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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-22-2013 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
Good advice.

Let's say a guy has dated lots of girls, is mature, and knows what he wants. Let's say this guy has pretty high standards for potential dates. What advice would you give to this guy for not "obsessing" over a girl that meets/exceeds his standards?
I think it's the same advice, it's just in a relative sense. Where an inexperienced young person gets obsessed with the first girl that shows interest, a more experienced guy will get obsessed with someone that is 'better' than what they have experienced in the past.

Personally I would be less aloof and probably 'a sweeter guy' just to show I really cared for her, as gay as that sounds haha.
07-22-2013 , 01:36 AM
1. Get some solid bitches, make some of these your bottom bitches
2. Stay on wifey grind
3. Find wifey material
4. wife up wifey material
5. Disregard bottom bitches
6. ???
7. Profit
07-22-2013 , 01:45 AM
^my life in a nutshell
07-22-2013 , 02:53 AM
Cavallo- I also have an identical twin brother who has had a lot more issues in life then I have. So I can relate to how stressful that can be at times.

I think you have to realise is that lots of chicks are just going to like you for you, without necessarily having any sexual/relationship thoughts about you. This is a good thing, as it will only increase the amount of woman in your life through friends of friends. I went through a time where the only woman friends I had were my friends girlfriends. I'm glad to say through sport and work I have made more chick friends.

If you can get these girls out for a drink, it is pretty easy to just get drunk. Just go for the touches on the arm or hand. If she starts touching you its generally a sign she likes you as well. If she dosent respond she is not keen. At the end of the day their are some super flirty, super friendly chicks who are going to be a lot harder to read then others.

Any chick that tells you she is happy in her relationship, definitely is not keen for you. Otty is right if she didnt tell she had a boyfriend until 3 months she clearly was never even considering you. My status quo when I was single was assume they don't like you until you get clear evidence to the contrary. If you are flirting correctly any chick that likes you shud pretty much be all over you in every way, from her face to her body actions. She will be suggesting future dates to hang out. I think you just need more practice it will come.
07-22-2013 , 03:55 AM
There's so much good information itt. thanks, really. It is giving me inspiration.

I've only asked out ONE girl in my life & that was recently. That's how bad i am at this, guyise.
I've kissed countless girl's in my teens, and only have had sex with two girls. I have always let the girl make moves. So, the past.. what, 4 or 5 years I haven't had anything. As I'm getting older, one thing I've learned; girls don't make first moves.

I'm extremely scared to approach or open to girls. I've thought about doing PUA stuff, but doesn't suit me and I don't want to be fake. I've read what Henry has posted; I should look for signs of interest THEN approach. But I've always been scared. Even with friends around. Friends don't know this about me, but I'm sure they do (secretly thinking it but not talking to me about it).

So the girl i asked out six weeks ago - I'm still thinking about her. I feel no anxiety with her, like my true-self. I haven't gone back for a 2nd shot because I've been too nervous about seeing her though. Wish i asked her out differently but what done is done.

My plan is to get some more exp with other girls before i go back. But still hasn't happened. I've been too scared to even try! Like, i know I'm wasting my time thinking about this one girl, but no other girl has kept me this interested. I've talked to some here and there, and regret not asking them out. w/e. I'm still into this one girl so bad.

idk I just don't really like people. I have very few but very cool close friends. Most ppl seem to have their life sorted and feel confident in themselves. i find most 'normal' things boring. like playing pool. yuck. I've always thought I have social anxiety. On top of that, through 18-23 I've been doing drugs every weekend. This doesn't help me with girls at all. I also smoke weed every night. So the past 3 months i've been doing no drugs at all,. And stopped smoking weed. This is my first commitment. This is how serious I am.

Thing is, if Henry was in my position, he would be banging this girl with the next appointment. I'm sure.

I'm thinking of heading out to bars at nights, by myself. Is this okay? Like, i'll just order a drink and stand around. idk i feel i can't relate to people. I don't know if it's just my country (New Zealand). But i just don't like most people! I feel I'm pretty cool though with good enough looks. I'm just not an ******* to ppl or loud, and they seem to be the guys that get girls.

Would anyone recommend me to just go traveling? I have a bankroll of like 35k.
07-22-2013 , 04:07 AM
Someone else can have a go at this one. I'm at the gym.
07-22-2013 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
There's so much good information itt. thanks, really. It is giving me inspiration.

I've only asked out ONE girl in my life & that was recently. That's how bad i am at this, guyise.
I've kissed countless girl's in my teens, and only have had sex with two girls. I have always let the girl make moves. So, the past.. what, 4 or 5 years I haven't had anything. As I'm getting older, one thing I've learned; girls don't make first moves.

