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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

04-26-2012 , 11:47 AM
I guarentee cooking at home is cheaper compared to where you are going out(obviously if your dumb and buy way too much food and let it spoil it may not be, but I wouldn't consider that a cooking expense).

I cook a lot, I cook a variety of things and sure some things do take a while, but I'd definitely say if the goal of this is to force yourself to go out(assuming with somebody) it's much more fun to cook with somebody than go out.

You mentioned that cooking "things you make" take longer than a restuarant would, but I feel like you are seeming pretentious as all hell.

You can cook a billion great meals by yourself in under and hour including prep time(this does not include cleaning, but I'd be amazed if you don't have a dishwasher so who cares). If you for some reason only cook a few things that seem to take forever, look at the internet.

There are a billion recipies for quick meals(good meals) all over.

Going out takes way more time and money for any realistic/logical person.
04-26-2012 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
I guarentee cooking at home is cheaper compared to where you are going out(obviously if your dumb and buy way too much food and let it spoil it may not be, but I wouldn't consider that a cooking expense)
Well, you have to consider opportunity cost too. Going to a restaurant takes time, but you can spend that time doing something you like - i.e, socialising. I am infact going to have dinner at my local pub (gastropub incase I'm creating the wrong impression) on my way home from work as it's going to work out a better way to spend my day.

Re: things taking a long time - I'm really interested in the idea of sous vide partly because you do the prep in the morning, you go to work, the timer clicks on later that day and when you get home it's ready. It'd actually take less time than cooking normally, and probably tastes better. Restaurants generally can't make food that way either. I'm interested in finding ways to have more time to do the stuff I like (possibly dangerous next step - get into coffee)

Downside is that you are tied into going home or you've wasted your steak or whatever. That's probably more of a downside in the UK than the US though because we fairly often go straight to the pub from work.
04-26-2012 , 12:00 PM
slowcookers are great for prepping in morning and having it ready when you get home.
04-26-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
slowcookers are great for prepping in morning and having it ready when you get home.
I got this book as a stocking stuffer like 2 Christmases ago. Stone. Cold. Nuts.

04-26-2012 , 01:08 PM
to those who have whitened their teeth, what method did you use and how did it work? i know you can go to a dentist and there are at home methods, but i have no idea what's best, cheapest, and easiest.
04-26-2012 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
I guarentee cooking at home is cheaper compared to where you are going out(obviously if your dumb and buy way too much food and let it spoil it may not be, but I wouldn't consider that a cooking expense).
Some will come in higher and some lower but the difference is pretty negligible. I was surprised as well and to be fair I'm talking about not freezing meat so no family pack discounts and also buying it ready to use (skinless and boneless).

it's much more fun to cook with somebody than go out.
I would disagree but what people find enjoyable is subjective so that is fine. The problem with cooking with someone is that you already know them. The objective is to increase your social sphere and that requires going out. The idea is that being in public means you'll run into people you know randomly and get introduced to their companions who depending on the level of interaction now become people you know increasing the number of people you can randomly run into. You'll also meet strangers and just the act of being out and seen is valuable to increasing your social circle as people remember that. I do enjoy cooking and for couples having dinner parties is great but that isn't the goal here.

You mentioned that cooking "things you make" take longer than a restuarant would, but I feel like you are seeming pretentious as all hell.
Not at all. All I meant by that was that the dish would be meat-centric and as much as possible made from scratch. I think that matters because there is a much bigger difference in the cost of vegetable-centric meals made at home and at a restaurant. Likewise, the time involved is very different.

