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09-12-2012 , 01:54 AM
to be completely honest, you're probably just bad and need to get better? If you really want specific advice, we would need to see a replay. So maybe save the next replay of whatever game you do terrible in. But most likely, you just played really badly and anyone with any heroes would have fed off of you there.

sk and razor only have 1 disable between them, and you have 600 range and a giant experience advantage so feeding here is really just lack of player skill imo. It's not some terrible lane matchup and I know they weren't both really good or anything either.

Last edited by Count Chocula; 09-12-2012 at 02:10 AM.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-12-2012 , 05:18 AM
Being in a position to not die is prob the biggest improvement to someones game that you can make imo. You lose like 50 or a 100 xp and gold permin each time you die.
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09-12-2012 , 10:45 AM
Just for the sake of comparison, when you guys look at your performance bars for your heroes, are you close to 5/5 for many heroes?

I'm only over 4/5 with 4-5 heroes...
DOTA 2 Quote
09-12-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator

joindota looks great

wish they didnt plaster the main page with spoilers tho but thats expected. Maybe ill just put the vod section in my favourites instead of the MP.
The vod section still gives spoilers because of the number of games. For example if it is a best of 3 and there are 3 games you know the first two games are going to go 1 and 1. That is what I like about Dotacommentaries. They made it so it always says the max number of games. You navigate it through tabs to prevent anti spoiler. It was really a nice touch they added a couple of months ago.

Originally Posted by YouAreWet
I'm really new to the game, but I just had to solo lane Leshrac against Sand King and Razor. I fed really hard, despite trying my best not to. And I do suck really bad, but is there anything I could have done here? They also had Riki ganking me which didn't help much. I tried setting some sentry wards and staying near our tower the best I could but was still getting ganked hard.
That is not an easy lane by any means but it also depends if you were in the long or short lane. If you were in the long lane you are basically destined to fail if the other team are not noobs. As previously stated though, fix your positioning.

Originally Posted by DGDolly
Just for the sake of comparison, when you guys look at your performance bars for your heroes, are you close to 5/5 for many heroes?

I'm only over 4/5 with 4-5 heroes...
I have not looked at it recently since I don't think they make any sense. I was 2-5 with invoker (I had some of the worst teams possible) yet it gave me a ranking of 4.5 I think. I assume it is calculated based on k/d/a and maybe gpm?
DOTA 2 Quote
09-12-2012 , 05:11 PM
I play nothing but support, long lane, and jungle, am in very high bracket and I don't have any heroes I play over 3 bars
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09-12-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by DGDolly
Just for the sake of comparison, when you guys look at your performance bars for your heroes, are you close to 5/5 for many heroes?

I'm only over 4/5 with 4-5 heroes...
The performance ratings are worthless and I think everyone knows this now. I have some that are very close to 5 (like 4.8-4.9), on heroes I'm not even especially good with. And on some of my best heroes I'm below a 3.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-12-2012 , 06:58 PM
Some people are saying Dota patch 6.75 coming out today or tomorrow. Just speculation but definitely possible.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-12-2012 , 08:17 PM
Been hanging out in the 2p2 channel, no1 ever wants to play it seems. I'm never gonna give you up, will be playing a few games over the next hour or two if you wanna play.
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09-12-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by printingmoney
Some people are saying Dota patch 6.75 coming out today or tomorrow. Just speculation but definitely possible.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 03:33 PM
no hero patch again, expecting 6.75 to come out pretty soon
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09-14-2012 , 03:57 PM
how do you equip items?
what is the stash for?
what is dropping items for?

is there a way to learn how to play without reading a wall of text?
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09-14-2012 , 05:09 PM
You can play bot games which is helpful when learning
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09-14-2012 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
how do you equip items?
what is the stash for?
what is dropping items for?

is there a way to learn how to play without reading a wall of text?
-right click them in shop to buy them. they'll show up in your inventory then, if you have space (6 item slots).

-stash is for buying stuff when you're not at base. they go into your stash and you can either have the courier grab them and send to you, or you pick it up yourself.

-dropping items from the stash is for when you want to buy something and have someone else use it. items in general can't be shared, so this is for certain cases like nobody bought a courier and you want to buy one and have someone else activate it.

Right now there's no in game tutorial. Sit down with a nice friend if you can... otherwise, yeah playing bot games is a good way to learn. One thing that's cool is you can now do matchmaking on co-op bot games, so you can at least get on a team and play with other people while you learn.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
how do you equip items?
what is the stash for?
what is dropping items for?

is there a way to learn how to play without reading a wall of text?
You equip items when they are in your inventory (1 of 6 slots). You are also able to set hot keys for them.

