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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-12-2015 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
I told them both during their relationship and well before it was over. It didn't really matter for our friendship, although the friendship generally improved after they both broke up.
what exactly did you tell them? that you didn't like her or that you didn't like them together?
because truthfully, I don't want to say anything at risk of them actually getting married then it's uncomfortable for next x amount of years
06-12-2015 , 11:24 PM
Is markomaisvee from here or misc? Some young euro brah on snap chat at a club right now. The girls he's with looking pretty good
06-13-2015 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Everest17
what exactly did you tell them? that you didn't like her or that you didn't like them together?
because truthfully, I don't want to say anything at risk of them actually getting married then it's uncomfortable for next x amount of years
I told them both that they could do better and should break up.

The one relationship actually lasted another 4-5 years after I told my friend for the last time. It wasn't awkward or anything but those were two close friends. If a friendship can't handle that then it's probably not a friendship in the first place.
06-13-2015 , 07:02 AM
definitely not down with choking women, no matter how bad they want it. nope nope nope.
06-13-2015 , 07:03 AM
doesn't mean sex has to be vanilla. but those are definitely signs of abuse growing up, and while it might turn them on, it's extremely unhealthy for the relationship IMO
06-13-2015 , 07:08 AM
I once dated an Asian chick who had told me she had a "messed up" childhood, and when we'd have sex, she only wanted doggy style and refused to look at me, just asking me to go harder and harder, and I'm not trying to brag at all but I'd say my dick is bigger than average, and most girls say it hurts at first, but this 5'0 90lb Korean girl couldn't have it painful enough. it really freaked me out and I stopped talking to her.
06-13-2015 , 09:30 AM
It's simply not true that most or all women into light masochism have had abusive or messed up pasts. I really can't believe some of you think that just based on one-off experiences you've had. It sounds like a bunch of young religious republicans discussing sex.

You should not give up that sort of kink if you're into it. There's no need to.
06-13-2015 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
It's simply not true that most or all women into light masochism have had abusive or messed up pasts.
06-13-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
It's simply not true that most or all women into light masochism have had abusive or messed up pasts. I really can't believe some of you think that just based on one-off experiences you've had. It sounds like a bunch of young religious republicans discussing sex.

You should not give up that sort of kink if you're into it. There's no need to.
This way too many over generalizations
06-13-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
Is markomaisvee from here or misc? Some young euro brah on snap chat at a club right now. The girls he's with looking pretty good
That's me, been lurking here for quite some time.
06-13-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
This way too many over generalizations
I'm not sure what you mean. From my view, the opposite side is the one generalizing to the entire population based on encounters with one person.
06-13-2015 , 11:07 AM
Idk I was just agreeing with your post
06-13-2015 , 11:25 AM
Oh ha. I didn't read it as "this." I read it as "this has too many generalizations."
06-14-2015 , 12:28 PM
Maybe it's because I saw kaby's avatar before I saw the choking post, but I thought kaby could've posted that ****.

And yeah, that's not true at all. I've choked my fair share of girls, and I doubt most or all of them had abuse during childhood.

Girls like being dominated, and if that means choking them to achieve that, there's nothing wrong with doing that.

And yeah, clearly LazyTops should've gone ActiveBottoms and used a some punctuation, but I got that he was agreeing.
06-14-2015 , 09:31 PM
Not sure where I heard this but was a while ago and I was probably wasted but it was that if you choke a girl while she's gong to orgasm it rly intensifies it. Something along those lines. Also big advocate of hair pulling and I think light light choking is fine.
06-15-2015 , 07:39 AM
there's a difference between light choking and wanting to be choked until you can't breathe EVERY time you have sex. I understand women wanting to be dominated, but when there's zero intimacy and they just wanna be destroyed and treated like a slave all the time...meh. not my cup of tea. to each their own, though.
06-15-2015 , 10:08 AM
i call that a win-win
06-16-2015 , 01:14 AM
if you think of choking as choking, you're doing it wrong
06-16-2015 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by eckenz88476
there's a difference between light choking and wanting to be choked until you can't breathe EVERY time you have sex. I understand women wanting to be dominated, but when there's zero intimacy and they just wanna be destroyed and treated like a slave all the time...meh. not my cup of tea. to each their own, though.
Well, define "zero intimacy".

