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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

05-26-2016 , 09:52 PM
My man, good stuff
05-26-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
I will probably not be entitled to any of value that her apartment increase.
She owns the apartment? Seems weird.
05-27-2016 , 02:03 AM
He lives in Sweden, everyone there owns their apartment (I think it is tax efficient to do so).
05-27-2016 , 06:38 AM
If this makes me feel good and she feels good I fail to see how its bad.

The reason I keep my apartment is because if this goes down the drain I have my place to go back to.
05-27-2016 , 07:15 AM
OH BOY....this isn't gonna end well.

You're attached to her, you need her desperately and she obv sees that and as a single mom with 2 kids you're the perfect target to get to pay some of her bills. Be even more needy and force her to live with you after just a couple weeks to justify the reason you're about to become the provider for her is just gonna make this whole situation go bad really quickly.

You can either just move past this stage and avoid it by not doing any of that...or you can do all that and hopefully learn your lesson the first time bc it won't work out.
05-27-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
OH BOY....this isn't gonna end well.

You're attached to her, you need her desperately and she obv sees that and as a single mom with 2 kids you're the perfect target to get to pay some of her bills. Be even more needy and force her to live with you after just a couple weeks to justify the reason you're about to become the provider for her is just gonna make this whole situation go bad really quickly.

You can either just move past this stage and avoid it by not doing any of that...or you can do all that and hopefully learn your lesson the first time bc it won't work out.
Not necessarily it won't work out, he could be the happiest man on earth according to himself living with her and splitting the bills of diapers and other expenses while renting his own apartment for a few months, then she says well since you're here all the time you might as well stop renting your own place...

He agrees and she gets knocked up once more to really seal the deal and when he's older he looks back and wonders how he ever could have done this.

Think of others in your social cirlcle / parents who got together in this kind of a situation and stick it out to the end, it can "work"!
05-27-2016 , 09:04 PM
GPS spoofing and messing with girls in other cities is probably really bad for online dating, kinda like bumhunting, but it is so useful to figure out what stuff works and doesn't. If I ever pass through Houston...
05-27-2016 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
If this makes me feel good and she feels good I fail to see how its bad.

The reason I keep my apartment is because if this goes down the drain I have my place to go back to.
I love it
05-27-2016 , 10:51 PM
Dante, you want an honest, here's why: If you're really feeling that good, you need to do everything in your power to step off. You are setting the stage for a relationship that is going to involve you being a grade A bitch for this single mother. She's willing to accept this because as a single mother she has few other options and needs somebody to take care of her son.

But know this: She doesn't, and never will, respect you. How could she respect a guy that moves in with her and starts helping with the bills in a matter of a few weeks? It's dripping with desperation, it's obvious to everyone that you're falling for the first sniff of pussy after being frustrated for so long.

You will get what you want out of this relationship for a little bit, but you would have gotten it much longer if you had maintained your own life, your own place, and didn't immediately turn yourself into a character in her story.
05-27-2016 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
Dante, you want an honest, here's why: If you're really feeling that good, you need to do everything in your power to step off. You are setting the stage for a relationship that is going to involve you being a grade A bitch for this single mother. She's willing to accept this because as a single mother she has few other options and needs somebody to take care of her son.

But know this: She doesn't, and never will, respect you. How could she respect a guy that moves in with her and starts helping with the bills in a matter of a few weeks? It's dripping with desperation, it's obvious to everyone that you're falling for the first sniff of pussy after being frustrated for so long.

You will get what you want out of this relationship for a little bit, but you would have gotten it much longer if you had maintained your own life, your own place, and didn't immediately turn yourself into a character in her story.
He will actually only get what he thought he wanted from a place of desperation and as that perspective shifts to less desperation he will realize he never even wanted it in the first place...or maybe he wanted it a little but he certainly never needed it. This realization only comes for most guys tho when they sacrifice their freedom to get something they've been told their whole life they need, that they don't actually need and already had the whole time and actually gave up to get what they didn't need thinking it was gonna give them what they already had but couldn't see/feel bc their mind is so clouded by thoughts consumed in neediness and desperation.

Just be happy on your own dude and let some hot girls **** you along the way if they're cool, stop looking for happiness in some chick that lets you **** her
05-28-2016 , 07:14 AM
How can you not see that moving in with someone that quick is a recipe for disaster. Even people with zero dating experience know this.
05-28-2016 , 09:56 AM
Haters: You're all just jealous he found his soulmate/true love/The One so easily!

Dante: no reason to keep your apartment at this time. Why not sell it and use the proceeds to take the whole family on a nice vacation? And the remaining money you can put in a savings fund for the kids.
05-31-2016 , 07:11 PM
Dante plot line is pretty good for this Season of the SL thread.