I'm extremely scared to approach or open to girls. I've thought about doing PUA stuff, but doesn't suit me and I don't want to be fake. I've read what Henry has posted; I should look for signs of interest THEN approach. But I've always been scared. Even with friends around. Friends don't know this about me, but I'm sure they do (secretly thinking it but not talking to me about it).

So the girl i asked out six weeks ago - I'm still thinking about her. I feel no anxiety with her, like my true-self. I haven't gone back for a 2nd shot because I've been too nervous about seeing her though. Wish i asked her out differently but what done is done.

My plan is to get some more exp with other girls before i go back. But still hasn't happened. I've been too scared to even try! Like, i know I'm wasting my time thinking about this one girl, but no other girl has kept me this interested. I've talked to some here and there, and regret not asking them out. w/e. I'm still into this one girl so bad.

idk I just don't really like people. I have very few but very cool close friends. Most ppl seem to have their life sorted and feel confident in themselves. i find most 'normal' things boring. like playing pool. yuck. I've always thought I have social anxiety. On top of that, through 18-23 I've been doing drugs every weekend. This doesn't help me with girls at all. I also smoke weed every night. So the past 3 months i've been doing no drugs at all,. And stopped smoking weed. This is my first commitment. This is how serious I am.

Thing is, if Henry was in my position, he would be banging this girl with the next appointment. I'm sure.

I'm thinking of heading out to bars at nights, by myself. Is this okay? Like, i'll just order a drink and stand around. idk i feel i can't relate to people. I don't know if it's just my country (New Zealand). But i just don't like most people! I feel I'm pretty cool though with good enough looks. I'm just not an ******* to ppl or loud, and they seem to be the guys that get girls.

Would anyone recommend me to just go traveling? I have a bankroll of like 35k.
Definitely bro. I think this would be ideal in your spot. I would suggest doing a contiki somewhere in Europe, America or Canada. The vast majority of chicks are single, there are lots of other buses that party at the same time as you, super easy to get laid. Foreign accent + everyone loves people from New Zealand, is always a winner with the ladies. Will give you a lot of confidence thats for sure. After contiki you could go off and do your own thing with existing friends, mates from contiki, or just by yourself. Stay in hostels and just be open and down for anything. Travelling is the most fun you could ever have.
07-22-2013 , 04:55 AM
Do you have 35k to blow? Then get a wardrobe, travel and go out as often as possible (and obviously try to make some more money, 35k is not life changing money).
07-22-2013 , 05:14 AM
I wouldn't like to spend it all. It's just my savings. I don't care though, it's only money and i can always make more. Having it sit in your account does nothing.

I have been working on upgrading wardrobe, I'll do that this weekend. I seem to dress like late-teens when i should be aiming for dressing in my late 20s or 30s style.

thanks colin you seem like a cool dude. You helped me a lot when I was PM
ing you about this girl. looks like i'll have to travel soon. I might just try to have some attempts first where i live and get some more exp before i head off. -- + ofcourse have one last shot with this girl I'm going crazy over.

Last edited by PillToSlowDown; 07-22-2013 at 05:34 AM.
07-22-2013 , 05:48 AM
There's nothing wrong with finding pool boring (or whatever else). Figure out the things you like doing that involve other people, and do more of that. Just talking to different people is going to help you.

Did you say what you do for a living?
07-22-2013 , 06:08 AM
No, I work in quality assurance(QA) for a rich company. No major qualifications.but it is good pay for me, and good for my CV.

I sometimes find simple things the most fun. Like kicking a rugby ball around with friends. tbh most of my time is spent alone reading bs on Reddit or watching youtube / browsing 2+2. It's even harder to relate to people now that i don't do drugs. I feel like an outsider to everyone.

I will try to find some better hobbies. Maybe I should just stop using the internet for a while and just browse 2+2 when needed.
07-22-2013 , 06:21 AM
I am never a fan of drastic changes, because they are neither normal nor natural.

You should keep on doing what you are doing but reduce the boring activities and mix in stuff that involves people, but at the same time is something you enjoy.
07-22-2013 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
Skype is obviously awesome, but not for meeting her friends, right? She supposedly didn't like the idea either, though I wonder why she even asked.
for meeting friends it sounds bad, itll be awkward/hard to converse. better off meeting them in person imo
07-22-2013 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Another thing I'm shocked about (but doesn't surprise based on what I know about you from your posts) is that after almost 2 months of talking you didn't know she had a boyfriend. This is just something that should come up in conversation when talking about yourself. Also the fact that she didn't mention it makes me feel like she didn't even like you in way other than a friend.
I know brother, this is so ****ing sloppy.
In all honesty, I just never really thought about it of being an option, because she really was this independent nightlife chick anyways and I actually figured we already went over this when introducing.
I wasn't really into her that badly then so it was not something I was really digging for and because I spoke to her about almost every aspect of our life and this never came up, I just assumed she was single.
Again, very sloppy!

Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Overall, you have to fixate less on one girl. Either focus on other things (such as fixing your home life) or other girls. Being obsessed with a girl (even if you aren't contacting her all the time) is really obvious and girls pick up on it and it's a turn off. Being aloof (to an extent) is good.
I agree. I won't say it was dead obvious though, but once I went to her place in the middle of that party, some guys acted like they already figured that, because we were usually together and always interacting with each other.
Either that or they really must've picked up on something on me.

Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
What is your relationship history like? Have you had sex? Where are you at uni?
Never had sex?! Come on bro, did I mention I'm 22 years old? Although I'm pretty horrid at 'sealing the deal', I've had sex numerous times.
I dunnow how all my pieces read, but do I really sound that pathetic and such a misfit? If that's so, than I probably shouldn't go that hard on myself, because it's definitely not that bad.
I'm a very likable guy and certainly not unattractive enough to pull something in occasionally, as terrible as I am at it.
You're right about relationships though, I'm a ****ing mess when it comes to this.
I've had one serious thing with a girl I liked where we had sort of a relationship; I didn't officially have anything with her, because I over thought things as usual like the ****ing moron I am, but we basically agreed to not see any other people and only have sex with each other.
It was basically a relationship, but without me admitting it, because I was anxious of the thought of being completely stuck to someone.
She basically never forgave me for this and gently, deliberately started detaching from me until the point she could let me go for someone else and burst a spear through my heart.


Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Any chick that tells you she is happy in her relationship, definitely is not keen for you. Otty is right if she didnt tell she had a boyfriend until 3 months she clearly was never even considering you. My status quo when I was single was assume they don't like you until you get clear evidence to the contrary. If you are flirting correctly any chick that likes you shud pretty much be all over you in every way, from her face to her body actions. She will be suggesting future dates to hang out. I think you just need more practice it will come.
I must've looked to deeply into things. As mentioned: I'm ****ing oblivious to what girls think anyway, so that's definitely a possibility.
The thing of assuming a girl isn't into you unless she's being obvious about it is a good standing point, but kind of difficult when you feel like you're getting good vibes and tells from her. If you feel like some chick is flirting with you while she's not, it's rather difficult to always maintain this concept.

Practice definitely makes perfect and practice I indeed need.

Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
As I'm getting older, one thing I've learned; girls don't make first moves.
In general not, but would partly disagree.
They have their ways too kind of force you into making a move sometimes, if they're into you.
F.e.: you talk about fitness or sports or something like that and they would respond with something like "hmmm, I'd like to see you do some bench presses" or jokingly say: "you might have to come over one day to show me your football (soccer) outfit" or something like that.
This way they kind of show in a flirty way they're into you, but set you up to make a move or ask them to go out with them or something like that.
They don't really make the first move, but it's even damn obvious to guys like us what they're on about.

Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
But I've always been scared. Even with friends around. Friends don't know this about me, but I'm sure they do (secretly thinking it but not talking to me about it).
They probably know this, yeah. That stuff doesn't go unnoticed and if you're never making any moves towards girls in clubs and at party's, they probably figure you're just nervous about that.
I'm pretty sure my mates know that I'm pretty good with chit-chatting a bit with girls, but once that's over and stuff needs to go down, I mess up for the same reason as you do.

Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
On top of that, through 18-23 I've been doing drugs every weekend. This doesn't help me with girls at all. I also smoke weed every night. So the past 3 months i've been doing no drugs at all,. And stopped smoking weed. This is my first commitment. This is how serious I am.
This is a serious, but definitely good commitment brother.
My brother has been smoking weed for 3650 days straight (along with sometimes other drug use), with occasionally a break in between, yet has stopped smoking for a month now for the first time in his life.
He regularly bursts down in tears, pouring out his heart how he has wasted all those years and what it made of him. He's skinny, pale and has a deluded idea of life. He's making the right commitments a.t.m. though; stopping that madness, working out, becoming a better person etc.

If you're really serious about this, you could make a thread in 'Health and Fitness' (f.e., dunnow if that would belong there) that I'd happily sub. to, to see how you're doing and holding up.

My experience is that girls/women just think of 'stoners' like useless people that smoke their life away and aren't really dating material. For that reason alone, it's good to stop.

