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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

03-22-2016 , 06:18 PM
I understand that. Guess I will be soulcrushed again
03-22-2016 , 06:34 PM
The biggest problem I see is more so that you will convince yourself that things are amazing because the alternative of being single is so miserable to you.

I think you will basically start dating the first girl who is willing with little thought on the compatibility or the value they actually add to your life.

You want a relationship too badly.
03-22-2016 , 06:49 PM
Might be correct. I think I get it now. It is bad because I will go to far in dating/relationships and not think about what is best for me and end up in spots where I have to end things when they have gone to far instead of not even getting close to being in a relationship.
03-22-2016 , 06:54 PM
I think you should be more concerned with not ending things you should because you are able to convince yourself its fine. Stockholm syndrome.

You need to learn to be happy with being single. I understand you want/need experience but at the end of the day the most valuable way to live is to not try to force relationships. You probably have tons of friends who bounce from relationship to relationship because they hate being single, the problem is, the cycle causes you to basically have a very small window where you can truly meet someone that you are truly compatible with.
03-23-2016 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Wtf? Ill probably never be as baller and **** a new chick every weekend and getting involved with a girl that I like is what I long for, so how can this be bad? Even if I get really attached?
When you get older you realize that there were never good reasons to say no, and that those were just missed opportunities. Don't be so picky. They all look good in the rear view mirror.
03-23-2016 , 11:40 AM
Im not saying no mate
03-23-2016 , 12:38 PM
Went out last night, Ladies Night on Tuesday's so they are pretty fun. Pregamed at Canadian girl's apartment with a decent sized squad which was cool. One of my homies (guy who made out with the same girl as me actually) got us a bottle and we split that for the night.

Got to the bar that gives free champagne to girls around midnight and a bunch of people were there. Bounced around conversations with different girls and eventually talked to Canadian girl for a while. We had a lot of physical contact, touching each others legs, me touching her lower back (was showing skin with her shirt), her kissing me on the cheek etc. But after a bit she went and talked to another guy I'm friends with for a while and I wasn't trying to push it hard so I decided to leave with some girls heading to a club.

I went over to them to say bye and told them what we were doing and she gets a pouty face and says really? You are leaving? I say yeah it's dying down here and she grabs my hand beneath the table and squeezes it and says message me, you should come over after. I remind her I don't have a data plan, and ask when she's heading home? She says at 2 when the bar closes and tells me I should come over then. I say okay and then go to the club.

Head over to her pad at like 2:20 and hit the buzzer to get let in, to which her roommate answers annoyed cause I woke her up. She says who is this, I tell her it's me and I'm looking for Canadian girl? She says I thought she was with you? So I say oh well and go home. Saw her in passing at school today in the hall but haven't talked yet.

How'd I play this situation?
03-23-2016 , 01:05 PM
Absolutely terrible.

If you remotely have an interest in this girl,you should have stayed with her if she asked.
And yes,sometimes not asking verbally is still asking.
Methinks she fell on an open penis out of spite,or just because.
03-23-2016 , 02:56 PM
Man Study abroad sounds legit af.

How many classes do you have? Seems like its mostly visiting cool places and partying
03-23-2016 , 04:16 PM
@Eey She didn't say come with me now, she said afterwards. And I wasn't just going to be like oh okay I'm gonna stay here after agreeing to leave with people. But you might be right, I may have misread, been cautious with her cause I'm so attracted I don't want to be too about it ya know?

@Lazy 5 classes, Monday-Thursday. I'm doing "work study" also which pays €450 a month but is only like 1-2 hours of work a week which is too legit.

We get two week long vacations plus some school sponsored excursions so lots of traveling. I don't do as much as a lot of the girls here cause my parents aren't paying for it, but I really like the town I'm in so its cool to hang here on weekends.
03-23-2016 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Absolutely terrible.

If you remotely have an interest in this girl,you should have stayed with her if she asked.
And yes,sometimes not asking verbally is still asking.
Methinks she fell on an open penis out of spite,or just because.

