Originally Posted by Thug Bubbles
How does the difficulty of Father G and Blood Starved Beast rank in comparison to the rest of the bosses? I'm trying to gauge how hard this game is/how much I suck against the possibility of the first couple bosses just being a tad more difficult than average.
I think there is quite a wide distribution of experiences in these early bosses. It maybe comes down to at what point you got a grasp on some mechanic, got more familiar with your weapon of choice (or picked up a different one that suited you much better) or even just when you levelled up in relation to meeting them.
I had lots of difficulty with both Cleric Beast and Father Gascoigne. Both were certainly 10+ attempts, and probably an overnight break before success. For each of them I learned a trick of some sort that made it doable. For both (as mentioned above):
I took a while to find BSB, encountering Vicar Amelia first which as documented in several posts above gave me serious trouble for a long long time. For others, she was one of the easier bosses! During this struggle, I put on 30+ levels, upgraded weapons a lot. explored a lot, got familiar with the blunderbuss instead of pistol, all sorts of improvements in my game. Giving up on Amelia, I went for BSB, found him to be fairly easy. Probably only 5 deaths or so. Again a trick to his patterns was exploited:
Back to Amelia, although now I am super-levelled and have Axe +6. 100 vials in stock, tons of molotovs etc. Last time I faced her I have actually run out of vials entirely, from a full storage. Expected a lot of looking at loading screens, but killed her first try on this day!
I think at this point I have learned the required timing for a dodge-roll or a lock-on dodge much better than when I fought Cleric or Gascoigne. I think BSB taught me it. It's
very late! compared to when I was dodging when first fighting Amelia. I'm also much improved with knowing the ranges and the move sequence of my axe in 2h mode.
On to Paarl, quite different to some other posters here probably the easiest fight I've had. 3 efforts total, the 1st was just finding him and using bold hunter mark to escape. 2nd I messed up and insta-died, third try I killed him in a minute or so. Was almost harder to get there running past those bag-men.
Accidental wall of text!
One tip I read for boss battles, it's probably a good one - don't go all-in first time round, if things don't start off so well. Save your vials, molotovs, antidotes etc. Use the first few times just trying to dodge, stay alive as long as possible to observe their behaviour for the cheapest price (don't want to have to farm supplies before a "real" attempt).