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1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board 1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board

11-07-2011 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by lima
Is this your perceived C/R range for the villain? And you assume that he is shipping the flop with this whole range, right?
yes i guess that is what I think people c/r on this board that they are "happy" to continue with. And yes, if he c/r the flop with these hands and gets 3 bet I think he will jam them. Please tell me why anyone would c/r the flop and then flat any of these hands to a 3 bet? So that their opponent can take 2 cards off to beat them? Are they just c/r'ing for no reason, just to be like "crap, he 3 bet me, now what do i do?"

And just lol at you implying that you will play perfectly on the turn and river with 65. What are you going to do on all of these turn cards? Any 6(3), 7(3), 8(3), 9(3), T(4), J(4), Heart(6). That's 26 cards that are awful, AKA more than half of the deck.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by lima

The reason why most people who posted in this thread are so easy to play against is because their Flop 3betting range here is exactly JT. I am 100% sure they aren't 3betting any other hand and I am 100% sure they are 3betting JT. They don't even think about 3betting anything else or flatting JT. They can argue whatever they want and call me whatever they want, but it's true.
ding ding
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by lima
No, WE won't be clueless. YOU will be clueless. I already explained everything many times, but obviously some people are just not able to understand most concepts. Don't feel bad about it.

I'm gonna comment the rest of your post when I find the post with your c/r range.
You have explained absolutely nothing, other than we fold out c/r bluffs on the flop that have some equity vs us. Even though all of those hands are prime candidates to make big mistakes on the turn and river.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
You have explained absolutely nothing, other than we fold out c/r bluffs on the flop that have some equity vs us. Even though all of those hands are prime candidates to make big mistakes on the turn and river.
What C/R-bluffs are you talking about? I never said that he has complete bluffs or that I want him to fold bluffs.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp

And just lol at you implying that you will play perfectly on the turn and river with 65. What are you going to do on all of these turn cards? Any 6(3), 7(3), 8(3), 9(3), T(4), J(4), Heart(6). That's 26 cards that are awful, AKA more than half of the deck.
I'm sure I'll play the turn the way that my flop C/R is more +EV than C/C. It's not even that hard since you're losing so much value by not C/R-ing flop there.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by lima
So what you are saying is that he folds all other possible 65s, 77, T8s, T9s, J9s, T7s, 96s, Axhh etc when we 3bet flop? And you're still not 3betting it? lol
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp

These are value hands and semibluffs...
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by lima

The reason why most people who posted in this thread are so easy to play against is because their Flop 3betting range here is exactly JT. I am 100% sure they aren't 3betting any other hand and I am 100% sure they are 3betting JT. They don't even think about 3betting anything else or flatting JT. They can argue whatever they want and call me whatever they want, but it's true.
You're making some decent arguments for 3betting and I'm sure its not 'horrific' like I implied earlier on. I do think you're over estimating how important it is to have a wider flop 3betting range.

The thing is, you've played 85 hands with this guy and who knows how much you're going to be playing against him in the future. There's tones of situations in poker where its just going to be really obvious that you have a ridiculously strong hand given the action, but that doesn't mean that you should just widen you're range in certain spots just so it makes you harder to play against. I mean, its like saying if you're getting in 1,000 bbs in with just AA you're a fish who's easy to play against.

Its not cool being a big nit and just 3betting here with TJ but adding in a couple of combo draws isn't going to drastically change his perception of you in the future. The guy you're playing with doesn't know what you're exact range here is anyway.

Last edited by _jimbo_; 11-07-2011 at 11:50 AM.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by _jimbo_
You're making some decent arguments for 3betting and I'm sure its not 'horrific' like I implied earlier on. I do think you're over estimating how important it is to have a wider flop 3betting range.

The thing is, you've played 85 hands with this guy and who knows how much you're going to be playing against him in the future. There's tones of situations in poker where its just going to be really obvious that you have a ridiculously strong hand given the action, but that doesn't mean that you should just widen you're range in certain spots just so it makes you harder to play against. I mean, its like saying if you're getting in 1,000 bbs in with just AA you're a fish who's easy to play against.

Its not cool being a big nit and just 3betting here with TJ but adding in a couple of combo draws isn't going to drastically change his perception of you in the future. The guy you're playing with doesn't know what you're exact range here is anyway.
This is partially true and I didn't say flatting is horrific. As you may very well know, 100NL players can play at 5knl table with 4 regs and 1 fish being supernits and make money. Therefore it's obviously ok to be unbalanced.

