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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

03-10-2011 , 04:20 PM
Think by what you quoted hes planning an orgy
03-10-2011 , 04:21 PM
in b4 ILM's chapter changes from The Perfect Virgin to The Sex Addict
03-10-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
thats cause your black and they do it out of fear
03-10-2011 , 05:11 PM
It's probably +EV for you if you just give her a standard bull**** excuse but wayyy better for her future if you tell her the truth. Will suck for her and probably you short term and will benefit her and possibly you long term.
03-10-2011 , 10:08 PM
Every time I come into this thread I feel less and less like the conventional girls... hm
03-10-2011 , 10:09 PM
martiro is in luuuuurrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee
03-10-2011 , 10:41 PM
edf isn't active active enough apparently. anywhoo, x-posted from there:

Standard legit, off the charts needy/crazy chick told me she's currently having a 'big' fight with her bf. I believe (from purely external observation) that they have a non-standard relationship that's carried on for several months if not 1-2 years.

I'm just curious what the going probability is in that I can get her drunk/vulnerable enough this weekend to have a bit of fun just for one night (from those that have experience with this). Any potent lines I should take during the night also appreciated.

Relevant context is that we've been in the same course project groups a couple of times during this '10-'11 school year (currently we're on the verge of crossing the acquaintances-friends border).

Also, I do not care about any potential for awkwardness post-this weekend as I have zero intention of remaining 'friends' with her beyond this semester.
03-11-2011 , 12:08 AM
My opinion is to not make it a goal to manipulate a girl that has a long term boyfriend into sleeping with you.
03-11-2011 , 12:09 AM
Some potent lines I know:

"Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

"Here sip this drink, its not drugged at all, and if it is, I will make sure you are safe"
03-11-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by slownpainful
My opinion is to not make it a goal to manipulate a girl that has a long term boyfriend into sleeping with you.
that's funny if only because there's a 100% chance this girl's bf has got side action (and probably has had it for the majority of their 'relationship').

anyways, looking forward to being destroyed by henry.
03-11-2011 , 12:55 AM

FG and I had a longer conversation a couple nights ago...after pretty much no contact for like a month and a half, we cuddled and watched a movie and I gave her a massage and stuff. She said she was depressed for a while and shut everyone out including me. Basically what I took away from it was that she wanted to go back to the way it was before, but wants to make me work for it. She's not super eager, but she is willing.

I'm not going to work for it. I am not going to put in any effort of $ chasing her. I don't really like her personality, mostly just her looks. I already won her over once, and I don't feel like going through the whole thing again, I want to save that for girls I actually have feelings for. But I think I can pull it off cause she is lonely, gonna get horny, etc. I was pretty happy about this.

Then tonight she pretty blatantly flirted with this new guy for a long time. We weren't at the place together, but she knew I was there. Her body language conveyed tons of interest in him and they talked for a long time. I have no idea why, but watching the whole thing made me super jealous. I can't help but be pretty pissed right now, even though I know how stupid that is. I mean I am the 2nd guy in, how can I get mad about the 3rd guy in?

I'm being totally irrational and stupid. Help me stop being a bitch, SL.
03-11-2011 , 01:16 AM
looool, got a text from the gf today saying "Wtf does CRC mean?" she wasn't exactly pumped when I told her.

Quick line check - she's outta town this weekend at a music convention and my chi is kinda ****ed up b/c she's sharing a hotel room w/ a guy that she's hooked up with in the past. I know the guy and my INITIAL read on him is that he's alright. In general I'm on the more paranoid side since I had an ex who cheated on me and I didn't know until afterward, but I feel like I'm justifiably a tiny bit nervous.

Here's the jist of the text -

"Oh hey forgot to tell you, they messed up the rooms and people were bitching so instead of a room by myself ____ is gonna be sharing my room. separate beds though i promise"

Part of me is worried, but part of me is telling that part to shut the **** up and quit being overly paranoid.

In before karak trolls me just to fk with me.
03-11-2011 , 01:17 AM
lol they are going to hook up gg

"oh hey forgot to tell you"
03-11-2011 , 01:20 AM
Lol I just saw TSG she saw me then looked away immediately. Standing 5 ft away from her on train ATM.

