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04-01-2018 , 11:17 PM
Pretty sure thats my fault somehow
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04-01-2018 , 11:53 PM
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04-02-2018 , 12:50 AM

San Antonio sun cats dynasty is imminent.
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04-02-2018 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
I mean, just turn it off in the options? Not everyone is an expert at this game so i find it nice that the option is there for those people. I turned off that and the minimap from the start and ejoyed everything.
Originally Posted by FlyWf
But because it's there they tend to make the objectives far more complicated and opaque than they were in the previous game. Like in Sapienza, there's no chance that just coming in HUD-free you'd ever stumble on the dead employee card method, there's too many steps to come up with that organically. It's like goofy said, they are scripted paths you need to activate rather than small-scale puzzles you need to solve.
I'm not sure about the keycard - I got it from killing the scientist lady target via the journalist subquest which was another thing you would never, ever get on your own. You overhear a conversation in a hair salon (btw I hope the spoilers complaints aren't taking about Hitman because the game has no plot whatsoever and none of this means anything if you haven't played it) about the journalist and the person's like "yeah I last saw him sleeping on a park bench a couple streets over". Like Fly is talking about, the game designs these interactions around the assumption that you have their helpers on - there's no chance you find the guy sleeping on the park bench (he's, like, sitting with his head nodded so it's not even that obvious if you aren't up close) if you don't have the icon directing you straight to him, and once you get there it's not even clear how you interact with him (you get a helper suggesting you wake him up somehow, and even with that helper it took me a minute to figure out that I could toss a coin to do it after he didn't respond to any physical interaction short of punching him which is obv a bad idea).

I'll try turning them off, but it does seem like it resulted in a weaker game if that's what you have to do to have the most fun. For this game, they specifically chose making fewer missions with way more things happening inside of them, instead of having more missions (like previous games) that you can solve without so many gimmicks. So when you specifically choose to take those gimmicks away because they're dumb, you're left with a smaller game than what the developers thought they were giving you. Like, if the whole thing now is replaying for specific challenges/achievements/etc, lots of those challenges can't even be accomplished without following the scripted paths.

Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
I was never able to grasp how someone can complain about customization options that lead to a better experience for everyone. It's like complaining that a game is too easy on "very easy" and then refuse to set it to any other setting.
I give developers credit for telling me how to best enjoy the game they made, so if they have something like that on by default, as a default I'm going to leave it on unless they give me a reason (i.e. telling me it's for noobs or something) to turn it off. In this case, it's not even necessarily just a "noob" option - it's more of a "do you want to play with our silly sidequest system" option and how on earth would you know that it sucks until you try it a couple times?
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04-02-2018 , 02:27 AM
I'm just not reading this crap anymore.
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04-02-2018 , 03:54 AM
New free twitch prime games up for April
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04-02-2018 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by weeeez
You guys are out of control spoiler wise lately this is ridiculous.
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04-02-2018 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I play my summer car! The game is a bit unforgiving but an amazing car simulator. Watch EJ_SA on twitch. He plays My Summer Car about once a week on Wednesday's. Search his videos. Knowledge of how a car works is very helpful.

The game is a combination of a life simulator game plus a car assembly puzzle game plus a car driving/racing game. All of the parts are really well done. I would consider the game to be fairly challenging.

Default game setting is permadeath. You crash and die, your save is gone.

The game is being developed by a two man team (use to be one) and new game releases come out every couple months.

Feel free to ask me any questions that may pop up.
Yeah, I was watching it on Squirrel's stream and it seemed kind of fun
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04-02-2018 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
probably have more hours on this series than any other game. thousands

haven't had any issues with the new one. I always play standard mlb so getting the new release is worth it each year

trying to see how long it will take to make the marlins competitive...they have no one in the organization I actually want on the team lol
I've been playing this and messing around with settings, but can't really come up with a way I want to play the game.

I was trying to put together a relegation league yesterday, and figured it out, but then after simming through a couple seasons, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Maybe because I was just simming the entire season. worked like I wanted it to, which is pretty cool, since I like how the English Premier League promotes and relegates teams at the end the season.

The problem is that you can't take the MLB and relegate to AAA. It has to be to some small league like the Pioneer League, which only has a handful of teams. So, you're not getting a team capable of playing against the MLB talent. When the Royals and Marlins get relegated and two random teams get promoted, they just flip again the next season since the Royals and Marlins are so much better and the random teams are so much worse.

I tried an entirely fictional league, but it's just not real to me since it's all fictional.

So anyway, I'm not sure if I like the GM role or the Manager role the most right now. I ended up deleting all of my saves to start over.
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04-02-2018 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Umcle Diddler
Factorio is supposedly close to leaving early access. So close in fact that as of April 16th the price is going up to $30 from $20 and the developer claims the game will NEVER go on sale so if you have 1000 hours or so to spare now is the time to pick the game up.

The game is 1 of the few that has actually done EA pretty well. The progress has been slow but steady with no real WTF? moments. Plus the modding community is amazing for this game. $20 was an absolute steal for the 700+ hours I have invested so far.
This game is crazy good and if you are at all intrigued by this kind of game, you should absolutely buy it.
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04-02-2018 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
I've been playing this and messing around with settings, but can't really come up with a way I want to play the game.

I was trying to put together a relegation league yesterday, and figured it out, but then after simming through a couple seasons, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Maybe because I was just simming the entire season. worked like I wanted it to, which is pretty cool, since I like how the English Premier League promotes and relegates teams at the end the season.

The problem is that you can't take the MLB and relegate to AAA. It has to be to some small league like the Pioneer League, which only has a handful of teams. So, you're not getting a team capable of playing against the MLB talent. When the Royals and Marlins get relegated and two random teams get promoted, they just flip again the next season since the Royals and Marlins are so much better and the random teams are so much worse.

