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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-15-2013 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Ok so I need some reassurance that I'm not being a ****** here guys. It's about one of my mates from school. All of the following information is according to him. Lets call him Tom.

He worked with a girl about 3 years ago when they were 18. She has had the same boyfriend from then until now. Tom and the girl would always talk, some nights theyd stay up until 3am chatting on the phone (while she had a boyfriend), she would always tell him how she would love to be in a relationship with Tom and that he's a great guy and stuff.

They hardly ever see eachother. I'm talking less than once a month since he's changed jobs (2.5 years ago). But they keep texting.

Last week she broke up with her boyfriend. He has asked her out multiple times but she always says she is busy or something has come up.

Thats about it I think.

I'm telling him to stop trying immediately since its pretty obvious that she was just using him as an emotional pillow when times with her boyfriend were bad. It's really bad and I can't convince him of it. It's so pathetic.
Been in a similar situation, he has no chance. That's exactly what she was using him for.

He's probably hopelessly in love, so you have little chance of convincing him of anything. She was using him for the emotional connection she lacked with her BF, and got the physical stuff from the BF. She is not interested in Tom physically or she would have ended up with Tom. End of story.
07-15-2013 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
dont use insulting words like pathetic
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
i mean idiot is fine
This is gold.

And yeah don't pursue
07-15-2013 , 02:23 AM
haha i knew when i was writing it how bad it sounded but w/e, i mean like "you're an idiot and "you're pathetic", first one sounds much softer like you can say "don't be so stupid" as opposed to "pathetic" where you'd say "don't be such a loser".

/derail /rant
07-15-2013 , 02:24 AM
Wait, jmakin is going to post in here for real now and not just to make fun of Chau? Ugh.

Pretty funny how Chau has pretty much not posted after everyone jumped on him.
07-15-2013 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
I have done this for the last 30 minutes. Also called him pathetic. Lucky we have been friends for so long ay. haha. Anyone else would hate me for what I said.
So do him a favor and go shag the snot outta her.

He needs the wakeup call.

Sent from sloppy seconds suck using 2+2 Forums
07-15-2013 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
Your last sentence is the only good piece of advice and what I was after. She is definitely interested there is a lot of info I have left out, but its not relevant as I don't need help in this area, on this occasion. The issue is whether she will break up with her boyfriend and it dosen't seem likely so I move on. I can't wait to prove the two posters who have taken this at face value wrong. I'm not saying it will happen, but my read is there is definitely a chance further down the line, particulary if I can find another chick hotter then her quickly enough.
So you left out a lot of information, expected people to come to your wished conclusion, are sure that your read is correct, yet you do the exact thing everyone - who you also want to prove wrong - suggested.

It's also not bitter and desperate at all to try to prove people wrong on the internet and chase a girl for possibly months to do so.

Shoulda done the Chau and stalked her until she agreed to go out on a date with you.
07-15-2013 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
Oh woops, I type bad. I said that what was happening was pathetic. Not him.
Both would be accurate. You can't behave pathetically for this amount of time without being pathetic.

I tried my best but its hard to undo 3 years of a hot girl telling him something, then me telling him something else.
He has zero chance. She doesn't even see him as a sexual possibility.
07-15-2013 , 08:59 AM
Does anyone/has anyone lift/lifted properly? I've been going hard since the beginning of the year and have re reached PB's in most things (third time I've reached these plateaus, every other time I've then moved/travelled and not worked out for like 6 months and completely reset back to my natural scrawny self).

I guess my main concern is: I still don't really look that big. I've put on maybe 6?kgs of muscle this time around, and am about 10kgs heavier than my no muscle weight, and I'm definitely noticeably bigger, yet I'm still so far away from looking huge it's ridiculous. Is this something that just takes a LOT of time and work?

I guess the other question is, how much are those guys lifting, the ones who are noticeably big? I'm fortunate enough in that I'm 6'3 and have reasonably broad shoulders, so I have a ton of leeway before I even come close to looking too big, but just trying to get a ball park of how far away I am?

I'm not too concerned about getting a 6 pack or being lean, because I like eating well, I just want to be big.

It's just frustrating, as that even though I'm lifting reasonably decent weights with good form, I'm so far away from how I want to look it's ridiculous.
07-15-2013 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Does anyone/has anyone lift/lifted properly? I've been going hard since the beginning of the year and have re reached PB's in most things (third time I've reached these plateaus, every other time I've then moved/travelled and not worked out for like 6 months and completely reset back to my natural scrawny self).

I guess my main concern is: I still don't really look that big. I've put on maybe 6?kgs of muscle this time around, and am about 10kgs heavier than my no muscle weight, and I'm definitely noticeably bigger, yet I'm still so far away from looking huge it's ridiculous. Is this something that just takes a LOT of time and work?

I guess the other question is, how much are those guys lifting, the ones who are noticeably big? I'm fortunate enough in that I'm 6'3 and have reasonably broad shoulders, so I have a ton of leeway before I even come close to looking too big, but just trying to get a ball park of how far away I am?

I'm not too concerned about getting a 6 pack or being lean, because I like eating well, I just want to be big.

It's just frustrating, as that even though I'm lifting reasonably decent weights with good form, I'm so far away from how I want to look it's ridiculous.
Eat more. Serious response.
07-15-2013 , 11:28 AM
I've had some similar concerns since I'm 6'2 but only about 195ish with no muscle really. Most of my friends workout so I've had some basic guidance, but generally my new weekly routine has just included lifting at the gym and food with more protein/drinking those disgusting muscle milks. I'm not looking to fight Anderson Silva/run a marathon, just trying to look better in my clothes and be able to handle myself in physical confrontation if need be
07-15-2013 , 11:38 AM
If you're lifting hard enough to be able to put on a good amount of muscle, you need to be eating enough (protein in particular) to be able to support that gain. A good rule of thumb is 1g of protein per day per pound you weigh. I would bet a fair amount that you weight around 200 lbs and aren't getting anywhere close to that in protein.