Also vintage that is such a bad sign IMO.
03-11-2011 , 01:24 AM
The "forgot to tell you" part either means that she did it on purpose or that she legit didn't see it as a threat at all. I agree I would be nervous about it in a vacuum as well, but she called me not long after that and I was surprisingly reassured by the phone call.

"Trust everyone, just don't trust the devil inside them" is kinda swarming through my head.
03-11-2011 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
In general I'm on the more paranoid side since I had an ex who cheated on me and I didn't know until afterward
This is the worst, I always prefer to know beforehand when im going to be cheated on.
03-11-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
The "forgot to tell you" part either means that she did it on purpose or that she legit didn't see it as a threat at all. I agree I would be nervous about it in a vacuum as well, but she called me not long after that and I was surprisingly reassured by the phone call.

"Trust everyone, just don't trust the devil inside them" is kinda swarming through my head.
look at it this way, if she cheats, it saves you a lot of time in being in a relationship with a girl that would of cheated if the opportunity presented itself.
03-11-2011 , 01:34 AM
i forgot what CRC stands for. also let her go and don't even mention the guy thing. don't bring it up in the future. basically don't let it bother you and if it does fake like it doesn't.

if you can't trust her in this situation it's time to start retracting feelings so when the eventual breakup happens you wont be crushed
03-11-2011 , 01:35 AM
Cradle Robber Chick
03-11-2011 , 01:51 AM
Vintage, that's a ****ty spot she put you in but for your own sake don't be "that" boyfriend. You flipping out will probably make her more likely to cheat on you than less likely.

I know the response because my instincts work the same way. You just got have to trust that if she's happy with you she never has any reason to cheat.
03-11-2011 , 02:10 AM
Don't think I ever made it very secretive that my long relationship was filled with lots of cheating on both sides.. and maybe it varies person to person but lying about where you are/who you are with is a big factor here. Can't imagine a situation where I would EVER send that text if I was going to do anything (or where I was sent something like that prior to something being done). I think vintage is good to go.

The 'forgot to tell you' thing is super standard in my experience when you want to say something that could potentially lead to an argument and want to avoid some of the irrationality that comes with people overreacting. Wouldn't worry about it.

Oh yeah and as others said, not worrying about it (or if you are worried, not letting on that you are to her) is so so so so so +EV here. Acting insecure is just a bad idea.
03-11-2011 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
Vintage, that's a ****ty spot she put you in but for your own sake don't be "that" boyfriend. You flipping out will probably make her more likely to cheat on you than less likely.

I know the response because my instincts work the same way. You just got have to trust that if she's happy with you she never has any reason to cheat.
I like this. Honestly I'm not worried. Well, I'm way less worried than I thought I would be. I think it makes a decent difference that I know the guy and that my initial read on him is that he's legit.

Plus, I honestly do think she's happy. I've never cheated on a gf, but I've definitely been tempted. I'm not even tempted this weekend tho.
03-11-2011 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
This is the worst, I always prefer to know beforehand when im going to be cheated on.
lol - I mean like... until much later. Like six months later.

Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
Don't think I ever made it very secretive that my long relationship was filled with lots of cheating on both sides.. and maybe it varies person to person but lying about where you are/who you are with is a big factor here. Can't imagine a situation where I would EVER send that text if I was going to do anything (or where I was sent something like that prior to something being done). I think vintage is good to go.
Ya, OsT was just over at my house for nannerpeel 2k11 (sorry LKJ) and he brought this same point up. If something was gonna happen she wouldn't have said anything imo.

Originally Posted by GoodGame
if you can't trust her in this situation it's time to start retracting feelings so when the eventual breakup happens you wont be crushed
Logically, I do trust her. However, I feel like I do have the right to be a little bit put off by it.
03-11-2011 , 02:55 AM
Vintage, you got it right IMO. Girls that are happy with their boyfriend don't cheat-- if there is one thing I have learned from Henry, it is this. Basically, as long as you do all the things you should be doing as a boyfriend (being awesome, ballin', keeping things interesting, treating her well but not being a puppy, etc.) no girl in the right mind would ever cheat because such guys are so rare.

You have a good head so I'm sure you're already doing all those things. You got nothing to worry about.
03-11-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Cradle Robber Chick
LOL awesome.