But yes, I think it's bad to 5bet then 7bet then 9bet (or however it goes with 1000bb stacks) with AA (and only AA) 1000BB deep.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by lima
The only merit in calling would be to bluff him off flushdraws if he checks following streets (if we have the read that he'll check when he misses), bluff him off JT if board pairs (wishful thinking that he'll checking and folding).
It must hurt to find out you are actually wrong again.

So of the range I gave him there are 11 combos of hands, 10 made hands, 1 semi bluff. We have the Th so he can't have it, that leaves AJhh. You are saying there is merit in calling the flop to bluff him off of AJhh if hearts miss? That's 1/11 that happens.

Then you said it's wishful thinking that he will check and fold his made hands when a bad card falls. If that's the case, then we have implied odds with our FD and OESD. He will probably continue with the hope of filling up on the river. Then we have additional bluffing equity against those hands that will bet the turn and c/f the river unimproved or that will c/c the turn and c/f the river unimproved.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by lima
This is partially true and I didn't say flatting is horrific. As you may very well know, 100NL players can play at 5knl table with 4 regs and 1 fish being supernits and make money. Therefore it's obviously ok to be unbalanced.

But yes, I think it's bad to 5bet then 7bet then 9bet (or however it goes with 1000bb stacks) with AA (and only AA) 1000BB deep.
Alright fair enough, at NL100/NL200, they're not messing around after 8bets. Must be different at NL5000.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by _jimbo_
Alright fair enough, at NL100/NL200, they're not messing around after 8bets. Must be different at NL5000.
lol, you don't even get the start of it
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by lima
lol, you don't even get the start of it
Honestly dude, I don't know why you're getting pissed at me, my posts were fairly courteous. I'll leave you to it, I'm going to go off on one of my deepstacked NL5K bumhunting sessions, only this time I'm getting it in light

Last edited by _jimbo_; 11-07-2011 at 07:23 PM.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:28 PM
Lima even though I'm not sure I agree about all of your assumptions (that typically players will checkraise-call more much more than than they checkraise-shove making this hand a 3bet), it is clear that you "get it."

I used to find myself in the situation you are in now pretty often on these forums. My intentions were always to help and I'd usually only post when most of the advice was flawed so I'd be the dissenting opinion. But once people start "LOLing" and saying your posts are horrible, it becomes hard to let it slide when not only do you know you are correct, you can see their viewpoint clearly and you can see why they are wrong and why they can't understand why you are right. What often happens is your intentions change from just wanting to help to having to defend yourself and it plays out like this thread.

Since most people are so fixed on their viewpoint, the only way you will convince them is if you do the arduous math that is irrefutable, but that is obviously not going to happen. So it's best to just shrug your shoulders and let it go if people don't want to explore why they're wrong.

Now if you're posting to stroke your ego by showing you are smarter than everyone, that's also clearly a waste of time.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Lima even though I'm not sure I agree about all of your assumptions (that typically players will checkraise-call more much more than than they checkraise-shove making this hand a 3bet), it is clear that you "get it."

I used to find myself in the situation you are in now pretty often on these forums. My intentions were always to help and I'd usually only post when most of the advice was flawed so I'd be the dissenting opinion. But once people start "LOLing" and saying your posts are horrible, it becomes hard to let it slide when not only do you know you are correct, you can see their viewpoint clearly and you can see why they are wrong and why they can't understand why you are right. What often happens is your intentions change from just wanting to help to having to defend yourself and it plays out like this thread.

Since most people are so fixed on their viewpoint, the only way you will convince them is if you do the arduous math that is irrefutable, but that is obviously not going to happen. So it's best to just shrug your shoulders and let it go if people don't want to explore why they're wrong.

Now if you're posting to stroke your ego by showing you are smarter than everyone, that's also clearly a waste of time.
I would love if somebody would do said math. I find that this thread has become difficult to follow and understand correctly. Maybe I'll have to take some time on the weekend and try to figure it out.

It also seems to me that the villain having a flop check/raise/call range which he would fold to turn barrels is important for hero to be 3betting the flop.

