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Law School Law School

05-11-2011 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Noah.
Aren't you of some type of middle eastern descent? Having a personal statement is probably a huge boost for you.
Yeah, I kinda abused the hell out of that for my law school application personal essay, though. I think I'll still end up going that route since that is the only unique thing about me.
Law School Quote
05-11-2011 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by ajrenni
iirc like 25-30 people submitted essays and we took like 15-16. I have no reference point to judge whether those numbers are high or low. If the number is low, it is probably because I was on our school's main law review, which has a corporate law focus, so there was probably some self-selection. In any case, since we are a very poorly ranked school, our grade-ons often transfer, so we need to lean heavily on the writing competition to staff the journal.
ohhhh i didnt realize people had to submit to certain journals, i (wrongly) assumed that everyone basically applied to every journal. so i was under the impression you were admitting 150/200 people or something insane like that.

and fwiw i think you were spot on with your grading techniques. only thing i'd add is that i HATED it when people would try to sound smart and make their arguments incomprehensible. felt like i was reading a thesaurus most of the time. write like a normal human being. also err on the side of overciting and PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO BB 1.3 and 1.4 !!!!!!!!
Law School Quote
05-11-2011 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrOnizuka
I am done with law school. I have no job and owe much money.

What now?
Pass the bar and worry about it later ? You didn't get anything during 2L and 3L, it won't get any worse after you pass the bar, it can only get (slightly to really) better.

I hope you didn't plan on living a lavish lifestyle though.
Law School Quote
05-11-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by MrOnizuka
I am done with law school. I have no job and owe much money.

What now?
online poker?

Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Degens_LOL
Pass the bar and worry about it later ?
+1. Firms have no incentive to hire anyone who just graduated and hasn't passed the bar yet. Your focus now should be on passing the bar. At least with my graduating class, the vast majority did not have anything lined up at graduation, but after results were in a bunch of my friends found gigs. We don't really discuss salaries, but I am guessing mostly these jobs are in the $50-60K range. Not sure what the partnership potential is, but it's a foot in the door, and a chance to make a career out of it. So although the stats from the school aren't remotely accurate, there are jobs out there, once you have the license in hand, even in this market.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by MrOnizuka
I am done with law school. I have no job and owe much money.

What now?
Pass the bar imo.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by Degens_LOL
One grade to get and then its gg Lawl School for good. Highest grade in 3 classes out of my 6 classes workload so far, and I'm not even sure I won't fail that remaining class (which would f- me beyond belief since I'm taking my notary diploma next year and you can only enroll in Autumn).

LOL incompetent professors and LOL fixed grid grading.
I don't really know what like half of this means. What's a notary diploma? Lolcanada.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 10:14 AM
I chuckled at "autumn".
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Dave D
I don't really know what like half of this means. What's a notary diploma? Lolcanada.
More like LOL Quebec. Civil Law is an undergrad here. You then have the choice of either passing the bar and becoming a lawyer or you can take a one year course bundled with bar-like exams and become a civil law notary (which is not what you guys call a notary public in common law juridictions).

Wiki link

Basically, a notary's role is to prevent litigation in the future by being a noncontentious legal counsel to parties in many spheres of the law (contracts, estates, family, business, etc.). You also HAVE to see a notary for some important acts, mainly when it comes to mariage, hypotecs and property.

It's basically a lawyer that never sees the interior of a courtroom and cannot touch contentious matters but is given the exclusive power to do some things ordinary lawyers cannot do.

TD, I don't know why you laugh at me for correcly spelling a word. English is my third language dude.

Last edited by Degens_LOL; 05-12-2011 at 10:44 AM. Reason: sucks for the bar though, gl next time
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:06 AM
That's kinda cool. What's the average salary for a notary as opposed to a lawyer over there....pretty big discrepancy?
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItMehr
That's kinda cool. What's the average salary for a notary as opposed to a lawyer over there....pretty big discrepancy?
The ceiling for a notary is a lot lower than the absolute one for lawyers, but the average salary is the same, altough the sky is pretty much the limit if you specialize like hell and live in Montreal. But for your basic generalist, 100k in a few years is manageable if you can network and go on your own: when you factor in that most graduate with sub 20k debts, that's pretty nice. Notaries also very rarely group up in 20+ studies: there are a lot of solo guys or small studies of 3-4 guys plus a secretary, so you don't have behemoths funneling all the money to themselves. It's one of the few remaining liberal professions, in the stuffy, public officer sense and people tend to see their local guys before going to the big boys in Montreal/Quebec. Lawyers don't make 160k a year starting out in Big Law like in the US, but on the other hand, a house can be had for 200k pretty much everywhere (except maybe Montreal, Hull and Quebec).

