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03-26-2010 , 10:39 AM
If there is a NL5 to 25 player whose native language is Spanish, Id be interested to speak spanish with you over skype and in exchange I will help you with your game (in English for this part though)
Lived in Buenos-Aires but its been two years I dont speak Spanish and Im losing it (realized that watching last lost episode). Since I really intend to go back live in Argentina, I need to practice it again, no quiero olvidarlo totalmente.

03-26-2010 , 11:06 AM
iHola Isabel! żComo estas?

Soy Juan. żDonde esta la biblioteca?

iA dios mio! iSe me olvido mi cuaderno!
03-26-2010 , 12:02 PM
Haha, sounds just like my old spanish textbook (books can talk?)
03-26-2010 , 12:11 PM
JL why do you feel the need to transfer the blame to your textbook or fate? you did not accidentally forget it, you are just a lazy stupid bastard right? lol.
03-26-2010 , 12:29 PM
I just started the Rosetta Stone for Spanish.
03-26-2010 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
I just started the Rosetta Stone for Spanish.
haha gl.
do you speak any other foreign language ?
Spanish grammar is so hard moreover compared to english.
but you live in Cali if im right, Im sure you will have plenty of opportunities to practice
03-26-2010 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
haha gl.
do you speak any other foreign language ?
Spanish grammar is so hard moreover compared to english.
but you live in Cali if im right, Im sure you will have plenty of opportunities to practice
"do you speak any other foreign language" = I am no., We can barely speak english.

I took Spanish for 6 years in Highschool and College, so I sort of have a foundation. I actually like the structure of the Romance languages compared to Germanic languages which has way too many rules with way too many exceptions to all those rules.

My parents both got a masters from the university of Madrid, and my Dad's first language is Italian. So they can all speak foreign languages, along with my wife who is half Mexican.
03-26-2010 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
haha gl.
do you speak any other foreign language ?
Spanish grammar is so hard moreover compared to english.
but you live in Cali if im right, Im sure you will have plenty of opportunities to practice
Quoi? Isn't the grammar of French, Spanish and Italian all based on latin and fairly regular? When I studied french years ago (all forgotten now) I thought the grammar and spelling was more logical than english, which is a mishmash of several disparate languages.

P.S. I love how brits have a practice of intentionally mispronouncing english words of french origin just to spite the french like "leff-tenant" for lieutenant
03-26-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
Quoi? Isn't the grammar of French, Spanish and Italian all based on latin and fairly regular? When I studied french years ago (all forgotten now) I thought the grammar and spelling was more logical than english, which is a mishmash of several disparate languages.

P.S. I love how brits have a practice of intentionally mispronouncing english words of french origin just to spite the french like "leff-tenant" for lieutenant
Italian is super easy to spell and pronounce words. There's almost always only one way to pronounce it.

However, there are about double the tenses. Even the use of basic tenses don't line up directly with English. When you add formal and informal language as well as masculine and feminine to nouns, it can get confusing. Italian is easier than French in that words that end in "a" are usually feminine and words that end in "e" or "o" are masculine. Unless it is plural, where a word ending in "e" is feminine. There are exceptions, since a pirate remains masculine, even though the word ends with an "a"
03-26-2010 , 01:21 PM
Yeah in French/Spanish whats hard is :
conjugation : 16 tenses, most used verbs are all irregulars and they are 3 differents groups of verbs which all conjuguate differently (and they are regular).
- spelling : lot of double consonants, we dont pronounce h but they still are there
- grammar : lot of irregularities, adjectives have a gender, spelling of compouned forms change according to their gender/role in the sentence

I learned both and spanish and english as foreign languages, Spanish was much easier at the start cause I could understand a lot, but its much harder to write flawlessly in Spanish than in English (like in English its I go you go he goes / I went you went he went, in spanish its yo voy tu vas el va / yo fui tu fuiste el fue but for the past it depends which kind of past, so really hard)

I frequently use a dictionnary when I have to write official stuff in French, and frankly 80% of the population makes huge mistakes in every sentence.
im always admirative of foreigners who speak french very well

and also a english speaker (females) have such a charming accent
03-26-2010 , 01:47 PM
By the way, if any of you old BSG fans haven't been watching 'Caprica' on SyFy, you should. It's been pretty interesting.
03-26-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
we dont pronounce h

ello ello, ow was your day?
03-26-2010 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
03-26-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by WJL
By the way, if any of you old BSG fans haven't been watching 'Caprica' on SyFy, you should. It's been pretty interesting.
Hey, is it in any way connected to BSG? I mean, I know its Caprica City and all, but are the stories connected in any way? Do we talk about Cylons, war, do we see the young Adama etc?

I am thinking of watching it, but I cant make up my mind. I am a BSG fan though
03-26-2010 , 03:25 PM
Oh and when it comes to the languages discussion, you should throw in Russian into the mix. I am a native Russian speaker, and I quit a Russian school over an english taught school, because I could not handle the Russian Language. (Had all A's and 1 B and E's for my Russian... and never really like the language too much)
03-26-2010 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by NewSkol
Oh and when it comes to the languages discussion, you should throw in Russian into the mix. I am a native Russian speaker, and I quit a Russian school over an english taught school, because I could not handle the Russian Language. (Had all A's and 1 B and E's for my Russian... and never really like the language too much)
Kak vaz zavut? Minyeh zavut Bikeovich.