Why would he be hanging around a dead party when shes there talking to other dudes. looks very bad if he stood around waiting for her to give him attention. girl sounds like a complete idiot to me that sleeps with the whole squad. birdman aint trippin over no thots
03-23-2016 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheBirdman
@Eey She didn't say come with me now, she said afterwards. And I wasn't just going to be like oh okay I'm gonna stay here after agreeing to leave with people. But you might be right, I may have misread, been cautious with her cause I'm so attracted I don't want to be too about it ya know?

Understood,that's why I'm saying it was not optimal to leave.

Good luck,I don't know what you want to do about it,if she's worth pursuing again.
03-23-2016 , 04:46 PM
So this girl doesnt go to the same school as you? Aka no chance of ltr?

The biggest mistake i think you can make is investing too much mental energy or time trying to optimize interaction with her. Plant more seeds.
03-23-2016 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Understood,that's why I'm saying it was not optimal to leave.

Good luck,I don't know what you want to do about it,if she's worth pursuing again.
She's definitely worth pursuing more, one of if not the cutest girl at the school. But she is always travelling on weekends so not a ton of opportunities.

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
So this girl doesnt go to the same school as you? Aka no chance of ltr?

The biggest mistake i think you can make is investing too much mental energy or time trying to optimize interaction with her. Plant more seeds.
You are correct, we go to different schools so no chance of LTR. And I couldn't agree more, that has been my mindset this entire time, played a role in my decision to leave to the club since I didn't want to be focused on her while having other stokes in the fire.

@WSOP Nah she is very cool, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy she's hooked up with here. I respect her talking to the homies, and wouldn't have an issue with her hooking up with them, but I'm not going to stand around and watch/wait when she is talking to other guys at the bar.
03-23-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheBirdman
She's definitely worth pursuing more, one of if not the cutest girl at the school. But she is always travelling on weekends so not a ton of opportunities.

Sounds like you're handling it well. You'll get another shot. Just keep planting seeds elsewhere and close the deal next time you're out with her.
03-23-2016 , 09:42 PM
What are you going to do, just stand there while she talks with some dude? wp imo birdman.

Keep the TR's coming
03-23-2016 , 10:47 PM
You could have put her feet to the fire by telling her to come with you then.
03-23-2016 , 11:05 PM
yeah its just ****ty that she prolly went home with another dude. the **** else did she do ?
03-23-2016 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
yeah its just ****ty that she prolly went home with another dude. the **** else did she do ?
After bar at a friend's house with a bunch of people? Seriously, don't always assume the worst and/or act like she's awful if she did go home with another dude
03-23-2016 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
After bar at a friend's house with a bunch of people? Seriously, don't always assume the worst and/or act like she's awful if she did go home with another dude
if she did go home with another guy ( or girl) then thats cool. You are right I am making assumptions. Just would have been cool if things went in bridmans favor that night.
03-24-2016 , 02:56 AM
Also you guys need to understand since most students live in "homestays" with French families it's not like people are going back and hooking up at their places often. Most hookups occur while at bars/clubs or at an apartment that a few students live in.
03-24-2016 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
She sent me a somewhat provocative snap on Tuesday. No response.
Originally Posted by Fabian
What does this mean?
Tongue on lips ('Miss you *kissy face emoji')

Was away with all the guys of our group for an event last weekend. She texts me 'hope you're having fun out there'. i reply thanks.

Nothing rest of week. This morning she sends me 2 messages bringing up something we always used to laugh about. I don't reply. She sends a snap an hour later.

camera above her head, naughty face, picture shows down her open blouse to see cleavage ('lets play this weekend')

She has previously used 'play' to just mean hangout, but she's up to no good. Just gotta ignore.
03-24-2016 , 01:57 PM
On my way to school for the school Talent Show tonight. I'm MC'ing and also doing a spoken word piece I wrote, gonna kill it for the boys on 2p2.
03-24-2016 , 03:10 PM
Got free tickets to a ski bunny/ski bum dating mixer at an upscale French restaurant/private room this Saturday late afternoon/early evening. I don't ski nor AFAIK own typical skiing attire. What's my best play on dress? For context, at least IME for Boston events, most guys are in button-downs/chinos or jeans/generic t-shirt.
03-24-2016 , 05:02 PM
I wouldnt go if i wasnt actually part of the culture
