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Path of Exile Path of Exile

03-14-2016 , 06:13 PM
The Item Info AHK Script was updated. Woo hoo
Path of Exile Quote
03-21-2016 , 04:24 PM
I very recently re-installed this -- I had tried it out a year ago and didn't get deep into it; the familiarity of D3 (and its superior looking minimap/map) kept me playing that game.

However, spending a little more time in POE this time around I think has converted me...I'm really enjoying all the options/possibilities. I'm playing in the hardcore perandus league, and have probably lost at least 3 characters to death so far. I haven't minded, though, as the highest I've made it before dying is probably only level 30ish.

Does anyone else play hardcore, and does anyone have advice? Either for staying safe in hardcore, or simply for playing POE in general. What skills do people love? I'm curious about either active or support.
Path of Exile Quote
03-21-2016 , 05:40 PM
When I was still playing, I also played mostly hardcore. Unfortunately I have pretty severe wrist problems, which most likely means curtains for my PoE "career".

Tips for staying alive (note: I haven't kept up to date with recent changes, so take with a grain of salt). Cap your resistance (Chaos not as important, but the elements must be capped as soon as possible) Sacrifice damage for life and resistances if they are not capped. Once they are capped, focus on more damage (as killing **** prevents that **** from killing you, too). Plus to max. life is also always a good stat to have on gear, but resistances trump everything in my opinion.
Path of Exile Quote
03-21-2016 , 05:44 PM
edit: I'll google max resist info -- thanks

question -- what skills do/did you enjoy using? I'm guessing having at least one good AoE ability is very helpful.
Path of Exile Quote
03-21-2016 , 06:30 PM
Tips for staying alive

Get a movement Skill (whirling blades, flame dash, leap slam, etc)
Focus on Life on the skill tree. Basically go life group to life group picking up things on the way.
Consider looking for guides on the forums for class/build you want to play
Consider a logout Macro (slightly cheesy, but whatever)
Be careful around Perandus mobs. Perandus mobs have ended my char (in normal which is embarrassing). I'll blame being casual about it.

Most people end up just running an AOE/non-targeted as their main (ie reave, arc, spark, totems, earthquake, etc.) Very few builds involve single target skills.

Edit: Oh yeah, and don't neglect pots if new. Seething, bubbling or catalyzed can be helpful, 1 is usually sufficient (instant recovery) for early play.

Last edited by MediaPA; 03-21-2016 at 06:38 PM.
Path of Exile Quote
03-21-2016 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by zipppy
edit: I'll google max resist info -- thanks

question -- what skills do/did you enjoy using? I'm guessing having at least one good AoE ability is very helpful.
Be mindful about the fact that the game lowers your resistances every time you ascend one difficulty level. I forget by how much, but it's something like 40%. So if your resistances were barely overcapped in normal and you beat the game to start over back at the Twilight Strand in Cruel, they won't be capped any more.
Path of Exile Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:10 AM
135 to be capped in merc 75+60 penalty. Cruel is 95 (75+20)
Path of Exile Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:56 AM
I ended up finding some unique helm that gives a bunch of resist all, so that should help for a while with getting close to or over the cap.
Path of Exile Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:14 AM
Goldrim? It's probably valuable, it was the last time I played anyway. If you look at the last few pages there should be more tips for staying alive longer.
Path of Exile Quote
03-22-2016 , 06:57 PM
I enjoy this game a lot more now that I am just playing it in 10-20 minute chunks, going through a waypoint or two, or fighting a miniboss. My tips for survival (other than that you should not take my advice for survival) is to megastack life and never try to get any other defense to work. It is too much trouble, requires too much gear, and most of all a lot of game knowledge.

Game is still too hard imo. Fired up my 60 lvl toons a few times in softcore (they died in HC) to test out builds and everything that I make original hits like a sock full of cold spaghetti.

