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Clash of Clans Clash of Clans

12-10-2014 , 05:40 PM
Not sure how I feel about Christmas update.

I especially dislike the increase in HP for several buildings, making 50% raid more difficult.

Any thoughts?
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 06:04 PM
They're adjusting other hp, some down like camps. Not real worried.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 06:11 PM
Not true. They're only nerfing camps while increasing HP for: cannons, barracks, dark barracks, laboratory, spell factory, and DE drills.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 06:13 PM
The building hp changes won't stop 50% raids. The archer towers will if you try to do it with a barch army.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dutch101
The building hp changes won't stop 50% raids. The archer towers will if you try to do it with a barch army.
It will make it much more difficult in plain math. More HP makes it harder to take down a building.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 08:38 PM
The preview says they're adjusting a bunch of other buildings. Could be down, doesn't say.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:21 PM
Ya, I just made that list out of blue...

Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:41 PM
I mean, it feels like you think I'm calling you a liar? I'm not trying to do that at all, I understand the changes and what they've said.

I might be wrong and this is fake but it's where I got the other building change stuff from. Note the second to last entry under Combat Balancing.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:51 PM
I feel like they are def making a push to make barch harder. The 4th mortar, now this archer tower change. I get it and kind of like it. A bunch of upper level bases (th8-10) using tier 1 troops all the time seems kinda lame the more I have thought about it. I think it is cool they are pushing people to be more creative, use more strat, etc
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
ROI is down the drain the moment you start using more costly troops that also takes more time to build.

Lower ROI leads to longer time to upgrade.

Bottom line, Supercell is pushing people to buy more gems.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:06 PM
Who actually lightnings buildings other than ADs or Mortars though? Seems like the overall HP changes (slightly higher other buildings, way lower camps) could be a net push?
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:07 PM
I kind if agree with RP. They aren't doing much to increase available loot - another level of collector is negligible compared to making barch harder.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Who actually lightnings buildings other than ADs or Mortars though? Seems like the overall HP changes (slightly higher other buildings, way lower camps) could be a net push?
One argument I heard is that the change has to do with champions league, and it makes sense, considering that max lightning isn't even available pre TH10 and few would make it a priority upgrade in TH10.

All I know is that trickle down effect sucks for me. If barching isn't going to work, I don't see how I can keep playing this game.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:17 PM
Although.. there will always be abandoned THs.. so maybe the game just remains clicking "next"
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:20 PM
Number of abandoned THs has dropped to garbage level.

Game is probably getting more popular and there aren't that many abandoned towns to go around.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:20 PM
We have to wait and see and all that but I'm not really worried about BARCHing being viable. I can't because if it's not I have no idea what I'll do lol
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Number of abandoned THs has dropped to garbage level.

Game is probably getting more popular and there aren't that many abandoned towns to go around.
Good news being that eventually there will be more abandoned bases when a lot of the new folks give up?
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:24 PM
Ya, but the thing is, each active player can easily rack up x number of raids using barch in one sit-down.

So the number of abandoned bases would have to be significantly higher than number of active players in order for such raid to be viable. By then, this game is probably as dead as OFC poker.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 12:18 AM
The amount of abandoned bases you can find is controlled by supercell. They had to admit they remove bases from matchmaking when people left bases inactive for weeks without being attacked. I am sure supercell will keep loot at their sweet spot just frustrating enough that enough people buy gems but not so bad that too many people quit.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 12:38 AM
ya my gf abandoned and I checked a month later.. she was attacked every day for 2 weeks and then the attacks stopped randomly.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 03:02 AM
Starting my last ad 7 in the am
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 05:46 AM
Ugh! Xmas update in 5...4...3...
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 07:15 AM
the update is here
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
the update is here
Clash of Clans Quote
12-11-2014 , 11:52 AM
Anyone know how good Giant 7 will be?
Clash of Clans Quote