Having intimacy/emotional connection with someone means they feel comfortable with you and are willing to open up with you. What is more intimate than a woman feeling so comfortable with you that she opens up her deepest and darkest desires to you that she likes to be dominated in bed? Most women like it to some degree, some more than others. But many women don't feel comfortable sharing this with every guy they are with because of that lack of connection/intimacy. They feel as if they will be judged by the guy for their sexual desires as being a slut or weird or they just keep quiet with that guy and have boring vanilla sex with him, and when they find a guy that seems less judgmental they have the kind of sex they actually enjoy with that guy.

There isn't really a red flag here imo(not saying there can't be in some cases). For women it is very much about being with a man that is in touch with his instinctual, animalistic desires to pleasure himself through the woman. She in turn feels so strongly desired she submits to him and lets him have his way with her. The feeling of being taken against her will by a man who is strong enough to take what he wants is a very strong desire for some women(ie rape fantasies). THIS DOES NOT MEAN GIRLS WANT TO BE RAPED. It does however mean some girls want to act out the fantasy in the bedroom with a man that understands these things and will dominate them but someone they also feel safe with(this is where the intimacy/emotional connection come in). It is very possible to have a relationship based on equality, yet act out roles of domination and submission in the bedroom as agreed upon by the individuals involved.

Many girls have fantasies like this to varying degrees....even ones that haven't been abused in a way that directly correlates with the fantasies they have. It's just a fact that most human beings have darker sexual fantasies than they are willing to admit to most other people. Most women will only reveal these to very very close friends and men they feel assured won't judge them.

Originally Posted by Dyenimator
if you think of choking as choking, you're doing it wrong
Exactly. Put your hand around her neck and squeeze tightly but not too hard with your thumb and fingers on her carotid artery for 2-3 seconds and let up. Stay off the windpipe, she shouldn't be actually choking and coughing from it. Some will want to be choked longer but I would discuss that with the girl before getting into that...this is more a first timers guide to choking when it hasn't really been discussed yet.
06-16-2015 , 06:39 PM
I have found some girls dont even need legit pressure, just your hand on their throat will turn them on. For some its a physical thing(the whole choking strengthening orgasm thing due to less air and whatnot), for some its the mental idea of being in a vulnerable position.

The latter may be a slightly bigger red flag, but unless a girl is into some crazy bdsm/rape/incest fantasies I wont truly hold it against them
06-16-2015 , 06:53 PM
Baby that is not an excuse so what you wanna do?
06-16-2015 , 09:01 PM
Quick stop in Omahahahaha tomorrow night to watch the College World Series. I managed to get Florida vs Miami. Should be sick rivalry.

LT5 - you got commitments Friday? I've got time to kill before the Rockies game and could swing up and then hit Boulder on the way back. PM me
06-19-2015 , 03:22 AM
Here's a random thread topic since things are dead right now:

One of the top2 clubs in my city posted an open interview for doorman/VIP host (distinguished from a bouncer so bulk not as required). Open interviews, but unlike every other similar job posting, they encouraged email applications for people unable to attend. I work during the time slot and kind of intimidated by open interviews/the potential group thing. But obviously this would be a randomly cool thing to take a shot at. Any ideas on what kind of application to create? Like headshot, include a formal resumè or not, anything to write?
06-19-2015 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
Here's a random thread topic since things are dead right now:

One of the top2 clubs in my city posted an open interview for doorman/VIP host (distinguished from a bouncer so bulk not as required). Open interviews, but unlike every other similar job posting, they encouraged email applications for people unable to attend. I work during the time slot and kind of intimidated by open interviews/the potential group thing. But obviously this would be a randomly cool thing to take a shot at. Any ideas on what kind of application to create? Like headshot, include a formal resumè or not, anything to write?
Sounds good, I guess just normal resume and a headshot + letter of intention/cover letter can't hurt. Also, nothing to be intimidated by when it comes to open interviews as they are easy going imo. I have had some and some people take the approach to try and one up you, but the interviewers generally see through that and putting a name to a face goes a long way.

edit: maybe even call in to follow up couple days after you send your application
06-19-2015 , 03:47 PM
Just send them a link to your twitter an call it a day.
