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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

05-29-2013 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
sounds like you have a good report going with her, which is a good start. the "thinking you wanted to be friends" thing is code for them not being attracted to you, for whatever reason. you dont have to worry about making your intentions clear, since they dont really matter: if they're attracted to you, they'll want to be more than just friends whether you do or not.
Agree with this 100%
05-29-2013 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
I meant act like she's single till proven otherwise
05-30-2013 , 02:16 AM
Btw duke, don't worry about whether she's single. If she isn't, she'll let you know.

Edit: sorry i somehow missed all the other posts saying the same thing
05-30-2013 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Girls are good about talking about themselves while at the same time they are really bad at asking me good questions. I sort of brush it off but am definitely getting annoyed at the double standard where guys are supposed to engage and get the girl talking but they can be highly mediocre yet guys want to bang them
Hi TheAceMan
05-30-2013 , 10:45 AM
Haha, I don't mean to come off like theaceMan. It's just a fact of life that we all accept and deal with when we go pick up at a club. It's our duty to engage and do the hard work necessary to get the girls. We are the hunters.

This entire thread is getting girls interested in us, dealing with rejection, and asking girls out. There isn't an Ask Guys thread out for girls. Guys get shot down all the time. Girls rarely get shot down. Myself and my friends have slept with some really bad girls. We don't know of us sleeping with 9s and 10s. We work on strategies and improvements to get girls more interested since its our jobs.

If this wasn't the case there wouldn't be 470 pages, mostly consisting of bad beat stories if it was so easy.

Last edited by TommyTrash; 05-30-2013 at 10:51 AM.
05-30-2013 , 10:53 AM
a) You are completely wrong, it depends on the person whether or not girls engage.
b) There are tons of "Ask A Guy Out"-ish types of forums/threads out there for girls, why would you think otherwise?
05-30-2013 , 11:01 AM
I don't know who you guys hang out with but if a girl wants to have sex with a guy and she makes it known to the guy she is interested in she has sex with him like 99% of the time if she's decent looking. If she's ugly or fat then she's getting turned down.

Guys are horny and after sex at all times, especially when drinking. Guys are constantly sending out feeler texts to girls late at night to sleep with them and hitting on them at bars. Girls aren't doing this type of stuff.

I've never slept with a 9 or 10 but I've slept with a 4, 5, and 6 due to alcohol or because they came after me. I don't know any friend of mine who has ever slept with a 9 or a 10. Guys sleep down. Girls don't give up sex to guys below them.

I've never heard of an Ask Guys thread out. Those girls must be very ugly or fat if they are coming up with strategies to land a guy.
05-30-2013 , 11:04 AM

use some logic and break down how stupid your idea that all girls only sleep equals+

05-30-2013 , 11:06 AM
Yeah, might be time for you to join TheAceMan in no-SL exile.
05-30-2013 , 11:09 AM
I don't know of any instances where a guy slept with a girl better than them. I'm being honest and I don't troll. We have all had some really bad ones in the past where we regret sleeping with a big girl or an ugly girl but as far as landing 9s or 10s...never. All my friends are in shape, have good to great jobs, above average looking, social (go out 3-4 nights a week), former athletes, funny and have never had sex with a 9. It's extremely, extremely difficult to shoot up that high. I'd say we are all 7s on a proportion scale to girls and that's the girls we date. Toss in alcohol and there are 5s and 6s in there all the time.

We've all dated girls less because the girl was interested in us and would let us bang them and gave good head, etc. We had no interest long term but since the girl made it known she was into us we'd date for a little while since it was easy. Girls would not do that if I made it known I'd bang them right now.
05-30-2013 , 11:34 AM
God. This ******ed **** again. I hope you're a troll because the alternative is that you're pathetic.
05-30-2013 , 11:39 AM
I'm not a troll, I've been giving honest feedback and advice since I've signed up in a variety of threads. I'm just basically speaking about how my friends and I act and treat girls and relationships. Guys are much more likely to date down and hook up down than girls. There is no sane person that can dispute that. You are a troll if you think smoking hot girls would bang a 6 guy routinely.

An 8 guy will bang and date a 6/7 girl.
An 8 girl doesn't go out and just sleep with some chubby, ugly, short, or awkward guy just because she's drunk. Guys do that every weekend. I see it at the bar every night. My friends and I have endless stories about some of the bad girls we've hooked up with. I can't think of one where a supermodel was drunk and banged us. Or even a really, really cute girl (say 8) banged one of us out of the blue.
05-30-2013 , 12:15 PM
Everything you are saying is what I thought 3-4 years ago and its completely wrong.

