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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

11-10-2008 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Overall, you look really solid, but i would like to delve more into your cold calling and post flop play. pm me if you want a full review.
Thanks again. PM sent.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-10-2008 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I don't think it matters. If you feel like you can play deep, then go ahead and play deep. Just keep in mind the rules for taking a shot--don't lose more than a buy in or three before you move back down. Don't switch to all $5 tables, mix in one or two with your usual grind. Maybe play one or two tables less than normal.

GL; if you take a shot let me know how it goes.
Not true.

If you are buying in for 200bb at .02/.05- then you are effectively playing $10NL as far as your bankroll is concerned, in that your risk of ruin is just as great as if you had moved up to .05/.10 @ 15 buy-ins.

In which case, you want at least 15bi's of $10- or $150.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-11-2008 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
seriously, dude, your stats are ****ing gorgeous. I have three suggestions:

1. your win rate in the cut off is too low. I'm not really sure what is going on here. win rate problems are usually post-flop, so they are really hard to pin down from a stats review. It could be that you are c-betting too much, or not enough. It could be that you are not trying to steal pots with PPs and SCs enough when the flop looks to have missed the preflop raiser. The only way to figure it out with confidence is to play around in the filters.

2. You are not loose enough in late position. as good as you are, you ought to be looking to get into pots and outplay people. get your cut off vpip/pfr up to almost exactly what your button stats are, and get your hijack stats up to what your cut off stats are.

3. coach me.
thanks, mpethy... now, if I could just stop spewing at 100nl... and bring the same game from 50nl there, I'd be much happier

I'm starting to understand what you must feel like on your current downer.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-11-2008 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
That's pretty swongy, but I don't think I would be too bent out of shape, given that you are beating the game at a decent clip.
Thanks for your reply, the swings are mostly caused by some bad calls but I think It's mostly because I make calls when someone has odds and he catches his cards on 4th and 5th streets.

I also run into trips very often or face KK when I have QQ. In these situations I mostly always get all my stack in with the guy and boom

Any tips to improve that weakness ?

I can provide several hands if you think it helps.
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11-11-2008 , 03:39 PM
My first 20k hands at 50nl

I got great results but feel like a lot of it is just for running hot.

Any comments?

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-12-2008 , 05:21 AM
Here are my stats, mostly for 25nl. I'm interested in opening up my game and finding out where I can be more aggressive. I feel like I play way too hit or miss. Also, I feel like I tend to pay off when villains river me. This is over 10k hands and I only won a few buyins. I lost a couple buyins due to coolers as well, but I made tons of mistakes along the way too.

This is my first time posting graphs or pictures, so if they dont show up, please help me out.

Last edited by Stellarsynergy; 11-12-2008 at 05:46 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-13-2008 , 07:36 PM
nevermind those graphs above, here they are again.

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11-14-2008 , 10:28 AM
Hi guys. I have been playing for years but never as serious as I am now in this game. I have always been a micro stakes player, never really try to study the game until recently.

A little background. I started this year playing a lot of 6m nl10 and nl25. Moved up to nl50 and did ok there but not great. I can never handle more than 6 tables at once at 6 max until my friend showed me the thread about serious multitabling at full ring games. I started trying out some FR nl25 and slowly increase my number of tables. It takes some getting use to in full ring game. It's so different from 6 max. Now I'm playing nl50 and trying to put in 100k hands a month. I play 14-16 tables on Pokerstars and 8 tables on FTP.
My goal is to move up the number of tables I have to maybe 20. Then grind enough to move up to nl100 by early next year and hopefully higher later as I improve (hopefully I will).

I run into spots where I just have no idea what to do a lot in a session. I'm hoping that by posting hands here and discussing different topics can help me understand how to handle those situations better and therefore can help me play more tables.

