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Let's talk about Stream and buy mountains of games Let's talk about Stream and buy mountains of games

10-17-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Carlton Banks
Do i get to play the full games during "free weekend" or is it limited in some way? Thinking of trying out "Don't starve".
you 'own' them during this free weekend, then they go away.
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10-17-2014 , 12:52 PM
Thanks! Any other title i should also take a look at? (I'm definitely trying Don't starve)
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10-17-2014 , 01:51 PM
Payday 2 is good.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is awesome.

GRID 2 if you like racing games.

Company of Heroes was good, no idea about CoH 2.
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10-17-2014 , 02:27 PM
from what I've heard:
CoH 1 = amazing (heard and played)
CoH 2 = disappointing (especially compared to CoH1, just heard, didn't play)

personally I've downloaded all of the games despite not having time this weekend to try them all.
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10-17-2014 , 02:28 PM
Imho Coh2 turned out to be a very good game. As always, imho all the hate comes from fanboys of vanilla CoH that didn't even bother to try it.

It had a really big patch "recently" that added a ton of stuff, like different dmg and range models for all guns etc, balanced stuff etc. Watched quite a bit of the MP expansion too, and liked what i saw.
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10-17-2014 , 02:33 PM
Did they ever optimize CoH2? They had an open beta the weekend before it launched and I was barely getting 30fps max with lots of huge framerate dips even at min settings. Which is odd because it doesn't really look much better graphically than the first game.
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10-17-2014 , 05:20 PM
lol, I just noticed CoH2 has 1.9 user score on metacritic, that has to be greatest troll ever, even dota2 didn't have it that bad. Or D3.
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10-17-2014 , 09:28 PM
Me and my friends want to buy coh 2. But what stuf (dlc) should we buy (ate they worth buying) ? I will only play with friends pre.

Last edited by Patje90; 10-17-2014 at 09:38 PM.
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10-18-2014 , 02:27 AM
10-18-2014 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by mashxx
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10-18-2014 , 03:22 AM
It's old news now but thumbs up for Divinity: Original Sin. "Here lies Master Ragequin's second apprentice. Killed by dying."
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10-18-2014 , 10:16 AM
Those Barbie steam reviews are legit.
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10-18-2014 , 12:31 PM
damn, Payday is really good, at least as a 'new' thing.

I also tried Awesomenauts, but I don't do mobas too much so quickly abandoned it, tried briefly XCOM and will probably buy it once I clear my backlog.
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10-18-2014 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by mashxx
damn, Payday is really good, at least as a 'new' thing.

I also tried Awesomenauts, but I don't do mobas too much so quickly abandoned it, tried briefly XCOM and will probably buy it once I clear my backlog.
Awesomenauts is actually really fun since all the characters are really unique and have unique weapons and abilities. So learning how to play with/against different characters is fun. The game isn't very complicated but there is certainly a skill curve to it.
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10-18-2014 , 07:22 PM
U can get xcom free by voting in the joystiq awards
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10-18-2014 , 07:55 PM
So am I the only one playing Wasteland 2? Enjoying it and hating the ridiculous difficulty at the same time.
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10-18-2014 , 08:04 PM
I didn't think it was that hard, and I played it on the hardest difficulty. I had to do a fair amount of reloads for some of the tougher battles, but i had to do that **** just to pass the rng based skillchecks anyways.

I would've enjoyed the game more if I played it on easy or normal with "hardcore" settings where you can't save/load.

One thing that could make the combat very hard for you is if you used the premade characters, or if you just didn't make combat efficient characters when you started.
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10-18-2014 , 08:28 PM
Played about an hour of W2 and then stopped - meaning to get back to it eventually, but there was just so much reading to do.

And while I don't usually mind that (I actually prefer that if it's done well) it just seemed like most of the (endless) dialogues in W2 were pointless and boring and verbose just for the sake of being verbose.
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10-18-2014 , 08:50 PM
Just tried out a melee combat game called Blade Symphony which is currently on a free weekend. Was not impressed. Still looking for a worthy followup to Rune from 15 years ago.
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10-18-2014 , 09:48 PM
mount&blade has moderately fun melee combat. It's mostly about the horseback stuff though.
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10-19-2014 , 09:01 AM
I haven't played mount and blade since it's first beta. It had tremendous potential then. Did it turn into a good game? I loved the mechanics.
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10-19-2014 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
It says you need a Playfire account
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10-19-2014 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
I haven't played mount and blade since it's first beta. It had tremendous potential then. Did it turn into a good game? I loved the mechanics.
Great game with fantastic mods. Can't wait for the sequel
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10-19-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
U can get xcom free by voting in the joystiq awards
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
Originally Posted by RockerguyAA
It says you need a Playfire account
When I made a GMG account, it asked me to make a Playfire account,which took all of 2 minutes and even gave me some credit on GMG. Getting the free game also look just a few minutes once I figured out my password to GMG. Not sure what the downside of a Playfire account is, other than having like a million accounts linked to my email address. XCom for free is pretty sick because I've been thinking about buying it since the day it came out but didn't bother thanks to my backlog.
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