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10-14-2009 , 01:39 AM
I think limiting chat to areas and levels would be helpful. But seriously they have like 14 servers on the N.A. side. It can not be that hard to have a GM on 14 freaking servers. Gm witnesses spam in general chat, flags account for insta chat ban and a temp ban overall. Kicks that up to admin that verifies gold spam. Perma-ban by admin. Maybe if they had thousands of servers but 14 come on.

It just makes me wonder what else are they going to be lazy on in the future.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:05 AM
Perhaps I was unclear. Credit card numbers are linked to a particular bank - Citibank New York, HSBC Shanghai, Westpac Sydney, etc. They are assigned to countries - just like IP addresses.

It is not a difficult technical feat to require that player IP addresses link to the same location as their bank ID.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:12 AM
Mute general chat, that's half the spammers gone. Mute trade and lfg if you're not participating in anything. Block the few that pm you. GG
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by gamergee
I used to buy gold for WoW in and I can say that they're one of the most reliable seller that I've tried. They're not like the one who spams in-game, they are far from those spammers who go for some phishing scams. I know some of you can relate, sometimes you need to do that because you lack time and need to catch up on real life.
One of the following is true:

1) You're spammer.

2) You encourage spammers by providing a market for this service.

I suspect that the first one is true, but either way, you're a ****ing ****** to engage in a discussion about how these folks are ****ing up the game by promoting this service.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Blue Celery
Apparently GMs for each server are on the way, and if they have the power to instaban those that spam it should cut back considerably
Why dont they have GMs already? :/

The Gold Spam and botting is very bad. There are more bots than actual players in the PVE areas steaaling quest mobs. I can see alot of players getting turned off by it. My block list is always full, having to delete and apply new names every time i log on. The whole thing is just getting a bit too annoying at the moment.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Josem
One of the following is true:

1) You're spammer.

2) You encourage spammers by providing a market for this service.

I suspect that the first one is true, but either way, you're a ****ing ****** to engage in a discussion about how these folks are ****ing up the game by promoting this service.
No he's not...hes a consumer and if he wants to buy gold, and the game doesnt stop him then thats his right to do so....and he even pointed out how hes not providing a market to these spammers because he doesnt buy from them...and neither do 99% of the market that buys gold anyways. You are under the misassumption that players establish the "ethics" and "laws" of the mmo world.

The GM's of Aion are 100% at fault for letting the spam happen in game. Not the consumer. If he's got the money to blow on virtual money then thats his choice.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by GHAND
Why dont they have GMs already? :/

The Gold Spam and botting is very bad. There are more bots than actual players in the PVE areas steaaling quest mobs. I can see alot of players getting turned off by it. My block list is always full, having to delete and apply new names every time i log on. The whole thing is just getting a bit too annoying at the moment.
I agree...which is why im leaving Aion once MW2 comes out.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by GHAND
Why dont they have GMs already? :/

The Gold Spam and botting is very bad. There are more bots than actual players in the PVE areas steaaling quest mobs. I can see alot of players getting turned off by it. My block list is always full, having to delete and apply new names every time i log on. The whole thing is just getting a bit too annoying at the moment.
I /anon when I log in and spend a couple minutes blocking the ones spamming in general chat then I'm good to go usually only having to block one or two more throughout a whole day so it doesn't really bother me at all. I also have the LFG channel, etc. off too.

I see bots around but nowhere to the extreme you are insinuating, plus I love killing them. How you ask? Well glads usually macro an aoe attack, train a **** ton of mobs to them and their aoe attack will grab them and kill them. Another way involves finding a cliff to train them over. I killed one bot in the abyss 7 times one day heh.

Im glad that this is the biggest complaint so far in this MMO release and I'm sure they will work on it.

One thing I'm starting to see now that players are hittin the 30s is the complaints about the grind. Would love to have seen them grinding before the experience was bumped up considerably for th NA release heh.
Aion Quote
10-14-2009 , 12:54 PM
I see bots around but nowhere to the extreme you are insinuating, plus I love killing them. How you ask? Well glads usually macro an aoe attack, train a **** ton of mobs to them and their aoe attack will grab them and kill them. Another way involves finding a cliff to train them over. I killed one bot in the abyss 7 times one day heh.
lol if they dont have a problem with spam-bots then I doubt they care but people do this to real players all the time and its something that should be addressed by the GMs too....and not just on Aion.
Aion Quote
10-15-2009 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
I agree...which is why im leaving Aion once MW2 comes out.
have fun running everywhere
Aion Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by CPT OBVIOUS
Ended my subscription today.
Got my assassin to 37 and felt like i've hit a wall,
my quest log is full of [Group] and [Spy] quests and finding a party isn't easy as a sin.
The rifts are a joke, the ones i keep finding are for max level 35.
To top it all off getting some half decient wepons you need to do stupid collect 100 items from said elite mobs.
And after all this time i only had one blue item drop which was a peice of unusable cloth.
I might give it another try when they release the next patch where they will increase the xp for the higher level quests.
I really dont fancy killing 1300 mobs to earn 26 million xp for the next level.
I'm 37.75 right now. You're right, all the groups for 37ish mob quests are filled with lowbies. It's been like that in all mmo's. So I try and isolate some 37ish healers, dd, get them on the friends list, and work small groups if we have to.

Grinded Kaidan HQ for molars and whatnot last night, 37 glad, 37 chanter, 37 assassin only, and we got about 40% exp and 30 molars each in 4 hours.

I think I'll make it to 40 but then probably take a month or two off.

BTW I'm on Ariel, if by happenstance you are also, pm me.. I can level u up
Aion Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:14 PM
wow chanters are like 100x easier to level than sorcs
Aion Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:04 PM
I think NCSoft finally got rid of the gold spammers!
Aion Quote
10-16-2009 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Blue Celery
I think NCSoft finally got rid of the gold spammers!
Aion Quote
10-16-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Blue Celery
I think NCSoft finally got rid of the gold spammers!
Maybe someday they will actually get rid of the bots, that kill every freaking mob in the game outside of the Abyss.

Autoreporthunting, sure seems to do alot of good. What a joke.
Aion Quote
10-16-2009 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Fany
no, not a level, they made it so they cant link their site or something.
Aion Quote
10-16-2009 , 11:43 PM
Gold spam got killed on our server aswell, and im noticing way less bots aswell. Pretty nice
Aion Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:40 AM
there's little or no spam on Zikel at the moment w00t

found a fun way to keep the game interesting. while i surf the interwebs, post on msg boards, etc. i level up my crafting and gather mats, etc
Aion Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:50 AM
omg its true T_T
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10-17-2009 , 10:20 AM
now i see gold spammers setting up private shops to advertise their sites
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10-17-2009 , 11:31 AM
Still selling my aion CE account with a (13 or so sorc? i forgot lol). Active until Oct. 22nd.

I'll let it go for $25 on Tilt or Paypal.
Aion Quote
10-18-2009 , 08:51 PM
Turned Level 30 and have no money. The stupid wings are 1million I must be the only 30 without his wings.
Aion Quote
10-18-2009 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by justscott
Turned Level 30 and have no money. The stupid wings are 1million I must be the only 30 without his wings.
spend $10 and upgrade your account?
Aion Quote
10-18-2009 , 11:43 PM
I made a few 100k selling single (for 2.5k each)and batches of 7 salix logs.
remember the quest items and farm them(15 xillix fibers).. its a sure money maker.
You really need a level 10 alt to maximize your auction profits as well.
Aion Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:59 AM
so is the game really that much of a time sink at 30-40
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