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Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer

09-23-2011 , 02:46 AM
I'm guessing there's not going to be any resolution to this is there, or any statement of findings.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-26-2011 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by Gareth888poker View Post
"Hi all,

As a Director at 888 and acquaintance to several of you, I want to update you with what actions are being taken by 888poker to look into this investigation. 888poker takes all fraud/collusion reports very seriously and have rigorous protocols to address any possible fraudulent activity that is reported. In regard to the activities highlighted in this thread, 888poker is looking into all the reported allegations and all parties determined affected will be notified individually of what actions are being taken.

888poker protocol is as follows:
• All accounts that are proven to be part of fraudulent activity have and/or will be blocked and the owners of those accounts will be notified. *Some accounts are still pending further investigation before final action will be taken
• Any funds that remain in Blocked accounts will be held
• If any game wins/losses are determined fraudulent, adequate compensation to effected players will be made if applicable.

To uphold the anonymity of all parties involved, further details of accounts, players and etc. cannot be publically reported. If 888poker determines that your account has been involved or effected, you will be notified directly.

I would like to thank all our players for alerting us about their concerns and we will continue to take all reports seriously and take appropriate action.

Gareth Edwards, Director at 888poker"

What i dont get: This 888-Director is posting here weeks ago that they take it very serious. In the meantime the evidence for colluding presented jaytorr is huge. 888 can even see folded hands but they just stay quiet. They could at least make a statement about the results of their fraud team.
To make it easier for you Mr. Edwards, please answer the following questions:

1. What are the results of your investigation?
2. Is dooshcoms account still frozen?
3. Is Darren Woods still a sponsored 888-Pro?

p.s.: Its also great to see, that salamdolphie is back on ipoker. Watched him playing high stakes fl heads up. And hes plays the exact same style than doosh.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-26-2011 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by MalteseFalcon
What i dont get: This 888-Director is posting here weeks ago that they take it very serious. In the meantime the evidence for colluding presented jaytorr is huge. 888 can even see folded hands but they just stay quiet. They could at least make a statement about the results of their fraud team.
To make it easier for you Mr. Edwards, please answer the following questions:

1. What are the results of your investigation?
2. Is dooshcoms account still frozen?
3. Is Darren Woods still a sponsored 888-Pro?

p.s.: Its also great to see, that salamdolphie is back on ipoker. Watched him playing high stakes fl heads up. And hes plays the exact same style than doosh.
They won't make the results of the investigation public and unless doosh did something really dumb like fold KK vs AA I doubt they do anything at all.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-26-2011 , 06:45 AM
Just one thing I did not get: on how many hands is based all you data Jaytorr?
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by jaytorr

I posted earlier in the thread about the lack of actual cheating evidence in the OP, and suggested that if collusion occurred, it was probably by one colluder folding hands preflop when the other has a good hand.

Feruell contacted me and sent me an export of his database with the suspects' hands. I also sent an email to Dooshcom after he posted and offered to look at his hands in case he wanted to clear his name. He has not replied.

The Suspects

Dooshcom, benkaremail, liverfc123, benhamcheese are the suspects per OP. There is circumstantial evidence suggesting that the latter three are the same person, including benhamcheese showing up at 500-1000 5 mins after liverfc123 busted. I defer to Feruell on this evidence.

The analysis groups all four suspects and will be hereafter referred to as "Team". However, I would like to note that Dooshcom/benkaremail's hands are about 80% of the sample, so the statistical power of the following analysis applies mostly to those two players. I will follow up with another post looking at benhamcheese and liverfc123 individually. For now, I'll say they show the same pattern but on a smaller sample size.

The Analysis

I used the following approach in looking for evidence of collusion:

1) Filter for hands when a player has (77+, ATo+, ATs+, KQs) in the SB or BB and look at how often another player opens before him from the Button or Cutoff. The following splits were compared:

(a) Team player in BU/CO opening PFR* vs Team player in SB/BB
(b) Team player in BU/CO opening PFR* vs Everyone Else (not a Team member) in SB/BB
(c) Everyone Else in BU/CO opening PFR* vs Anyone in SB/BB . This last one is not necessary to reach a conclusion, but it's nice to have.

2) Filter for hands when a player saw Showdown in SB or BB. These are not all premium hands, but they are stronger than a random hand. Again, look at opening PFR* from another player in BU or CO.
- Same splits as above

* Important Technical Note: Filtering for SB/BB holecards biases the sample in a way that affects the observed BU/CO opening PFR. For this reason I am labeling the observed value PFR* to distinguish it from "true PFR". See note (i) below. That being said, we can still do apples-apples comparisons between the PFR* resulting from the 3 splits above.