(Russia 101 half-credit 20 years ago...that's pretty much all I've got left.)
03-26-2010 , 04:28 PM
Some turkish ppl call prostitutes "Natasha's", true story. They dont seem to like russians.
03-26-2010 , 04:32 PM
So I was just chilling with one of my roommates while watching tv and I mentioned that my sore throat has been killing me. He tells me he has really good cough drops so I obv ask him for some. The problem is that they're straight from China and all of the writing on them is in Cantonese (which my friend can't read). I take one and find out the hard way that they are coated in some novocaine-like substance so now I can't keep my mouth closed and I even managed to drool a bit on my desk while writing this post lol.
03-26-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by NewSkol
Hey, is it in any way connected to BSG? I mean, I know its Caprica City and all, but are the stories connected in any way? Do we talk about Cylons, war, do we see the young Adama etc?

I am thinking of watching it, but I cant make up my mind. I am a BSG fan though
It is connected to BSG both historically and personally. It looks like the story is going to be the origin of the Cylons, basically, and one of the main characters is Joseph Adama, father of William Adama. William is a young boy at this stage. I'm sure there will be other continuing characters that show up as the show evolves that we would know from the original series.

I just realized that the show has gone on break until the Fall, so catch up via the SyFy website.
03-26-2010 , 06:16 PM
I loved the recent BSG.

People keep telling me to watch Caprica.
03-26-2010 , 06:19 PM
i am taking spanish again now in college and i will say that the subjunctive seems far easier to me right now then it did in high school. even imperfect/preterite is far easier than it once was but it is one of the most ridiculous things. i am trying to think of something to contrast por and para with in english but i guess there really isn't that much. however, when i took french that proved to be an absolutely devastating headache solely because of pronunciation. it was nice to only have etre to worry about instead of ser and estar though.
03-26-2010 , 07:09 PM
At the moment I provide tutoring to the other trainees in our company since they have some serious leaks in school (job trainings here are a mix of work and school).
So in todays lesson we went over some accounting and I realized they have big leaks when it comes down to percentage calculation. The conversation was like this:

Me: OK, lets take an easy example. Just tell me what 25% of 100 is.
They: Oh, that is very difficult to say without a calculator.
Me: No, it is really simple math which you can do in your head.
*silence for 2 minutes*
They: We think it is a 1/4 of 100.
Me: Yeah, that is right. But how much is a 1/4 of 100?
*another 2 minutes of silence*
They: Is it 25%?
Me: Sure it is 25%. So now we know 25% is the same as 1/4. But what is the answer of my question?
*at this point I was near to bang my head on the table*
They (after 5 minutes of thinking): We guess 25% of 100 is 4...

Coming from a guy who got a F in his A-level in math (but still passed it) I was just shocked how careless people can get a job training in a accounting company...
03-26-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by ready 2 win
At the moment I provide tutoring to the other trainees in our company since they have some serious leaks in school (job trainings here are a mix of work and school).
So in todays lesson we went over some accounting and I realized they have big leaks when it comes down to percentage calculation. The conversation was like this:

Me: OK, lets take an easy example. Just tell me what 25% of 100 is.
They: Oh, that is very difficult to say without a calculator.
Me: No, it is really simple math which you can do in your head.
*silence for 2 minutes*
They: We think it is a 1/4 of 100.
Me: Yeah, that is right. But how much is a 1/4 of 100?
*another 2 minutes of silence*
They: Is it 25%?
Me: Sure it is 25%. So now we know 25% is the same as 1/4. But what is the answer of my question?
*at this point I was near to bang my head on the table*
They (after 5 minutes of thinking): We guess 25% of 100 is 4...

Coming from a guy who got a F in his A-level in math (but still passed it) I was just shocked how careless people can get a job training in a accounting company...
lol, awesome.

reminds of my freshman year of college math I wrote that 1/3 of 100 was 30 on a major test. I honestly laughed for about 20 minutes when i got the test back with a massive question mark and sad face pointing towards my calculation error
03-26-2010 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Vanguard
i am taking spanish again now in college and i will say that the subjunctive seems far easier to me right now then it did in high school. even imperfect/preterite is far easier than it once was but it is one of the most ridiculous things. i am trying to think of something to contrast por and para with in english but i guess there really isn't that much. however, when i took french that proved to be an absolutely devastating headache solely because of pronunciation. it was nice to only have etre to worry about instead of ser and estar though.
yeah por/para and ser/estar are ridic
03-26-2010 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by *Split*
lol, awesome.

reminds of my freshman year of college math I wrote that 1/3 of 100 was 30 on a major test. I honestly laughed for about 20 minutes when i got the test back with a massive question mark and sad face pointing towards my calculation error
Well, in the heat of a test that can happen. I mean like I said I am no math genius myself (not a plus for a poker player lol) but that was a really funny tutoring.

BTW do anybody know if I can edit vids recorded with Cam Studio? I made a hour long vid but its like ~900MB big.... Besides the fast the quailty is really low. I wish Camtasia would be not that expensive...

EDIT: Nevermind, I found a free ware tool which I think is what I need to resize the whole thing. I am just a tech noob

Last edited by ready 2 win; 03-26-2010 at 08:53 PM.
