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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-14-2013 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
good post. would like to see u post in the tougher spots in this thread, not just the easy ones. hint- pursuing a chick who has told u she has a bf, but acts like she is single/interested in u. i think this is very different from pursuing a chick who u suspect might have a bf but she has not told u.
I think this is often misreading interest
07-14-2013 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
good post. would like to see u post in the tougher spots in this thread, not just the easy ones. hint- pursuing a chick who has told u she has a bf, but acts like she is single/interested in u. i think this is very different from pursuing a chick who u suspect might have a bf but she has not told u.
You are delusional.
Your explanation for why she mentioned her boyfriend is ridiculous.
07-14-2013 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17

This needs a lot more details.

1) Did she inject herself into something she clearly was not invited to or did you mention it and she misunderstood and though you were inviting her?

2) Is you goal to keep this casual or are you working toward a relationship?

3) Was this a all male outing or were other girls going to attend?
1)yeah she asked what I was doing that night and said I was going out to xxxxx. I can't really remember cause it was a few days ago. I could go back through my texts but I think I might have worded it wrong so it sounded like she could come.

2) At the moment casual but she is definitely girlfriend material once I feel ready for it.

3) I directly went from my house with a girl and guy and met up with a group of about 4 guys and a girl. So then when she came along to my place there was two girls and two guys.

In the future though I'll just say it's a boys night. Guaranteed sex was nice though.
07-14-2013 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
good post. would like to see u post in the tougher spots in this thread, not just the easy ones. hint- pursuing a chick who has told u she has a bf, but acts like she is single/interested in u. i think this is very different from pursuing a chick who u suspect might have a bf but she has not told u.
From what you have said there is absolutely nothing here to suggest she likes you or has any interest. Obviously we can only go based on what you have typed, but as spurious says, you come across as slightly delusional/agressive here. Her waiting 20m to say she has a BF has ZERO weight towards gauging interest, nor does she have any obligation to mention the fact that she has a BF, whether in the first 20m or first 20 days.
07-14-2013 , 09:16 AM
Ah, didn't realise it was the same guy. So he's saying "good post, now please post about how this girl who has shown no interest likes me"
07-14-2013 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
You are delusional.
Your explanation for why she mentioned her boyfriend is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I think this is often misreading interest
Originally Posted by The-fryke
From what you have said there is absolutely nothing here to suggest she likes you or has any interest. Obviously we can only go based on what you have typed, but as spurious says, you come across as slightly delusional/agressive here. Her waiting 20m to say she has a BF has ZERO weight towards gauging interest, nor does she have any obligation to mention the fact that she has a BF, whether in the first 20m or first 20 days.
I'll be the +4 on this.

Girls that have boyfriends can be looking so you can't write them off immediately but nothing you described implies interest. Based on the timing it actually strongly suggests the opposite. Twenty minutes is not waiting a long time to mention she is taken. If anything it would be below average (variance on this is huge so having an average is misleading) which implies she got the vibe that you were interested and she wanted to shoot that down at the first opportunity.

Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
1)yeah she asked what I was doing that night and said I was going out to xxxxx. I can't really remember cause it was a few days ago. I could go back through my texts but I think I might have worded it wrong so it sounded like she could come.

2) At the moment casual but she is definitely girlfriend material once I feel ready for it.

3) I directly went from my house with a girl and guy and met up with a group of about 4 guys and a girl. So then when she came along to my place there was two girls and two guys.

In the future though I'll just say it's a boys night. Guaranteed sex was nice though.
Implied dates means she is thinking relationship.
07-14-2013 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17

Implied dates means she is thinking relationship.
Mmm. I might just have to put her on the back burner for a bit. There's three other girls I'm talking to that are keen anyway so Meh.
07-14-2013 , 04:34 PM
Quick question:

Been seeing this girl for 6 weeks (the stunning brunette from my tr actually!) Only been on four dates as we've a lot of scheduling conflicts. Slept together on date 2 but she was on period. Date three was a day trip out and date 4 was her birthday drinks and she had friends staying over so again no sex - She came out and said she really wanted to stay over but obv couldn't. Anyway, seemed like a good spot for me to just invite her over to what is obviously a sex date and she's agreed to cook me dinner at mine this Friday.

Thing is, it's exactly 28 days since we last slept together when she was on her period. She's on the pill, and from what I understand she can possibly control it so she's good to go on Friday. Is this right? I'm guessing if she takes the normal amount chances are insanely high 28 days after.

