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What ties do you have to famous people? What ties do you have to famous people?

05-27-2011 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
My mom's cousin's husbands brother was Timothy Treadwell aka Grizzlyman. The dude that got eaten after living with grizzlies in Alaska for almost 13 years. His name was Timothy Dexter but changed it to Treadwell to be disassociated with the family for some reason. Apparently he was a weirdo.
I don't know if you know this and I don't know if you want to, but there is an audio tape on the net that recorded the attack that killed him and his gf.
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05-27-2011 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by microstakesrave
I think this should only be a thread for "family ties with famous people".

Well, Jesse James (the "famous" train robber) is apparently related to me. One of my cousins on my mothers side at family reunions always brags about it. I tried doing an ancestry search, but came up short on direct ties. Though I did see that I was closely tied to other James' though. Maybe this weekend I'll work on the family tree a little bit more.

My Bio:
- Never robbed a train
My family claims some relation to Frank James.
Could make us cousins (more likely both our families are full of crap).
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05-28-2011 , 03:11 PM
I think my dads sisters kid the person she married is cousins with tyra banks
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06-20-2011 , 09:49 PM
Bump for new celebrity

Went to high school with Veena Sud, (who is getting all kinds of **** for "the killing") and her younger brother.

Smart girl. Wouldn't have called her the creative type though.
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06-21-2011 , 04:07 AM
my cousin is a well known young adult fiction writer lol
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06-22-2011 , 02:51 AM
i want to hear what would be talked about over a random breakfast with roger federer
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06-23-2011 , 12:54 AM
Ive played poker, had chinese food on a couple of occasions, and even been to a party at the house of the biggest celebrity that posts in this thread...

...real nice laid back guy as one would expect also
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06-23-2011 , 01:19 AM
Friends with Tyson Gay, 2nd fastest man in the World. Austin Kearns PH for Indians. AJ Ellis back up catcher for Dodgers. Thats all I gota say about that.
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08-11-2011 , 10:35 PM
I once craddled ex President Gerald Ford's ballsack at a Pizza Hut salad bar when his health was in decline... he was still a president before tho and theres only been like 45 of those so i'd say it qualifies
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08-11-2011 , 10:49 PM
cradled only has 1 d.
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08-11-2011 , 10:57 PM
Not the way he craddles.
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08-13-2011 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
LOL, I could never figure that stuff out. Wow, we are even more related than I thought! (gag)

Oh and I'm also a direct desendant of Buffalo Bill Cody. My mother's maiden name is Coady and our heritage has been linked to Buffalo Bill. The spelling of Coady and Cody has been debated but my aunt had some family historian look at our family tree and he was able to confirm that Buffalo Bill is my great-x-whatever-grandfather.
Crazy, my dad told me that we are related to Buffalo Bill Cody through marriage. Maybe we're related then?
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08-13-2011 , 01:45 AM
I have a family connection to Edgar Allan Poe and Jean Laffite, a famous pirate in the Carribean. Apparently some Soap Opera Actress has my last name (so must be related, but who cares?)
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09-14-2011 , 06:26 AM
Played poker w Leo dicaprio, tobey maguire and Ben affleck. I busted Leo w quads and he had to use the cash machine. One time when he left the table, he asked if his money would be ok. Seemed like a tight ass for how much money he has. That's it.
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09-14-2011 , 10:38 AM
I went to high school with Chyler Lee (Gray's Anatomy). Met Will Smith at a work function years ago and he told me I was very pretty right in front of Jada...WTF?
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09-14-2011 , 12:42 PM
You may recall the Houston, Texas woman, Andrea Yates, who drowned her 5 kids in a bath tub?

Well... at one point, I was in the same religious cult as they were. The cult leader was Michael Woroniecki. Following the murders, I created an internet help site to help rescue other cult members and at one point had some correspondence with Rusty Yates. As soon as I heard that Michael was involved, I knew the reasons Andrea would eventually give for her murders -- since I'd heard all the same "preaching" years ago to my own wife.

This actually might be a good "Ask me anything about being in a religious cult..." thread idea.
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09-14-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by quirkasaurus
You may recall the Houston, Texas woman, Andrea Yates, who drowned her 5 kids in a bath tub?

Well... at one point, I was in the same religious cult as they were. The cult leader was Michael Woroniecki. Following the murders, I created an internet help site to help rescue other cult members and at one point had some correspondence with Rusty Yates. As soon as I heard that Michael was involved, I knew the reasons Andrea would eventually give for her murders -- since I'd heard all the same "preaching" years ago to my own wife.

This actually might be a good "Ask me anything about being in a religious cult..." thread idea.
holy crap. yes, you need to do an ask me thread immediately
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09-16-2011 , 08:55 PM
my friend's mum shaved matt le tissier's bollocks.
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09-19-2011 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Kevin DuBrow, former lead singer of Quiet Riot, was my third cousin.

My ex girlfriend was (I assume still is) a friend of Dave Matthews. She met him before he was famous when he first moved to Charlottesville, VA (she grew up there) and they were friends from then on. When they came through Denver while on tour he sent her two front row tickets and back stage passes and we hung out and partied with him after the show.

Also my childhood best friend's cousin was Mackey Sasser (NY Mets catcher famous for not being able to throw the ball back to the pitcher).

Et tu?
I worked on the set of the Mental Health video. Kevin showed up with two dudes holding him up and could barely speak. He did some blow and when I saw him later he seemed fine RIP
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09-19-2011 , 01:53 AM
Every other person in the US claims they're related to Jesse James.

I really am though. lol

We have pics of him holding my grandpa(mom's dad) when he(gp) was a baby, pics of him standing beside a building holding his guns and various letters that he wrote in the latter part of his life that specifically mention relatives on my mom's side of the family. Several historical groups have asked if we'd donate them to a museum but my family won't give them up.

The legend about him living to an old age is true. He actually attended his own funeral.
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09-19-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by BruceZ
Your 2nd cousin is your parent's cousin's child, and your 2nd cousin twice removed is your 2nd cousin's grandchild (or your Grandparent's 2nd cousin).
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09-19-2011 , 05:00 PM
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09-20-2011 , 03:10 PM
consanguinity. what a word!
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09-21-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by wheelflush
What I said is correct. Your 4th cousin's grandparent is your 2nd cousin twice removed. You said your grandparent's 2nd cousin which is the same thing, though yours is better because it works even if your 4th cousin does not exist, and it is an obvious symmetry with your 2nd cousin's grandchild which I mentioned first.
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09-22-2011 , 11:11 AM
I have the same orthodontist as Jessica Alba

I was childhood friends with Patrick Chung, a safety for the New England Patriots

I made a double cheeseburger for Las Vegas Comedian/Magician The Amazing Jonathan
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