The chart below shows the results for the case where the SB/BB has a premium hand. Notice that Team PFR* when another Team member holds the premium hand in the SB/BB is less than half of that when a non-Team member holds the premium hand. The results for the Button are statistically significant at the p < 0.0001 level. The Cutoff results are not statistically significant due to small sample size. (ii)

More Detailed Results

The following table shows the data used in the above chart, with sample sizes included. It has additional splits, Doosh vs Team and Team vs Doosh. This is to show that it didn't matter whether Doosh was the one opening the BU/CO or viceversa, they both have a low opening PFR* when the other has a good hand in the blinds.

It also shows an "Inferred PFR" - This is an estimate of the true PFR from PFR*, which depends on the opening/calling frequencies of the players that act after the BU/CO. I used the regulars' frequencies for the purpose of this estimate. It gives an idea of the players' actual PFR. Note that we estimate that the Team was opening < 20% from the button when their buddy had a premium hand in the BB. Their overall button opening PFR was 46%.

Compare the "Team vs Team" and "Team vs Everyone Else" rows in the table below. The p value refers to a statistical comparison between those two rows.

Lastly, below are the results when the buddy had any hand that went to showdown in the SB/BB. It still shows the same pattern, statistically significant for all cases except CO vs BB which has too few samples. This suggests that the collusion was not limited to the most premium hands.

Note that estimating the true PFR in this case is more complicated. The inferred PFR is not always smaller than PFR*, as was the case when we filtered by premium hands. If anyone's interested in the technical details, let me know.

That's it for now, I think this is conclusive, more to come later.

CLIFFS: Dooshcom and team were opening about half the normal amount when a buddy had a premium hand in the blinds.

(i) The easiest way to see this is to imagine that the BB has a premium hand, and will always play as a result. When the BU/CO raise all-in, the BB will call and all those hands are in the sample. Likewise when the BU/CO fold but another player puts BB all-in. However, when all players fold to the BB, the hand doesn't go to showdown and is not included in the filtered sample. Thus the sample PFR* in this case will be higher than the true PFR since it doesn't include those times when BU/CO folded and the hand didn't go to showdown.

(ii) I'm not a stastician, but I googled around and used the tests on the following web page, which seemed to be the right tests to use. The proportions compared were the Team's PFR* when a buddy had a good hand in the SB/BB vs the same stat when the good hand is held by someone else.
Or it could be a reflection of a 50 hand sample not being large enough to be representative of any kind of larger sample, especially an equally small 300 hand sample. Your stats are ****ing ******ed, poorly explained, and have laughably small sample sizes. I know what a p-test is, but I have no idea what you are doing here. I could understand you doing an ANOVA to analyze the data, but this p-test bull**** is beyond ******ed. You did the statistics wrong. Sorry buddy.

Also saying since "statistics" proves that they did cheat it must be true isn't a good argument. If they do poor statistics, incorrect statistics, or don't know how to do statistics then all they really prove is they suck at math.

I just want to bang my head against the wall. Your first post is (a) very unconvincing (b) clearly well refuted by the guy being accused, and then you choose to (c) post NEW evidence that COULD be correct. Christ do you just get unlimited shots at proving a guy is a scammer?

I seriously think something has to be said for providing a coherent and convincing argument to begin with. Starting off weak as hell, and then trying to improve is ridiculous. Now you're just hoping he says something "off" so that you can use that as evidence.

Sigh, seriously I think you fail at this one. Obviously I feel no need to go figure out what the proper statistics is for this scenario. I would rather wait and do statistics on stuff that is pertinent to my life.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:28 AM
Look at a list of all the hands in pokerstove. It gives a 13x13 table, which means 169 different "hands". Although it isn't really different "hands", as the frequency is off. Truth is that there are actually numerous ways to get "A2o", and there are many more hands. However, I won't even bother calculating how many actual hands their are, because it becomes incredibly obvious from an even cursory glance that it is impossible to have a sample of 50 "hands" representative of a population consisting of 169 different "hands".
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit
Look at a list of all the hands in pokerstove. It gives a 13x13 table, which means 169 different "hands". Although it isn't really different "hands", as the frequency is off. Truth is that there are actually numerous ways to get "A2o", and there are many more hands. However, I won't even bother calculating how many actual hands their are, because it becomes incredibly obvious from an even cursory glance that it is impossible to have a sample of 50 "hands" representative of a population consisting of 169 different "hands".
This isn't how it works. There may be 169 possible hands and 1352 combinations (52*51/2) but there are only 2 relevant categories: shove or fold. If you're supposed to see shove somewhat over half the time but instead you see it closer to a quarter of the time, that's very meaningful even over a sample of 50 hands (actually they have 94 hands when you count both doosh vs team and team vs doosh for button hands, which is what I think you're talking about).