Im not surprised yourself or none of your friends get with 9s, 10s (and possibly 8s by your inference), based on the attitude and beliefs you guys have.
05-30-2013 , 12:21 PM
We try positively all the time and get shot down left and right. Getting shot down over and over and over again will start to smarten you up to what is going on here.

We have all the necessary tools you would think you would need to get a 7 (not an 8/9/10) and get shot by randoms almost all the time with them. There is a whole misconception is this thread that girls are super easy to hook up with. Ugly, mediocre, and fat girls it is. But hot girls get approached all the time and if they would just hook up with every guy they would be having sex 700 times a year.

Look at this thread. Where are all the success stories about banging 8s, 9s and 10s? We obviously put effort into getting better with women yet hardly anybody has gotten any action in the last few months with a really, quality girl. That should give you an indication that almost all guys are not killing it and there are only a select few guys succeeding all the time.

The guys I know having the most sex are extremely good looking. They don't put in much effort. If you aren't blessed with some physical tools you are going to get shot down by randoms a lot. I've said many times I'm average looking so even since I've gotten in better shape, tried to socialize more, and spent a solid 2k on clothing I've seen marginal results, if that. I'm still getting beat out by guys that are better looking than me. Why wouldn't the girl just hook up with the better looking guy if we bring things relatively the same to the table?

And the marginal results are more makeouts. It always seems to stop there if the girl is cute. It never leads to sex.

Last edited by TommyTrash; 05-30-2013 at 12:26 PM.
05-30-2013 , 12:40 PM
05-30-2013 , 12:50 PM
Girls put way less emphasis on looks than guys do so I'm not sure where you're getting that girls don't date down on the attractiveness scale.

I also find it surprising that you haven't seen a girl with a guy below her ranking. I seem to regularly come across couples where the guy is clearly below the girl on the attractiveness scale and there are no obvious clues to suggest money is the only/main factor.
05-30-2013 , 02:03 PM
I have heard people discuss all the time about this but I have never seen this. It's always male-female equivalent or has been the case with my friends the male settles for a lesser girl because he wants to get laid. It's usually a 70% equivalent, 30% settle situation. Most of the settles turn into the guy ending things if he thinks he can get an equivalent.

Like I said I'm only talking people experience. These are all young professionals in their 23s to 26s.
05-30-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
and spent a solid 2k on clothing
05-30-2013 , 05:05 PM
sup boys, long time no see.

So got a little bit of a situation, there is this girl (friend of a friend of a friend) whom I met at the Champions League final public viewing, and well we kept celebrating at her place afterwards and banged a couple times (it was the first time I met her).

Seemed pretty cool at the time, and I also liked the fact that she spoke only German to me (though she can speak very good English), so we exchanged numbers (I slept over). Met her again on Tuesday and we banged and she stayed over.
The thing is that she seems to be clinging pretty hard and she is sending me whatsapp messages all the time about random bs that happens during the day, even though the content itself is not really cheesy (more random stuff really).
Fwiw she is 29 (not 18), with a good job etc, but I have no interest in moving too fast.

How do you handle those situations?

Also if it is relevant, she is in Berlin till Sunday, and I am then flying to London for a week so we will not be in the same place for 10 days.
05-30-2013 , 05:51 PM
2% of the guys in the world get all the hot girls. Trolololol

TT, I suggest you re-consider your scaling methods if you think this is the case.
05-30-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
We try positively all the time and get shot down left and right. Getting shot down over and over and over again will start to smarten you up to what is going on here.

We have all the necessary tools you would think you would need to get a 7 (not an 8/9/10) and get shot by randoms almost all the time with them. There is a whole misconception is this thread that girls are super easy to hook up with. Ugly, mediocre, and fat girls it is. But hot girls get approached all the time and if they would just hook up with every guy they would be having sex 700 times a year.

Look at this thread. Where are all the success stories about banging 8s, 9s and 10s? We obviously put effort into getting better with women yet hardly anybody has gotten any action in the last few months with a really, quality girl. That should give you an indication that almost all guys are not killing it and there are only a select few guys succeeding all the time.

The guys I know having the most sex are extremely good looking. They don't put in much effort. If you aren't blessed with some physical tools you are going to get shot down by randoms a lot. I've said many times I'm average looking so even since I've gotten in better shape, tried to socialize more, and spent a solid 2k on clothing I've seen marginal results, if that. I'm still getting beat out by guys that are better looking than me. Why wouldn't the girl just hook up with the better looking guy if we bring things relatively the same to the table?

