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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

09-06-2014 , 10:05 AM
09-06-2014 , 11:03 AM
O lawd. Just from that pic she looks hot. Gotta get on Skype and check the rest I guess.
09-06-2014 , 12:07 PM
Lol GG is a reall ass *****
09-06-2014 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
No? Right, because you're a colossal scumbag.
You're right, I shouldn't have posted the second pic if I was going to post her tinder pic. I'm sure a mod can go back and delete her face pic. But overall she didn't do anything to be ashamed of.

Will leave face pics to the Skype chat where we care about America and don't slut shame.

Edit: Mike Haven already took care of it
09-06-2014 , 01:41 PM
TBBT sucks no wonder she wanted to bang so quickly.
09-06-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
Like Sandra Bollock's character gets lucky and survives something, tinder girl says something undecipherable and I go WAT. And she says it means divine intervention in Italian.
Deus ex machina?

09-06-2014 , 05:30 PM
09-07-2014 , 03:30 PM
Was at bar last night with friends. Friend zone was there. We chatted as per usual. Got blackout. Couldn't find her around 130. Msgd her and called her a slut. Oops. Ended up going back to quasi-gf's place. Still with her now. I'm terrible. Friend zone not happy. Told her I wasn't sorry.
09-07-2014 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Was at bar last night with friends. Friend zone was there. We chatted as per usual. Got blackout. Couldn't find her around 130. Msgd her and called her a slut. Oops. Ended up going back to quasi-gf's place. Still with her now. I'm terrible. Friend zone not happy. Told her I wasn't sorry.
not trying to be a dick but this is pretty lol you. you sound pretty immature and youre pretty out of line here considering you know shes not into you but whatever. the relationships toxic and the sooner u just drop it the better off youll be.
09-07-2014 , 04:43 PM
What does that say about you if the slut wont bang you?

lol jk, but you should obv apologize.
09-07-2014 , 04:45 PM
Obviously lol me. Not happy about the situation. Did apologize. She hasn't replied.
09-07-2014 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Was at bar last night with friends. Friend zone was there. We chatted as per usual. Got blackout. Couldn't find her around 130. Msgd her and called her a slut. Oops. Ended up going back to quasi-gf's place. Still with her now. I'm terrible. Friend zone not happy. Told her I wasn't sorry.
Surely if she was a slut there wouldn't be a problem amirite?
09-08-2014 , 04:40 PM
Ive missed this thread so much. The stories are brilliant.
09-08-2014 , 09:45 PM
GF just broke up with me. Three months together and her feelings disappeared in a matter of 48 hrs. Super annoyed by that. She hasn't had a ton of relationships (nor have I) and so she never communicated that things were not 100% before breaking up with me. How are we supposed to improve as a couple if there's never any discussion of things bothering her? Same thing happened with ex in January.

She acted a little weird Friday/Saturday. She went cold via text Sunday so I was sure she had given up on us. Today she wanted to stop over quick tomorrow. At that point I told her I knew she was acting weird and that I'd just come over tonight to get it off her mind.

I let her talk and it was pretty much what I expected. She just doesn't think the spark is there anymore (virtually overnight). No other significant grievances. I called her out a little for not communicating a week or so ago the few things that were bothering her as they are easily fixed. She is a teacher so she went back to work recently. I told her this was going to change things between us and to not let it destroy the relationship (b/c I learned this in prev relationship). Of course, she let her newfound busyness stress her out and ditch the relationship without an ounce of effort.

I just don't understand how the female mind seems to be yes/no in my relationships so far. Not growing apart, just ridiculously sudden. Is it too much to ask a girl to actually say, "hey that bothered me!"? And no, she's not getting the D from somebody else. She is a sweetheart, prude 100%.

After she spoke her mind I told her I care deeply about her and willing to work on things if she changes her mind. Said I want to fight hard for her but that I won't push her because I don't want to manipulate her thought process and just going to give her space. Left the ball in her court if she rethinks things.

So, anything super obvious where I look like I misplayed my hand?

I always had the general perception that women were relatively open emotionally but now this just makes me rethink everything b/c I've been dumped twice this year without any confrontation or talk before it was too late. Do I need to start opening up to get them to open up? Just kind of checking up on the relationship now and again after the first few months? I can't fathom that the switch flips yes/no so fast. There has to be something I can do as a BF to at least slow that down a little.

09-08-2014 , 10:06 PM
BTW, probably going to stay away from online dating for a while and work on me. I am sure I will Tinder but no OKC or POF. I finally got done with all my work Exams and I found a new job which I start next week, so probably just going to focus on work and self-improvement for a bit.

I am in terrible physical shape due to disregarding working out during the past year b/c work+exams was hell. In reality, I know it was laziness. Luckily I'm skinny and not fat, just in bad shape. Work is a big corporation and has a sweet employee gym, so perfect timing on the new job.

