karak's mega catch-up post of doom
Originally Posted by LT22
are you willing to hook up with her?
edit: hook up=sexy time
Originally Posted by Karak
no, but i dont think this matters.
I need to clarify this. I was referring to the other night in a vacuum. I am definitely willing to. More on this in a later post.
Originally Posted by GoodGame
aha ya but karak has already explained her intentions. that's the reason why most guys would care. because once a girl is doing this she pretty much wants to break up. i think girls can also turn this into a fight to end the relationship. like "u don't trust me to even go to the movies with a guy friend. you're to controlling i don't want to be with you". then the guy is like omg i overreacted and lost something great and texts/calls her saying sorry all the while she's f'ing that guy he was worried about.
girls are used to all the power that comes with sex so most don't end a relationship rationally. my ex and i hookedup for months after we broke up and it'd always be the same routine. we'd hangout and flirt and she'd try to get me to try and escalate things. i then would make a move and she'd deny me so she felt like she was powerful and in control. then a little while later we'd have sex and after she'd be all over me cuddling as if we were still in a relationship. they lose all their power as soon as you bust a nut and no longer care about the sex.
It takes women a really long time to go through a break up. Once they decide they are going to do it there is NO turning back. They WILL do it. It's just a matter of how long it takes them to actually do it. Some it takes a month... others it can take a year or two. Cheating definitely accelerates the process. And if they can induce the other person to start the avalanche towards break up? (my ex did this to me) Then it's so much easier.
Originally Posted by GoodGame
i don't agree with the ppl saying you should talk to her before or try and sit away from her or anything. go out and flirt or whatever. if you don't want to hook up with her now that's fine but there's nothing wrong with flirting and you never know when your B, or whoever, is going to send you on lifetilt and you're going to be glad to have this girl around to hookup with.
Need to clarify my views on this later.
Originally Posted by cplo42
its none of your business either way. if a girl wants to cheat on her boyfriend with me, (assuming im not friends with the boyfriend) then I have no problem doing it. If she doesnt cheat with me she will just cheat with someone else.
I struggle with this. On the one hand I agree with you and on the other I think, "Why do I want to associate with someone who would act like this?" Ugh. A constant internal struggle. Plus because of my strong religious beliefs this also includes some other moral issues. However, I'm fine with doing it as long as the relationship is a) already on a "break" or b) inevitably done in the very near future.
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Wait, so Karak is now friend-zoning a girl who's clearly interested in him? Sounds like he needs to give her the LJBF talk so this can come full circle.
lol'd pretty hard at this
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I have no ability to friend zone girls. Like I can be friends with girls, I can be platonic friends with girls I'm attracted to, but every time there is a girl who wants to bangificate me and I don't want to I end up having to creepily avoid the girl or be enough of a dick so the girl will leave me alone. I dunno how to start the LJBF talk, I guess. I don't think Karak is doing it right, though, because he's kinda doing it like a girl would(tell the girl he's not interested via text, still go to the movie).
There's got to be a better way. Because if the situation was reversed, and there was a girl who hooked up with you and then you asked her to a movie and she said, "LOL I don't want to hook up again, but I'll totally go to the movie with you and I'm bringing my friend Sally" you'd be all
and probably ask some dudes who play poker on the internet what the deal is.
The thing is I'm not trying to friend zone her. Again, more on this later.
If I was going to friend zone a girl, I'd take the approach I did with D. Speak with my actions and make it clear I'm interested in other women. The single best approach is to ask the girl what she thinks of your girl situation. Be sure she is making it blatantly obvious she's into you at this point, though, or she might read it as you trying to make her jealous. I generally won't give a chick that much credit, though.
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Welcome to student life Fly, plz post more. lol'd
Went and played racquetball with C today. She actually had a really quick learning curve, which I was impressed with...I've taught a couple of girls and found myself not even getting much of a workout, but I got a full workout out of this. Beat her all three games obviously, her still being a beginner, but she was competitive enough that it was fun on its own merits. She enjoyed also, and said afterward that she wanted to fit in a weekly game as part of her workout routine (says she has some other girls she does classes with on other days of the week). I like this one, she's enjoyable to hang out with.