While I was playing the hand I did not think villain would really have much of a flop check/raise/call range. I didn't think he'd have much of a flop check/raise/fold range either.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-08-2011 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I would love if somebody would do said math. I find that this thread has become difficult to follow and understand correctly. Maybe I'll have to take some time on the weekend and try to figure it out.

It also seems to me that the villain having a flop check/raise/call range which he would fold to turn barrels is important for hero to be 3betting the flop.

While I was playing the hand I did not think villain would really have much of a flop check/raise/call range. I didn't think he'd have much of a flop check/raise/fold range either.
Did this rather quickly ,so may have errors but this is what I came up with:

On the flop, there is $92.00 in the pot, Hero bets $73.00 and Villain raises to $193.50. Hero calls $120.50. The pot is $479. In this scenario, hero needs 25.1% equity to make a break even call.$120.50/$479.00.

Hold'em Simulation ?
1,540 trials (Exhaustive)
board: 9c8h7h2c
Hand Equity Wins Ties
KhTh 27.63% 412 27
99,88,jt,56 72.37% 1,101 27
Edit • Link • 2+2 • Deuces Cracked • Leggo

Given this range, hero has ~28% on a street by street basis.

Going back to the c/r by villain of $193.50, the current pot is $358.50. If hero decides to reraise, he would call the $120.50 and raise $479.00 to make a pot size raise. Hero now has $1092.50 behind and the pot would be $958.00 with Villain to act. Villain can fold, call or raise. If he raises, he will call the $479.00 to make the pot $1437.00 and will raise $1092.50, enough to put Hero allin. The pot will be $2497.46 and Hero will have to call $1092.50. Hero needs 30.4% to make a break even call. 1092.50/$3589.96.

Hold'em Simulation ?
33,660 trials (Exhaustive)
board: 9c8h7h
Hand Equity Wins Ties
KhTh 44.86% 14,494 1,214
99,88,jt,56 55.14% 17,952 1,214

Given the same range, hero has ~45% equity if he gets to draw to two cards.

The most interesting thing is if Villain flats Hero’s raise, and what he does on a blank turn. If Villain leads, hero is making a ~$30.00 –ev call.

If Villain flats Hero’s raise and checks blank turns, Hero goes allin on the turn. Villian is now in a situation that unless he has JT or less so 65, he almost has to fold because Hero is repping exactly those hands. Since Hero has a T, the chance that Villain has JT is diminished by 50%, and his chance of having the oesd is diminished by the same amount.
If he has a set, his equity against jt is:

Hold'em Simulation ?
2,112 trials (Exhaustive)
board: 9c8h7h2c
Hand Equity Wins Ties
jt 77.32% 1,633 0
99 22.68% 479 0

~23%. If Hero bets the turn allin , Villain is now getting the 30.4% equity requirement but has only 23% equity, if Hero did have JT. If Villain calls, he is making ~$70.00 theoretical error.

The hand that ****s up Hero's equity is obviously AhJh, but what are you gonna do if he actually has that hand?
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-08-2011 , 01:42 AM
Lazarus, your assumptions seem a little off. First off, I donīt think
itīs mandatory to make the flop 3bet potsize (unless we have zero bluffs?)

Secondly, regarding the situation where villain flats the 3bet I donīt see why he would fold all but JT/56 just cuz hero "reps" that (which I also disagree about since I wouldnt be surprised to see heros taking this line with sets and combos also) Further around this point, I would expect to see a cr-call rarely.

3rd, Iīm not super with odds but it doesīnt sound right that hero having a T in his hand diminishes the likelyhood of villain JT having by 50%?
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Letricle
Lazarus, your assumptions seem a little off. First off, I donīt think
itīs mandatory to make the flop 3bet potsize (unless we have zero bluffs?)

Secondly, regarding the situation where villain flats the 3bet I donīt see why he would fold all but JT/56 just cuz hero "reps" that (which I also disagree about since I wouldnt be surprised to see heros taking this line with sets and combos also) Further around this point, I would expect to see a cr-call rarely.

3rd, Iīm not super with odds but it doesīnt sound right that hero having a T in his hand diminishes the likelyhood of villain JT having by 50%?
Well they are only assumptions to show the way the math could work. And yes , having a T reduces the likelyhood by 25%, not 50%.
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
11-16-2011 , 05:14 PM
+1 3b flop
1000NL; 180 bb's deep flop OESFD (1 card straight draw); river pairs board Quote