Also, is it all worth mentioning that this or make it just as obvious shes staying over or neither?

07-14-2013 , 05:37 PM
[QUOTE=Henry17;39340764]I'll be the +4 on this.

Girls that have boyfriends can be looking so you can't write them off immediately but nothing you described implies interest. Based on the timing it actually strongly suggests the opposite. Twenty minutes is not waiting a long time to mention she is taken. If anything it would be below average (variance on this is huge so having an average is misleading) which implies she got the vibe that you were interested and she wanted to shoot that down at the first opportunity.

Your last sentence is the only good piece of advice and what I was after. She is definitely interested there is a lot of info I have left out, but its not relevant as I don't need help in this area, on this occasion. The issue is whether she will break up with her boyfriend and it dosen't seem likely so I move on. I can't wait to prove the two posters who have taken this at face value wrong. I'm not saying it will happen, but my read is there is definitely a chance further down the line, particulary if I can find another chick hotter then her quickly enough.

Last edited by Show_Me_Respect; 07-14-2013 at 05:54 PM.
07-14-2013 , 05:56 PM
I mean... right conclusion, well done. Wrong reasoning.
07-14-2013 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by coinflip_si
Quick question:

Also, is it all worth mentioning that this or make it just as obvious shes staying over or neither?

Don't mention it. Semi-plan the night so that it feels like a natural progression of events and then she will get the gist of where the night is going. I don't think you should ever ask/tell them anything like that, they aren't stupid.
07-14-2013 , 06:48 PM
I've got a good week planned this week. A girl is coming over to my place for dinner/movie tomorrow (Tuesday) night. I met her last Wednesday when I went out sober with my drunk friends.

Then wednesday I'm possibly going out and meeting up with a girl a met a couple of weeks ago out (but I'm really tired and state of origin is on, so I'm gonna put that at like 50/50 chance).

Thursday I've got an actual date at a pizza place with a really cool girl (who I also met last wednesday). See how this all pans out.
07-14-2013 , 08:23 PM
lol empty carbs
07-14-2013 , 11:19 PM
Ok so I need some reassurance that I'm not being a ****** here guys. It's about one of my mates from school. All of the following information is according to him. Lets call him Tom.

He worked with a girl about 3 years ago when they were 18. She has had the same boyfriend from then until now. Tom and the girl would always talk, some nights theyd stay up until 3am chatting on the phone (while she had a boyfriend), she would always tell him how she would love to be in a relationship with Tom and that he's a great guy and stuff.

They hardly ever see eachother. I'm talking less than once a month since he's changed jobs (2.5 years ago). But they keep texting.

Last week she broke up with her boyfriend. He has asked her out multiple times but she always says she is busy or something has come up.

Thats about it I think.

I'm telling him to stop trying immediately since its pretty obvious that she was just using him as an emotional pillow when times with her boyfriend were bad. It's really bad and I can't convince him of it. It's so pathetic.
07-14-2013 , 11:22 PM
She broke up a week ago and he has asked her out multiples times in that time?
07-14-2013 , 11:29 PM
even if she liked Tom, he should wait.
07-14-2013 , 11:29 PM
07-14-2013 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
She broke up a week ago and he has asked her out multiples times in that time?

And he would ask her when they were together as well.

It's so bad.
07-14-2013 , 11:33 PM
It's all based on the fact that she has said, even while she was with her bf, she would love to go out with him. Then never has.

Literally not once.

Over 3 years.
07-14-2013 , 11:39 PM
then tell him that and to stop being such an idiot
07-15-2013 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
then tell him that and to stop being such an idiot
I have done this for the last 30 minutes. Also called him pathetic. Lucky we have been friends for so long ay. haha. Anyone else would hate me for what I said.
07-15-2013 , 12:09 AM
dont use insulting words like pathetic, i mean idiot is fine but it's much harder to see someones position when being insulted.
07-15-2013 , 12:13 AM
Oh woops, I type bad. I said that what was happening was pathetic. Not him.

I tried my best but its hard to undo 3 years of a hot girl telling him something, then me telling him something else.
07-15-2013 , 12:20 AM
yeah i guess, the worst thing is he probably wont learn until something happens and hes crushed or w/e
07-15-2013 , 12:38 AM
I just don't know how to get through to him. Give Henry 5 minutes with him and he will have changed his mind.