Not much more to the TR than that, just giving the update.
This is very good and how I kicked things off with D... same sport and everything. Be sure to let her have fun and not drive her into the ground. Try to pull off some ridiculous trick shots from time to time, sacrificing points. Never let her win, but make sure she is having fun too.
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
my roommate just said to my other roommates "Have you guys noticed how much TBE59 and A flirt?" while I was in the room. analysis.
edit- roommate is a girl, who happens to be really good friends A
This is a good sign. She's thinly-veiling hints.
Originally Posted by GoodGame
k so me and A went from having a good date and making plans 2 days later to me pretty much giving up completely. and i wasn't exaggerating any signs or anything so i feel at a lost. i almost want to just ask like wtf happened? but ohwell... we do still talk but it's pretty different than before.
i bought 4 tickets to a nba game and was planning on taking her and my brother and our mutual friend but now this just means i can take another friend and have a really solid "broseph" night imo
Man chicks suck. Eff it. Start looking at other women and moving on. I hate that hot and cold **** they pull ONCE you've moved to the stage of relationshippyness.
Originally Posted by EV87
So there is this girl i have seen around campus since last year. She is easily one of the best looking girls i've seen in the 3 years i've been at school (in addition to being naturally pretty, she puts some effort into her appearance, which is refreshing since 90% of girls wear sweats and a hoodie to class). She was in one of my classes then, but there were a couple hundred people in that class and my friends and i never sat that close to her so we've never spoken.
Since then I have seen her a handful of times. The past two times we've walked past each other she has looked me in the eye, but no "hello," smile, or anything like that. It's kind of a weird interaction: we are aware of each other's presence but don't actually acknowledge it. I am certainly not a stalker, and at worst, her catching my eye is a neutral reaction from her.
I am really hesitant to cold approach girls during the daytime, especially because people have **** to do during the semester and probably aren't in the mood to talk to strangers. This girl also looks particularly busy most of the time -- she's typically by herself and always looks like shes in a hurry. But I might have to stop her one day because she just looks that good. I'm pretty sure I will see her again, but because she knows my face I can't approach her like I would talk to a girl I have never seen before. Also, the fact that I haven't said anything yet isn't great imo. What's my play here?
First of all:
The past two times we've walked past each other she has looked me in the eye, but no "hello," smile, or anything like that. It's kind of a weird interaction: we are aware of each other's presence but don't actually acknowledge it. I am certainly not a stalker, and at worst, her catching my eye is a neutral reaction from her.
This is meaningless. I make eye contact and smile at pretty much everyone I pass on a sidewalk from 50-year-old women to hot undergrads.
Your play:
You need to find something in common with her. Find a legitimate non-hitting on reason to approach her. Hey OH MY GOSH did you see that?
You were in x class with me right? Do you remember Mary? Did you hear what happened? Oh my gosh I just had to tell someone who would understand!
Something like that. A cold approach is awkward, but if you approach her with confidence and a clear plan in mind, then you should be fine. If you are funny then you can always take this approach and go up to her with a joke, but if you are not funny you will fall flat on your face.
I generally take the funny approach, but I'm also able to pull it off. Do what you are capable of.
DO NOT just go up "HI Im tom i was in your class LET'SG ET COFFEE!!! HOW ARE YOU???"
Please don't do this.
Originally Posted by MyriadChoices
Since everyone here seems knowledgeable, and I don't have multiple letters to deal w/, maybe you all can help me figure out where I stand and my next play?
Z is this cool chick who works at this food place maybe a couple blocks from campus. Normally, I'm a big fan of 'don't **** where you eat', but she's honestly a pretty diggable person. I had gone in to the place a couple times with my roommate 1. Because it has good food but then 2. Because she worked there and I was trying to find an in so to speak. Anyway, she winds up giving me her phone, fb, and email address on a napkin and says to hit her up. (!)