You can cook a billion great meals by yourself in under and hour including prep time(this does not include cleaning,
Under an hour is fine and I wouldn't disagree with this. Typically I would say 15-20 minutes of prep and 20-45 cooking with most meals coming in under an hour. Even if we use 40 minutes as the average that is about the same as a typical wait after ordering. Further, there is no need to clean or go to the grocery store.
04-26-2012 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by scrolls
to those who have whitened their teeth, what method did you use and how did it work? i know you can go to a dentist and there are at home methods, but i have no idea what's best, cheapest, and easiest.
I tried strips and they worked but they are a hassle to do every day and they hurt a little. The results were decent with the Whitestrips which I believe are the Crest product. People rave about GoSmile but at the time it was not available in Canada.

Most recently I went in for professional whitening. I'm not sure what the process is called but it involved making a mold of my teeth and then putting some sort of gel / liquid in that mold and what I believe was ultra violet light was then aimed at my teeth. Results were better than the white strips and more importantly it was 20-30 minutes one time.

My current plan is to repeat the professional whitening again and after that I will have time to do some actual research. It is on my to do list to look into improving teeth but no time.

The strips are something like $60 and take 14 days -- twice a day. The professional version was less than $200 (I think it might have been $150+ tax) and took half an hour for better results.
04-26-2012 , 01:55 PM
I suppose it depends on what your goal is out of it.

I think like if its a date with somebody you've went out with before, cooking together is a great idea.

But with the scenario you mentioned, going out is definitely the best choice.

As long as meat isn't frozen then it usually cooks pretty quickly; but I guess it depends how large a meal you are making.
04-26-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
I think like if its a date with somebody you've went out with before, cooking together is a great idea.
As a later date sure but not too early and never before you've had sex. I think the earliest I would consider cooking would be a sixth date.

You also need to have a read on the girl -- for some girls this would impress them and others would have no interest and see it as a negative. The more serious-- or heading to serious-- the relationship is the more appropriate cooking is.

It would also be something that should be light rotation -- two or three going out to every stay in is as high as I would go.
05-12-2012 , 12:01 AM
05-12-2012 , 12:05 AM
05-12-2012 , 12:39 AM
We Live?
05-12-2012 , 12:42 AM
didn't talk to any girls since 2p2 was down... didn't feel comfortable doing it without the thread for support
05-12-2012 , 02:41 PM
I'm going to attempt to jump-start this thread with an uneventful TR:

I decided to take a couple days off from work, head down to AC by myself and grind some 5/10 at the Borgata. My plan was to play all day Sunday and throughout the day Monday but go out on Monday night. For those who aren't familiar with AC/Borgata, Monday night is the big party night.

Fast-forward to Monday afternoon. My original plan was to grind until around 7:00, go back to my room and change clothes, play some more and then head out to mur.mur (Borgata's club). My table is awesome and has a drunk megafish throwing around money so I decide to stick around. I usually don't drink while I'm playing but I figured that my best bet would be to pregame on the Borgata's free drinks until I was ready to go out.

It's like 10:00 now, I'm kinda drunk, getting ready to leave. Massage girl comes over and says I'm next so i decide to stay a bit longer. I'm hitting on her throughout the massage and telling her to come out with me to the club when she gets off. She's says she doesn't have any clothes to go out in and didn't want to go out with me in her Borgata uniform. No big deal. Massage ends and I cash out.

On the way back up to my room I see two girls taking pictures on the couches by the elevator lobby area. I make some random comment like "Facebooooook", they laugh and I go upstairs to take a shower and get changed. About 30 minutes later I come back down and these two girls are STILL there taking pictures of each other. So I'm all like "ladies, don't want to interrupt your photo shoot but I have to ask.... did you come here to go out and have fun or are you just taking pictures of each other all night?" So they laugh again and start talking to me. I can tell from their accents that they are either FOB or tourists from Russia. Turns out they each moved here ~2 years ago. I'm generally not into Russians but one is a legit 9/10 (other is a 5/10) so I decide to give it a shot.

The 9 says they came to have fun but this is their first time at the Borgata and they don't know where to go (which is bizarre because everyone in AC knows about murmur Mondays and you can clearly see the line wrapping outside of the club). I tell them I'd show them around and ask if they want to grab a drink with me. They agree.

