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Let's talk about Stream and buy mountains of games Let's talk about Stream and buy mountains of games

10-09-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Anything worth getting in the HB?
Supcom is a great RTS that still has an active community several years after release, which always speaks volumes imo.
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10-09-2014 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
Awesome, thanks for the heads up! Insta-downloaded.
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10-09-2014 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by CubicZirconia
The download size doesn't matter to me. My primary system drive is an SSD and I try to install all my games on it. SSDs are not free. That is why space matters.
Yep, real talk here. Games play better on an SSD and therefore my Steam install is there. I only have like 50gb free to install games. That means a full blue-ray non-port that takes all up my space means I'd have to uninstall every other game I have on Steam. I already do this, but I wonder how much Steam pays when I uninstall/reinstall the same game?

There are games in my steam library that I've installed over 20 times.
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10-09-2014 , 12:45 PM
Just looked through my Steam library and the following games I own and never have installed:

Deus Ex: HR
Fallout 3
Half-Life 2
The Witcher
The Witcher 2

just the highlights

I'm probably not the best game horder here but what other AAA amazing titles do you own but have never installed?
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10-09-2014 , 01:14 PM
Most AAA games I have installed and played at least a bit or I pirated them on release and later bought them for $5 on Steam. My unplayed AAA games:

Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed 3
Batman Arkham City
Bioshock Infinite
Darksiders 2
Hitman Absolution
Metro 2033
Splinter Cell Conviction
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2
The Witcher 2
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10-09-2014 , 01:31 PM
If you have played AC2 and Brotherhood then skip both those other AC games and wait for a Black Flag sale. AC3 was especially awful.
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10-09-2014 , 01:31 PM
Arkham City for me, too. Loved Asylum on the PS3 and can't even remember how I got both Asylum and City on Steam. I assume some bundle like a year ago. Torchlight also. I might have to give that one a try. The graphics look great. I like the style.
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10-09-2014 , 01:32 PM
Pirating games in these days of steam sales is pretty terrible. Whatever your rationalization is for pirating AAA titles is equally terrible.

Re: uninstalling and reinstalling games

I use a program called steamtool that allows you to move steam games between hard drives. Typically I have virtually all my games installed and I just move those I don't play a lot to an hdd. You can always move them back to the ssd when you start playing them more.
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10-09-2014 , 01:36 PM
Far Cry 3
Far Cry blood dragon
Metro 2033
Tomb Raider
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10-09-2014 , 01:36 PM
My "rationalization" for pirating games is I want to play the game and not pay any money. The same reason anyone pirates anything.

grats on your moral superiority though
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10-09-2014 , 02:18 PM
Relax dude. I don't claim moral superiority. Im not trying to attack you personally. I just think pirating games is pretty awful.
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10-09-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by CubicZirconia
Relax dude. I don't claim moral superiority. Im not trying to attack you personally. I just think pirating games is pretty awful.
heh, I also hate pirating games (even the software, windows, office and others) and don't approve but I pirate a lot of music and movies. I'm not sure why I have standards/morals this way.
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10-09-2014 , 04:05 PM
Making a snide remark about someone who doesn't pirate is beyond dumb. Yeah I've pirated too, back before I had a job, but can't say it's in any way defensible.
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10-09-2014 , 04:15 PM
The snide remark wasn't because he doesn't pirate, it was the fact that he felt the need to give his hot take in the first place.
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10-09-2014 , 05:05 PM
free (non-pirated) game crash time 2 Through Bundlestars
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10-09-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Umcle Diddler
free (non-pirated) game crash time 2 Through Bundlestars
cool. thanks for the heads-up

also if you join this steamgroup - on oct 18 you get payday the heist for free

"Q: So we earned PAYDAY The Heist for FREE. When will it be available, and can I keep it forever? A: The members of the group will be able to download PAYDAY The Heist for FREE on the 18th of October, like they would do it in a 24 hour promotion. They can keep the game forever! "
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10-09-2014 , 05:16 PM

I was not trying to attack you personally. It is frankly a bit puzzling how upset you seem with my remark. My comment in no way can objectively be referred to as a "hot take." I stated something that I believe is unarguably true, and you responded by unfairly extrapolating my comment into some belief about moral superiority which I absolutely do not hold. To be fair you seem to have no illusions about pirating games - "I want to play the game and not pay any money." My experience is that people who pirate games and such tend to rationalize their behavior. I suppose it makes no difference in the end, but I credit you for not rationalizing.