And yes, getting to the point where you look strong is hard and takes a lot of time. There's a reason so few people look like that.
07-15-2013 , 11:45 AM
Being tall you guys get to have size. Under 5'11" your goal should be less size and more being in good shape / defined.

Never had Muscle Milk but if it is disgusting there are plenty of protein drinks / bars that taste decent. I consume a few of those a day and I've had some that were disgusting but most are ok. BCAAs are disgusting. I have to get the pills because none of the powdered versions dissolve.
07-15-2013 , 12:18 PM
i think muscle milk tastes great fwiw; it's just a little more expensive than others
07-15-2013 , 12:28 PM
There is a video that guy called scooby on youtube that shows just how long it takes to put on lean muscle mass. The trick is to enjoy going to gym for what it is and let the results follow.
07-15-2013 , 12:31 PM
How much muscle can you gain? How fast?

via McTube for YouTube.

Warning.... His hat.
07-15-2013 , 01:33 PM
btw, best whey (lolz) to get protein, at least imo, is buying a big box of it and doing the following:

in a blender, add a decent amount of oj, 40g or so of protein, a banana, and frozen mixed berries (sometimes i added flaxeed just because). blend that ****. tastes so good.
07-15-2013 , 03:44 PM
fryke, I'll get you in shape in Austin
07-15-2013 , 04:35 PM
What are SL's thoughts on making out with a bachelorette?

no reason in particular

Last edited by CCuster_911; 07-15-2013 at 04:35 PM. Reason: ok slight reason
07-15-2013 , 04:40 PM
Is she marrying someone you know?

If no then no issue.

If yes then probably a bad idea. I actually don't think you are doing anything wrong but if the **** hits the fan you'll get blamed so not worth it.
07-15-2013 , 04:58 PM
Here is the full details of my story. It was not indoor soccer and it is not "tennis" but I have to protect my privacy as Townsville is a small place.

So I noticed this chick who was pretty hot playing at the same courts as me about 6 weeks ago. I think I played against some of her friends, but somehow never played with her.

About a week ago, I went to club night. I was unpacking my bag when I looked up and saw that same girl look away quickly from me. It was obvious that she had been checking me out.

Later in the week we had arranged games she knew that I was playing her, but as I didn't know her name I didn't know that I was playing her.

So I turned up, and just before turned up one of her friends looking at me out of the corner of her eye and blushed. then we met and she was very friendly. When I said I hadn't booked the court (as its generally pretty quiet at this time) she raced up to the office, and got it all booked. So we talked before, during and between sets. She was constantly smiling and blushing and was always looking at me straight in the eye. She laughed at a couple of my jokes even though they weren't that funny. She asked me tons of questions about myself. She praised me and said that I had picked up tennis really well after I beat her even though in reality I was only a little bit better then her.

Somewhere after 20 mins when I asked why she had moved to Townsville she said I moved up her with my boyfriend in March, we wanted a more country lifestyle. She hadn't expicidly stated she was still with this guy, so right at the end I asked her what part of Townsivlle she lives in and she said xxxxx, and I said does your boyfriend work out that part and she said yes he is a stockbroker.

Im guessing its either
A) She is a nice girl, but is completely socially unaware of how her behaviour looks to guys.

B) She is intrigued by me, found me good looking and wants to set me up with one of her friends or

C) She likes me but is too nice a person not to tell the truth about having a boyfriend.
07-15-2013 , 05:19 PM
Went out last night to probably the best club in Sacramento for industry night. Was with three black guys who can all pull. Had genuinely the best time in so long dancing to EDM/Pop/Rap with 7.5+'s everywhere. It was $3 U Call It's all night and managed to spend $150. Ran into girls I knew from middle school and girls who all work at a friend's restaurant who we've met before. I made out with one previously but there's another one who is cute AF who I was infatuated with. She served me one night when I went to dinner with TB and I left her like a 75% tip.

She brought that up as soon as I saw her. I told her we should dance and she was on the way to get drinks. Then she was going out once when I was getting drinks. So we kept missing each other and I would go dance with other girls to not look desperate. Eventually we connected at a good time and dance and made out while dancing.

I probably danced with 6 girls and was successful with every approach but almost all after one or two songs would do the move to break it off and give attention to their friends. I'm pretty confident in my dancing ability and multiple times I saw their friends actively give the approval that I was attractive enough to dance with so idk.

Two of the guys I was with pulled and brought two back to a diner where I passed out at. I genuinely had such a good time and just happy life is working out to where that is possible on a Sunday night.
07-15-2013 , 05:23 PM
exactly how was she showing interest in you?
also, why can't she have a boyfriend, but also think you are nice/attractive/fun to hang out with?
maybe she sensed that you were into her so she let you know that she had a bf?
maybe she was just being good looking and you are misreading signals.

we also don't know what has happened after this and how much/little interest has been signaled.

07-15-2013 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect

Im guessing its either
A) She is a nice girl, but is completely socially unaware of how her behaviour looks to guys.

B) She is intrigued by me, found me good looking and wants to set me up with one of her friends or

C) She likes me but is too nice a person not to tell the truth about having a boyfriend.
Self-confidence is nice, but you forgot

D) You misread a lot of situations and made a lot of unfounded assumptions
07-15-2013 , 05:34 PM
please explain I have no clue what you are talking about
07-15-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
please explain I have no clue what you are talking about
let me rehprase for you:

D) She was never attracted to you, never checking you out, and played with you because shes nice.