You can also work from podunk town with almost no costs of living and still make a killing and since it's mellower, people often work part time until they are well into their 70's. The main guy in my small 7000 strong town bought his last house cash and financed fully his daughter's new house. It won't get you stinking rich, but high middle class is attainable working 40-50 hours a week.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:54 AM
^^^ Cool thanks for the info man. I go to Vancouver most summers to visit my relatives (from US) and love it there. Had no clue about the notaries but sounds like a pretty good career as well, especially if you don't want to litigate. Good luck!
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItMehr
^^^ Cool thanks for the info man. I go to Vancouver most summers to visit my relatives (from US) and love it there. Had no clue about the notaries but sounds like a pretty good career as well, especially if you don't want to litigate. Good luck!
Civil law notaries are a Quebec only thing though.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Degens_LOL

TD, I don't know why you laugh at me for correcly spelling a word. English is my third language dude.
i think he's laughing bc in america we use "fall" instead of "autumn"
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 02:26 PM
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
What is your format? I'm curious about what other schools are doing. There is no way the format we have is necessary, it's just too ****ing brutal. Same room without any electronics for 10 hours straight doing pen and paper editing for two days, then a 5-8 page thesis based on their sources, then a personal statement (lol).
Wow that is brutal. I have no room to complain. The main journal is a "closed universe" note writing competition, with a portion reserved for GPA computation. We have til the end of the month and it is a ****-ton of reading, but is nothing in comparison to what you have.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by MrOnizuka
I am done with law school. I have no job and owe much money.

What now?
Probably become president or a SCJ? Senator's not a terrible backup.

Didn't teddy roosevelt go to columbia? He'd probably be taking out big game by now.

Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 05:13 PM
sucks for the bar though, gl next time
low blow, try to keep the gloves up
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
low blow, try to keep the gloves up
WTF ? I didn't want to insult you. Sorry you took it that way.
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i think he's laughing bc in america we use "fall" instead of "autumn"
We do?
Law School Quote
05-12-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
We do?
i dont think ive ever said autumn.
Law School Quote
05-13-2011 , 12:11 PM
Oh yeah, /1L.


So looking forward to a long summer. Favorite prof offered me a research assistant position, and is letting me pick my own hours (I told him I'm thinking 1-2 days a week) and will let me work from home almost excusively.

I can either take it as a work study (12ish an hour iirc) or for credit and am debating which is the higher EV.

Either way, damn glad to be done 1L.

Grades wise I think I aced Fact Investigation.

Aced Con Law (I think I got an A, maybe A-, I'd be surprised by anything lower. Then again, it was half MC and half essay, and I've found it hard to predict how you did with MC).

Decidedly did not ace Civ Pro. I'm going to predict a dead solid median B, but tbh, I'd snap call one if offered right now, I think I did terrible on the exam.
Law School Quote
05-13-2011 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by stakman1011
Oh yeah, /1L.


So looking forward to a long summer. Favorite prof offered me a research assistant position, and is letting me pick my own hours (I told him I'm thinking 1-2 days a week) and will let me work from home almost excusively.

I can either take it as a work study (12ish an hour iirc) or for credit and am debating which is the higher EV.

Either way, damn glad to be done 1L.

Grades wise I think I aced Fact Investigation.

Aced Con Law (I think I got an A, maybe A-, I'd be surprised by anything lower. Then again, it was half MC and half essay, and I've found it hard to predict how you did with MC).

Decidedly did not ace Civ Pro. I'm going to predict a dead solid median B, but tbh, I'd snap call one if offered right now, I think I did terrible on the exam.
make sure to post here when you get an A in civpro and a B in con law

RA is highly credited. easy as hell and you get paid (most 1Ls dont have paid jobs). plus you can work from your couch in your boxers. really can't top it.
Law School Quote
05-13-2011 , 05:56 PM
Ended poorly with a property exam. Hoping to be above median, probably not.
Law School Quote
