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09-09-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
alright im playing, first couple games are painful in just the randomness of getting people who go 0-15 and never played before.

and disconnects


ps: the camera movement is way worse than hon's not sure why. but its really bad.

pps: why does it take me 5 minutes to find a game when im 1-1... what the ****? is there really this few people playing?
You are in the worst bracket because you yourself have never played before according to the game. You should be able to carry though. Just pick AM, Void or Morph and farm and win about 30-40 mins.
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09-09-2012 , 06:51 PM
thats what i tried to do on my loss with nightstalker, but my team had 4 melee carries+huska(spelling).

Pretty unplayable, we almost won tho with both teams having only 1 rax left.

but we literally had like one stun from the sven that was always trying to push alone like a ******
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09-09-2012 , 07:12 PM
picking hard carry for total noob games is just such terrible advice

you can win the game by 50 minutes farming, sure

but its a lot easier to win by continuous sidelane ganks

they will never be able to recover

if you want to solo mid pick tinker, no one will be able to stop you in the sidelanes and you can make an easy time of mid spamming laser

also, camera is jacked by default but just tweak the settings and you will be fine
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09-09-2012 , 07:27 PM
yeah ill probably just pick qop or something.

what do you guys have for the camera settings?

Is it the acceleration that messes it up?
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09-09-2012 , 07:35 PM
Nightstalker isn't even carry. 50 minutes farm? Um no. 20-25 minutes farm. These low bracket games don't know how to play. They will leave you alone, won't harras or deny your lane. On am, 25 minutes gets you bfury treads manta and prob almost a heart. Bfury by 12-15 and you should be fine. It's the easiest way to win against these low bracket games. Sidelane ganks requires some sort of team work by the other team mates. Whether it's for a pull for the lane, or for them to bait, get in a good position. With a carry, it's all you. QoP/Storm are my fav solo mids against baddies. Early Bloodstone to Boots of travels and yourself can semi carry to a certain extent. But you will have a window. With AM/Void/Morph you have from 20 minutes untill the game finishes.
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09-09-2012 , 07:51 PM
problem is everyones picking melee and you can barely farm anywhere.

For my first game I picked AM cause magebane is my favourite/best hon hero

Problem is, I had to ****ing long lane with broodmother, lmao. (2 melees ran to short lane before me).

I guess morph/qop/prophet might be the best options for these kind of brackets
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09-09-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by RebeccaTwigley
Nightstalker isn't even carry. 50 minutes farm? Um no. 20-25 minutes farm. These low bracket games don't know how to play. They will leave you alone, won't harras or deny your lane. On am, 25 minutes gets you bfury treads manta and prob almost a heart. Bfury by 12-15 and you should be fine. It's the easiest way to win against these low bracket games. Sidelane ganks requires some sort of team work by the other team mates. Whether it's for a pull for the lane, or for them to bait, get in a good position. With a carry, it's all you. QoP/Storm are my fav solo mids against baddies. Early Bloodstone to Boots of travels and yourself can semi carry to a certain extent. But you will have a window. With AM/Void/Morph you have from 20 minutes untill the game finishes.
That's what pubs are for. That's why you need to have 4 friends to have a good game.
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09-09-2012 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
problem is everyones picking melee and you can barely farm anywhere.

For my first game I picked AM cause magebane is my favourite/best hon hero

Problem is, I had to ****ing long lane with broodmother, lmao. (2 melees ran to short lane before me).

I guess morph/qop/prophet might be the best options for these kind of brackets
If in doubt, and lanes look ****, pick Lycan. You get the jungle to yourself and the hero rapes face with barely nothing.
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09-09-2012 , 08:00 PM
true. Talking about lycan, its weird to see that hes banned/picked a lot competitively in dota 2 but never picked in HoN. They barely have any difference I think. They even gave the wolves +2 armor not too long ago.

maybe that medallion thing that doesnt exists in hon helps.
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09-09-2012 , 08:17 PM
Maybe the heroes that don't exist in dota/dota 2 have an effect? I know in Dota 1 he wasn't that popular when I stopped playing. He has gotten a few buffs I believe along the way.
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09-09-2012 , 09:17 PM
Lycan has been pretty popular in dota 1 for a while now. I agree that the reason lycan is not picked is basically the overall pool of the heroes and how they mesh. Lycan in the lowest bracket is probably as close as an automatic win as you are going to get. It destroys in higher level games fairly easy.

