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Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

08-12-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Toni Morrison was a great writer. Back in college if a book was assigned that I didn't like I would definitely just skim it enough to write a paper, but I was assigned two of hers and read them and liked them a lot (Beloved and The Bluest Eye). And it's not like I knew anything about her or her reputation before that or had any problem skimming through crap like The Yellow Wallpaper.
The Yellow Wallpaper is a terrific short story. Especially the way I teach it. Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-12-2019 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Jeffrey Epstein, the occasional hedge fund manager who passed away this weekend at 66. I know his name has been tarnished in scandal, but he was once on every VIP and who's-who list in town. Can't imagine the stories he had to tell.
He qualifies for this thread in every way but the RIP part. (Is "passed away" the correct euphemism for "found hanged in a jail cell"?)
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-12-2019 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
Can't imagine the stories he had to tell.
Betcha the Clintons can
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-12-2019 , 07:41 PM
the person most surprised by Epstein's suicide was Epstein.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:02 PM
Peter Fonda
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:11 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:12 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:13 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:16 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:23 PM

the coolest Fonda
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic

the coolest Fonda
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 09:19 PM
RIP Peter Fonda.

Easy Rider an all-time classic but The Wild Angels was probably his first motorcycle movie (with Nancy Sinatra and Bruce Dern). If you didn't grow up in the 60's you can't really appreciate how "cool" these motorcycle movies were at the time to impressionable youths. He was probably the undisputed king of the genre.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-16-2019 , 09:30 PM
cancer sucks....I lost another close friend this week because of it. And now Peter Fonda.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-17-2019 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Jeffrey Epstein, the occasional hedge fund manager who passed away this weekend at 66. I know his name has been tarnished in scandal, but he was once on every VIP and who's-who list in town. Can't imagine the stories he had to tell.
A number of entries in this thread similar to Epstein have been deleted on the basis that they are notorious and not celebrities. Celebrities are persons whose life we celebrate. I don't celebrate Epstein's life, others may.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-18-2019 , 05:19 PM
Cedric Benson died in a motorcycle crash last night, really good rb at Texas and then for the Bears and Bengals, really a shame. Still in his 30s.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-19-2019 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
A number of entries in this thread similar to Epstein have been deleted on the basis that they are notorious and not celebrities. Celebrities are persons whose life we celebrate. I don't celebrate Epstein's life, others may.
The great benefit of this thread is reading about those few of us know, the gifted, the talented, the unusual, whether they are celebrated or not.

Epstein does not merit our consideration.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-19-2019 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by John Cole
The great benefit of this thread is reading about those few of us know, the gifted, the talented, the unusual, whether they are celebrated or not.
This Gentleman fits the bill
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-20-2019 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Mulezen
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-20-2019 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
cancer sucks....I lost another close friend this week because of it. And now Peter Fonda.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I had an awful July. My dog of nearly 18 years died (went from cancer diagnosis to putting her down within a few days) and my best friend died of cancer two weeks later. He was a week short of his 43rd birthday. On top of that, my wife was unemployed.

If there was a bright side, my friend's death got me back in touch with third leg of our high school trio for the first time in probably more than 20 years and we are going to be sure to keep in contact.

I'm still having a tough time of it. Not sleeping much at all. And now that my wife is back to work and I work at home, my house is very lonely during the day.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-20-2019 , 07:37 PM
sorry for your losses, Dlk9s. That;s tough.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-21-2019 , 01:01 AM
Keep hanging in there, dlk9s. I always overreact when I hear that someone loses their dog. Many of my best and most faithful friends had four paws.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-23-2019 , 10:18 AM
Wow, Epstein and David Koch in the same month. If I was Sheldon Anderson, I wouldn't feel too comfortable right now.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-23-2019 , 06:38 PM
older brother Charles is still alive and kickin'.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-30-2019 , 07:45 PM
RIP Valerie Harper of Rhoda and MTM fame.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
08-30-2019 , 08:04 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