And the marginal results are more makeouts. It always seems to stop there if the girl is cute. It never leads to sex.
Have you noticed many of the posters itt don't post trip reports? It's the ones having more difficulty or more time on their hands. I'm sure plenty of us have gotten the girls that are 8+. I for one,don't have the time or energy to post long TR about girls I've been with. I will say this, the vast majority I'm with fall in the 7, 8.5 ish range.
05-30-2013 , 07:58 PM
lol wtf is this ******ed ****. Yes you are gonna get rejected a majority of the time no matter if its a 4,5,6 or a 8+. If you aren't getting good responses from hot girls maybe you need to recalibrate your approach because something is definitely wrong and you aren't coming off as a cool fun guy. If anything, guys usually tend to date girls above them in terms of the attractiveness scale because they have other redeeming qualities such as wealth, status, personality, etc. Girls put way less emphasis on looks than guys. Girls have told me as long as he's not hideous or a monster its fine... Of course there are gonna be some girls who really value Attractiveness, but other girls will obviously find different features about a guy more attractive. Do you see hot guys regularly dating girls <5? No. Maybe the occasional hookup but very rarely do attractive guys date girls below them. But you do see average guys dating 8's and 9's because they have other things going for them. Curious as to where you live. From my experience, if im going out and I try hitting on the 5's and 6's they are usually less receptive to being approached rather than the 7's and 8's and 9's because they aren't used to being approached and subsequently do ******ed **** because they don't know how to interact socially.

I would seriously reevaluate your view on girls. Perhaps its your group of friends, that has severely skewed your perception of reality. Try to hang out with a broader group of people and you'll realize it doesn't work the way you describe at all.

JLBorloo, don't respond immediately to her text messages. Take 30 min to 2 hours replying to the messages, Keep her waiting before that tick mark appears indicating you've read her message. This will drive her crazy, and probably make her more patient. And dont talk about silly **** like what you ate for breakfast etc. Also don't meet up more than once or 2x a week, which should indicate you're a busy guy with lots of things to do. Just have other plans and you can also seriously just tell her straight up you don't want to move too fast etc, if she keeps trying to invite you to hangout everyday. Can just make up some bs about some past experiences and you wanna be careful this time. Im just assuming you don't really want a LTR atm, or wanna take your time to decide & still explore other options.
05-30-2013 , 09:19 PM
I don't know. It seems tough.
05-30-2013 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
We try positively all the time and get shot down left and right. Getting shot down over and over and over again will start to smarten you up to what is going on here.

We have all the necessary tools you would think you would need to get a 7 (not an 8/9/10) and get shot by randoms almost all the time with them. There is a whole misconception is this thread that girls are super easy to hook up with. Ugly, mediocre, and fat girls it is. But hot girls get approached all the time and if they would just hook up with every guy they would be having sex 700 times a year.

Look at this thread. Where are all the success stories about banging 8s, 9s and 10s? We obviously put effort into getting better with women yet hardly anybody has gotten any action in the last few months with a really, quality girl. That should give you an indication that almost all guys are not killing it and there are only a select few guys succeeding all the time.

The guys I know having the most sex are extremely good looking. They don't put in much effort. If you aren't blessed with some physical tools you are going to get shot down by randoms a lot. I've said many times I'm average looking so even since I've gotten in better shape, tried to socialize more, and spent a solid 2k on clothing I've seen marginal results, if that. I'm still getting beat out by guys that are better looking than me. Why wouldn't the girl just hook up with the better looking guy if we bring things relatively the same to the table?

And the marginal results are more makeouts. It always seems to stop there if the girl is cute. It never leads to sex.
Honestly, this is one of the low points of my life that I'm responding (or even read) something you have written.

But just because guys don't constantly post every TR from their life ITT doesn't mean it's not happening. There are quite a few regs ITT with gf's that 99% of males would bend over backwards to have a shot with.
05-30-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
sup boys, long time no see.

So got a little bit of a situation, there is this girl (friend of a friend of a friend) whom I met at the Champions League final public viewing, and well we kept celebrating at her place afterwards and banged a couple times (it was the first time I met her).

Seemed pretty cool at the time, and I also liked the fact that she spoke only German to me (though she can speak very good English), so we exchanged numbers (I slept over). Met her again on Tuesday and we banged and she stayed over.
The thing is that she seems to be clinging pretty hard and she is sending me whatsapp messages all the time about random bs that happens during the day, even though the content itself is not really cheesy (more random stuff really).
Fwiw she is 29 (not 18), with a good job etc, but I have no interest in moving too fast.

How do you handle those situations?

Also if it is relevant, she is in Berlin till Sunday, and I am then flying to London for a week so we will not be in the same place for 10 days.
What do you want from her? Still up in the air?

If you are not looking for a relationship I would remain relatively distant text-wise. Be responsive enough to not burn bridges and be interesting but don't text her every 5 minutes.

If you are looking for a relationship, it's mostly the same but throw more interesting things into the mix and use it to build rapport for while you are away.