If a random number generator is supposed to choose a number uniformly distributed between 0 and 10,000 and 75 of it's first 100 outputs are under 5000, something weird is probably going on. The fact that there were 10,000 possibilities doesn't make this scenario any different from losing 75/100 coinflips.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by ike
This isn't how it works. There may be 169 possible hands and 1352 combinations (52*51/2) but there are only 2 relevant categories: shove or fold. If you're supposed to see shove somewhat over half the time but instead you see it closer to a quarter of the time, that's very meaningful even over a sample of 50 hands (actually they have 94 hands when you count both doosh vs team and team vs doosh for button hands, which is what I think you're talking about).

If a random number generator is supposed to choose a number uniformly distributed between 0 and 10,000 and 75 of it's first 100 outputs are under 5000, something weird is probably going on. The fact that there were 10,000 possibilities doesn't make this scenario any different from losing 75/100 coinflips.
Alright, so you're anology doesn't fully fit. I agree you CAN prove with a sample that something is highly unlikely to be true, or likely to be true. However, I'm not convinced he did the math/statistics part of the problem correctly. From an outside glance they look incorrect. What you are missing is VARIANCE. The variance of a 20 hand sample will be larger than a 50 hand sample will be larger than a 100 hand sample etc. etc. So directly comparing the means of two samples that are fundamentally different in size, and thus variance, is not valid.

It's like saying because I sat down at a poker table today, played 100 hands, and made 100 bucks. Then I sat down at a poker table tomorrow, played 300 hands, and only made 20 bucks. Then I compare these two samples and conclude that it is highly unlikely I should have expected to only make 20 bucks the second time. I don't see how what he's doing is much different from that (literally, he's using samples that are very comparative for each positional play to what I'm using in my example, and making similar conclusions). You also cannot say that because everyone else made either 50 bucks, or lost 50 bucks, that I was cheated. That doesn't work either.

Last edited by nitwitnit; 09-27-2011 at 12:06 PM.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:02 PM
So all those nice charts are from a 50 hand sample? and everyone accept that as conclusive evidence?? come on this is ridiculous.

Am I the only one that find his rebuttal with hand history examples more convincing that this statistical analysis?

Last edited by Zaghomat; 09-27-2011 at 01:09 PM.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Zaghomat
So all those nice charts are from a 50 hand sample? and everyone accept that as conclusive evidence?? come on this is ridiculous.
How about you read the chart and understand what it says before you complain? The "50 hands" the guy is talking about refers to 48 instances of the action folding to doosh on the button when his alleged confederate is in the big blind and ends up showing down a hand 77+, AT+, KQs.

This is only one set of data gathered out of a sample of thousands of hands.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by ike
How about you read the chart and understand what it says before you complain? The "50 hands" the guy is talking about refers to 48 instances of the action folding to doosh on the button when his alleged confederate is in the big blind and ends up showing down a hand 77+, AT+, KQs.

This is only one set of data gathered out of a sample of thousands of hands.
That change things, but I can't find any reference in the Jaytorr post about that (48 occurences based on xxxx hands)
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:30 PM
Man could all the people without a clue of statistics please leave it to the people who know what they are talking about ?!

Yes it is only 50 hands, yes there is no reference in jaytorr's post about that, YES it is obvious that these 50 hands are taken from a much bigger sample, obvious to anyone who played around a little bit with his HEM-filters, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see that.

The data is pointing very strong in the direction that OP has stated.
Like Ike said, if you flip a fair coin 50 times you expect to see heads around 25 times. If heads comes up 20 times or 30 times, oh well. If it comes up 12 times, chances are good you didn't flip the coin fair to begin with.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit
Alright, so you're anology doesn't fully fit. I agree you CAN prove with a sample that something is highly unlikely to be true, or likely to be true. However, I'm not convinced he did the math/statistics part of the problem correctly. From an outside glance they look incorrect. What you are missing is VARIANCE. The variance of a 20 hand sample will be larger than a 50 hand sample will be larger than a 100 hand sample etc. etc. So directly comparing the means of two samples that are fundamentally different in size, and thus variance, is not valid.

