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What ties do you have to famous people? What ties do you have to famous people?

04-10-2011 , 09:42 PM
that barry greenstein fellow is my uncle
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04-10-2011 , 09:49 PM
The same place that I worked with tanya I also worked with Amanda Detmer.

I also knew frank shamrock before he was frank shamrock.

But I'm only trying to compensate because I don't know BG
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04-11-2011 , 12:18 PM
Crash, you dated a murderer, so you got that going for you.
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04-11-2011 , 12:29 PM
She isn't famous quite yet. She will be after I do a 4L or oot death penalty trial sweat thread.
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04-11-2011 , 01:17 PM
Im directly related to John Hart who signed the Constitution.

The airport in Morgantown, WV is named after my great grandfather.

Went to Donald Rumsfeld's Christmas party while he was secdef....met Bushes, Clinton, various big wigs in the defense dept. Have met pretty much all the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

My uncle is a nuclear physicist and worked with/knew the Chinese guy who sold nuclear secrets
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04-12-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
I'm within six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
i've raced against kevin bacon on an online sailing/racing simulator called we were five degrees apart
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04-13-2011 , 10:05 AM
i played poker at same table with joran van der sloot and showed him some chip tricks in casino in my city. lol :s
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04-13-2011 , 04:03 PM
I played 5/10 NL in Chula Vista with Terrance Kiel (safety, SD Chargers) nearly everyday for 3-6 months or so:

He was terrible, and I personally took thousands. He unfortunately died shortly after in a car crash. Also, looking at the wiki page, I just realized he had been to court-ordered counseling for gambling.
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04-13-2011 , 07:17 PM
I am a distant cousin of George W Bush. We are both cousins of President Franklin Pierce, through Barbara who is a Pierce.

Actually there are thousands of people who are kin to W and don't know it. The Pierces have been in America a long time and they bred like rabbits.

I also have shaken hands with Bill Clinton, but if you're from Arkansas that ain't saying much. He campaigned for office there so many times half the population must have shaken his hand.
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04-13-2011 , 10:24 PM
My wife's uncle is next door neighbors in LA with Jim Carrey. Carrey threatened a lawsuit against him last year (shortly after the split with McCarthy) due to the workers at his house starting work earlier than the time (like 9 am) that him and Carrey had a handshake agreement on.

When he moved to LA for the Tonight Show, Conan moved in two houses down. We visit the wife's uncle every year around Thanksgiving, which last year coincided with Conan's first few shows on TBS. One night we were outside in the hot tub, looked up, and the Conan blimp was hovering overhead. Around dusk, its orange glow was awesome. I ran inside to grab a camera, but by the time I got back out it had taken off. I think they were just showing the blimp's crew where Conan lived and not actually filming. Which is too bad. Video of two people in a hot tub when it was 50 degrees outside, spastically pointing at the sky and then a giant, pasty white Midwestern man running across the pool deck and disappearing inside to grab a camera would have gotten some laughs. Maybe.....
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04-14-2011 , 01:29 PM
My boss(es) own an NFL team
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04-14-2011 , 03:49 PM
My grandmother says that the original scarface, Academy Award winner Paul Muni, and Edward G. Robinson were cousins. Both died before I was born. As a fan of cinema and classic movies, I find this cool.
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04-16-2011 , 10:23 PM
Last night I got ****ed by Attorney General Eric Holder while former Senator Bill Frist looked on and applauded.
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04-17-2011 , 10:57 PM
I am human. Most famous people are humans = I have ties to most famous people.
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04-18-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Last night I got ****ed by Attorney General Eric Holder while former Senator Bill Frist looked on and applauded.
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04-18-2011 , 04:19 PM
I'm oddly entertained by these tenuous connections, so I'll add my own:

I've played poker several times with Jimi Hendrix's brother Leon in Shoreline, Washington. He knew me then, but surely wouldn't know me from Adam if I saw him again. 3/6, 4/8 limit. He's pretty bad.
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04-18-2011 , 07:45 PM
I wouldnt call these people "famous" but: I went to HS and played baseball with Brandon Snyder, currently in AAA in the Orioles farm system. He was up in the majors at the end of last year. His dad, former major league pitcher Brian Snyder used to run a batting cage and gave me hitting lessons when I was younger.

