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10-11-2009 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by thejumpoff
My god... the most gorgeous eyes IMO.
10-11-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
on the list of things that kill people terrorism is ranked about 887,688,485th. more people die from slipping in the shower than from terrorism, no joke.
Yea I know.

And gang violence doesn't kill more than 40-50 white people a year (it's probably a fraction of that number actually) in Chicago, but plenty of white people are scared of the gang violence, particularly people that live in areas where there have been no murders in years.
10-11-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
on the list of things that kill people terrorism is ranked about 887,688,485th. more people die from slipping in the shower than from terrorism, no joke.
Maybe..... terrorist dropped the soap they slipped on?!?!
10-11-2009 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by another_rack
I vote we change the 2nd amendment to legalize drugs. I think it would do more than any form of gun control to reduce violence in America.

It's a win win right?
you are correct, the legalization, regulation and taxation of all drugs would eliminate the black market which is the primary source of income for organized crime and the Taliban.

However that would be the smart thing to do, but it does not sound good in a Presidential slogan. People would rather hear how drugs are bad as they pop another xanax.
10-11-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
I really enjoy ChicagoRy's article about playing 25-50 level HUSNG and read some interesting stuff there. I find some articles at the sticker but I couldn't find the rest articles, and I have tried the search engine!!! can someone plz help me to find the rest of articles about playing 25-50 blind level HUSNG article?? thx

I didn't do the other articles, but I've written some other stuff.

I will also probably update that 25-50 article soon, there's some stuff in there I need to expand on, particularly the "no calling OOP" stuff. It's probably not bad advice for beginners, but I should expand on what you'll want to start doing as you improve and develop your post flop skills.
10-11-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Yea I know.

And gang violence doesn't kill more than 40-50 white people a year (it's probably a fraction of that number actually) in Chicago, but plenty of white people are scared of the gang violence, particularly people that live in areas where there have been no murders in years.
i remember one day my brother told me the police were more dangerous to us than the criminals, and i was shocked, but realized it was true. i had my house broken into by criminals and fought with them, and even with that, police have caused me more grief than criminals, and i didn't even break any laws!!(except speeding or random crap like that) just dealt with ahole cops.
10-11-2009 , 02:59 PM
thx.. looking forward to it
10-11-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i remember one day my brother told me the police were more dangerous to us than the criminals, and i was shocked, but realized it was true. i had my house broken into by criminals and fought with them, and even with that, police have caused me more grief than criminals, and i didn't even break any laws!!(except speeding or random crap like that) just dealt with ahole cops.
This is definitely true in many areas, unfortunately.
10-11-2009 , 03:22 PM
If guns are bad, why is Switzerland so good?

If guns people, spoons make people fat.

Easy game, ban spoons = no more fat ppl.
10-11-2009 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by checkm8
If guns are bad, why is Switzerland so good?

If guns people, spoons make people fat.

Easy game, ban spoons = no more fat ppl.
if u outlaw spoons, only outlaws will have spoons
10-11-2009 , 03:36 PM
You can't stop fat people from getting spoons. Spoon laws just keep skinny people skinny.
10-11-2009 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
the right of people to legally bear personal arms to form a militia if necessary to protect themselves from an enemy, foreign or domestic, is the most rudimentary understanding of the constitution and refuting it is a sign of ignorance and personal prejudice against weapons. There is a reason the first amendment is freedom of speech and the 2nd is the means by which to defend those freedoms.

My con law > > your con law

EDIT: this was in response to chicagory's first post but it didn't quote it in your post although we agree

PS: Barack Obama's title should officially be changed to Our Dear Leader Barack Obama and we should erect a 1000 foot gold statue of him
So tell me what other legitimate reason besides protecting property and hunting that you should be able to own guns for in the year 2009?
10-11-2009 , 03:53 PM
Ry, I hate to bud in here, but what reasons can you give for banning guns in 2009? Is it because they have the capability to kill people? That logic goes as far as you can spit..
10-11-2009 , 03:56 PM
i know i am in the minority here.... but i think guns should only be allowed if they are used for killing cops
10-11-2009 , 03:58 PM
10-11-2009 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by checkm8
If guns are bad, why is Switzerland so good?

If guns people, spoons make people fat.

Easy game, ban spoons = no more fat ppl.
Here's an explanation for Switzerland's stance on guns by the BBC.

Guns are deeply rooted within Swiss culture - but the gun crime rate is so low that statistics are not even kept.

The country has a population of six million, but there are estimated to be at least two million publicly-owned firearms, including about 600,000 automatic rifles and 500,000 pistols.

This is in a very large part due to Switzerland's unique system of national defence, developed over the centuries.

Instead of a standing, full-time army, the country requires every man to undergo some form of military training for a few days or weeks a year throughout most of their lives.

Between the ages of 21 and 32 men serve as frontline troops. They are given an M-57 assault rifle and 24 rounds of ammunition which they are required to keep at home.