I am also hoping to make some new friends at work. I love my friends (the core of us all played poker, lived together, etc), BUT they provide zero opportunity to expand circle and potentially meet a girl IRL. We only hang out with each other, so there's no growth or outside exposure to the circle. So, the goals are be more fit and meet some new people!
09-08-2014 , 11:33 PM
Damn sorry to hear man, stay positive and crush the new job.
09-08-2014 , 11:57 PM
Would bet any amount of money there's another guy courting her. It's just a fact of life now I don't even take it as a negative trait in a woman. I don't suggest doing it but if you're in denial of that you could just check her phone and know for sure. Also, although all those "I'll fight for you & work on us lines if you're willing to change your mind" is honest to how you feel, it's doing nothing to make her attracted to you. Just go no contact.
09-09-2014 , 12:32 AM
Dont check her phone. That's creepy. There could be another guy. I've been confused by 100% prudes before.

Definitely don't overbear her. You spoke your mind, now give her some space. Maybe in 2 weeks shoot her a message and ask how things are.

Trying to think of over reasons girls just quickly end things. Seems weird.
09-09-2014 , 03:35 AM
Yeah definitely don't check her phone, I'm not really sure what you'd get out of it.

Sorry to hear about that LT. You seem to be emotionally capable of dealing with a relationship, just sucks that she isn't.
09-09-2014 , 08:35 AM
Women are much more pragmatic about relationships than guys -- I don't know hoe the opposite became commonly accepted. Maybe it was true at some point but certainly not in the last 30 years.

As a pragmatic person myself I don't really see the point in working on things if there are issues that early so while it sucks I do get her position. In situations like this I'd say it is a coin-toss if there is interest in someone else but it certainly is not a requirement. For a lot of people this is just how they deal with stuff -- it is easier to start over than to try to fix something and to be honest it generally is.

You made you point that you'd be interested in continuing to pursue this so now the best play if that is actually what you want is to just let it be and let her contact you. This isn't a high probability play but it is higher than anything else so still the best option.

Self-improvement is always a good response.
09-09-2014 , 09:23 AM
Continuing with the self-improvement comment, I'd recommend trying to objectively look back at those two relationships to see what went wrong. It sounds like both ended in similar fashions and you're the common denominator in each relationship--there's a good chance you can improve upon some things. Last time I got dumped I spent a lot of time figuring out where the relationship went wrong and I have become a much better boyfriend because of it.
09-09-2014 , 09:52 AM
Thanks guys. Yeah, I definitely did not check her phone LDO.

Henry, I would understand her position more if the issues were big. They were not. I will not be contacting her. The ex from January and I talked a lot after the break up and it was not productive. I learned from that experience.

Scrolls - wholeheartedly agree. There are things I can work on. I know one specific thing from first relationship but I still did it this time (just not as poorly). I am disappointed in myself for doing it, but I didn't think time was of the essence this early in the relationship.
09-09-2014 , 11:25 AM
Bitches on ma line doe

bang bang
09-09-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
Scrolls - wholeheartedly agree. There are things I can work on. I know one specific thing from first relationship but I still did it this time (just not as poorly). I am disappointed in myself for doing it, but I didn't think time was of the essence this early in the relationship.
please elaborate...

couple things i've taken away from failed relationships

1) do sweet things once in a while. make them care. ie. get them flowers, make them feel special. so often everything seems so great and we just get into a routine where nothing is different.

2) go on trips. these create memories and are great experiences together. if you can both get away for a weekend go somewhere cool, stay in a hotel. enjoy yourselves.
09-09-2014 , 12:11 PM
It involves hanging out with her friends (or lack thereof). The first ex had a legit gripe as I was not available a lot due to work+exams and shelled up like a hermit. This time I was available but there was very little opportunity to see her best friend b/c her best friend is in grad school taking board exams. We hung out with my friends maybe three times in a few months and her friends a time or two and she perceived inequality.

I told her that the perception was not as bad as she made it out to be and that I was very willing to meet her best friend. I brought this up during the relationship too, but that of course just gets blown over. I should have pressed the issue harder instead of just mentioning it. Heck, we even walked out of the way while we were tailgating the other day to see her best friend, but her friend was too busy studying to come outside and say hello.

Both of the relationships they had a lot of out of town friends whereas all my friends live in the same area. This creates a problem if I have a prior commitment on the one time they see their friends every month or two. This also created a problem because my friends tend to see each other a lot whereas theirs did not. Perception of inequality.

People are busy. Between everybody juggling work, school, exams, etc there has to be some give and take. Relationships require effort and like it or not, they do affect your friendships a little because there is only so much time. What annoyed me is that we were just getting to the point where logistically I was going to be able to start hanging out with her friends quite regularly and I tried to set up a weekend trip with one of her friends/her husband. Unfortunately her friend is a resident, busy as ****, and not much of a planner. She also spends a lot of time with her parents/family friends since they are 10 minutes away. I met her parents just two weeks before and it was great.

I guess if I ever get back in the saddle I just have to be more pressing about meeting a girl's friends. I verbally expressed interest in doing so, but was not presented enough opportunities before she got upset. A "let's do something with Friend X & Y this week" probably would have made things better.

Pretty much I felt that this boils down to her and I being inexperienced in relationships and she used this more as a learning tool than anything. Like Henry said, easier to start over.
