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"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." "If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice."

11-12-2009 , 12:59 PM
Why do people think they can play poker for a living? What is wrong with you people.

Most people lose at poker. It is a stupid idea for a reliable source of income.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 01:56 PM
Get better with money imo.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:07 PM
Went to my resident housing association office. A while before, I had gone in seeking to break my contractual obligation to remain, as I would rather live with my family twenty minutes away and give them that money so they wouldn't have to work so hard. They told me I couldn't do it unless I was pregnant (I'm a guy ldo), withdrawing from the school, etc.

I went in to ask about this and was told that my agreement for next semester will be canceled and I will be charged an additional $500 as a cancellation fee. I guess I'm a huge wuss since my voice cracked and I almost cried when I said I had to pay my family's rent for them and couldn't afford my own. I don't know why that bothers me so much, but I'll get to stay here until December 4th once the eviction notice is sent after the 20th.

This is a good outcome. My family comes first, you know?

Originally Posted by markksman
Why do people think they can play poker for a living? What is wrong with you people.

Most people lose at poker. It is a stupid idea for a reliable source of income.
If conditions had remained static, as I assumed they would have, I would have been fine. Not only did I come with a $700 BR, I had another $600 in the bank. My family insisted I buy a phone to stay in contact with them, and then I found that it would actually be necessary to purchase for the books for a couple of my classes (this had never been the case for me before).

Basically, what actually happened was nothing like what I had expected to happen. Sure, I came prepared, but not nearly as prepared as was necessary. I'll not make the same mistake again.

I also found out my campus legal counsel office does not offer legal counsel to students. That might be important to know at some point. Also, I now just have to send my transcript + schedule to the person in charge of hiring tutors for our academic center. Should I still do this knowing my schedule will be erratic this semester or what? I make about the same or a little more from poker at my current stakes than I would make working for them: $10/h.

I feel like increasing my bankroll so I can move up, knowing I can beat at least the next couple of levels, may be smarter than taking the wage that has no prospect of improvement. But it can't hurt to apply, right? The worst that can happen is they accept me and I make some extra money, right? I can't really see a reason not to do it.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
glad someone got it.
Heh, if you're going to refer directly to him, is there really anything to get?

Can't say I've read anything more than Civil Disobedience and Walden, though.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:11 PM
sick avatar

also: I know someone who was in real estate for a while and they said it was basically impossible to get evicted, so dont worry too much
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:18 PM
where's the link to the story of the homeless harvard graduate that lives on campus?
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
Went to my resident housing association office. A while before, I had gone in seeking to break my contractual obligation to remain, as I would rather live with my family twenty minutes away and give them that money so they wouldn't have to work so hard. They told me I couldn't do it unless I was pregnant (I'm a guy ldo), withdrawing from the school, etc.

I went in to ask about this and was told that my agreement for next semester will be canceled and I will be charged an additional $500 as a cancellation fee. I guess I'm a huge wuss since my voice cracked and I almost cried when I said I had to pay my family's rent for them and couldn't afford my own. I don't know why that bothers me so much, but I'll get to stay here until December 4th once the eviction notice is sent after the 20th.

This is a good outcome. My family comes first, you know?

If conditions had remained static, as I assumed they would have, I would have been fine. Not only did I come with a $700 BR, I had another $600 in the bank. My family insisted I buy a phone to stay in contact with them, and then I found that it would actually be necessary to purchase for the books for a couple of my classes (this had never been the case for me before).

Basically, what actually happened was nothing like what I had expected to happen. Sure, I came prepared, but not nearly as prepared as was necessary. I'll not make the same mistake again.

I also found out my campus legal counsel office does not offer legal counsel to students. That might be important to know at some point. Also, I now just have to send my transcript + schedule to the person in charge of hiring tutors for our academic center. Should I still do this knowing my schedule will be erratic this semester or what? I make about the same or a little more from poker at my current stakes than I would make working for them: $10/h.

I feel like increasing my bankroll so I can move up, knowing I can beat at least the next couple of levels, may be smarter than taking the wage that has no prospect of improvement. But it can't hurt to apply, right? The worst that can happen is they accept me and I make some extra money, right? I can't really see a reason not to do it.