Once discharged, men serve in the Swiss equivalent of the US National Guard, but still have to train occasionally and are given bolt rifles. Women do not have to own firearms, but are encouraged to.

Few restrictions

In addition to the government-provided arms, there are few restrictions on buying weapons. Some cantons restrict the carrying of firearms - others do not.

The government even sells off surplus weaponry to the general public when new equipment is introduced.

Guns and shooting are popular national pastimes. More than 200,000 Swiss attend national annual marksmanship competitions.

But despite the wide ownership and availability of guns, violent crime is extremely rare. There are only minimal controls at public buildings and politicians rarely have police protection.

Mark Eisenecker, a sociologist from the University of Zurich told BBC News Online that guns are "anchored" in Swiss society and that gun control is simply not an issue.

Some pro-gun groups argue that Switzerland proves their contention that there is not necessarily a link between the availability of guns and violent crime in society.

Low crime

But other commentators suggest that the reality is more complicated.

Switzerland is one of the world's richest countries, but has remained relatively isolated.

It has none of the social problems associated with gun crime seen in other industrialised countries like drugs or urban deprivation.

Despite the lack of rigid gun laws, firearms are strictly connected to a sense of collective responsibility.

From an early age Swiss men and women associate weaponry with being called to defend their country.
Also, none of us would ever think about bringing his assault rifle to a political rally, lol. I also don't think I was sober a single time when I had to go to my yearly firearms training

Also, sometimes you see 50 or so soldiers marching through the countryside or a city "training", no one even turns their heads apart from tourists. It's simply not an issue. And no one goes "omg the govenment is trying to control us"

I don't think tougher gun control is the solution, but rather looking after ALL your citizens. That means having a good educational system for EVERYONE, good healthcare, and good salaries accross the board. Happy people don't shoot other people...

All that has NOTHING to do with communism btw. We aren't a communist country. The US phobia with communism is ridiculous imo.

Last edited by Radeh; 10-11-2009 at 04:42 PM.
10-11-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by checkm8
Ry, I hate to bud in here, but what reasons can you give for banning guns in 2009? Is it because they have the capability to kill people? That logic goes as far as you can spit..
No, I think guns are fine for hunting and property protection.

Carrying laws are debatable, but I don't see how it's debatable that you should be allowed to carry an assault rifle in public (or ever need one).

30k or so people die every year from firearms. People who think anybody should be able to own and carry a gun for any reason like to live in a different world from reality.

Switzerland, as Radeh says, that sounds great. I'm very happy that their society can exist with such a high ownership/responsibility level of guns. But that's just not the reality in the United States, and it is proven every day, every week and every year.

Maybe the NRA needs to stop opposing background checks, wait periods and other important regulations. Maybe the US needs some sort of mandatory training that comes with owning a gun and needs to find better ways to limit the black market of illegal guns that are responsible for killing so many of those 30,000 people. The NRA won't have that though, their stance has always been "less regulations are good, more regulations are bad" regardless of the details, intent or effect.

Maybe you pro-gun guys live in a rural area where the difference between gun control and gun freedom is pretty minimal (therefore you see no need for restriction), but I've lived in a major city or in the suburbs of a major city my whole life, in wealthy, middle class and lower middle class areas.

Do you know how many times some idiot has cut me off them freaked out on the road? How many times I've witnessed random drunk people angrily harassing people? I don't want these people to have guns. There are way too many drugs (both legal and illegal) in this country and way too many poor people for us to have unfettered access to firearms.

If you live in a town of 30 people in the middle of nowhere, I don't expect you to want to restrict gun control in your area, but please, don't tell me it'll be safer in my city if everybody can own a gun without restrictions, training or the severity of the gun coming into question.
10-11-2009 , 04:54 PM
Just cracked open my criminology textbooks for this one, but:

While conservatives would have you believe that availability of firearms deters criminals and liberals would have you believe that gun control prevents violent people from getting a hold of them, neither are correct.

Whatever your moral/ethical beliefs on gun control, the empirical research done by sociologists indicates that, contrary to both right- and left-wing beliefs, gun control has no effect on violent crime. Whether a nation, state, or city permits the ownership of firearms correlates extremely weakly with the prevalence of gun violence and gun-related violence. This has held true across nation-state to nation-state comparisons, as well as within different jurisdictions within the US before and after gun control legislation was passed/removed.
10-11-2009 , 04:59 PM
Less guns more girls imo!

10-11-2009 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy

You're the same people that want to attack the ghettos, raise the prison sentences for drug use/gang affiliated crimes, yet don't want to provide the basic support to get these kids out of gangs and into something meaningful long term. So the problems keep happening.

But wow, thinking that somehow the US government is going to turn on 300 million people, and that somehow if the government turned on its own people and had the military to back them that citizens with hand guns would do anything other than get plowed down by heavy machine guns, drones, helicopters, planes and cruise ships (not to mention our oil supply would be cut of quickly, making us immobile), then you're nuts.

Less sci-fi, more reality, because holding these fear-prone beliefs scares others and causes the world much more harm. I know they are just ideas, but hitler had ideas too.