My newest character that I have in pendu league is a Marauder, planning on going crit/iron reflexes and make the Champion with +1000 accuracy and x2 body armor. If this doesn't turn into something imba then I am truly at a loss and will just netdeck the next toon.
Path of Exile Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:07 PM
Have to brag: just landed a Tabula Rasa at lvl 34 from Cadiro for 130 coins.
Path of Exile Quote
03-23-2016 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
I enjoy this game a lot more now that I am just playing it in 10-20 minute chunks, going through a waypoint or two, or fighting a miniboss. My tips for survival (other than that you should not take my advice for survival) is to megastack life and never try to get any other defense to work. It is too much trouble, requires too much gear, and most of all a lot of game knowledge.
Good advice -- i've definitely favored life on the passive tree; I find myself trying to figure out how much of armor/evasion/resist is "enough" to be safe, but it has seemed difficult to get anything worthwhile across all of them...for now I'll stick with straight health and regen, perhaps.

Game is still too hard imo. Fired up my 60 lvl toons a few times in softcore (they died in HC) to test out builds and everything that I make original hits like a sock full of cold spaghetti.

My newest character that I have in pendu league is a Marauder, planning on going crit/iron reflexes and make the Champion with +1000 accuracy and x2 body armor. If this doesn't turn into something imba then I am truly at a loss and will just netdeck the next toon.
For now I think I like that builds aren't easily OP. Who knows, though, maybe if I die at 50 a few times in a row I might change my mind.

I don't usually play hardcore in arpgs, but I'm really warming up to it and enjoying it. I'm already thinking about what my next character might be, and I'm saving gear that the next one can wear early on. Pretty fun, and way different than softcore obviously.
Path of Exile Quote
03-24-2016 , 12:18 PM
I find myself spending like 3 times as long on as I do in-game, leveling up. I don't really mind, least I'm not dying!
Path of Exile Quote
05-01-2016 , 12:06 PM
Anyone have experience with caustic arrow? Any recommended build guides?
Path of Exile Quote
05-02-2016 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by andrew12341231
Anyone have experience with caustic arrow? Any recommended build guides?
It's powerful but can be boring. I think everyone is playing voltaxic builds now though.

This is the guy who always did the MF version. Otherwise just google "Caustic Arrow 2.2" to find other ones
Path of Exile Quote
05-24-2016 , 06:17 PM
The chaos conversion and voltaxic nerf should spice up things at the start of the new league.
Path of Exile Quote
07-05-2016 , 07:19 AM
Liking the new league. I have no idea what I am doing other than RIPing to the Ascendency traps (seriously, not gonna even try them anymore unless there is a huge pay off I don't know about.)

Seems like currency drops are a lot higher, or I am just getting lucky (or I was just super unlucky before). Prophecy stuff is pretty cool.
Path of Exile Quote
07-05-2016 , 11:21 AM
I keep getting these "slay random monsters" prophecy and getting no reward from any of it. Not sure what the deal is.
Path of Exile Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:41 PM
Not all prophecies give rewards. Some are just 'this is a thing that will happen'

Got over 24 of the challenges done. Not sure 36 will happen, but I want the monkey
Path of Exile Quote
07-31-2016 , 11:34 AM
Ripped and I think the league ends soon (?) so I decided to play a little on the standard server (both HC and non HC, since I had a character in each). Cleaned up my non HC stash quickly enough, but god damn my HC one is a mess! Sooooooo much money in it, too.
(If you never checked, it looks like your stash at the end of a league is copied into your standard stash with remove only tags for all the tabs that have any items. That's a lot of tabs with a lot of stuff if you played several seasons.)
Path of Exile Quote
07-31-2016 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
Ripped and I think the league ends soon (?)
I think it's got another month. Probably not going for 36 achievements (currently at 33). Guess I could sit in Global 820 and try to get some twinned/8mods to get pretty close.
Path of Exile Quote
09-02-2016 , 10:31 PM
Bump for new season.
Path of Exile Quote
09-03-2016 , 09:15 PM
Yeah, I started another witch today
Path of Exile Quote
09-07-2016 , 04:38 AM
I'm playing again. I gave it go a couple of years back, but never got too into it.

Really enjoying it this time round though. I'm mostly playing the normal hardcore and keep losing characters.
Path of Exile Quote