Within five minutes the 9 says she has a boyfriend. Whatever, the other one isn't too bad and I'd be willing to hit it, so I shift the focus to the 5. What's weird though is that the 9 is 1000% more talkative and flirtatious while the 5 was much more reserved and seemed apathetic.

So we get to B-Bar and I buy a round of drinks. I ask why they are taking so many pictures and the 9 says that it's for a dating site. I ask why she needs to be on a dating site if she has a boyfriend. She quickly says "oh no it's not that serious, I'm always looking to meet new handsome guys like you". So now I'm thinking I'm in the money with the 9 but I have one huge, obvious problem -- I'm alone, without a wingman. I'm trying to get a feel for whether they are willing to split up for the night but it wasn't looking good. I start talking to both and flirting with both thinking that there's a small chance at a threesome. The 9 says she's hungry and I ask if the 2 of them want to go back to my room and order room service. They talk to each other in Russian and then decline. I tell her that I know Russian (complete lie) and that I know what they said and she looks all embarrassed and eventually figures out that I'm lying. So we continue flirting and then the 5 decides to cockblock me and asks her friend to go back to the room with her. they talk in russian again and the 9 clearly wants to stay but her friend is being a bitch.

The 9 says I should come see her again and discloses that she's a dancer at a NJ strip club. Awesome. I agree, but completely forget to ask her #. So I know where she works but don't know when. Considering going there but haven't yet.

Ended up not even going out afterwards, just went back to my room, ordered room service and went to bed.
05-12-2012 , 07:10 PM
TL; maybe will read later.

for all you non chat ppl..l i banged a girl in amateur porn and posted her naked pics. ****ing a legit porn star with fake boobs is still on the bucket list.
05-12-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
TL; maybe will read later.

for all you non chat ppl..l i banged a girl in amateur porn and posted her naked pics. ****ing a legit porn star with fake boobs is still on the bucket list.
pm pls
05-13-2012 , 12:17 AM
Interesting discussions since the reschedule.

I'm in Calagry now been here two weeks. Just be doing some temp work. It seems like there are lots of jobs but they all pay like shyte. I wish Vancouver was cheaper to live I would be there in a flash. Theres so many hot girls around the downtown area there its amazing.

Canadians are definitely more outgoing then new zealanders so that is definitely a negative when it comes to getting girls. On the flip side I have an accent.

Cooking: definitely the key is to do a big shop at the start of the week. I have always done shared cooking in which we all cooked either once or twice a week depending on the number of flatmates. We all put in the same amount each week and buy the basic needs. Extras like fruit, chips, biscuits etc everyone paid their own way. I enjoy cooking this way as when I cook for myself I make no effort and cook a quick stirfry or pasta but when cooking for a few I make a decent meal.
05-13-2012 , 07:15 AM
so got single after an almost two years relationship a month ago.
so gonna post ITT from now on.

So went to bar yesterday, there was a girl, friend of the girlfriend's of a colleague. Hit on her pretty good, we went outside, I started to kiss her and she dodged. I was pretty sure of my read though (that it was easy game), so I was like "what's wrong" and she said something along the lines of (her english was poor) "yeah I am insecure, something is wrong in my head, I just go out of a long relationship, and I am not a slut".

Normally would have aborted immediatly, cause Im there to have a good time with my friends and not to be a shrink. But I guess she was pretty hot. Anyway we ended up at my place, and I could see she was uncomfortable; We did bang, and she did like it. Then in the morning she got dressed real fast, left and texted me (and I quote) "hi S, sorry for leaving this fast its not your fault. but mine silly mind. thank you for the nice evening".

This is an auto ABORT big red button thingy right ?
I mean I have 0 intention to date her or anything like that, I just look to expand the network of girls I can sleep with on a phone call (population : 1), and she IS hot and great at sex, but that seems like its going to be too much trouble ?
05-13-2012 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
so got single after an almost two years relationship a month ago.
so gonna post ITT from now on.