You are not listening to me. The odds are you being able to succesfully support yourself for the next 5 years as a poker player is virtually zero.

This forum and the world is filled with 10s of thousands of people like you. It is the allure of easy money without having to work a job. The problem is most people who play poker end up being losers. It is not a viable path to income except for an exceptionally tiny percentage of players, and even a hefty percentage of them fail.

I can't for the life of me where people got this idea that poker is a good way to make a living. The absolutely richest poker player is a piker compared to 1000 other ways to make a money. By many standards the richest poker player is not even rich. The whole thing is redonkulous.

Start being realistic. If you are just going to move home and keep playing poker and not get a real job, you will be a massive failure.

It is time to grow up and get a real job.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by 175503
sick avatar
Wow, that's a pretty crazy coincidence.

also: I know someone who was in real estate for a while and they said it was basically impossible to get evicted, so dont worry too much
I'm not. Not anymore anyway. It feels like a huge weight has been taken from my chest. I was freaking the hell out, but since learning that all I have to pay is the $1000 I owe plus the $500 fee, and I have until next semester to pay it off, I feel good. I know I can handle this.

And thanks, everyone, for tolerating this thread and offering advice. I probably would have just waited until the last minute and then walked in on the 20th if you guys hadn't given me the push to handle this.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
I also found out my campus legal counsel office does not offer legal counsel to students. That might be important to know at some point.
If you're going to a major university, there will be two offices: The university general counsel (who represents the university) and something like student legal services (who helps out students with legal issues). If you're going to a smaller school, there might not be a student legal services office, but if there's a law school you might find a clinic that helps students and/or low income people.

Otherwise, find your dad, beat him up and pawn his Porsche.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
You are not listening to me. The odds are you being able to succesfully support yourself for the next 5 years as a poker player is virtually zero.
I don't need to support myself for the next five years playing poker. Just about the next year. I'm majoring in computer science (strongly considering a dual major in math) and will have enough coursework completed to start looking for local (paid) internships roughly one year from now. After I graduate, I'll have a degree in a growing field.

Start being realistic. If you are just going to move home and keep playing poker and not get a real job, you will be a massive failure.
I don't need that much money, though.

It is time to grow up and get a real job.
Sending application to academic center. I don't expect to get hired for anything this semester, but I'm crushing physics pretty well and I've been told that the best way to get hired is to be able to teach a class that everyone is failing, so next semester I should have a part time job. :\

EDIT: Also heard from a friend that there is the possibly of being a TA for various math courses, though they usually do their hiring for the fall and spring at the same time, so I probably won't be able to be a TA next semester, I can still check it out and might have a shot for the Fall.

I don't expect to support myself with poker forever, believe me. I just figured that with what I had saved up, I'd be able to coast without a job until I found something I wanted to do.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by bonds
If you're going to a major university, there will be two offices: The university general counsel (who represents the university) and something like student legal services (who helps out students with legal issues). If you're going to a smaller school, there might not be a student legal services office, but if there's a law school you might find a clinic that helps students and/or low income people.

Otherwise, find your dad, beat him up and pawn his Porsche.
I didn't know that. It's not necessary to get legal advice at this point, but I won't discount the idea in the future if I ever have some sort of legal problem.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:30 PM
Not having ever had a job or any experience doing anything is going to make it easy to find a paid internship.

Dude you need a job now.

"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Not having ever had a job or any experience doing anything is going to make it easy to find a paid internship.
That's how CS works, yeah.

Dude you need a job now.
Why? I don't have to pay until the registration deadline, that's plenty of time to make money through poker. Where am I going to get a job that lets me start working on the same day? I'll apply, a couple weeks later I'll find out if I've been accepted, and then it's another couple of weeks until I see my first paycheck?
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:36 PM
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:42 PM
Going to go see if I can't find the math department chair to ask about TA-ing, since his office hours aren't shown online. Wish me luck.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:45 PM
Good luck
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
I was. It's $700/month, for a total of $2800 per semester. When I made this decision, I had like $700 in my BR. I was also receiving $2250 from private scholarships, plus tuition completely covered by the Florida Bright Futures scholarship.

Before I move in, my mom leaves my dad and my mom and sister move to a place like twenty minutes away. I had already signed the contract though, and figured it would be alright since this already mostly paid for anyway, with my scholarship money.

