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02-06-2016 , 09:28 PM
Hmm, yeah. Thought would also catch it quick enough. The chalices provide a lot of problems to the first idea or two I've had. It seems to be resilient to a lot of things that already exist.

Should be fun to try and figure this out then. The solution of course may just be "The deck that has Tombs/Workshops is too good to beat consistently" but the next few weeks should provide a lot of weird ideas to try and combat it.

Edit: Can't go with living end vs chalices/relics, chalice hurts tron too. I Thought-Seer and relics hurt the Vengeance deck. The grindy but fairish decks like abzan and jund just can't really match them. Hmmm.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 06:02 AM
Supposedly blue moon is a thing again, not that it got there
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Krayz
That LSV - Lepore match might be a top 5 pro tour match of all time.

RIP modern
it was a long match, and the end was entertaining, but i don't think the game was very complicated. there weren't many decision to be made imo, players were hellbent for most of the game.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 01:55 PM
Eye into Mimic, mimic, endless one

black lotus would have bee worse lol

just ban Eye and Opal, fast mana is pretty stupid. Spirit Guide/Temple probably could go just to mop things up. It's pretty damn funny that they banned Twin and Bloom and neither deck would have been good in the very next tournament they'd be in.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 03:15 PM
How have they still not learned their lesson about mana acceleration
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 04:54 PM
Well to be fair newest of those Accelerators is from 2010.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 05:01 PM
Luck counter, UR Eldrazi wins the mirror match, but for a deck that has worse mana he ran really hot vs opponent mulligans and I don't think he ever had a non-Eye/Temple start.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-07-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by martenJ
it was a long match, and the end was entertaining, but i don't think the game was very complicated. there weren't many decision to be made imo, players were hellbent for most of the game.
Yes, it wasn't complicated. It's just the match everyone will point to for this protour when we look back. It literally has everything. Broken starts, insane topdecks, etc.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-08-2016 , 08:12 PM
Thoughts on Colorless Eldrazi in Legacy with Ancient Tomb and City of Traitors?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-08-2016 , 08:51 PM
I want to play it in Standard but it doesn't seem very good
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-09-2016 , 05:42 AM
Been keeping track of results from 8-4 drafts since OGW came out. Results over 26 of them (excluding matches where finals were split) line up pretty well with how I was thinking the format has played out so far.

Color ComboTotal MatchesWinsLossesWin %

Color PlayedTotal MatchesWinsLossesWin %
W 2016480.00%
U 1710758.82%

White, Black, and Green have seemed to be significantly stronger than Blue or Red during gameplay this format and the results so far match up with color combos with them being 17-3. And while it's still a small sample, initial thoughts on seeing these results are that it makes sense. Black and White have the two best commons between them, Green has about 4 above average common creatures, and both black and green seem to support white well.

The blue specifically in this format has seemed iffy. Feels like there's something there to make but I just haven't put it together yet. Has anyone had success with it?

Anyways, curious to see how it continues shaking out, how everyone else has felt so far, and if the mtgo data ends up matching this.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-09-2016 , 07:36 AM
If anybody wants to trade for colorless Eldrazi stuff online, I have it. Looking for Affinity stuff.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-09-2016 , 09:30 AM
the real question is: are they going to ban Eye, temple or both?

eye is much stronger than temple, but banning it would make tron weaker.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-09-2016 , 04:32 PM
Eldrazi Temple is the card to ban. While Eye of Ugin may be the stronger card overall (and I'm not convinced it is but this is the argument that everybody calling for a ban on Eye of Ugin is using), banning the most powerful card in the deck isn't the goal. The goal is to limit the consistency of the explosive starts. The problem with the deck is that consistently playing turn 2 and 3 4/4s and 5/5s is too strong for modern, and banning either stops the deck from doing that with an unreasonable frequency. Since banning either works, the correct choice is to ban the card with the least amount of splash damage to other decks in the format, which is Eldrazi Temple. In fact, banning Eldrazi Temple stops the turn 2 Thought-Knot Seer plays without a Simian Spirit Guide altogether, while banning Eye of Ugin does not.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-10-2016 , 03:57 PM
Thanks for the draft data. I keep getting manascrewed more than usual (probably a side effect of all of the wastes).

