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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

03-20-2010 , 01:43 PM
haha me too except for the "I'm in Law School and I never leave the library" parts.

And the women fails.

i keeeeeed i keeeeeed Karak, no romo
03-20-2010 , 01:48 PM
honestly I think it has a lot to do with the type of people who post on 2+2, play poker and the influence 2+2 has on us

2p2 has definitely really helped develop my sense of humor... and twisted my mind a bit. it has also (possibly to a detriment) caused me to understand social value and things like that which has boosted my ego and self-confidence

people who play poker profitably and post on 2+2 also tend to be more intelligent than the average population and we are completely aware of it, so that doesn't help either haha
03-20-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
haha that sounds like the complete opposite of me tbh

maybe i didnt give a very good representation... i'm very sarcastic, but i smile and laugh a lot and im an extremely (to a vomit-inducing extent sometimes to some people haha) outgoing person. i have a pretty good sense of humor and consider myself an amateur comedian pretty much every minute of my life that i can be.

i also wear a fake ego a lot in conversation... making very arrogant statements but framing them as obvious jokes. some of them, however, are not jokes, and those that know me well enough IRL are able to pick up on that, which makes it funnier IMO when there are innocent bystanders involved. most dont ever pick up on that. some people take me entirely seriously and hate me, but those people have no social skills or cognizance what-so-ever, so poo-poo.
My God that sounds annoying. See? I'm a curmudgeon.

Originally Posted by Karak
also: smile more.

All I said was that I don't smile for pictures most of the time. I also don't wear a big smile around when I'm just walking around in every day life. However, I do joke around constantly, and I'm very well-liked around my school, so while my gruff-but-nice personality isn't getting me laid at the moment...I'm happy enough with it.
03-20-2010 , 02:00 PM
hahaha LKJ you'd either love or hate me IRL

you remind me of an IRL friend of mine who posts here under the SN Pecota. we have utterly opposite personalities but we do get along pretty well... i just annoy/needle him from time to time. not that i ever do that to you on here.
03-20-2010 , 02:04 PM
Karak, you seem like the type of guy to me that, if someone that didn't know either of us heard us talking IRL, they'd think we hated each other. In reality, we're just shameless.
03-20-2010 , 02:07 PM
Meh I've never had any problem being friends with opposites. I'm a deeply capitalist libertarian and Christian, one of my best friends here is a self-described left-wing socialist and atheist...we get along just fine. I would never date a girl who described herself that way, but have no problem being friends with people of either gender who are way opposite of me.
03-20-2010 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Karak, you seem like the type of guy to me that, if someone that didn't know either of us heard us talking IRL, they'd think we hated each other. In reality, we're just shameless.
Haha, yep. I have no problems being self-detrimental, but never in an emo way. Only in a funny way or a subtly egotistical way (if that makes sense).

Originally Posted by LKJ
Meh I've never had any problem being friends with opposites. I'm a deeply capitalist libertarian and Christian, one of my best friends here is a self-described left-wing socialist and atheist...we get along just fine. I would never date a girl who described herself that way, but have no problem being friends with people of either gender who are way opposite of me.
Yeah, same. I too am actually a very spiritual Christian and a libertarian.

I have dated girls who are my opposite. It never works out obv.
03-20-2010 , 02:18 PM
lol that actually does make sense. I'm the same way. I laugh at myself as much as I laugh at other people.

Also, without fail, I get at least 2 texts a week from any one of about 25 people that say something along the lines of "dude, you are ****ing ridiculous."
03-20-2010 , 02:25 PM
well isn't this quite the afternoon CJ
03-20-2010 , 02:32 PM
nose goes on eating the cookie.
03-20-2010 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by drukole34
Ok. Haven't posted much but am a follower of the thread.

To make a tl;dr short.

Long time follower, havent't posted much.

Girl I sat next to all quarter, know her, talked to her, i've been friendly/flirty. I needed notes for last class (last class of quarter) so I sent her an email from the class website where everybody's names and email's are listed. She responded pretty quickly with notes and wishing me luck on the final, but nothing else.

Then tonight I sent her a facebook friend request even though we had no mutal friends. I just want to know if that is uncommon to send a request like that when I obviously I just searched her name since we have no mutual friends.

Thanks in advance if you decide to take time to read this.

fwiw it's my b-day and i did all this after i drank quite a lot. Thanks again.

No one really responded decently to this

Its fine if you send her a friend request if you were friendly in class. Completely fine. Anyone saying anything different is being ridiculous.

Also, Karak is totally right about the smiling. LJK, do it more and it will help you out a lot, especially when you are talking to girls. It will help WAY more than you would think.

and yeah karaks self description was so on for me that its creepy. Weird that a lot of people here are like that
03-20-2010 , 05:48 PM
I like lamp
03-20-2010 , 06:18 PM
So a girl I messed around with a bit ago and then didn't hang out with(more her choice than mine, but no drama) asks me yesterday about whether I'm going to a party tonight that my friend is throwing(she's invited on facebook). I say yes. Today she asks again, asks more details about it, etc. and then says she isn't sure if she wants to go.

What was she up to here?
03-20-2010 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by cplo42
Also, Karak is totally right about the smiling. LJK, do it more and it will help you out a lot, especially when you are talking to girls. It will help WAY more than you would think.
I think I smile the proper amount. Probably more when I'm talking to girls than guys I would suspect, although it's not like I keep track or anything.
03-20-2010 , 07:12 PM
Besides, when you smile at people, all they see is a scared chimp begging for mercy.
03-20-2010 , 07:15 PM
I was initially sceptical of the power of just smiling, but I think it does work to be honest. It makes you seem more approachable and friendly.