Partydrugs are okay in my book, but I'm already dragging this post on too long so I won't go too deeply into that (nor would it probably be appreciated), but: if you pop X f.e., do it occasionally (6 weeks between minimum, preferably 8) so your serotonin level can refill. you should rather not do it at all if you want to stop with weed and stuff like that anyway...

Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
Would anyone recommend me to just go traveling? I have a bankroll of like 35k.
Yes, this very much.
You could also just go to some party area for two weeks. Just tan well, get in shape and there will be plenty of girls that'll be interested in you the minute you walk into a club.

GL brother.


Last edited by Cavallo Italiano; 07-22-2013 at 09:11 AM.
07-22-2013 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by MXdotCH
Anyone ever had a hard time (the bad kind of hard time) having sex on drugs?
Have done a few times and its awesome if you get it up/ maintain it but most of the time its been a fail. Best bet is to take some viagra, its safe to mix afaik and works effectively. Might not be able to finish off but i guess that can be a good or a bad thing depending on your goal
07-22-2013 , 10:21 AM

Good post mate. I can now see that you have your head screwed on right which is a massive help with women. All you need to do now is get out there and play the field.

Be friendly and fun to be around. Show passion when you talk. Find things you love doing and find people you enjoy being around.

Have energy about you. Make everyone think you have something special about you. You be the change. Change the way you see the world and after a while you will believe it.

Good luck brother. Keep us updated.
07-22-2013 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by coinflip_si
Have done a few times and its awesome if you get it up/ maintain it but most of the time its been a fail. Best bet is to take some viagra, its safe to mix afaik and works effectively. Might not be able to finish off but i guess that can be a good or a bad thing depending on your goal
lol right after I read this I got on Facebook and see pimpxxxdaddy42069's most recent status, seems fitting:

"Ecstasy gives me this overwhelming desire to love the entire world but completely disables my ability to express this emotion with my penis. Every time I had to urinate last Saturday night I was forced to conduct minor surgery to extract my penis from the dark recess in my pelvis it had crawled into to avoid performing the miracle of actually pissing inside myself."

And if you don't know who that is, go read his degenerate thread now.
07-22-2013 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by scrolls
lol right after I read this I got on Facebook and see pimpxxxdaddy42069's most recent status, seems fitting:

"Ecstasy gives me this overwhelming desire to love the entire world but completely disables my ability to express this emotion with my penis. Every time I had to urinate last Saturday night I was forced to conduct minor surgery to extract my penis from the dark recess in my pelvis it had crawled into to avoid performing the miracle of actually pissing inside myself."

And if you don't know who that is, go read his degenerate thread now.
What about cocaine? Anyone know if it does the same thing?
07-22-2013 , 10:43 AM
Do you guys do drugs for the same reason I get drunk?

FYI, I've never used any drugs and don't want to.
07-22-2013 , 10:59 AM
I've never used any drugs and don't want to.

drugs are bad, mmkay
07-22-2013 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by MXdotCH
What about cocaine? Anyone know if it does the same thing?
It can, yes.

Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Do you guys do drugs for the same reason I get drunk?

FYI, I've never used any drugs and don't want to.
WRT party drugs (coke, ex), probably similar reasons. Psychedelics are just fun as sh*t but best for small groups of friends IME (so not out partying). If I had to list the top 10 most fun nights of my life I'd bet I was tripping for at least 5 of them.

Just like alcohol, if you are smart and use drugs in moderation you'll have fun and be fine.
07-22-2013 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Do you guys do drugs for the same reason I get drunk?

FYI, I've never used any drugs and don't want to.
Sorry mate, it sounds like you're already doing one of the most deadly drugs on the market!
07-22-2013 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by MXdotCH
What about cocaine? Anyone know if it does the same thing?
07-22-2013 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Do you guys do drugs for the same reason I get drunk?

FYI, I've never used any drugs and don't want to.
People do drugs because they are fun. People drink because it is fun. They are fun in different ways. Mixing cocaine and drinking is common. With E you tend to not drink.

Doing drugs in certain scenes is just normal. There are clubs where easily 50% of the patrons will be on some party drug. At some venues that number will be 99%.

There is also a big difference in that drinking tends to make you tired while drugs give you energy. This is important given a lot of the parties don't start till late and they go all night and sometimes into the next day. Drinking wouldn't work both because you need the energy boost and because of last call. Serving booze ends at 2am here and often you wouldn't get to a club until 1am or later.
07-22-2013 , 02:41 PM
Bars stay open after last call? Here last call is always 30mins before closing.