My friends band, Chuck Shaffer Picture Show, is made up of a bunch of guys I went to college with. They arent famous yet but have opened for Papa Roach and Seether before. Theyd be my best bet to know someone truly famous probably (if they ever get big).

I guess on the more infamous side the VT shooter went to my HS, I had a class with him once.
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04-19-2011 , 09:28 AM
I went to high school with Shania Twain's brothers and used to sleep at her house.

Not as exciting as it sounds though. I viewed her as my friend's bitchy older sister with bad 80's hair.
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04-19-2011 , 12:11 PM
Belle Starr, the old west outlaw, is a distant cousin on my mother's side.
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04-19-2011 , 12:59 PM
There was a great thread in OOT a few years ago where a poster (I think it was Suzzer) mentioned his mom had run into Billy Corigan of Smashing Pumpkins in their small town, and she invited him for Thanksgiving dinner. And he had pictures. It was bizarre and hilarious and so ridiculous.
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04-20-2011 , 04:10 PM
I've met my share of "famous" libertarian types, but it's the wife that has met/spoken with a ton of legitimately famous peeps. Vince Vaughn, Peter Billingsly (You'll shoot your eye out!), Jesse Ventura, William Shatner (I got an autographed photo out of that one lol), Owen or Luke Wilson (I don't remember which is which) etc. She was there when Sacha Baron Cohen punked her boss for Bruno and recognized him immediately when he made the mistake of poking his head around a corner; otherwise they would have had no idea what just went down. She went on a bunch of cable news shows with people like Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, James Carville, etc. but those were remote so she didn't meet any of them in person. She still friendly with Tucker Carlson, though.

We've been to several parties at the Playboy Mansion, and met some famous people, but the only ones I remember off the top of my head were Kendra (former Hef girlfriend) and Adam Carolla.

I've met Andrew Napolitano, John Stossel, Barry Goldwater Jr., Ron and Rand Paul (duh), etc. The wife and I have been out on Ron Paul's speedboat with Ron, Tom Woods and his wife, and Barry Goldwater Jr. Drinking in the hotal pool with Barry AuH2O Jr. was entertaining. Adam Kokesh is a friend of ours; in fact he stayed with us for a couple of days recently when he moved to WDC to start his new show on RT (Adam vs. The Man, 7pm est on Russia Today). Rob Kampia (Marijuana Policy Project) is a friend; last year we watched 4th of July fireworks from his rooftop hot tub. I guess he's not so much famous outside of libertarian/marijuana advocacy circles.

My grandfather was in a jazz band with the infamous Oliver Naquin when they were at the Naval Academy together. My great great uncle of some sort was Charles Dewitt Brower, "King of the Arctic." You can read his autobiography online, too. Highly recommended. He had some crazy adventures. I have a bunch more family stories because my aunt is into genealogy.

I own a classical guitar that my aunt (same one) gave me that was played once by Andres Segovia.
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04-21-2011 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Borodog
She went on a bunch of cable news shows with people like Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, James Carville, etc. but those were remote so she didn't meet any of them in person.
What does your wife do that she appears on cable new shows?

How is parenthood treating you guys? (It turns out that being a Grandma is awesome!)
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04-21-2011 , 06:29 AM
At the time, which was nearly a decade ago now, she was running for the NC legislature, and had produced a libertarian pinup calendar as a fundraiser, which drew 15 minutes of national media attention.

These days she works for Ron Paul.

Parenthood is awesome, which is why I've been wide awake since 3am . . .

Seriously though, the little dude gets more entertaining every day. Smiling, laughing, loves to stand up (with a little help). The main thing that is tough to keep up with (other than still not sleeping through the night) is that he is very easily bored. Always wants to do something, go with you, watch what you are doing, etc. Great, but sometimes tough after working all day. Since that's the worst I can complain about, I can't complain at all.
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04-21-2011 , 06:50 AM
Just looked up your post in the other thread and realized my granddaughter is just 3 days older than your boy. She's exactly the same way, beyond being held, she wants to be entertained, dammit! Have a great time with him!
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04-21-2011 , 08:10 AM
We are! Congrats on the granddaughter!
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