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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-29-2014 , 11:32 AM
hey guys,

Asked awhile back when I was moving around a bit about the group skype chat. I'm looking to get more involved in the community here and think it'd be valuable. Can someone PM/invite me in?

Was going to follow up about some tinder stuff (learnt a ton so far on this can probably contribute to other people on this) , have quite a few dates lined up and a lot of other interesting things coming up in the near future and want to use as a sounding board to plug any leaks
08-29-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Honestly I don't think there is anything I could have done that changes much. She sees me as a friend. If anything she'd probably be happy for me if I was in a relationship. It is what it is.
I don't know, the inter-gender competition amongst girls is something you can never underestimate, especially combined with the fact girls naturally base a lot of their decisions on emotions not logic.

If she started getting them jealous feels, which she seemed to be going down that path the less time you were spending with her and more with the convinience girl. Once these feelings exist she would likely start questioning why she is getting them, which could lead to her seeing you in a different light.

Obviously all a slim chance, but takes little effort on your part.

In the end it's probably best to just cut her off completely, no 1on1 hangouts and just friendly chats when hanging out in the same social group.
08-29-2014 , 11:55 AM
Pm me skype name but I'm at work for a while. Lt5 or wsop mike but be able to help you out faster
08-29-2014 , 11:56 AM
With that said this thread is inf better for dating then the skype chat which is just mike posting chief keef lyrics/songs and saying bitches be crazy. Skype is really ot and not all that active at this point in time.
08-29-2014 , 01:55 PM
CCuster I pm'ed you skype info.

Here's one for you all.. how important is it to have good [online] social game?

One thing I haven't done is ever update my facebook, add friends, make posts, or if I do cool **** (which I do - a lot of) I NEVER post about it/tag girls or friends I'm out with or any of that stuff. I stopped updating about 3 years ago, and I'm also in way better shape now too but you'd never know.. but basically I completely neglect it cause I see it as unproductive/waste of time and spend at most 10 minutes/month on it.

Socially, I'm very secure and not ******ed or anything so if they [any girl I'm interested in] meet me it'd be completely different than an impression they'd get from my profile - but I'm starting to think if you were a girl who creeped my profile you'd insta next me (despite me having a ton of things going for me - I just don't 'update' people) I've also had some girls ask me to add them to facebook and I always stall until after they meet me so they know what I'm actually about and it works out, but I guess my question is should I start putting effort into this does anyone know if girls really care about this stuff or is it all kind of whatever??
08-29-2014 , 01:59 PM
I won't be on Skype this weekend. But Skype is still fun IMO. Just not the golden era anymore
08-29-2014 , 02:00 PM
I don't think this matters at all. You probably aren't going to hook up with people that are already your facebook friends. And if you are, it's probably for reasons not related to facebook. If you think there's a chance that there are some girls you are already friends with that may be impressed by a vamped up profile then do it. Very rarely hear friends say, so X just messaged me on facebook out of the blue, haven't talked to her in years. She wants to meet up.

As for randoms, they shouldn't be able to access your facebook. Keep that on lockdown. Don't add them to facebook either until stuff is serious. At the point your crappy facebook doesn't matter.
08-29-2014 , 02:09 PM
I agree with housenuts but would add that trying to pick up on FB is pretty bad and should be avoided.
08-29-2014 , 02:15 PM
Facebook should definitely be on lock down. I deleted it for awhile but rejoined because Tinder forces it (and now I'm in a relationship so it's good for organizing our photos and stuff). I deleted the vast majority of posts on my wall, a buncha pictures/videos/friends and made it as private as possible (non-friends could only see my profile pic, no one could post on my wall, my name was unsearchable, etc). I'm a private person so I like it that way anyway but it's definitely the way to go if you're single.

Don't put effort into Facebook just to maybe impress an occasional girl. Waste of time.
08-29-2014 , 02:15 PM
okay good to know - yeah I've never messaged a girl on FB with the intention of pursuing her.

Happy to hear it's probably not worth making it better cause honestly I see it as a huge time suck/who gives a **** seriously - I'll just make sure the privacy settings are private to the general public. I haven't even bothered to check that but will do so
08-29-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
I won't be on Skype this weekend. But Skype is still fun IMO. Just not the golden era anymore
The nice thing is its a dsy to day thing. A lot of us are getting busier but we still have fun days in there
08-29-2014 , 02:31 PM
Set your privacy settings high, and then from your profile click on the ... then View As...

It will show you what your profile looks like to the general public. Ideally all they should be able to see is your single profile picture and your cover photos. If there is more showing, there are more privacy settings to enable.
08-29-2014 , 03:09 PM
Some people I know have even taken to spelling their names slightly different so that they can't even be found.
08-29-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Some people I know have even taken to spelling their names slightly different so that they can't even be found.

Yup because Facebook sucks, and they really don't care about your privacy. Pretty ridiculous it's come down to people altering names just for privacy reasons.
08-29-2014 , 03:30 PM
I probably post like an average of one status update a month. I'll occasionally like posts from friends that have big life events(marriage, new job, graduate, etc) and will post on statuses occasionally. I rarely send friend requests out. Facebook is overrated and I find theres a pretty big correlation(although far from perfect) about activity and reliance on Facebook and success in life.

I think I brought it up earlier but i ind that a lot of people constantly using it do so because they have nothing better going on. Some exceptions are hot successful girls but they are purely ego driven.