It's like saying because I sat down at a poker table today, played 100 hands, and made 100 bucks. Then I sat down at a poker table tomorrow, played 300 hands, and only made 20 bucks. Then I compare these two samples and conclude that it is highly unlikely I should have expected to only make 20 bucks the second time. I don't see how what he's doing is much different from that (literally, he's using samples that are very comparative for each positional play to what I'm using in my example, and making similar conclusions). You also cannot say that because everyone else made either 50 bucks, or lost 50 bucks, that I was cheated. That doesn't work either.
I'm not certain the analysis is right. I'm not a statistician and I haven't tried to to reproduce jaytorr's results.

However, your criticism is uninformed and misguided. Your concerns about how much variation in outcomes can be expected over a given sample are addressed in the analysis. Jaytorr concludes:

Originally Posted by jaytorr

The chart below shows the results for the case where the SB/BB has a premium hand. Notice that Team PFR* when another Team member holds the premium hand in the SB/BB is less than half of that when a non-Team member holds the premium hand. The results for the Button are statistically significant at the p < 0.0001 level. The Cutoff results are not statistically significant due to small sample size. (ii)

In other words, if doosh and his confederate play against eachother as everyone else in the field plays against everyone else on average, the probably that the numbers for their button play would differ from the expectation by at least the amount that they do is less than .0001.

Here is how measures of statistical significance work:

Again, I'm not enough of an expert and haven't looked at the data closely enough to be certain he's doing everything right, but the problems you're pointing out are not the issue. If he's making a mistake it is a more subtle one than "failing to account for variance," and nothing like making a conclusion about a cash game winrate based on 100 hands.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:28 PM

If you don't understand the statistics, and they aren't shown, why are you arguing about it man and citing wikipedia of all things.

You can't just apply all statistical tests to all situations. He has to show the math. It also has to be correct. Statistics are only as good as the assumptions they lie upon. If his assumptions are ****ty, then they aren't worth anything, especially if he applies the wrong formulas/analysis to the wrong data.

If the statistics are done incorrectly, they don't prove anything. It's not any more complicated than that.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit

If you don't understand the statistics, and they aren't shown, why are you arguing about it man and citing wikipedia of all things.

You can't just apply all statistical tests to all situations. He has to show the math. It also has to be correct. Statistics are only as good as the assumptions they lie upon. If his assumptions are ****ty, then they aren't worth anything, especially if he applies the wrong formulas/analysis to the wrong data.

If the statistics are done incorrectly, they don't prove anything. It's not any more complicated than that.
He has shown the math and it is correct. If it's not correct, then tell people specifically where and why it's incorrect instead of making vague generalizations about something you don't understand.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:36 PM
Looking at the p-values there is, for sure, a ****load of hands behind this data.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:45 PM
sigh, my god.

Ok guys, you have a sample of 1000 of something, then you look at only a select 100 of that sample. In that 100 sample, do you have:

(1) A sample of 100 data poitns
(2) A sample of 1000 data points

The fact it takes 1000's of hands to get your sample of 50, does not mean that the sample of 50 reflects 1000's of hands of accuracy. It's still inaccurate.

If you want to go find statistics for autistic kids, you go out in the population and screen only for autistic kids. If your success rate of finding an autistic kid is 1 in 10, that has absolute no bearing on ANY conclusion you draw from whatever statistics you did.

Plug the total combos of hands into this calculator:

Sample of 1352 hands, 50 given. You'll see that the error percents are in the 10% range. Of course to do this reliably, you should be doing the underlying math. Again, I'm lazy, you guys aren't paying me, I'm not doing any statistics for free for you.

I'm not saying he did or didn't cheat, or that prehaps there is or isn't anything there. I am saying the math shown sucks, needs to be better displayed, and probably redone.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by piranha
He has shown the math and it is correct. If it's not correct, then tell people specifically where and why it's incorrect instead of making vague generalizations about something you don't understand.
All he's shown are tables and p-values, with sample statistics that are highly questionable. He's the one trying to prove something, not me. The burden of proof is on him, not me.

Stuff off the top of my head we should know that he isn't showing:
(1) a calculation involving numbers
(2) what kind of distribution he's doing
(3) any underlying assumptions he's made

I could go on. This is a waste of my time. Show your math.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit
All he's shown are tables and p-values, with sample statistics that are highly questionable. He's the one trying to prove something, not me. The burden of proof is on him, not me.

Stuff off the top of my head we should know that he isn't showing:
(1) a calculation involving numbers
(2) what kind of distribution he's doing
(3) any underlying assumptions he's made

I could go on. This is a waste of my time. Show your math.
In other words you can't specifically refute a single thing that JayTorr has posted.