Medallion could be another reason since it is an extremely cheap cost effective item that leads to easy kills or a fast rosh.

I think if you pick any hero that has good damage + an escape mechanism such as any blinker, windrunner (decent carry potential in pubs) , or weaver you should be able to carry most games. Doom should also out farm everybody in that bracket.
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09-09-2012 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
problem is everyones picking melee and you can barely farm anywhere.

For my first game I picked AM cause magebane is my favourite/best hon hero

Problem is, I had to ****ing long lane with broodmother, lmao. (2 melees ran to short lane before me).

I guess morph/qop/prophet might be the best options for these kind of brackets
Never let randoms dictate lanes. If two go, get a qb and make it 3 while you get all the last hits. While going there, tell one of then to go long lane. Be specific though. Sometimes they listen.

When I queue with my brother who had single digit wins, I've had games where he and I go safe lane and the two randoms insisted on coming too. 4 heroes in one lane didn't matter because I crushed farm and they eventually wandered off.

Never ever let low mmr randoms dictate lanes if it means you don't get farm as a carry. You will eventually get out if the low mmr doldrums.
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09-11-2012 , 08:44 AM
If anyone wants to play some games with me feel free to add me on steam: NotInThDiner. Playing on the SEA server but can jump around assuming there's no major delay issues.

Be warned though: I have single digit wins and haven't played dota seriously for about 3 years.
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09-11-2012 , 02:45 PM

I heard from a Chinese friend that it is common to do this in China:

Create a single player game (without bots)

Choose any hero from the pool (preferably SF)

Don't buy any items and don't skill anything (raze, necromastery, potdl, ulti)

And just go mid and farm for 10 minutes

After that, add up your creep kills and denies.

He said that a score of a 100 and above is commonly achieved by professionals
Also, EG.Bulba posted this in the comments: "meh think 150+ is too high. yaphets had around 125 or so according to some posts i read a while back. sometimes the lane will push because its hard to perma lane control mid with sf's damage"

Just got 86. Pretty ****ty but this is hard!
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09-11-2012 , 03:30 PM
i got i am convinced i could easily make 125+

thought i would for sure be able to get the last hit after tower hits siege engine 3x, but SF base damage worse than i thought

i also ****ed up many times under tower getting the one hit (tower 2 hits) last hit combo going on the ranged creeps
DOTA 2 Quote
09-11-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k

Also, EG.Bulba posted this in the comments: "meh think 150+ is too high. yaphets had around 125 or so according to some posts i read a while back. sometimes the lane will push because its hard to perma lane control mid with sf's damage"

Just got 86. Pretty ****ty but this is hard!
Thi is an old school technique that EVERYONE used back in the day.
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09-11-2012 , 07:20 PM
whats the best sites to follow tournament vods (except the international) or different very high level casts?

I was on teamliquid but I see they barely got any threads started in the dota section so far.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-11-2012 , 08:06 PM
who wants to play

my jimmies are ready
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09-11-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
whats the best sites to follow tournament vods (except the international) or different very high level casts?

I was on teamliquid but I see they barely got any threads started in the dota section so far.
Joindota and Gosugamers.
DOTA 2 Quote
09-11-2012 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
whats the best sites to follow tournament vods (except the international) or different very high level casts?

I was on teamliquid but I see they barely got any threads started in the dota section so far.
As previously stated Joindota and gosugamers are good. I personally mainly use joindota and dotacommentaries.

The only two you really want to focus on from dotacommentaries are luminous and LD which their youtube channels are below.
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09-11-2012 , 10:20 PM

joindota looks great

wish they didnt plaster the main page with spoilers tho but thats expected. Maybe ill just put the vod section in my favourites instead of the MP.
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09-11-2012 , 11:53 PM
I can do 7:35 with the wave going under tower range only 2 or 3 times. Not sure if that's impressive or standard though.

haven't tried with sf though.
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09-12-2012 , 12:30 AM
ugh im so used to playing melee carries with the dmg hatchet. got 99 on 2nd try with shadowfiend (i died on first lmao).

for some reason the targetting seems harder than in hon :@. **** ranged heroes with <40 dmg tho lol
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09-12-2012 , 01:22 AM
I'm really new to the game, but I just had to solo lane Leshrac against Sand King and Razor. I fed really hard, despite trying my best not to. And I do suck really bad, but is there anything I could have done here? They also had Riki ganking me which didn't help much. I tried setting some sentry wards and staying near our tower the best I could but was still getting ganked hard.
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