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01-08-2015 , 05:31 PM
You know what bothers me about some of your reads monstr? They are really self-centered. Not the first time I read you say something along the lines of "XXX reads me well all the time when he's a villager and since he's not calling me a villager in this game he is being wolfy". I don't like that approach to WWing (other people do it too) but I can't say that's inherently wolfy either.
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01-08-2015 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?

What happened? Why can't we go back here?

Also now that Cory and TTT are out of posts you'll have to deal with WALLS OF MONSTRMAN TEXT AS I GO BACK THROUGH THE GAME AND TRY TO GET A WOLF READ
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01-08-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
You know what bothers me about some of your reads monstr? They are really self-centered. Not the first time I read you say something along the lines of "XXX reads me well all the time when he's a villager and since he's not calling me a villager in this game he is being wolfy". I don't like that approach to WWing (other people do it too) but I can't say that's inherently wolfy either.
I can't say I really care, nor can I say I'm going to change my style?

I feel like this is going to be another iteration of me peeking hoya if we continue down this path and I like you and would rather not fight about the way I approach ww.
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01-08-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?

JC Denton




Ronny Mahoni
well named



ww is ez
I can't look at this list without getting a twinge of doubt about Cory and I really can't say why.

It might be partially because of the hoya middling lean, it might be because I don't agree with the nofear and mets reads. Whatever it is, I can't put my finger on it but it's bugging me.
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01-08-2015 , 05:40 PM
I kind of feel like tappo is being slightly wolfy. I also cannot put my finger on the reason why

It's just a FEELING
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01-08-2015 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by tappokone
There are a couple of sticking points, which are the way he talked about his WN vote and his Monstr read.

Re the WN vote, he starts out by laying out serious reasons for making it. Then he backs down from that and says it's not a serious vote, after Timon points out some of his self-deprecating talk.

Re the Monstr read, he arrives at an acceptable conclusion ("villagery response") based on an incorrect observation (Monstr was flip flopping). It's the sort of situation in which a wolf might be prone to TMI. It doesn't work as well if Monstr is a wolf, but it's not out of the question.

Carl's tone is fairly middle-of-the-road. There's some conversational posting that's at least bordering on villagery, but nothing too taxing.
I originally quoted this post thinking it was pretty villagery, and saying that I was agreeing with Carl potentially having TMI'd on me, but then I remembered that when Carl made that post I actually kind of think he meant it, and I also actually think that there WAS a bit of flip flopping (from my perspective, which also seemed to translate into carl's perspective) and now I have no idea.

I guess the caveat to this is that it's not a very hard thing to say "classic monstrman flip flop, he's a villager" as a wolf and I'm fairly certain I've seen the Spacks say that exact thing as a wolf before.
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01-08-2015 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I can't say I really care, nor can I say I'm going to change my style?

I feel like this is going to be another iteration of me peeking hoya if we continue down this path and I like you and would rather not fight about the way I approach ww.
Forgot about the hoya n0 peek thing.

As I'm noting these things I should also say (as I said yesterday) that your tone overrides other preoccupations I may have about you and that I definitely will not vote you or push you today.
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01-08-2015 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by well named
how come I never get peeked
I would have peeked you, but I feel like generally I can read you decently well. I guess that remains to be seen as this game progresses.
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01-08-2015 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I can't look at this list without getting a twinge of doubt about Cory and I really can't say why.

It might be partially because of the hoya middling lean, it might be because I don't agree with the nofear and mets reads. Whatever it is, I can't put my finger on it but it's bugging me.
Monstr, you just said that you agreed with WN that we should be lynching from Annie/nofear/Ronny/Cory. So is nofear a good lynch candidate to you or not?
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Forgot about the hoya n0 peek thing.

As I'm noting these things I should also say (as I said yesterday) that your tone overrides other preoccupations I may have about you and that I definitely will not vote you or push you today.
Fair enough.

For what it's worth, I don't give much credence to my "self centered" reads, because I'm pretty aware that those kind of reads generally aren't amazingly fruitful. I use them more as... added evidence toward an already strong case, if that makes sense.
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01-08-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Monstr, you just said that you agreed with WN that we should be lynching from Annie/nofear/Ronny/Cory. So is nofear a good lynch candidate to you or not?
A few posts up I said I reaffirmed a nofear villager lean. I mean I don't know, generally when I'm a villager I get this thing where I make a read and then somehow I lose my grasp of that read/the entire game and everything goes pretty much nuclear at that point while I toss my votes around and flip flop on every player in the game until I finally feel comfortable with my reads/votes which on d1 is practically never.