I still hate to smile though. I'm a grumpy old man at heart.
03-20-2010 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
I was initially sceptical of the power of just smiling, but I think it does work to be honest. It makes you seem more approachable and friendly.
If I seem approachable and friendly, more people might approach me. Then I'd have to have more conversations. I'm not seeing the upside. In the words of Daniel Plainview, "The truth is, I hate most people."
03-20-2010 , 08:09 PM
fly- i'd go for the invite to predrink if you have any interest. seems like she's looking for some kind of reason to go to the party, but who knows, she may just be looking for attention.

re: smiles- i pretty much grin at everyone who walks by me on the street even if i don't know them. I find it makes me more comfortable when approaching a random girl. Idk, I live in a really small town though, and I'm sure if you did that in a city you'd get punched in the eye. I certainly wouldn't have a big ****eating smile on though, simply something to show that I'm not all cranky and angry at the world.
03-20-2010 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
I certainly wouldn't have a big ****eating smile on though, simply something to show that I'm not all cranky and angry at the world.
But I am all cranky.

I'm in a different position than most of the thread by being in law school. There's something like 210 people in my class. I easily already know the majority of them, and these are the people I spend almost all of my time around. I'm not going around making first impressions very often. People know me, most of them like me, and those who don't know me will at least know of me since I'm well-connected socially, and I'm confident that my reputation is a good one. Despite the fact that Karak is recommending that I become an annoying high-fiving white guy, he could attest to the small community that is law school and could likely agree that my image/rep is going to remain how it is unless something significant changed about me (and faking a few more smiles wouldn't count as "significant"). I contend that my smiling rate is both (1) acceptable and (2) irrelevant at this particular stage of my life.

For what it's worth, when I first got here to start the school year, I forced myself to be extremely outgoing and smiley and all of that nonsense. I befriended a bunch of people, then happily slipped back into my comfort zone and quit forcing a personality that isn't me.
03-20-2010 , 09:15 PM
emokids ITT
03-20-2010 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Besides, when you smile at people, all they see is a scared chimp begging for mercy.
lol. i think i'll enjoy this thread
03-20-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
emokids ITT
Haha, the plural intrigues me.
03-21-2010 , 12:01 AM
LKJ I think I can relate to that some. I can be pretty fun and outgoing at times (at least I think so haha), but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for various reasons and I just don't put any effort into it. Most common reason is the people around me in a given situation but sometimes regardless of situation I just don't feel like being social.
03-21-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
So a girl I messed around with a bit ago and then didn't hang out with(more her choice than mine, but no drama) asks me yesterday about whether I'm going to a party tonight that my friend is throwing(she's invited on facebook). I say yes. Today she asks again, asks more details about it, etc. and then says she isn't sure if she wants to go.

What was she up to here?
I'd like to know how far you got with her the first time, but let's leave that aside for now.

It doesn't matter what she was up to, bro -- what matters is what YOU want from HER. This is about you.

FIRST: general advice when dealing with women who aren't your girlfriend or wife:

GENERAL ADVICE FOR THE FUTURE:next time she calls you, don't pick it up right away. Call back about two hours later, rip on her, crack a couple of jokes, etc.

Do you want to bang her? If so, read subsection a. If you want a relationship with her, read subsection b. If you want nothing to do with her, read subsection c.

a) Just tell her that you're going to the party cause there's gonna be some cool new people there and you want to meet them, but you want her to come over afterward because you're going to be watching a movie. Don't make it a good movie either-make it some stupid one like Wedding Crashers that she's probably already seen so she'll be more focused on you than the movie. Don't ASK her to come over, just tell her that she should come over-almost DEMANDING IT. When she comes over, you should already have a beer open and offer her one. Drink yours fast and grab another. Tease her about how slow she is at drinking if she won't drink it fast. Once she has two in her, the movie should be almost over, and you should already have your arm around her. Lean in and smell her hair or something and tell her it smells nice. If she doesn't pull back, then go in and kiss her. Pull her on top of you, etc. make out, then pull shirt off then neck action then bra off then lead her into your bed and **** the **** out of her. DUDE: She's already contacted you twice about the party-the first time she asked if you were going. Then she called a second time for more details. She's clearly just contacting you because she wants to talk to you and she's open to more dick action if you play this the right way. I just get the vibe that she's attracted to you but that she thinks you're approaching this like a wimp. No sweat, you can change that and still bang her.

b) Do the same as I said in subsection a. You can bang girls and then turn them into relationship girls, but you can't turn relationship girls into casual sex. Once you let a girl know that you want a relationship, if she's interested in the same, you're not getting any pus-say for at least a few months. It doesn't matter if she banged the whole football team in college -- and don't bring it up if you know this to be the case. By you admitting to her that you are a pussy and don't make moves on her and that you want a "relationship", she'll still hold out on you as a test.

c) Delete her number from your phone and ignore all of her calls. She'll get the picture after you don't call her back. Honestly, it's tough to **** up option c. If you aren't interested in her then you really have nothing to lose. I will say, however, that if you ever think you'll be interested in banging her again, I highly recommend going with option A. See subsection A for the reasons why.


You don't have to listen to my advice, but you should. My mindset worked for me for four years of college and aided me in bedding dozens of hot women. Additionally, I am a 2+2 legend.
03-21-2010 , 12:16 AM
lolooloololololing so hard

dead itt