So went to bar yesterday, there was a girl, friend of the girlfriend's of a colleague. Hit on her pretty good, we went outside, I started to kiss her and she dodged. I was pretty sure of my read though (that it was easy game), so I was like "what's wrong" and she said something along the lines of (her english was poor) "yeah I am insecure, something is wrong in my head, I just go out of a long relationship, and I am not a slut".

Normally would have aborted immediatly, cause Im there to have a good time with my friends and not to be a shrink. But I guess she was pretty hot. Anyway we ended up at my place, and I could see she was uncomfortable; We did bang, and she did like it. Then in the morning she got dressed real fast, left and texted me (and I quote) "hi S, sorry for leaving this fast its not your fault. but mine silly mind. thank you for the nice evening".

This is an auto ABORT big red button thingy right ?
I mean I have 0 intention to date her or anything like that, I just look to expand the network of girls I can sleep with on a phone call (population : 1), and she IS hot and great at sex, but that seems like its going to be too much trouble ?
not sure what the question is here....

you already banged her and you don't want a relationship. isn't the answer obvious?

if youre looking for a booty-call type of relationship then i would say that you can probably obtain this pretty easily. if she truly isn't a slut then she'll want to legitimize her decision to have sex with you and hang out with you again when you call.
05-13-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by seaofsorrow
pm pls
05-13-2012 , 09:37 AM
yeah i guess i should avoid writing when Im still drunk my syntax is horrendous
05-13-2012 , 06:29 PM
haha great TR disko. What time was it when they said they were hungry? I prob would've just gone to bread+butter or something then went to mur mur and started drinking, inviting them up to the room especially with 2 of them and 1 of you that soon was a little ambitious.

you should've just played 2/5 or 5/10 at night. so many monday nights at 2 am some drunk guidos with their buttons downs halfway open come stumbling out of murmur and drop a few buyins in 20 minutes before they go pass out.


This chick can't even speak English, what are you guys gonna do besides have sex?

Last edited by mullen; 05-13-2012 at 06:36 PM.
05-13-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
haha great TR disko. What time was it when they said they were hungry? I prob would've just gone to bread+butter or something then went to mur mur and started drinking, inviting them up to the room especially with 2 of them and 1 of you that soon was a little ambitious.

you should've just played 2/5 or 5/10 at night. so many monday nights at 2 am some drunk guidos with their buttons downs halfway open come stumbling out of murmur and drop a few buyins in 20 minutes before they go pass out.


This chick can't even speak English, what are you guys gonna do besides have sex?
it was after 12.. not sure if B&B is still open at that time but i sensed it was a way out for the ugly friend more than anything else.

looking back i probably shouldve stayed and grinded but i was getting pretty deep (was sitting on around $4500 when i cashed out), some good villains were deep and i was basically drunk. so i like to think that i avoided catastrophe. its funny because the whole reason why i took off from work on tuesday was to play against drunk murmur guidos and i didnt even give myself the chance. i was also stuck going into the session so it was nice to get out on top.

im thinking of heading down to the strip club.. it's in linden, NJ so not too far. will update if i do.
05-13-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by JP OSU
I've been getting healthier, dressing better, and working on other various appearance issues to where in a few months I'll finally be close to comfortable after a long journey of that ****. I'm going to be moving into essentially a frat house in Austin, TX with one of my best friends and a couple other dudes I know well. I am not worried about my social life in general, and I should have a ton of opportunities, but I'm still relatively inexperienced with da fly honeyz so my early efforts will likely be entertaining at the least.
I went through something like this a few years ago going from 6' 285 lbs to 170 lbs...the learning experience wrt to the honeyz is def very interesting following weight loss
05-13-2012 , 09:32 PM
what i did over my 2p2 break:

[x] got laid
[x] got paid