The stash is to hold items that you buy when you are not by the fountain. If there is a chicken/crow in your base the item will be sent to it instead. I am not sure what dropping is but I think that is the term used to send the item from the stash to either the hero itself or the crow.

Most forums post this for beginners . I believe someone already posted this on this forum in the past. I myself never read it but I assume it covers all of the basics + tips.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 08:37 PM
I played a few games last night for the first time in months.


1. Love the UI (lobby and in game). When I first got the game, I thought it was really confusing but now I think it's really well done. I like that they made the courier really easy to use. Screen view still seems too small though. I have a hard time seeing everything without scrolling around. Do they have in game UI scaling yet? I also frequently right/left click on the minimap on accident and lose control of my hero as a result.

2. Player community is still pretty annoying and full of trash talkers. My IGN is "League of Legends Player" and some guy was flaming me and told me to go back to playing LoL because I was doing pretty poorly (started off like 0-3 or something). I just told him he must be pretty pro if he's playing DOTA all the time and still stuck in the same MMR as me. He pretty much shut up after that.

3. I used to feel comfortable playing any hero in the pool, now there are quite a few that I don't know how to use (Batrider, Rubick, Disruptor, to name a few). I tried Rubick and man he's ****ing weird -- essentially pure support spells and no damage. I fed pretty hard lol.

4. Not sure if it is just my MMR or standard now but in the five games I played, very few mid players were aggressively keeping rune control or ganking side lanes. Almost entirely a farm fest on heroes that are not hard carries (Pudge, Invoker, QoP, etc). Supports are still actively trying to take last hits and not warding. They are pulling creeps though. Still people who don't carry TP scrolls regularly.

5. Matchmaking still takes way too long.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 08:56 PM
Rubick too gooooddd
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 09:22 PM
yep, Rubick is awesome. I was a bit scared to use him when I started, I just mainly stuck with heroes I was familiar with. But once I shook off the rust and my ego started exploding I tried out all the new heroes and I just wreck every game I play with Rubick, mostly because he's just damn fun to play. I'm always dying with AM for no reason at all just because he bores the **** out of me.

and it's your mmr. Once you get to a higher bracket, you'll see that not only is rune control very competitive but counter warding is standard. Low mmr players always ward the exact same spots, I use different spots every game.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 09:30 PM
thx for the answers that´s what i figured there is no way to know how to play unless you go looking for 3rd part source.
they better make this game easier to learn or it will miss a lot of people (as that was the debate in another thread I can´t see dota 2 appealing to casuals,I´m above casual I guess and still learning only how to play the game gives me headaches,only talking about mechanics and using the program).
I love the graphics but this game is seriously lacking of aides.
I see the tutorial button is grayed out but this beta has gone for a while now and you have to buy the game if you want to play the beta (not everyone got it free).
i would have expected at least a tutorial for 30€.

nevertheless I wanna play this
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 09:44 PM
im about to log on

see you guys in the 2p2 channel in like 15 min
DOTA 2 Quote
09-14-2012 , 10:27 PM
dota 2 is going to fail with the casual audience. what valve needs to do is give everyone aides.
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09-14-2012 , 10:49 PM
not to be mistaken by aids
DOTA 2 Quote
09-17-2012 , 10:46 AM
MM with a few friends who are pretty bad consistently, now my MMR must be right at the bottom, several games in a row where players on both teams are going boots + tangos as starting items and noone buys a courier
DOTA 2 Quote
09-17-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Yangle
MM with a few friends who are pretty bad consistently, now my MMR must be right at the bottom, several games in a row where players on both teams are going boots + tangos as starting items and noone buys a courier
Pick AM or Invoker or Bloodseeker and giggle your way to victory. Seeker/Invoker mid, AM safe lane, obv.

AM doesn't need a courier because his first several items will come from the side shop.

Seeker/Invoker don't need tangoes so you can buy your own courier if nobody else does.

Otherwise you just gotta roll with it. I used to random all the time, but whenever I'm playing with someone at low MMR, you just can't afford it. You have to pick a game-defining hero and just rely on the fact that you're better than everyone else in the game.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-17-2012 , 04:37 PM
meet me in the channel now!
DOTA 2 Quote
09-17-2012 , 04:48 PM
All the tips given so far apply, but just one thing that people who probably haven't played low mmr games in ages seem to not know or ignore- there are many games you just cannot win. I mean they are completely impossible to win. Occasionally, you'll start a game and before the first wave even spawns you'll see that your team is there more to grief you than anything.

The only guaranteed way to avoid this kind of matchmaking is to play with friends until you have enough wins to consistently play in a higher bracket when solo queuing.

My win rate in normal is probably <50%, but around 70% in high and 80% in very high (relatively small sample size for very high, I've only recently been soloing queuing in it).
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