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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

03-15-2015 , 12:23 PM
thanks for the advice, good to know that I'm not alone. for the record, the 2nd time I saw her wasn't a date, she came to my gig with her friend and we ended up all 3 hanging out. we've technically only had 2 dates, both day time due to other obligations. that might make this seem not so bad.
03-15-2015 , 01:32 PM
Seems pretty easy to makeout on a hike or at least get a kiss at the end/destination/top etc
03-15-2015 , 07:26 PM
yup pretty much dropped the ball there but I don't think it's too late. told her we should set something up this week but she said it's hectic because of finals and that next week would be better. I'll take it, but if she blows me off next week I'll prob let it go.
03-15-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by eckenz88476
yup pretty much dropped the ball there but I don't think it's too late. told her we should set something up this week but she said it's hectic because of finals and that next week would be better. I'll take it, but if she blows me off next week I'll prob let it go.
Some girls can be quite patient so you still have some hope, but like others have said it's crucial you ramp it up soon. My first online dating experience I ended up waiting until date #4 before kissing her. I then proceeded to fail to pull the trigger on closing for a month despite plenty of opportunities and on date #8 she finally said she felt there was no romantic connection so she had to end it.

Looking back now I was incredibly lucky she let it go on a long as she did. However, despite my epic fail the lessons learned from it have been invaluable.
03-16-2015 , 10:08 AM
wtf hiking?

The only thing you should be hiking is her dress over her head.

Maybe on your next date you should plan something in the evening so you can take her back to your place at the end of the night.

Last edited by Love Sosa; 03-16-2015 at 10:20 AM.
03-16-2015 , 06:47 PM
Is it a bad sign if a girl I met at the bar and smashed denied a morning round 2 because she's "too sober now"
03-16-2015 , 06:56 PM
Bad sign in what way? She may just have issues with her sexuality and need to get drunk to feel OK about having sex.

I would certainly take it as a bad sign that you will ever have sex with her again nor would I actually want to in a situation like that. You had a ONS...just leave it at that.
03-16-2015 , 07:56 PM
Wokeup so drunk on Sunday. Literally remember nothing about going to a club Saturday after bar crawling. Probably made myself look bad infront of these girls who I've been out with before who told my friend they like me but ohwell. Split a bottle with my friend and apparently bought ppl patron shots and ****. Spent 300 on the night.

So I got up Sunday and did Sunday-Funday. I had my first gf meetup. The one who did lunch with me not too long ago and we madeout. We have a very contentious relationship where we're both still kind of bitter about it. Anyways fast forward to like 8:30 we call it a night after making out in the bar. My house is less than 10min drive but we get about halfway and she's driving a little too close to parked cars for my comfort. I told her to pull over and idk why I drove but I did. Passed a cop too but wasn't swerving or anything but that was dumb. We're like 4 blocks away from my house and I'm fingering her up her dress while I drive. I get hard and do the road head unbuckle the belt move but she just laughs. I pull over and pull out my dick.. She hesitates and says something like ok are we doing this? And gets on top. Was pretty hot because she has legitimately as perfect and big of natural boobs as you can. She was out of my league when we dated but has since gained probably 20lbs but I obv always think of her 18yo self so I'm not very objective about her.

She got tired of that position then I ****ed her in the backseat while pulling her hair and came. Drove to my house and got out to switch seats and makeout outside the car. I try to get her to come in especially since she's been drinking but she wasn't having it. Then starts rubbing over my jeans. I think she literally just broke up with her bf the night before or are doing the like falling out process so it probably felt like cheating because then she got weirdly aroused at the slutty aspect and wanted to get ****ed right there in the middle of my street where cars probably come once every 10min.

Welp I run about as bad as possible and first car is my mom lol. Awkward as **** and they aren't big fans of each other so we get in the car and go as quickly as possible to not deal with it. We pull over on a dark street and talk. It eventually gets sexual but she won't blow me to get hard she just says if you want to **** me you have to get it up yourself.

I do and we **** for a bit in the backseat then I pull her out and we stand outside the car and I'm ****ing her doggy standing up with her pressed against the car and a car across the street and down a few houses on a corner pulls into their house and she started getting off on it. Thankfully it was a woman and she was looking to see what we were doing not sure how obvious it was because it was really dark and kind of far but I came pretty much instantly from that.

Life has been so weird lately
03-17-2015 , 06:53 AM
your stories make me so jealous GG! playa playa
03-17-2015 , 07:59 PM
6ft blonde from the date on Thursday just curved me. I didn't text her Fri because she seemed weird in the morning and I went out with TB. Saturday I went to one of the bars on a crawl that we went to on the date so I sent her a picture of a whiskey fig that I also ordered with her. She sent back a soda water and a joke so I thought we were good. I didn't respond and I text today asking if she's going out because she brought up on the date she was and asked if I wanted to come.

She responds with hey who's this I'm bad at saving numbers. Then essentially says you didn't reach out so I thought you wanted to be friends. Then brings up how us hooking up made her feel pressured and then judged and how we should just be friends. Which just the stream of logic in that one single convo didn't make sense. I responded well. It reminds me of so many of my dates. Brb it goes really good but I'm not who they thought they wanted on paper so they turn me down on the next one. I act non chalant and ok with it and then months later they've had a string of a couple horrible first dates and we reconnect.