It is a waste of your time, and everyone else, if you're going to question the proof that's been shown and back up your assumptions with absolutely nothing.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit
(1) a calculation involving numbers
He provided that.

(2) what kind of distribution he's doing
The binomial distribution of course. What else would you use for the number of hits on a series of fixed probability events?

(3) any underlying assumptions he's made
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:28 PM
I took this from wikipedia, feel free to validate it somewhere else:

The chi-squared distribution is used in the common chi-squared tests for goodness of fit of an observed distribution to a theoretical one, the independence of two criteria of classification of qualitative data, and in confidence interval estimation for a population standard deviation of a normal distribution from a sample standard deviation. Many other statistical tests also use this distribution, like Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks.

The chi-squared distribution is a special case of the gamma distribution.

The highlighted is my problem. He cites using chi squared at the end of his post for comparing the data.

I agree that binomial looks like a valid way to look at the data. One may be able to use the gamma distribution to prove it.

Anyhow, I don't want to be the guy verifying that the statistics is correct. I'm just saying from the outside that it doesn't look to be correct. If someone of reasonable credibility (in the statistics field not poker field) says they were done correctly, fine. If you want to show all the math, then fine as well. But just saying here look at these statistics, trust me, after giving such a wishy-washy first accusation doesn't really work.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit

If you don't understand the statistics, and they aren't shown, why are you arguing about it man and citing wikipedia of all things.

You can't just apply all statistical tests to all situations. He has to show the math. It also has to be correct. Statistics are only as good as the assumptions they lie upon. If his assumptions are ****ty, then they aren't worth anything, especially if he applies the wrong formulas/analysis to the wrong data.

If the statistics are done incorrectly, they don't prove anything. It's not any more complicated than that.
I do understand the statistics. I'm just sufficiently humble and self-aware to acknowledge that I'm not an expert, and I haven't independently reproduced jaytorr's results, so there's a chance there's a mistake in there that I'm missing.

You, on the other hand, have no idea what you're talking about and keep misusing technical terms. You should probably be done with this thread.

p.s. wikipedia entries on basic math concepts tend to be very good.

Last edited by ike; 09-27-2011 at 04:52 PM.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by nitwitnit
I took this from wikipedia, feel free to validate it somewhere else:
I don't know why you're bringing that up, and it's completely unrelated.

Anyhow, I don't want to be the guy verifying that the statistics is correct. I'm just saying from the outside that it doesn't look to be correct. If someone of reasonable credibility (in the statistics field not poker field) says they were done correctly, fine.
It takes about five seconds to check these numbers. You don't even need any math background or to do any work at all. You just google for a binomial distribution calculator and plug in the numbers. I did this as soon as I saw the results, as I'm sure many other people did--people who didn't make 50 posts in this thread saying how they think the results are wrong. Those people didn't make those 50 posts because it's trivially correct.

Try it for yourself: . The chance for the first result that he presented happening randomly is 1.7 * 10^-9, or about one in 600M.

If you want to show all the math, then fine as well. But just saying here look at these statistics, trust me, after giving such a wishy-washy first accusation doesn't really work.
He's not the same person who made the accusation...
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 06:12 PM
Sorry, but I don't think its right to look at it this way, (I am not talking about ike here)

This is akin to the type of arguements that rigtard make (what is the chance that the flop comes exactly 234 when I have kings and the other guy has A5) oh my god if I put that in a binomial calc it gives back a crazy number! Sure, but so does for every other hand.
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
09-27-2011 , 06:27 PM
Yeah like the first analysis is using which talks about Phi coefficients, chi-square tests, and fischer probablities, while the second analysis by noah is using the binomial distribution. It's not that big of a leap for me to say look, you guys are using 4 different things, getting wonky numbers, and not making a ton of sense from a math point of view, maybe you should show your work.

I'll play around with the binomial stuff for a bit longer, because I think you MAY be using the correct distribution. Honestly I'm still not convinced.

Saying "oh this is trivial everybody did it no problem" is bull****. I have an engineering degree, I'm doing a thesis, I've taken 5 courses on statistics, done a lot of math, and marked statistics for a class. I can tell you this doesn't make a ton of sense to me what's going on, and I wouldn't call my background "glaringly weak" in the area of statistics. I think its confusing because its displayed in a confusing manner, but to someone without any background they could just be like "yup, those graphs look pretty, something something chi squared, sure lets call him a cheater".
Allegations that Darren Woods also known as Dooshcom on 888 poker is a cheater and a scammer Quote