It's kind of like people who constantly post about studying so hard and working so hard are usually those who are dumb/in **** end jobs. "I don't got to say real talk cause all my talk is"...."if you are real you don't say it, if you real we gonna feel it"...."any man who has to say, 'I am the king' is no true king"......etc etc

Facebook usage is almost always a net negative. Having a Facebook though I think is fairly helpful.
08-29-2014 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Some people I know have even taken to spelling their names slightly different so that they can't even be found.
Most people I know in the law profession do this. For the most part it's first name, middle name. Or first name, mother's maiden name.

It's dumb because their url is still

If you set your privacy settings high anyone that looks for you can't see anything.

Their concern is say their friend's security settings are not high and someone from human resources browses their friend, another law applicant. They then see a post by you or a picture of you getting drunk tagged as Sam Johnson. They then think the hiring partner may recognize that name, and then blacklist them. It's really an excessive move and people are generally way overparanoid.

Frankly, if I was in human resources and looked for applicants on facebook and did not find someone, I would treat that as a negative. Most socially active people are at least on facebook. I would think they are some kind of introverted outcast if they did not have facebook.
08-29-2014 , 03:32 PM
As a somewhat funny thing. I have never mentioned once about landing a job or movin to columbus on Facebook. Pretty much anyone relevant in my life I told through other means.
08-29-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Frankly, if I was in human resources and looked for applicants on facebook and did not find someone, I would treat that as a negative. Most socially active people are at least on facebook. I would think they are some kind of introverted outcast if they did not have facebook.
I've found that introverts make some of the best employees when put in a situation that allows them it thrive. (e.g. Giving them their own office rather than having them sitting in an open floor plan.)

Anyway, please don't help fb become something that makes people "weird" for not having. It already is, but no need to make it worse!
08-29-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
The nice thing is its a dsy to day thing. A lot of us are getting busier but we still have fun days in there

In other news. Was on a flight today and got seated next to some hot FSU fans and they were mirin. Cut it up with ththem a bit. Felt good man.
08-29-2014 , 06:52 PM
1. How far? Why were you sitting far away? You should've been close. Having an arm around her. Definitely should've been some physical contact at this point.

2. No, but you can make out. It didn't need to just be one kiss.

3. It doesn't matter. You only gain experience with practice, and I'm sure she realized you were somewhat inexperienced with dating in general. Bottom line is you are only as good of a kisser as she is. If you date other girls, you'll run into girls that are bad at kissing, whether they are just too passive or small lips or whatever. Just be relaxed and confident. You'll learn from experience and if it's a regular girl, you'll develop a chemistry with her.
08-29-2014 , 09:54 PM
girl coming over now from tinder, date tomorrow, and date sunday. asian girl next wednesday since she is busy with some sorority **** or something.

Also have another tinder date that said she will text me alter tonight to come chill if im not asleep dont know what time that is going to be but may double up tonight. Once coming over now should be easy smash. I used a "**** me if I am wrong but is your name XXX(not her name)" on her when she said she loved pick up lines and she responds "Nope!! haha", the fact she answered the question was done deal instead of saying"hahaha nice one" or something. Also made movie plans and somehow the tv came up and she said "are we watching it in your bedroom?, you got to take me to dinner first for that1" i said, nah the living room, the bed room is for later and she said 'ohhhh'. 18 hours later she re- initiated asking to hang.

girl tonight: tad on thicket side(not obese though), looks like good ass and HUGE tits.
gil tomorrow: really cute short girl who has been the most fun to tlak to. I have made so many amazingly witty remarks and we sort of agreed(half jokingly but only to not be explicit i imagine) to invent the naked woman(counteprart to naked man form himym). other sexual jokes too which she has fallen for every time. She loves himym, and I said the nickname for my penis is ted, and asked her 'So, Have you met ted?"
girl sunday: is redhead, she reopened we scheduled for then.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 08-29-2014 at 10:02 PM.
08-29-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
I enjoyed this one. I wasn't as crazy about #9 but I'm gonna start listening to more episodes because they'll prob have a few good ideas after sifting though the BS.

My favorite was the suggestion to think about what kind of activities you want your future girlfriend to do, and start doing some of those activities. Then you can talk to girls in a lower pressure situation where you're not a random and you have the option of being a friend if they're not attracted/single but you seem normal. Their example of volunteering at the dog shelter seemed almost diabolical. I've always thought of meeting girls in bars as fine, but do I want a girlfriend who meets guys at the bar/club and bangs them like I'd be trying to? I'd prob want one who did it once or twice because I don't want an inexperienced prude, but the odds aren't in my favor.

My first thought was yoga/pilates classes because I liked yoga in college and the girls had ridic bodies. I tried pilates tonight and it wasn't too bad, though I'm pretty terrible at most of the exercises. Need to get into improv and volunteering at some point.
08-29-2014 , 10:31 PM
I'll go ahead and plug The Art of Charm podcasts. It's somewhat about picking up chicks but the main theme is being a better man. I heard the host Jordan on another podcast and it seemed like all his advice was on point. Some of the guests are a little too bad-PUA for my tastes and the ads are a little cheesy(prob have to be to max profits) but there are a lot of really interesting casts that give advice you can act on
08-30-2014 , 12:41 AM
ehh she was bigger(but with skinny legs, was weird body type, if she lost like 20-25 pounds would be good) than pictures(obv), but still smashed and came then effectively kicked her out and she was noticeably pissed. O well. Not one of my proudest moments but yolo

Last edited by CCuster_911; 08-30-2014 at 01:01 AM.
08-30-2014 , 10:42 AM
No shame in upping your numbers IMO.
