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Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!)

08-28-2010 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by cowpig
What if two people are breakeven vs each other and both are super stubborn?

I'd be very interested in increasing min # of tables and # of hands though.
mandatory increase in stakes every xxxx hands? maybe set a number of hands per day that needs to be maintained once there are is only 1 match still going in a particular round?
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-28-2010 , 07:20 PM
I nitted up/folded last 300 hands and hung on against cowpig. I want to say that though I think it was pretty mandatory equity-wise for me to do that, I think this is gay as ****, and prob won't be doing another one of these unless we find some different rules that don't encourage this.

I'm not blaming anybody obv bc my initial thoughts were that this sounded great.

Last edited by LordRush; 08-28-2010 at 07:26 PM.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-28-2010 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by LordRush
I nitted up/folded last 300 hands and hung on against cowpig. I want to say that though I think it was pretty mandatory equity-wise for me to do that, I think this is gay as ****, and prob won't be doing another one of these unless we find some different rules that don't encourage this.

I'm not blaming anybody obv bc my initial thoughts were that this sounded great.
yep this is exactly how ive felt after both my matches
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-28-2010 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by LordRush
I nitted up/folded last 300 hands and hung on against cowpig. I want to say that though I think it was pretty mandatory equity-wise for me to do that, I think this is gay as ****, and prob won't be doing another one of these unless we find some different rules that don't encourage this.

I'm not blaming anybody obv bc my initial thoughts were that this sounded great.
one possible way to do this is instead of having matches last exactly 3000 hands, have a moderator randomize to between 2750-3250 and call the end of the match
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:13 AM
what about: person wins only if 2 conditions are met: min. 3k hands AND 5BI lead.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:19 AM
what u guys need to do is have matches where whoever quits 1st loses at like nl100, Id me in for this event, I will push someone through 4 days
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by NemoInDeniaL
what u guys need to do is have matches where whoever quits 1st loses at like nl100, Id me in for this event, I will push someone through 4 days
hahaha wow this +alot
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by NemoInDeniaL
what u guys need to do is have matches where whoever quits 1st loses at like nl100, Id me in for this event, I will push someone through 4 days
just incase anyone missed it
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:29 AM
coulda also make rules where you start at nl50 and each 24 hours you add a table and move up a level

so 5th day in would be 5 tabling ml50 nl100 nl200 nl400 nl1000 ect
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:32 AM
the whole moving up a level thing will dramatically restrict the crowd willing to play
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:33 AM
im up for any type of event that involves a last longer
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:36 AM
do it so you can never quit tables
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 02:44 AM
So are all semi-finalists confirmed?
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gary_Neville
So are all semi-finalists confirmed?
If so, let's get it on!
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 03:01 PM
why dont u just do mandatory raise on the button for X amount of hands with a $X buy out forfeit option or something
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 03:08 PM
I like the idea of having a mod or impartial party randomly end it, but think it should be a bigger range. Something like 2500-4500 hands. This seems fair
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
I like the idea of having a mod or impartial party randomly end it, but think it should be a bigger range. Something like 2500-4500 hands. This seems fair
This seems like the best idea.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
I like the idea of having a mod or impartial party randomly end it, but think it should be a bigger range. Something like 2500-4500 hands. This seems fair
this does seam really good.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by LordRush
this does seam really good.
I like it. If all four people agree, we can even do this for the semifinals.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I like it. If all four people agree, we can even do this for the semifinals.
I like/confirm/agree.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:33 PM
So when does the impartial judge decide how many hands to end it? If it was randomly predetermined before hand, I don't see how it matters though?

I'd prefer the tournament structure to stay as it is just so we finish it like we started.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:41 PM
hmmm LordRush2 and I might start playing some hands now if thats okay.

Also since no one responded to my crossbooking request, I'm just gonna go ahead and play assuming its off.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:46 PM
Iamalagtard and I are starting soon and will play the 3k hands rather than a mod randomizing 2500-4500 bc he prefers to play 3k and I have no problem following the original rules.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gary_Neville
So when does the impartial judge decide how many hands to end it? If it was randomly predetermined before hand, I don't see how it matters though?

I'd prefer the tournament structure to stay as it is just so we finish it like we started.
Basically, I'll randomize the number of hands through, and keep that number to myself (maybe PM it to Nemo or something so that there is a clear record and no way that I can change it, etc). You guys just play, unaware of how many hands are left in your game. Keep me updated on how many hands you've played, and when you hit the pre-determined number, I'll let you guys know that the match is over, and to only count the first, say, 3224 hands for the purpose of this challenge.

I like rum's idea of 2500-4500 hand range. Any small range and it's not that big of a difference, and plus, for the money rounds, playing 500 more hands (on average) sounds reasonable.

We could also do it where you have to play out the 4500 hands and THEN I'll tell you if the limit was actually only 2625, because then there will really be no "folding to a win" dynamic (in the other system, if it's been 4100 hands gone and I still haven't told you your match is over, you can know that the match is still going and will take no longer than 400 hands), but that might be kind of annoying having to play so many more hands than required.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by LordRush
Iamalagtard and I are starting soon and will play the 3k hands rather than a mod randomizing 2500-4500 bc he prefers to play 3k and I have no problem following the original rules.

If we want to do it for the finals/3rd place match we can.
Knockout tournament 200nl FTP (16 players, 0 buy-in. Congratulations Gary_Neville!) Quote
