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Aion Aion

09-07-2009 , 03:55 AM
found a few sites...nvm about the beta keys lol
Aion Quote
09-07-2009 , 06:14 AM
i want my dollar
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09-07-2009 , 05:21 PM
For those of you that dont have a key dont feel bad. The NA servers have been **** for all but about 8 hrs on Sunday. Severe lag causing rubberbanding issues and crashes like nobody's business.

For what little bit of the game I did get to play I was impressed with the game. The detail is amazing, the flight aspect is fun and refreshing, and I'm really looking forward to PvP. The chained attacks are great for gameplay as well.

From what I hear Assassins, Clerics, and Sorcs are OP, so if you need to be in a top class pick one of those. I'm ****ing around with a spiritmaster (wanted to play a class i wouldnt play in the released game) and its ok I guess.

If you do get in and the lag clears up, be sure to try and level with a group of people. It really saves on your resources and you should never ever ever die (except maybe to the huge crab, lvl 10+ elyos know what i'm talking about)
Aion Quote
09-07-2009 , 06:22 PM
Lineage 2 wasn't a huge grind in the beginning,.. Sure, it was harder to level than in other games, but it wasn't a "korean grind." Only when they added dual-classes and basically made you 'do it all over again' did it because ridiculous. Most MMOs start to run out of ideas after about 2 years anyways, and L2 was no exception.
Aion Quote
09-07-2009 , 06:25 PM
I always told myself the next mmo I played I would be a shaman-archtype character because they are always buffed shortly after launch and are invariably uber.
Aion Quote
09-07-2009 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by I Gotta Push
Lineage 2 wasn't a huge grind in the beginning,.. Sure, it was harder to level than in other games, but it wasn't a "korean grind." Only when they added dual-classes and basically made you 'do it all over again' did it because ridiculous. Most MMOs start to run out of ideas after about 2 years anyways, and L2 was no exception.
wat? did you ever play prelude or C1? before botting became the way of leveling? sickest grind ever. it took people MONTHS to get from 1-40 probably and probably the same amount of time to get from 40-52 before running trains became standard. and lets not even start talking 52+...yeah yeah, I only play till the end of C1 and got the first bow of peril on erica server. I remember that because I sold my 63 PR with BoP/whatever the top B grade armor was for over 3k just before C1 ended. I played that game day in and day out and was still only 63/75.

Anyway, back to Aion...

Last edited by solsek; 09-07-2009 at 06:35 PM.
Aion Quote
09-07-2009 , 08:59 PM
Been messin' around with a spiritmaster a bit. It's pretty fun so far. I was lag free during the day yesterday then last night had some rubberbanding and lag issues. 1st day of OB on high pop server will probably cause that a bit though.
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 01:43 AM
more reviews of game plz.

Also I looked earlier for the system requirements but couldn't find them at the time. Anyone know what they are?
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 04:00 AM
From the first 7 levels I've played so far it seems very similar to WoW with a koreanesque MMO feel to it as well. Game as far as graphics is far superior to WoW in my opinion. I will post more of my thoughts as I put more time into the game. I don't think 2 hours is enough to make a real judgement, but these were my initial reactions. If you've played Lineage 2 before and enjoyed it I am sure you will enjoy this game as well.

Oh yeah, this game also places much more emphasis on quests than your usual korean MMO grindfest.
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 12:57 PM
I've taken my Elyos SM to lvl 19, where I've kind of hit a brick wall. I'm at the group of quests where you really need a group of 4-6 to complete, because there are elites that will 3 shot you. I've pugged some of the quests, but I still need to do some of the others.

I think it's hard to give a review currently because the game seems to start at 25, when you gain entry into the Abyss, and the current level cap in the OB is 30. If you watch some of the PVP videos on youtube or the website there are some epic battles.
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 02:09 PM
Eurogamer are giving away some free keys now just after i paid for mine

9500 left
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 02:16 PM
with what, 3 days left?

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09-11-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Blue Celery
I've taken my Elyos SM to lvl 19, where I've kind of hit a brick wall. I'm at the group of quests where you really need a group of 4-6 to complete, because there are elites that will 3 shot you. I've pugged some of the quests, but I still need to do some of the others.

I think it's hard to give a review currently because the game seems to start at 25, when you gain entry into the Abyss, and the current level cap in the OB is 30. If you watch some of the PVP videos on youtube or the website there are some epic battles.
After level 20 the zones you enter are Open World PvP zones. You can invade the enemies territory via "rifts" for some pvp and the enemy can obviously come to your land. I feel this where the game starts for me as im more a PvP player myself. 1-20 is your standand MMO PVE fare, but then game does open up nicely after level 20 with the rifts and Abyss. If your after a well polished stable MMO with decent PVE and what looks like great balanced PvP, Aion delivers.
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 08:58 PM
will my toon rollover if I play this OB?
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09-11-2009 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by I Gotta Push
will my toon rollover if I play this OB?
na, gets wiped
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 09:28 PM
Anyone have any clans/guilds that plan to play in release? I am going to try to get my scout from 9-20 in these next 3 days so I at least have some experience with the game come release day. If you guys want we should form a 2p2 clan and just recruit some ppl ingame as well.

Anyone down?
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 11:09 PM
i'm in for a 2+2 clan if you guys are going Asmo, I pre-ordered so I'll post server names ITT to pick from 2 days before release if you like
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09-11-2009 , 11:34 PM
id be up a for a 2+2 guild, prefer asmo aswell.
Aion Quote
09-11-2009 , 11:45 PM
damn...was going to want to play elyos since that's all i've been exposed/want to be in the first group of high levels ldo.

asmo is fine with me though. u guys down to get a vent server and everything too?
Aion Quote
09-12-2009 , 01:49 AM
I will be playing on an NA east coast server. aionsource forums are speculating that Israphael and Azphel will be the 2 top PVP -5 UTC servers, probably in that order (with Siel being the best PVP -8 UTC).

I'm 70% certain i'll be rolling a Asmo Sorc on Azphel, unless I find an irresistible guild on another server.

Picking the right server for your playtime is important because it seems that parts of the game will only be playable at certain times.
Aion Quote
09-12-2009 , 02:26 AM
what the factions like? are there different races?
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09-12-2009 , 09:42 AM
why are you guys choosing asmodae? i know at least for templars the elyos racial is clearly better (stun vs life drain).
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09-12-2009 , 10:51 AM
Everyone knows only little kids and RP f*gs only pick the 'good' faction in these games.
Aion Quote
09-12-2009 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by 21times20
why are you guys choosing asmodae? i know at least for templars the elyos racial is clearly better (stun vs life drain).
I prefer underdog team. Elyos are over populated on like every server (CN client at least). Asmo will have the better PvPers on a whole, while the Elyos will have their zerg tactics, like pretty much all light/dark games.
Aion Quote
09-12-2009 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Xr8ed
I prefer underdog team. Elyos are over populated on like every server (CN client at least). Asmo will have the better PvPers on a whole, while the Elyos will have their zerg tactics, like pretty much all light/dark games.

I'm in a guild that I've been with for a few games or I'd definitely join a 2+2 guild. If you guys roll on a diff server maybe I'd alt it up there. I think we're gonna be on Izraphael or whatever. They seem to have fixed the lag and I was getting very nice ping times when I was on a bit yesterday. I probably won't play anymore until early access though. I got too much **** goin' on to level a character that is gonna get wiped.
Aion Quote