Pronably was my best first date ever though but ohwell
03-17-2015 , 11:39 PM
Female logic not even once
03-18-2015 , 01:03 PM
Got drunk and invited SDSU girl to the bar I was at. Then a group of like 15 met up. A hotter girl told her friend she's into me and I was like whelp I ****ed this up. Skipped a line with her and I thought everyone else was a lot further behind so I made out with her and SDSU girl saw. Then I was honest about how I've been going on dates while she was out of town for work.

Someone in my friend group owes me a thank you because she's 100% going to **** someone I know to try and get my attention
03-18-2015 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
Got drunk and invited SDSU girl to the bar I was at. Then a group of like 15 met up. A hotter girl told her friend she's into me and I was like whelp I ****ed this up. Skipped a line with her and I thought everyone else was a lot further behind so I made out with her and SDSU girl saw. Then I was honest about how I've been going on dates while she was out of town for work.

Someone in my friend group owes me a thank you because she's 100% going to **** someone I know to try and get my attention
No hate at all GG, I love your stories and respect all the fun you have but I'm genuinely curious how you feel about the health aspect of drinking/ partying so hard so often. I always feel like absolute garbage after a night of hard partying and can't imagine being able to sustain it like you do.
03-18-2015 , 04:33 PM
This is my biggest binge week since SL meetup in Austin. I'm drinking today after kickball so that'd be 7 of 8 nights. Most binging hard.

I'm not worried much physically as I'm in really good shape compared to society. I wore a tank top last night and in a pic actually looked swole compared to everyone else. I do 0 sugar and caffeine outside of drinking. The mental aspect freaks me out though because I get severe anxiety after drinking/drugs hard. It's definitly taken a long time to get the tolerance and used to being comfortable in uncomfortable hungover situations.

I'm worried that like my liver will just randomly give out one night but I don't chug vodka bottles or anything I can just knock back 15-20 drinks in a night and function
03-18-2015 , 06:24 PM

Your trip reports are awesome and your progress ITT has been amazing!

One question. Don't need exact numbers, but what kind of money do you pull in? I'm just curious ballpark what percentage of your discretionary income goes to partying. Seems like quite a bit of $$$ for a guy your age!

As far as drinking, I and a couple of friends who have drank pretty solidly (your level at your age and maybe half that when older) for like 20 years have asked our doctors about it and they have basically said not to worry about it as long as you're at these types of levels. They said you need to really take it up a notch to **** up your liver and the much bigger concern is alcoholism/dependency issues. So as long as you're able to control your drinking and it's not impacting the rest of your life I wouldn't sweat it too much.
03-18-2015 , 06:54 PM
I make nothing. Less than 30k forsure. 2013-2014 I worked 7 days a week and made more than now. 2015 I quit one job so I work mon-fri and make between 400-500 a week. It's not being taxed. I just got my 2013 taxes back which is why I bought clothes at Express and stuff. I don't pay rent (actually had a deadline of the end of this month but that may be extended indefinitely) and no car payment. And I'm not into food at all so I just eat chicken breasts, tuna, pb&js, eggs. Literally same **** every day.

If you're on Twitter/FB you saw me post "Back to back dates with 6ft blondes while having no discernible career path and living with my parents. What a glorious time to be alive"

So ya not living a sustainable life right now but it's been insanely fun recently. As you can see from me writing TR's on here and blogging before this I do things for a story.

Last edited by GoodGame; 03-18-2015 at 06:59 PM.
03-18-2015 , 06:59 PM
Really need to get back to just eating the same semi bro foods everyday. Food and eating out kills me.
03-18-2015 , 07:30 PM
Eating out with gf's killed me in relationships but I can't see dating a girl that will settle for my poverty on the go meals
03-18-2015 , 08:08 PM
It comes with the terrority so doesn't bother me plus I enjoy trying new restaurants and going to Chipotle and sushi.

I don't think girls really mind though especially if you're eating good food like chicken and rice or potatoes.
03-18-2015 , 08:46 PM
Been hermiting it up a little this winter. Bulking (GOMAD for life yo), and crushing poker. Its warming up so will be going out more soon.

Whatever happened to that let SL pick your career path GG? San diego barback-> bartending is still calling.
03-18-2015 , 08:52 PM
Any rec's for good twitter accounts to follow? Twitter's been clutch lately in getting me through class.
03-18-2015 , 10:21 PM

$500/week cash under the table, free rent, no car note? Whatever, man, live it up! Like, not forever, but I'm a big proponent of living it up as much as possible while you're young and have few responsibilities. Plenty of time to figure out life.
03-18-2015 , 10:25 PM

Also, yeah, what custer said. You seem like a great fit for the service industry. Learn to be either a club bartender (volume, pressure, speed) or a craft cocktail bartender (cocktail knowledge, drink making skill) and you can make a ton of money, eat/drink for free all around town, and have unlimited stock of hot customers hitting on you plus tons of hot service industry girls to party/hook up with.
03-19-2015 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
It comes with the terrority so doesn't bother me plus I enjoy trying new restaurants and going to Chipotle and sushi.

I don't think girls really mind though especially if you're eating good food like chicken and rice or potatoes.
+1, at least in my case. My GF loves cooking together so we mostly do that instead of eating out. I take care of the meat and a side like potatoes or rice. She takes care of the vegetables and choosing/buying the wine.
03-19-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by xdeuceswild81xx
Any rec's for good twitter accounts to follow? Twitter's been clutch lately in getting me through class.
Hyena go hard