I tried an entirely fictional league, but it's just not real to me since it's all fictional.

So anyway, I'm not sure if I like the GM role or the Manager role the most right now. I ended up deleting all of my saves to start over.
there are ways to do basically everything. you could set up the league as you want with real team names and use commissioner mode to assign all the players. but obviously if you have 30 teams of all the current MLB quality players then one season isn't going to cause the best of the rest to be better than the marlins or whoever.

maybe some set up with a 20 team MLB, 20 team MLB2 each with their own farm system would work if you distribute the talent initially and the finances make sense.
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04-02-2018 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
there are ways to do basically everything. you could set up the league as you want with real team names and use commissioner mode to assign all the players. but obviously if you have 30 teams of all the current MLB quality players then one season isn't going to cause the best of the rest to be better than the marlins or whoever.

maybe some set up with a 20 team MLB, 20 team MLB2 each with their own farm system would work if you distribute the talent initially and the finances make sense.
The only thing the game can't do is make the actual 2018 Pirates good


There are a couple of things you might want to try. When you set up the secondary/tertiary leagues, make sure the league level is listed as Major League level for each league and then you can change the league reputation to lower ratings for each secondary league so that free agents will have the ability to sign with any league/team, but will prefer to sign with an MLB club.

In mine I have MLB with a reputation of 10 and 3 lower leagues, with reps 8,6,4.

You can also try removing all minor leagues and playing with a reserve roster system insead, this will limit the amount of players in the game universe.

As far as having some real feeling of attachment to the Pirates and still being competitive, I don't think there's much you can do with this year's Pirates, but maybe try putting the 79 Pirates into the bottom league and see how quickly you can get them to MLB.
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04-04-2018 , 08:15 PM
Hitman was such a blast, I sank so many hours into it. Really surprised it never got much love.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
But, I haven't tried the main Sapienza variants yet. I did try the Elusive Target on right now which seemed cool, until I infiltrated this office and knocked out a woman inside so she wouldn't blow my cover. Turns out she's the lawyer I'm not supposed to touch, so I insta fail the mission and am forever locked out of trying it again. WEAK.
Man, but it's such an intense feeling knowing you've only got one shot and so awesome when you pull of an elusive kill. I think I sank upwards of an hour just planning one assassination by tailing a target, finding the right sniper spot, rehearsing the route to a hiding spot and exit, etc.

Completely baffled at this idea that you can't make up your own plan in the game. There's like a million ways to pull off every job. You can make up your own contract with your own custom objectives!
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04-04-2018 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cranberry Tea
Man, but it's such an intense feeling knowing you've only got one shot and so awesome when you pull of an elusive kill. I think I sank upwards of an hour just planning one assassination by tailing a target, finding the right sniper spot, rehearsing the route to a hiding spot and exit, etc.
Heh, I guess you need the "oh **** I punched the lawyer and now this mission is locked forever" moment to appreciate the "yesssss I planned this meticulously and finally did it" moment
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04-04-2018 , 09:48 PM
Could be that mission was badly designed or did a bad job explaining the lawyer to the player.

My pro tip for the elusive targets is to always bring a sniper rifle as a backup if you can't work out any other way to do the job. And have a nearby hiding place bc guards will immediately swarm to your position.
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04-05-2018 , 03:14 PM
Get to Steam and claim your free copy of CKII. Expires on the 7th or so.

Only thing it will cost you is all your free time.
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04-05-2018 , 03:20 PM
awesome, that was the top game on my wishlist
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04-05-2018 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout
Get to Steam and claim your free copy of CKII. Expires on the 7th or so.

Only thing it will cost you is all your free time.
Thanks for the heads up.
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04-06-2018 , 01:48 PM
New HB Monthly unlocks: Kerbal Space Program, Dead Rising 4 and Ruiner
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04-06-2018 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by mashxx
New HB Monthly unlocks: Kerbal Space Program, Dead Rising 4 and Ruiner
What a sweet deal! Great price for Kerbal Space Program
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04-06-2018 , 01:55 PM
I knew Mark would be the first one to respond. I'd love to buy it, but unfortunately I am sure I wouldn't enjoy it, would suck (as expected) and I'm bad at games with no clear goal. I appreciate this game nonetheless.
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04-06-2018 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by mashxx
I knew Mark would be the first one to respond. I'd love to buy it, but unfortunately I am sure I wouldn't enjoy it, would suck (as expected) and I'm bad at games with no clear goal. I appreciate this game nonetheless.
Where else can you pretend to be Elon Musk?

BTW, yes the game allows open ended play but it also provides missions for you to accomplish like rescuing stranded astronauts, landing rovers on the local moon or building space stations.

The missions start easy but get more difficult as you progress deeper in the game.

However, it does help being a science nerd to play KSP...
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04-06-2018 , 03:31 PM
I am a science nerd actually. Will think about it.
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04-07-2018 , 02:13 PM
I am trying to get into the Factorio demo, but it is not easy. UI feels clunky and not intuitive at all... I'm not even sure how to deselect something I was about to build, hitting escape brings you to main menu.

Any general controls/UI advice for Factorio to help me out?
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04-07-2018 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by RockerguyAA
I am trying to get into the Factorio demo, but it is not easy. UI feels clunky and not intuitive at all... I'm not even sure how to deselect something I was about to build, hitting escape brings you to main menu.

Any general controls/UI advice for Factorio to help me out?
build or place? there really is no "unbuild" button. but any thing you place on the map can be picked up simply by right clicking on it. to deselect something just either select the thing u actually want or place the unwanted thing into a blank space in your quickbar or inventory.
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