It might be a leak in my game, but to be honest I feel like it's a necessary part of my process because once I DO become comfortable enough with my reads I generally have a pretty high success rate of voting a wolf on d1. Sometimes I don't recover from these relapses, whether it's because of my mood or lack of time, and when that happens I'm pretty much bound to lead a mislynch, but I feel like this game I've got a pretty good handle on myself and my mood so I think I'm pretty confident that I can make decent reads.
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01-08-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
It was page 2. Im not a gimmick, I cant tone or styleread or whatever because I dont really have a history with anyone here nor played for a while.

When I finished page one and realised you were on 7 already I just took the first thing I saw and went with it. Your reaction is interresting though.

Still catching up.
In retrospect, this kind of feels like a lazy way to say "I don't really know how to make a read right now, so I'll just say I can't"

which admittedly might not be inherently wolfy but I know I've seen more than a few wolves hide behind the "I'm not able to read players I have no meta with" card, and that card is pretty bullcrap anyway because it's possible to read new players regardless.

Admittedly, he doesn't say "I can't read these players" as much as he says "I can't tone read these players" but it almost feels like he's saying the same thing, and to be honest he doesn't really seem to try to read any of the other players though that may just be him not being here.

I'm interested to see his reaction when he comes in as top wagon.
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01-08-2015 , 05:58 PM
There's an element of the ol' RANDOMNESS that makes this feel like just some turbo where some dudes are gonna flip whatever and then we're gonna like stare at their posts for a bit and be like "well that was a BAD POST when you said [the wrong thing about ~ non-poster's role and posts]" and others are gonna be like "that was a BAD POST when you [made the right read on virtually no information]," and then we're gonna jerk each other around while Cory screams at us for like 3 days, and maybe by Sunday we'll have some posts that actually matter, like at all.

WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
Okay never mind cory answered my questions

Now I'm on to rereading the game in full a few times.

Will lyk what I've come up with

So far I've reaffirmed a Nofear villager lean somewhat from the little I've done.
Ah, I see, it was in this post. could you expand on why you think he's a villager? (or did I miss that part too?)

I ask because nofear is one of the players who I feel like I could end up voting for no good reason. I don't remember almost any of his posts except for that progression Anarchist quoted last night. Probably I'll have to go read his posts again but I am being a little lazy right now and prefer to interact in the thread.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 05:58 PM
It's at this point I laugh heartily in the face of all who say I don't have as much interest in this game as usual

Lack of time to devote to ww =/= lack of interest in ww.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Ah, I see, it was in this post. could you expand on why you think he's a villager? (or did I miss that part too?)

I ask because nofear is one of the players who I feel like I could end up voting for no good reason. I don't remember almost any of his posts except for that progression Anarchist quoted last night. Probably I'll have to go read his posts again but I am being a little lazy right now and prefer to interact in the thread.
It was mostly a gut feeling combined with a light tone read and agreeing with a couple of his reads. If I'm clearing anyone too lightly, it's definitely Nofear, but the fact remains that I still feel the urge to clear him that lightly.
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01-08-2015 , 05:59 PM
Would be a cool story if he flips wolf though.
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01-08-2015 , 06:00 PM
Votes from post 4 to post 992
Night in 3:59:49

4 Ronny Mahoni El_Timon (77), JC Denton (124), CPHoya (109), DoUEvenLift? (125)
3 DoUEvenLift? Anarchist (30), tappokone (54), metsandfinsfan (95)
3 Anarchist monstrman (84), vyk07 (101), well named (90)
1 well named Carl_Spackler (41)
1 vyk07 Ronny Mahoni (6)
1 Carl_Spackler Nofear3838 (28)
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Tappo was asking about the flip flopping - perhaps that was too strong a word.

He basically called me the lockest of all locked and then backed off from it.

By flip flopping I meant the the was he posting his conflicting thoughts about me here. Maybe hemming and hawing is a better term.

I think he made a similar post about ttt
Considering the tappo read, and the post I quoted which I THOUGHT carl was talking about, this makes less sense for him to have said as a villager.

This comes with the caveat that I still have no idea how to read Carl yet. I think I've correctly read him 1/3 times
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01-08-2015 , 06:01 PM
Top 3 wagons can be wolves
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01-08-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Would be a cool story if he flips wolf though.
I feel like ~every player in the game has said at some point "if there is a wolf in the ALLIANCE it's probably cory" which could mean something.
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01-08-2015 , 06:02 PM
Unless Ronni is the seer that peeked vyk wolf ...........
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01-08-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Top 3 wagons can be wolves
I'm fairly certain at least one of them is.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-08-2015 , 06:03 PM
There's a very real possibility that Ronny doesn't come back today, seeing as he's a Euro and it's somewhere between 11PM and 1AM over there.

And even though I generally don't like no-accountability lynches, having seen Ronny's track record in the database makes me think that lynching him today is not a bad thing at all. After all, there's like a 40% chance that he ends up subbing out.
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01-08-2015 , 06:04 PM

Come out and play
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