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Path of Exile Path of Exile

12-16-2015 , 08:21 AM
What build are you using? Post your tree and what gems you're using and people can help. 18 is a lot of unused points.
Path of Exile Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:29 AM

Pretty basic start. Probably a few minor mistakes. I've looked at other 'trap' plans. Seems like the common move is to run up towards E.Battery, grab some life and few trap nodes then play around in sorc, possibly running over to MoM. I don't have experience with EB. I'm also not good at the game, but I enjoy playing on HC when I do.

Gear is minimal, so just a
4 link with Fire Trap, Multiple, Fire Penetration, Increased Trap (could level my quality Fire Trap gem (19%), but feels like it's wasted on me)
2 link with Vaal Arc/Trap
Randoms - Flame Golem, Flammability, Flame Dash, Artic Armor, Herald of Ice, Rallying Cry (don't know why)

Not sure if this works - trappymctrappers

Last edited by MediaPA; 12-16-2015 at 08:39 AM.
Path of Exile Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:46 AM
Yah, I don't know **** about trappers, I guess you might take growth and decay. Damage over time works with burning damage. Don't really know where trappers are meant to head after that.
Path of Exile Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:59 AM
No worries. I'm just very indecisive with builds. Like my Duelist is ready to fight Vaal, but haven't decided on 1 hander, 2 hand, dual wield yet.

It doesn't bother me to 'grind' really slowly. The Unique Talisman is pretty fun for early leveling. Cleave or Dual Strike is devastating in it (depending on boss or mobs)
Path of Exile Quote
12-16-2015 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by MediaPA
Hmm, level 47 and just beat Piety Act 4 Normal. It was easier for me than Kaom or Arena at similar level. -- However I still have 18 unused skill points.

My biggest PoE link (other than being bad) is I never know where I really want to go.

I wish HC Talisman characters moved to the SC league instead of standard. Guess there might be unique items in one league over the other.
Piety on lower levels isn't very hard, likewise with most of the bosses in the game on normal.

Malachi is a much harder fight when you're doing it at level.

Piety is multitudes more difficult in harder modes, because she can basically 1 shot you with the laser. And those ball things hurt more, a lot more.
Path of Exile Quote
12-17-2015 , 01:59 AM
RIP - Well that was sort of expected.

Died in Act 4 Cruel Kaom's Path. Decided to push to the Stronghold WP since the first area wasn't bad, and the second was going well. Then Magic Rakangos got me, and I'd go with panic. Didn't notice the mods. My own fault. Oh well. Not sure what I want to try next, but I'll take a short break before rolling again.
Path of Exile Quote
12-17-2015 , 10:09 AM
Rakangos are scary

F act 4. I only like the dried lake.

I hate every zone past that.
Path of Exile Quote
12-19-2015 , 11:32 AM
Just made it into cruel with my first and only char this league. My gear is utter crap though, I should probably fix that at some point.
Path of Exile Quote
12-21-2015 , 11:59 AM
Slowly playing my next character (up to bandits - need to cap my resists still). While playing through normal, I figured out what killed my trapper when it gave me a legit scare.

Triskeriaki -- Screw this guy
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2015 , 06:28 PM
Got snow for my hideout
Path of Exile Quote
12-26-2015 , 08:35 PM
hi I tried this game way back when it launched and I still have my account there (lvl 5 witch D) and was wondering:
if I install the game from steam can I keep my old account I created directly on the PoE site?
Path of Exile Quote
12-27-2015 , 04:08 PM
I think so, but if not it shouldn't make a difference (unless you had a name you were madly in love with or something)

Specifically, I think you can choose to log in with a log in / pw or with your steam credentials. Not positive and too lazy to check.
Path of Exile Quote
12-27-2015 , 04:44 PM
Should only matter if you've bought anything on that old account of yours (which is pretty unlikely, if I understand you correctly that you have one level 5 char on it). But even if, Grinding Gear customer support are quite well known for being among the best and customer friendliest in the business, so I'm sure you could talk to them about it.
Path of Exile Quote
12-27-2015 , 05:04 PM
I'm pretty sure you just need to link your POE account with your steam account. There're guides on the POE site on how to do it.
Path of Exile Quote
12-28-2015 , 03:03 PM
Oh boy - I might actually get to run a Map finally. Decided to just copy ZiggyD's recommended Arc build. It's working pretty well. Much more powerful than the mediocre crit dagger dual wield that I have at level 67 or so.

Winter boxes went pretty well for me. 3+1 free = Arctic Portal, Ice Crown, Ice Crystal, and Lynx. Think I'll call it good since I think the Wolf is the last one I'd really want.
Path of Exile Quote
12-28-2015 , 07:09 PM
so I did linked my old account to steam.
tried out the game and had insane lag or micro freezes and it seems the game doesnt recognize my graphic card and run with the intel chip instead.
looked for about 3 hour all over the net and its a common problem.
tried out lot of things to resolve the issue.
Im not an engineer.

Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2016 , 08:16 AM
So I haven't really been playing this league that much. Current guy is in A2 merc with the plan to go chaos flame totem. I sell all my fusings and blow all my chaos to buy a Consuming Dark dagger. My league of legends queue pops, oh okay I can sell my ****ty one hander now, I lock in my stuff for champ select, go back to poe, ok, now where's that Consuming Dark? I have an alchemy in my inventory though... GOD ****ING DAMNIT. Easily the dumbest thing I've done in this game, and that might be it for talisman. Jesus. ****ing. Christ.
Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2016 , 10:55 AM
Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2016 , 12:26 PM
rip mon

edit: also rip 2p2 clan by the looks of it
Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2016 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mookie88
rip mon

edit: also rip 2p2 clan by the looks of it
Yeah, I am staying but being responsible for a newborn made me unable to play this league. Pausable games ftw for now.

GG John
Path of Exile Quote
01-04-2016 , 08:52 PM
Neversink updated his loot filter again. I went ahead and made some changes if anyone wants a slightly edited version

Lowered the volume a little bit for orb/map drops (you can change item filter volume in POE settings now but I like the unique sound to be a little louder)
Changed the map drop sound
Removed unique gavels from showing as high tier drop to prevent troljner rage
Removed all chance orb bases except Agate Amulets and Sorcerer's Boots

edit: definitely update if you haven't since talisman came out. i was wondering why flasks weren't showing up while leveling, turns out it was a bug in his filter for that update.

Last edited by kinda; 01-04-2016 at 09:16 PM.
Path of Exile Quote
01-05-2016 , 01:27 AM
Hmm, It might be time for me to go back to softcore.

Just Ripped a 72 arc to Tzteosh in Crypt Map when I could have avoided the fight.

Oh well.
Path of Exile Quote
01-16-2016 , 08:00 AM
Guild stash art
Path of Exile Quote
01-16-2016 , 08:21 AM
Nice, but should be 40 of each please.
Path of Exile Quote
