of Exile Quote
01-03-2017 , 08:13 PM
I decided to give this game another go. I finished normal and am in act 2 of cruel and I'm having some trouble finding the motivation to continue.

My main problem is that my character doesn't seem to be progressing at all. I followed this guide and bought a deaths harp but the rest of my gear is trash and I don't really know how to upgrade it. I have a 4-link gloves and boots to get my skills up and its hard to swap those out because getting the right links on a rare is tough. I can clear the regular content okish but I sometimes die in breaches, probably because of my crap resists.

A second problem I have is with the loot spam, even with a loot filter. I get sick of picking up yellows so now I only pick up currency, chrome recipe and uniques. I find it so hard to figure out whether an item is any good or not. I started collecting stuff I thought I might use on other characters but after a little while I figured it was a waste of time since I have no idea what will be good on a different build. So it feels like I have very little agency when it comes to the loot game.

Will all of this become more fun once I reach dried lace in merc? How can I learn how to identify good items? How can I get my resists up while leveling?

Last edited by Wolfram; 01-03-2017 at 08:23 PM.
Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2017 , 09:51 AM
All of that comes with time played. It's super frustrating to start. I found people that were able to help me, and I'd ask them questions all the ****ing time. Most items you can pick up early on are terrible and won't sell for ****.
Path of Exile Quote
01-08-2017 , 10:39 PM
Rules that I go by:

- Unless you are in Merc don't pickup/identify anything you wont use on your character
- Unless you are in Merc don't use Coins as the chances of getting good prophecies isn't worth it
- Don't farm areas until Merc, use Ledge, Docks and Dried lake as your catch up areas
- If you are struggling for damage, party up, its sometimes easier to join a party and cruise through content until you get to your desired level.

As for breaches, I run every breach with the proper build, don't be afraid to dump some spells run into the breach and then run off, there are many more, and they become much easier once you have capped resistances.
Path of Exile Quote
01-13-2017 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I decided to give this game another go. I finished normal and am in act 2 of cruel and I'm having some trouble finding the motivation to continue.

My main problem is that my character doesn't seem to be progressing at all. I followed this guide and bought a deaths harp but the rest of my gear is trash and I don't really know how to upgrade it. I have a 4-link gloves and boots to get my skills up and its hard to swap those out because getting the right links on a rare is tough. I can clear the regular content okish but I sometimes die in breaches, probably because of my crap resists.

A second problem I have is with the loot spam, even with a loot filter. I get sick of picking up yellows so now I only pick up currency, chrome recipe and uniques. I find it so hard to figure out whether an item is any good or not. I started collecting stuff I thought I might use on other characters but after a little while I figured it was a waste of time since I have no idea what will be good on a different build. So it feels like I have very little agency when it comes to the loot game.

Will all of this become more fun once I reach dried lace in merc? How can I learn how to identify good items? How can I get my resists up while leveling?
1) Bow users aren't in a pleasant state right now.

2) Pick up and identify two stone rings and amulets. That is how you buff your resists most of the time. If my resists are really bad I'll go as far as buying two stone rings and ammies from vendors and alc'ing or using essences on them. I only play hardcore, so sometimes I'll pick up resist nodes on the passive tree leveling. I doubt that's much use in Softcore. In the middle of the league I always have a Goldrim for my helmet until maps and I can get resists sorted.

All in all this game becomes fun and then boring to me between yellow and red maps. 85-90ish depending on gear. Dried Lake is usually to grind for passive points and currency and is pretty boring.
Path of Exile Quote
01-13-2017 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by jsplit
Rules that I go by:

- Unless you are in Merc don't pickup/identify anything you wont use on your character
- Unless you are in Merc don't use Coins as the chances of getting good prophecies isn't worth it
- Don't farm areas until Merc, use Ledge, Docks and Dried lake as your catch up areas
- If you are struggling for damage, party up, its sometimes easier to join a party and cruise through content until you get to your desired level.

As for breaches, I run every breach with the proper build, don't be afraid to dump some spells run into the breach and then run off, there are many more, and they become much easier once you have capped resistances.
Bolded I have found isn't necessary this league if you have a Nice Build while leveling and can farm breaches in areas while leveling since the xp is so good.
Path of Exile Quote