I am winning, but I know my game is no where near where I need it to be before I move up to nl100. I keep seeing people having winrate of 5-6BB and I'm jealous. I have read parts of this thread and here's what I can find about my game:
1. I don't think I 3bet enough, especially in position. I need to find those aggro pf players and 3bet them more with position. And i think my fold to 3bet is too low. It's something I've been trying to work on but for some reason the number is still the same this month lol.
2. My turn and river aggression are definitely on the low side. I'm guessing that's because I go for pot control a little too much and not betting river often enough?
3. My red line. Oh my god I hate my red line. I'd do anything to just learn how to move it up. I know at nl50 and nl100 it's normal to have red line like that but damn it, I should do better with that. I seriously hate the red line in my graph.
I'm sure there are more crap you can find. I really appreciate how everyone is so helpful and look forward to any criticism you might have. Thank you.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-14-2008 , 06:02 PM
Ok I've read through most of the posts and looked through my stats and nothing has jumped out at me as a big leak. The only thing I can come up with is aggression factor, over my first 25k hands at 50NL it was in low 2s around 2.25 I've since been looking for spots to bet more and call less and have it slightly above 3 in the 3.1-3.2 range. I plan on trying to get this higher but I think I'm just going to have to look for spots to call less and maybe value bet more on river.

I think I might play a little weak out of the blinds too, but I'm not sure.

Anything else I should focus on?

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-15-2008 , 10:09 AM
hi , i play 10nl ..... and i suck ..plz help me

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-15-2008 , 12:06 PM
Hmmm, I've put in my first 11k hands at 50NL and just wondering if there are any clear flaws so far... Running about 3 buyins below EV and made some very stupid calls/moves so those also didn't help but stat-wise anything noticable?



Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-16-2008 , 10:29 AM
hi , i play 10nl ..... and i suck ..plz help me

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-16-2008 , 12:35 PM

I'm playing 15 tables at once, is 8 VPIP too low? and should my PFR be higher?

I'm also losing a lot on the SB, I should tighten up on SB right?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-16-2008 , 06:34 PM
Well, at this level it might not be a problem but yeah... I'd say you're too tight.

It also looks like you're not aware of position, your vpip is the same for all. As far as SB is concerned, not bad at all and no... don't tighten up there either. You have to remember that the blinds have quite an influence on the winnings. But loosen up and use position (cut down on the tables while achieving that perhaps).
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-16-2008 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by dagrim1
Well, at this level it might not be a problem but yeah... I'd say you're too tight.

It also looks like you're not aware of position, your vpip is the same for all. As far as SB is concerned, not bad at all and no... don't tighten up there either. You have to remember that the blinds have quite an influence on the winnings. But loosen up and use position (cut down on the tables while achieving that perhaps).
Thanks, When Im 15 tabling, I only play certain playable hands, and disgard all other junks, I don't even play suited connectors, just PP, Ax, premiums. Do you think using position and open up with suited connectors is good for me? Also, How often do you recommend me C-Betting flop when I missed at this stake, Flop is uaually at least 3 handed unless I raise(3bet) really high PF.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-16-2008 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Amaterasu
Thanks, When Im 15 tabling, I only play certain playable hands, and disgard all other junks, I don't even play suited connectors, just PP, Ax, premiums. Do you think using position and open up with suited connectors is good for me? Also, How often do you recommend me C-Betting flop when I missed at this stake, Flop is uaually at least 3 handed unless I raise(3bet) really high PF.
I think you need to reduce the number of tables you play while you work on your game a little. 15 tables is just probably too much for you right now. Open up when you're on the button and cutoff is essential. Steal more, pay more attention to position will do wonders in your game. Sometimes against the right opponents in the blinds, I open just about any 2 on the button. Drop down to 6-8 tables and try it out. You do need to kinda pay attention to how people react to your stealing etc.

The original post in this thread has a lot of explanations on what seems to be the most efficient way to play at this level. It's not set in stone but getting as close to it as possible will make your life easier in uNL.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-17-2008 , 01:36 AM
sorry to everybody who has posted stats ITT in the last few days. I will get to them in the next day or three. I fell down a well and Lassie hasn't found me yet.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-17-2008 , 04:47 AM


good job

good luck
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-17-2008 , 05:11 AM
Hehe, all cool mpethy... Enjoyed reading your 'day in the well' as well

@amaterasu: Well, it's been a while since I played 10NL but using position you can make plays properly. Steal more from button and cutoff, with any ace, suited connector, KT hands and stuff... Or even any two cards, if you don't take the blinds there you can often take them with a cbet which brings us to the following.

About cbetting, it really depends. I don't know if you use a hud? But you have some useful stats. I usually cbet headsup and depending on the board against 2 players. Otherwise only when checked to... I'd also sooner cbet with air (and made hands of course) then with a marginal hand with showdown value. But it's really not a simple rule, it depends on the strength of my hand and how much I need to protect it, the opponent, the board, etc...