Our founding fathers are probably tossing in their graves.
just because you support the 2nd amendment... doesn't mean that you are for the war on drugs and increased prison sentences. most libertarians like myself are pro-second amendment and against the war on drugs and the prison industrial complex. in fact, if all drugs were legalized (like they should be in a free society)... i think there would be much less gun violence and criminals and therefore, fewer people in the prison system. a lot of crime and gang activity is directly related to the drug war.

so the war on drugs is a result of the government... and if we legalized freedom, that would mean that drugs would be legalized and most of the problems related to the war on drugs would vanish.

the government welfare programs have also raised the amount of poverty in the country... and that in combination with the drug war causes all these problems in the inner cities. if the government really wanted to help these poor people who are driven into the illegal drug trade industry... they would stop the inflation tax (a tax that hurts the poor more than anyone).. .they would stop welfare, they would reform the education system which really sucks at the moment, and they would stop undermining the economy with big government spending. so its the government that keeps these people in poverty, not guns and freedom. if the government didn't screw up the economy so badly, these poor kids with little education could still get good jobs and support a family like they did 40 or 50 years ago. it used to be that people with a high-school education could still get a good job and raise a family... but these days, you have to turn to the drug trade to make that kind of money since there really are not any other options for these people.

and you should also realize that most of the hard drugs in the USA are imported directly by the CIA, which is used to fund covert operations... like the assassinations of uncooperative south american leaders for instance. the US military is in Afghanistan guarding the poppy fields... and since the invasion of Afghanistan, the heroin production is WAY up.

and the US government has already turned against their own citizens. they committed terrorist attacks against their own people in order to justify a police state, foreign wars, and a bigger government. when elements within the US government plants bombs in three buildings and blows them up on live TV, killing nearly 3000 people, and then blaming arab "terrorists"... then it's fair to say that the government has already turned against the people and has become tyrannical.... and it is therefore the right of the American people to overthrow the government since it became a threat to their liberties.

so i would agree that the founding fathers are tossing in their graves... but they are tossing in their graves because of the things you (and most of the rest of the country) have said, not anything that true libertarians and patriots are saying.

i realize that you feel that it would be impossible for the American people to take back their government... but this is the same attitude that many people held in the 1700s... yet despite the seemingly impossible task, the American revolution defeated the powerful british army. and the american people were finally free from the british central bank (which was the primary reason for the american revolution).
10-11-2009 , 05:28 PM
also... as others have stated above... there are many countries in the world that have many more guns, but much less gun violence. therefore, i think it's pretty clear that the cause of gun violence in the United States is not due to the availability of guns.

in fact, i think that even if all guns were made illegal in the USA, there would still be a lot of gun violence because the criminals would still find ways to get guns.

and why are you so afraid of a citizen open-carrying an assault rifle in public? are you afraid that people might go on a shooting rampage or something? this obviously does not happen very often. and even if open-carrying was made illegal, that still wouldn't prevent some nut job from going on a shooting rampage anyways. it's not like there is a person who looks at the gun laws, decides to open-carry, and then makes the decision to go on a shooting rampage. if a person wanted to go on a shooting rampage, it's not like they're going to look at the gun laws and go "oh, it's illegal to open-carry... i better not go on that shooting rampage".

and even in a theoretical world where guns didn't exist, i just think people would murder each other in the USA with knives and crossbows instead.

so it's not the gun laws that cause all the murders in the US ... it's other factors like the war on drugs that is responsible for this.

but there are a lot of people who think all guns should be illegal and that anyone who owns a gun, must be forced to turn it in. and knowing the agenda of the US government and the new world order... the plan is to grab all the guns in the US and then institute martial law in the US where the slaves will be unable to rise up and defeat the police state. trust me... when the streets of the USA are being patrolled by private foreign mercenaries and a UN army of foreign troops... you'll wish that the 300 million Americans still had guns
10-11-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by sejje
You can't stop fat people from getting spoons. Spoon laws just keep skinny people skinny.
Fat people should not try and bend the spoons. That's impossible. Instead they should only try to realize the truth that there are no spoons.

Then they will see, that it is not the spoons that bend, it is only themselves.
10-11-2009 , 05:52 PM
If anyone of you's Japanese, please enlighten me why a lot of you guys like waving cats so much

Just got some Japanese takout ( Japanese food), and was greeted by around 25 waving cats at the restaurant.

They all looked like this:

@awesomoPOKERS: You spend too much time on ATS, no offense
10-11-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Radeh
If anyone of you's Japanese, please enlighten me why a lot of you guys like waving cats so much

Just got some Japanese takout ( Japanese food), and was greeted by around 25 waving cats at the restaurant.

They all looked like this:

@awesomoPOKERS: You spend too much time on ATS, no offense
I am not Japanese but I have heard it from news before that Japanese like waving cats so much because cats are quiet, smart and bring "good" luck in some ways.
10-11-2009 , 06:40 PM
what's ATS?