I ****ed this girl in my group chat this weekend. It was a really good feeling because for like a year+ have wanted to but I know the guy she last was on/off dating a long time ago, me and him aren't like fb friends or even have his number but definitely say what's up when mutual friends have us in the same bar/party. But I haveht seen him in 4-5months and last I heard my friend was with him and girls who brought me up and he's like "why are we even talking about him he's not here" in a negative way.

It wasn't like a revenge thing but waiting so long and him saying that allowed me to feel no guilt about it. The other aspect is a couple of the guys in the group chat have a like on going joke about trying to go out with her. I made out with her when like semi blacked out on Thursday, then saturdayor morning I did the STD result snapchat and she replied to it with good emojis. Then it happened Saturday night after our friend's birthday party.

That shapchat was actually risky because two girls, months apart, both basically accused me of giving them chlymedia and obv I could show no symptoms so ya. It actually lead to like a few girls flirting with me which is pretty insane to think about.
06-01-2016 , 04:02 PM
Banged a tinder girl on monday night, been talking for a couple weeks but couldn't arrange a time when both of us are free, luckily monday was a bank holiday and she was not aware of it so her schedule was free. She lives 1 hr 20 mins from me and i arranged a date at a hookah place 10 mins from me.

Ordered grape and mint flavour hookah then we smoked and talked, she told me the hookah was making her light headed/high but i didn't really feel anything. Conversation was flowing and i made her laugh a few times. She told me she deleted tinder few days ago because she had one bad date that put her off, i didn't really respond to this and just said "cool". Usually when girls bring up ex dates from my experience its a **** test and its best to just pretend youre not bothered about it. After around 1hr 30mins of talking and smoking i paid the bill and we made our way back to our cars.

I suggested we sit in my car for a bit and talk, she joined me in my car and complimented me about keeping it clean, talked for a few minutes and told her we should go for a drive, this drive was only 1min so i could park at a quieter location in the parking lot ( around this time it was empty anyway). Invited her to the back seat and she replied saying "yea its more comfortable" i pretty much knew it was going down at this point. Spoke for 5 mins then started making out, she gave me head which was surprisingly good then i ****ed her missionary then came in the condom, she told me i made her cum and it hurt a bit because she hasn't had sex in a while (yea right)

I probably wont see her again but i had a fun time, she was also the first oriental looking girl I've banged so I am pleased with that.
06-01-2016 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
Banged a tinder girl on monday night, been talking for a couple weeks but couldn't arrange a time when both of us are free
How do you even get yourself to keep conversations going for that long? I usually get bored after 2-3 days if I have no real life context.
06-01-2016 , 07:36 PM
06-01-2016 , 08:17 PM
Hahah that backseat move really is some blacktwitter stuff (as is hookah). Michael was 100% in that spot but for everyone else you should probably make out etc across the console and then once the positioning becomes an obvious hindrance to progress make the move to the back seat
06-01-2016 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
06-02-2016 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Van Gogh
How do you even get yourself to keep conversations going for that long? I usually get bored after 2-3 days if I have no real life context.
we didn't talk constantly for 2 weeks, I pretty much only hit her up when i wanted to plan a date. I wouldn't talk to someone every day for 2 weeks, i prefer to meet up asap, usually i plan the date a day after getting the number from tinder. I get the number on tinder, text straight after then try to arrange a date the same day or wait till the next day and plan a date then.
06-06-2016 , 10:21 PM
Monday Motivation:
06-06-2016 , 11:27 PM
Those girls are the complete opposite of my "type" haha
06-07-2016 , 08:48 AM
Is your type ugly girls? I'm genuinely curious what made you say that though. Not like it's four chicks with fake boobs and bleached blonde hair which I'd then understand your comment. Looks to me like a group of pretty normal girl friends posing for a picture.
06-07-2016 , 09:50 AM
That ginger on the left... damn
06-07-2016 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Those girls are the complete opposite of my "type" haha
Originally Posted by scrolls
Is your type ugly girls? I'm genuinely curious what made you say that though. Not like it's four chicks with fake boobs and bleached blonde hair which I'd then understand your comment. Looks to me like a group of pretty normal girl friends posing for a picture.
I got what he was saying and kind of agreed. But I also saw the original IG post showing context of them being in Vegas. You can definitely project stuff onto them like what they value in life etc. and be turned off by it. But could also be your own insecurities thinking that type never likes you therefore your ego protects you by getting you to be turned off by it. (Not really in the mood rn to think about this lol)

But ya whenever I post a picture like that it's me on caffeine working out after a long day of work because those type of women get me motivated to improve my body
06-07-2016 , 02:54 PM
Caffeine is truly the GOAT