I cbet to much though I think, but I'm also still learning... But the problem with your stats mainly is that in the end people will notice how nitty you are and only give you action when you're beat. Perhaps not at 10NL but if you start moving up it will get harder.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-17-2008 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by dagrim1
Hehe, all cool mpethy... Enjoyed reading your 'day in the well' as well

@amaterasu: Well, it's been a while since I played 10NL but using position you can make plays properly. Steal more from button and cutoff, with any ace, suited connector, KT hands and stuff... Or even any two cards, if you don't take the blinds there you can often take them with a cbet which brings us to the following.

About cbetting, it really depends. I don't know if you use a hud? But you have some useful stats. I usually cbet headsup and depending on the board against 2 players. Otherwise only when checked to... I'd also sooner cbet with air (and made hands of course) then with a marginal hand with showdown value. But it's really not a simple rule, it depends on the strength of my hand and how much I need to protect it, the opponent, the board, etc...

I cbet to much though I think, but I'm also still learning... But the problem with your stats mainly is that in the end people will notice how nitty you are and only give you action when you're beat. Perhaps not at 10NL but if you start moving up it will get harder.

Wow you guys are awesome! After hearing advice about my stats, I immediately start to apply to it. I became more positionally aware and begin to C-Bet ALOT! I told down lots and lots of small-mid pot when I c-bet on dry flop, and what I noticed is that people folded to my C-Bet about 80% of time. Of the 20% of time they fight back they usually raise me back which makes me know immediately I'm beat.

This is 3000 hands later and My stats have changed from before where I had the same vpip for all positions:

What do you guys think?

Edit: Yeah, I know about the little profit 3000 hands later, I ran a pokerEV and found out I ran about $40 below expectations. Which is true considering I had an aweful session where flopped nut straight got beaten by running quads.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-17-2008 , 12:48 PM
No worries, but to be honest I actually don't know if I should be giving advice here... I don't consider myself to be all that good so perhaps I'd better leave it to the 'pros' before I start out giving bad remarks and advice

So take my words with a grain of salt, it's just my feeling and it could be way off hehe.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-18-2008 , 06:21 PM
Hi, have read through most of this thread (lots of pages ) and finally imported my hands into PT. I thought I was playing TAG, but I soon realized how wrong I were when I saw the stats in PT.
My goal is to get better at this game and move up when I feel my game is good enough, which it isn't!

I will try and figure out what I'm doing wrong and you all here at the forums can correct me if I'm wrong. OK here we go...

Stats (it says $0.50/$1 but it's NL25, don't pay to much attention to the $)

1. PFR way to low
2. Cold calling way to much in every position
3. Not stealing enough (need to work hard on this)
4. Not going to showdown as much as I need (probably laying down hands to easy)
5. Probably calling with weak hands @SD from BB (guess I'm plying to many hands from EP)
6. Limping with weak hands in EP
7. Looks like my Flop Agg is pretty good but my turn and especially river Agg is way to high.

1. Start being more aware of position! (Throw away the junk hands in EP and raise more from CO and BTN).
2. STOP COLD CALLING!!! This ends right here and now!!!
3. Start stealing more, much more!!!
4. Realize that villain might have a hand and stop firing on turn and river so much.
5. Stop limping!!! Raise or fold instead.

When you all have commented (if any ) I will try and apply it to my game over 10k hands and then post a follow up with new stats etc.

OK! Start commenting, be ruthless, I know I suck but really want to get better.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 12:59 PM
I cannot find the up-load image button (Yes I have read the FAQ but the upload attachments button isn't anywhere to be found). Am I being really stupid or do I have to change my settings or something?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by oliman
I cannot find the up-load image button (Yes I have read the FAQ but the upload attachments button isn't anywhere to be found). Am I being really stupid or do I have to change my settings or something?
Try this icon to upload images...

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by CalvinTau
Not true.

If you are buying in for 200bb at .02/.05- then you are effectively playing $10NL as far as your bankroll is concerned, in that your risk of ruin is just as great as if you had moved up to .05/.10 @ 15 buy-ins.

In which case, you want at least 15bi's of $10- or $150.
I hear what you are saying here, but I disagree. I think what you have said is ok for someone who is going to move up and play only deep, but we were talking about taking a shot with a stop loss at 1-3 buyins; therefore, his risk of ruin is 0.
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