Games are also a bit slower than I imagined and absolute card value seems to be king.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-10-2016 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by DoctorZangief
Thanks for the draft data. I keep getting manascrewed more than usual (probably a side effect of all of the wastes).

Games are also a bit slower than I imagined and absolute card value seems to be king.
I've not really played much wastes. There seems to be enough colorless sources for most decks with the shores/settlements/lanterns/crawlers that the wastes are just not worth the inability to be a colored source. Exception is the UB deck but even that also has translator and drone to pump out more so I usually only play one in that case. If I can't snatch up some colorless sources that also do something else then I try to limit the colorless effects even if it would be powerful otherwise. Like, I've cut more than one stalking drone from aggro Gx decks and play lesser 2 drops just to make sure I didn't have to run a couple wastes instead of colored sources. It just has seemed like a huge cost so far to have them in.

Lots of creatures with toughness greater than their power has made a lot of games a bit slower, yea. Cultivator drone, the 2/4 tapper, envoy, maw, and netcaster are pretty solid commons in each color that also happen to help slow down aggro a bit. Seems like the format so far has been about making sure you're stable and then being able to break the subsequent board stall. Some do it with giant eldrazi like ruin processor/breaker, the blue decks do it with evasion, the b/w ones just grind you out with cohort, and theres a fair amount of creatures that need to be removed out of combat or else it can just win a board stall on its own like prophet/invoker/the drainer/chainmage.

BW just seems to be the best to do both of those things (Stabilize + break a stall) at this point. Am now 15-1 in 8-4 matches with Black White, and thats excluding all the split matches for finals.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-10-2016 , 07:45 PM
Pro Tour gauntlet is a pretty cool idea. Prizes are legit atrocious though (massive, massive rake). Hopefully they improve it for next time.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-11-2016 , 04:48 AM
I've lost multiple games now to timeouts/deck being drawn out. Not a fan of giantspider.format

Monoblue was my only fun game so far. BW is the best deck by a mile and it's not close. I think within a few days 60% of people are going to be forcing it.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-11-2016 , 05:03 AM
Forget a few days, here's the last 5 drafts over today/yesterday in 8/4


It's just a couple steps above the rest.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-14-2016 , 10:29 PM
Is this offline too?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
02-15-2016 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Jion_Wansu
Is this offline too?
Nope, haven't been.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-02-2016 , 06:29 PM
Been playing a ton of limited and so naturally the sealed leagues were something I was happy to see. Joined a league event and had a pretty interesting pool I thought. Interested in seeing what you all came up with in this pool, then I'll post what I did/how it ended up/various thoughts/etc.

edit: couldnt figure out how to load up the pool over after the event, so did it by hand. Added an extra zada's commando by accident. It should be a Scour From Existence. Rest is correct. Only 1 zada and a Scour.

Last edited by JimHalpert; 03-02-2016 at 06:47 PM.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-02-2016 , 06:40 PM
On phone so don't want to elaborate too much, but I'm looking at red being the color I want to play the most here with black a close second. U and W seem automatically out. Splashing for Baloth Null seems easy since you're going to be playing colorless for endbringer anyways with the RG land. I probably play

2x envoy
2x Flameseeker

All nonbasics with 17 lands

And other fillers
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:57 AM
My first instinct is red/green, splashing for Oblivion Strike and Baloth, playing all the lands and the two eldrazi. Could even splash the Auxiliary with three Settlements, but maybe that's greedy. Hard to tell without laying out the curve and such though.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-04-2016 , 10:51 AM
I agree with RG.

I went 5-0 with a RB deck w/ deepfathom and deceiver of form. Pleasant surprise. Rake is horrible.
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