To expand a bit on my original comment which was perhaps unfairly snide, it is somewhat disappointing to me that people continue to pirate games given the mass availability and the incredible and regular sales on steam/amazon/etc...This is not a "hot take," it is legitimate commentary. I am not trying to be condescending- I am honestly expressing what I believe to be a totally reasonable opinion.
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10-09-2014 , 05:20 PM
What are people's general thoughts on Payday 2? A couple of friends and I have been playing it recently and we've all been pretty disappointed. I didn't read much about it going into it, but I expected something more stealthy or "realistic" and instead it seems to be Serious Sam set in a bank. I think we aren't playing it correctly though.
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10-09-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Yep, real talk here. Games play better on an SSD and therefore my Steam install is there. I only have like 50gb free to install games. That means a full blue-ray non-port that takes all up my space means I'd have to uninstall every other game I have on Steam. I already do this, but I wonder how much Steam pays when I uninstall/reinstall the same game?

There are games in my steam library that I've installed over 20 times.
You can archive and compress a game install from within steam to another drive, just get a cheapo 2TB HDD and move them over when you're done.
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10-09-2014 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by CubicZirconia
What are people's general thoughts on Payday 2? A couple of friends and I have been playing it recently and we've all been pretty disappointing. I didn't read much about it going into it, but I expected something more stealthy or "realistic" and instead it seems to be Serious Sam set in a bank. I think we aren't playing it correctly though.
I really liked the game, played a lot with my friends
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10-09-2014 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Patje90
I really liked the game, played a lot with my friends
Does every mission always end up with 500 cops running into the place, or do we just suck that much?
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10-09-2014 , 05:34 PM
You can stealth the missions. You just need to pay attention to being silent, being aware of cameras, and not being suspicious. Worst comes to worst you can kill everyone. I used to solo the jewelry store mission by quickly killing everyone with a silenced pistol before anyone can call for help.

Generally what screws up stealth is the one tool without a silenced pistol.
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10-09-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by CubicZirconia
I stated something that I believe is unarguably true
I am honestly expressing what I believe to be a totally reasonable opinion.
lot of people believe otherwise and have different opinions.

personally I would pirate every single game if I wasnt lazy.
but steam has turned me into a steam addict.
its not real if its not on steam
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10-09-2014 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by CubicZirconia

I was not trying to attack you personally. It is frankly a bit puzzling how upset you seem with my remark. My comment in no way can objectively be referred to as a "hot take." I stated something that I believe is unarguably true, and you responded by unfairly extrapolating my comment into some belief about moral superiority which I absolutely do not hold. To be fair you seem to have no illusions about pirating games - "I want to play the game and not pay any money." My experience is that people who pirate games and such tend to rationalize their behavior. I suppose it makes no difference in the end, but I credit you for not rationalizing.

To expand a bit on my original comment which was perhaps unfairly snide, it is somewhat disappointing to me that people continue to pirate games given the mass availability and the incredible and regular sales on steam/amazon/etc...This is not a "hot take," it is legitimate commentary. I am not trying to be condescending- I am honestly expressing what I believe to be a totally reasonable opinion.
Don't worry, I feel morally superior to people who pirate games if you don't.
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10-09-2014 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Daer
The snide remark wasn't because he doesn't pirate, it was the fact that he felt the need to give his hot take in the first place.
If you're gonna publicly post on a forum that you're pirating games then you deserve to have a couple people crap on you for it. Deal w/ it.
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