Halfway through my stay, I find out the state government said, "**** you, we don't want to pay for this **** anymore, we have other bills," and now they only pay about 83% of my tuition.

And then my little sister calls me up crying because they need me to pay their rent for a month. Oh, and an extra $100 for a puppy that was going to be put down, and she really misses the dogs we had that my father put down when we left, so please please please?

And then a couple days after I give them the money, my bank takes out its own wire fees, and I get dinged for an overdraft fee. And then some sort fee for that fee because I didn't pay it back within a few days after.

I freak the **** out, decide that double-tabling (and then triple when that doesn't work) is the fastest way to make it back, and go -$1k in like 3 days. Went down to $42 and ground back up to my current position (with rakeback helping).

I'm so ****ing close and now this bull**** happens. The $1k I owe isn't all because of rent, it's a combination of rent + tuition that I wasn't aware I'd have to pay, and then $125 in late fees.

I also tried to get a job on campus the first place I go to tells me that jobs are pretty much decided by the beginning of the semester and I'd have to give them a shout next semester. I don't have a car, either, so I can't work off campus. I didn't know I could (hopefully) get a tutoring gig until last week and I've had a ****load of school work to keep up with lately so didn't get to it until now, because I figured they'd let me finish out the semester, which would be more than enough time.

Sorry for whining here in your BBV4L, but I don't really have any place to vent.

how long do your withdrawal transfers take to come through? you have a week. get to grinding imo

also, lending the $ was certainly generous, but if you are in the circumstance then you didn't have the financial security to make loans
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:23 PM
Basically, "Payment or GTFO" ?
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
Heh, if you're going to refer directly to him, is there really anything to get?

Can't say I've read anything more than Civil Disobedience and Walden, though.
well you realize this is bbv4l right? I'd guess the percentage of BBV4L frequenters that read Walden has to be low single digits.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
I was. It's $700/month, for a total of $2800 per semester. When I made this decision, I had like $700 in my BR. I was also receiving $2250 from private scholarships, plus tuition completely covered by the Florida Bright Futures scholarship.

Before I move in, my mom leaves my dad and my mom and sister move to a place like twenty minutes away. I had already signed the contract though, and figured it would be alright since this already mostly paid for anyway, with my scholarship money.

Halfway through my stay, I find out the state government said, "**** you, we don't want to pay for this **** anymore, we have other bills," and now they only pay about 83% of my tuition.

And then my little sister calls me up crying because they need me to pay their rent for a month. Oh, and an extra $100 for a puppy that was going to be put down, and she really misses the dogs we had that my father put down when we left, so please please please?

And then a couple days after I give them the money, my bank takes out its own wire fees, and I get dinged for an overdraft fee. And then some sort fee for that fee because I didn't pay it back within a few days after.

I freak the **** out, decide that double-tabling (and then triple when that doesn't work) is the fastest way to make it back, and go -$1k in like 3 days. Went down to $42 and ground back up to my current position (with rakeback helping).

I'm so ****ing close and now this bull**** happens. The $1k I owe isn't all because of rent, it's a combination of rent + tuition that I wasn't aware I'd have to pay, and then $125 in late fees.

I also tried to get a job on campus the first place I go to tells me that jobs are pretty much decided by the beginning of the semester and I'd have to give them a shout next semester. I don't have a car, either, so I can't work off campus. I didn't know I could (hopefully) get a tutoring gig until last week and I've had a ****load of school work to keep up with lately so didn't get to it until now, because I figured they'd let me finish out the semester, which would be more than enough time.

Sorry for whining here in your BBV4L, but I don't really have any place to vent.
call the bank and ask them to reverse the overdraft fees. bofa did mine a few time as a courtesy.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by trojanmana
call the bank and ask them to reverse the overdraft fees. bofa did mine a few time as a courtesy.
This is a good idea. Banks will often do this as a courtesy. If you have never asked them before, chances are they will wave it.
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:28 PM
$100+R imo
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:34 PM
get more money
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:44 PM
Martingale ftw ldo

Last edited by 1-2-3-man; 11-12-2009 at 07:45 PM. Reason: ldo
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:45 PM
"If payment is not received by November 20th, 2009, you will receive an eviction notice." Quote