So I was feeling pretty good and we hung last week at some coffee place and watched some decent band and talked and crap and it was cool. I got a decent vibe since she pretty much shut out a couple of guys when they tried to talk to her in an advancing manner and we made small talk with someone else for a little while who was sitting by himself. So the night was going well, no pressure, she was fun to talk to and hang out with. She mentioned wanting to party since she had to work during the weekend but I didn't know of anything happening in the middle of the week but said we could bike over to a bar and see what's happening. After some indecisiveness of where to go, we ride over to this place but then it gets kind of apprehensive, mainly because they would ID me (she's a couple years older and I have a few more months to go until I'm 21
) and it wasn't really as exciting a place and we had hoped.
Anyways, there the night pretty much ends. We bike the same way since she lives a few blocks down from me. At the light where I turn we stopped and she could have kept going since it was green and **** but we talked for a couple more minutes and then made our separate ways. But yeah, on the way home I talked my way down from it being a fun night with future prospects to 'Oh god I'm so lame she didn't even like come to hug/kiss/pat my head'. 
So later that week me and my roommate go to grab some grub around midnight and we're friendly with the people there since it's new and we go once a week give or take and one of the people says she'll go grab Z for me and I was pretty confused since I was high and usually it's just the first person there writes down what I want to eat and the workers just come and go and talk since it's usually emptyish when we go there. Anyway, she's working and we talk for a while and she apologizes for maybe being lame on account of the fact that she was pretty stoned. I tell her it was cool and that it was fun and she was fun etc just less lame, but yeah. I dunno if there was any window to future goings outs. She was mentioning what I was doing for spring break and I said that I wasn't gonna go home and all and she said she wasn't either. I probably would have asked her to hang later this week if I wasn't pretty stoned then and slightly uncomfortable asking her to come out around my roommate and her coworkers in the back. But yeah, night ends and I feel good again.
So anyway, I was thinking of asking her to come hang out tonight but I'm a bit sick and don't feel like biking a few miles nor being tired and boring from being sick. So that kinda sucked but I'll be better tomorrow and I was thinking of seeing if she wanted to bike downtown tomorrow night to see a show or go to this food place where they also have movies to rent, like French movies and kung fu and indie films and crap. I figured I'd suggest we should watch a movie some time at one of our places and I could figure it out from there. It seems pretty innocuous in that it affords her an easy out but also provides an opportunity to make both of our intentions clear? Obv I prefer going to the place that has food and movies and 'hipster' ****.
Yeah, anyway, opinions are appreciated. I've been 'out of the game' for a long time and am still sort of awkward in getting back on the horse and my roommates are really of no help. I know I just have to not be a bitch and make advances and all that but yeah. I'll update in the future with what happens.
Don't ask her to watch a movie with you at home. You may as well say, "Want to come over to my place later and have sex?" Don't do that.
Bring the movie up in casual conversation once you go out. Hit the hipster place, go to the movie place, holy **** we need to watch this, etc. I'd much prefer going out to a cozy, romantic setting and getting to know her better there than doing a straight "come get a movie."
Sounds like you are doing well so far and this girl is into you. I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you don't overthink this and start bumbling around.
And try not to be around her when you are high in the future. The same goes for booze. You can't effectively build attraction when you are intoxicated.
Personally I do not do drugs and never have. I can't really understand the culture... so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.
Originally Posted by EV87
haha wow i feel stupid now, had no idea it has a slightly different meaning. if this were a girl sitting down having a cup of coffee simply asking her how she's doing would probably be the best thing to do, but 1) this girl is always hurrying off somewhere, which means that she probably isn't going to stop to talk, and 2) she knows i've had opportunities to approach her before but i haven't, which might suggest that i lack confidence. would it be better to go very direct and just tell her i find her attractive?
sorry if this is a really simple scenario. i'm okay at talking to girls in social settings (bars, lounges, etc) but not so great at approaching them on the street.
You need to find a reason. You cannot CANNOT REPEAT CANNOT make your approach seemed planned. It needs to be random, spur of the moment and funny. OH MY GOSH you are from that thing right? LOL can you believe what happened? etc
I highly suggest you find one of these reasons to approach her and then stop thinking about it. The more you think about it, the more psyched out you will get and the more awkward/planned/fake/creepy your approach will seem.